6 research outputs found

    Influence of planting designs on winter thermal comfort in an urban park

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    Various planting designs behave in different ways on microclimate and thermal comfort due to mainly distinct features of vegetation type and ratio. The papers simulated the microclimate behavior and thermal comfort of different planting design scenarios of an urban park using ENVI-met model. We measured temperature, relative humidity and wind velocity during the coldest period of 2016. Seven scenarios of planting design with different types and ratios of vegetation were simulated. In scenario of evergreen trees, humidity was relatively high while temperature and wind velocity were decreased. Simulated grass covered park and deciduous trees showed higher temperature and wind velocity. Scenario of grasses and the scenarios with high ratio of deciduous trees in comparison with other scenarios indicated lower wind speeds. The findings can be seen as a possibility of improvement of winter thermal comfort, considering a proper planting design as an important step in order to achieve Citizen Satisfaction

    Synoptic Analysis of Dust in the North East of Iran

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    An identity of dust atmospheric patterns and extreme dust in northeastern Iran is the aim of the study. This main was determined to using of daily visibility data in ten synoptic stations from its establishment until 2009 and digital data of geopotential height and wind components from NCEP- NCAR and to principle component analysis and clustering approach. In northeastern of Iran, respectively, the dust of cold half is related to western Asia trough, Iran eastern trough and low in the region to central Asia, whereas the cause of warm half dust is subtropical high, Iran-Pakistan low and Caspian high with maximum pressure gradient in the region. This condition intensified to 5900 meters of subtropical height in the region. In the cold half, Cutoff low in north and northwest of Caspian along strong low caused extreme dust and extreme dust of warm half is related to the establishment of blocking and cutoff low of Western Asia, Pakistan low and Caspian high. Thus, extreme dust, other similar climatic events is related to the cutoff low and blocking neighbor to Iran. According to the position of the atmospheric patterns above-mentioned, throughout the year, central Asia desert and eastern of the region to north and northeast flow, is a source of dust in warm half and dust course of cold half related to the position of fronts of the cyclone and unstable weather, are internal deserts

    Nutritional Status and Its Associated Factors in Elderly With Diabetes, 2015

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    Objectives Malnutrition is a clinical disorder and a common risk factor in older patients with diabetes that may impact their health. This study aimed to assess nutritional status and associated factors in elderly with diabetes in Kerman City, Iran. Methods & Materials This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Kerman in which 190 older patients with diabetes were included. Their nutritional habit was measured using the MNA. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and correlation among variables, analyzed by the Chi Square, T-test, and One Way ANOVA. Results The findings showed that 5.3% of elderly patients were suffering from malnutrition, and in 51.6% nutritional status was normal. Also, there was a statistically significant association between nutritional status and gender (P=0.036). There was a significant negative relationship between duration of diabetes and nutritional status in the elderly (r=0.192, P=0.008). Conclusion It is necessary to maintain and improve the status of elderly diabetic patients with malnutrition by administering normal nutritional status and special attentio