43 research outputs found

    The Effect of Storage Time, Temperature and Type of Packaging on the Release of Phthalate Esters into Packed Acidic Liquids

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    Kisele tekućine, poput soka od nezrelog voća, limunovog soka i octa često se konzumiraju u Iranu. Različite vrste kiselih sokova pakiraju se u boce od polietilen tereftalata (PET) i polietilena velike gustoće (HDPE). Postoje dokazi koji upućuju na mogućnost otpuštanja ftalata iz PET i HDPE boca. U ovom je radu ispitan utjecaj trajanja skladištenja, temperature i vrste pakiranja na migraciju ftalata u kisele tekućine, čuvane pri različitim uvjetima, i to prije skladištenja, te nakon 2, 4 i 6 mjeseci. Određene su srednje vrijednosti koncentracije ftalata od <0.04 do 0.501 μg/L u sokovima od nezrelog voća, od <0.04 do 0.231 μg/L u limunovom soku i <0.04 do 0.586 μg/L u octu. Najveće koncentracije dietil ftalata (DEP) i dietil heksil ftalata (DEHP) izmjerene su u PET i HDPE bocama. Rezultati prije i naklon skladištenja pokazuju da su se, pri određenim uvjetima skladištenja, koncentracije DEP, DEHP i dibutil ftalata (DBP) povećale u kiselim tekućinama. Rezultati dokazuju da je moguć prijelaz estera ftalne kiseline iz plastičnih pakiranja u sadržaj spremnika.Acidic liquids such as verjuice, lemon juice and vinegar are frequently consumed in Iran. Different kinds of acidic liquids are packaged in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE) bottles. There is evidence indicating that phthalates can leach from PET and HDPE bottles into their contents. In this work the effect of storage time, temperature and bottle type on the migration of phthalates from packaging materials into acidic liquids is studied by analyzing the samples stored under different conditions, before storage and after 2, 4 and 6 months of storage. The determined mean phthalate concentrations in μg/L were: <0.04 to 0.501 in verjuice, <0.04 to 0.231 in lemon juice and <0.04 to 0.586 in vinegar. The highest concentrations of diethyl phthalate (DEP) and diethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP) were found in PET and HDPE bottles, respectively. Results of analyses before and after storage indicate that under some storage conditions, the concentrations of DEP, DEHP and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) increased in acidic liquids. The possible migration of phthalic acid esters from plastic packaging materials into the contents was indicated by the results of the present study

    Microbial Evaluation of Fresh, Minimally-processed Vegetables and Bagged Sprouts from Chain Supermarkets

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the bacterial and fungal quality of minimally-processed vegetables (MPV) and sprouts. A total of 116 samples of fresh-cut vegetables, ready-to-eat salads, and mung bean and wheat sprouts were randomly collected and analyzed. The load of aerobic mesophilic bacteria was minimum and maximum in the fresh-cut vegetables and fresh mung bean sprouts respectively, corresponding to populations of 5.3 and 8.5 log CFU/g. E. coli O157:H7 was found to be absent in all samples; however, other E. coli strains were detected in 21 samples (18.1%), and Salmonella spp. were found in one mung bean (3.1%) and one ready-to-eat salad sample (5%). Yeasts were the predominant organisms and were found in 100% of the samples. Geotrichum, Fusarium, and Penicillium spp. were the most prevalent molds in mung sprouts while Cladosporium and Penicillium spp. were most frequently found in ready-to-eat salad samples. According to results from the present study, effective control measures should be implemented to minimize the microbiological contamination of fresh produce sold in Tehran, Iran

    Vulnerability to HIV infection among sex worker and non-sex worker female injecting drug users in Dhaka, Bangladesh: evidence from the baseline survey of a cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Very little is known about female injecting drug users (IDU) in Bangladesh but anecdotal evidence suggests that they are hidden and very vulnerable to HIV through both their injection sharing and sexual risk behaviors. In order to better understand the risks and vulnerability to HIV of female IDU, a cohort study was initiated through which HIV prevalence and risk behaviors was determined. METHODS: All female IDU (those who had injected in the last six months and were 15 years or older) who could be identified from three cities in the Dhaka region were enrolled at the baseline of a cohort study. The study was designed to determine risk behaviors through interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire and measure prevalence of HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis semiannually. At the baseline of the cohort study 130 female IDU were recruited and female IDU selling sex in the last year (sex workers) versus those not selling sex (non-sex workers) were compared using descriptive statistics and logistic regression. RESULTS: Of the 130 female IDU enrolled 82 were sex workers and 48 were non-sex workers. None had HIV but more sex workers (60%) had lifetime syphilis than non-sex workers (37%). Fewer sex worker than non-sex worker IDU lived with families (54.9% and 81.3% respectively), but more reported lending needles/syringes (29.3% and 14.6% respectively) and sharing other injection paraphernalia (74.4% and 56.3% respectively) in the past six months. Although more sex workers used condoms during last sex than non-sex workers (74.4% and 43.3% respectively), more reported anal sex (15.9% and 2.1% respectively) and serial sex with multiple partners (70.7% and 0% respectively). Lifetime sexual violence and being jailed in the last year was more common in sex workers. CONCLUSION: Female IDU are vulnerable to HIV through their injection and sexual risk behaviors and sex worker IDU appear especially vulnerable. Services such as needle exchange programs should become more comprehensive to address the needs of female IDU

    National and sub-national environmental burden of disease in Iran from 1990 to 2013-study profile

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    Development of national evidence-based public health strategies requires a deep understanding of the role of major risk factors (RFs) and the burden of disease (BOD). In this article, we explain the framework for studying the national and sub-national Environmental Burden of Disease (EBD) in Iran as a part of the National and Sub-national Burden of Disease (NASBOD) study.; The distribution of exposures to environmental RFs and their attributable effect size over 1990-2013 will be estimated through comprehensive reviews of either published or unpublished sources. Statistical modeling will be used to impute missing data in the distribution of RFs exposures for each district-year. National and sub-national BOD attributable to these RFs will be estimated in the following metrics: Prevalence, death, years of life lost due to premature death (YLL), years of life lost due to disability (YLD), and disability-adjusted life years lost (DALYs). The BOD attributable to the current distribution of exposures will be compared with a counterfactual exposure distribution scenario-here, the theoretical-minimum-risk exposure distribution. Inequalities in the distribution of exposure to RFs will be analyzed and manifested nationwide using geographic information systems.; The EBD study aims to provide an official report to Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education, to publish a series of articles on the exposure trends of the selected environmental RFs, to estimate the BOD attributable to these RFs, and to assess inequalities and its determinants in the distribution of exposure to RFs. Iran's territory is large with diverse population, socioeconomic, and geographic areas. Results of this comparative risk assessment study may pave the way for health policy makers to plan more comprehensive and cost-effective evidence-based strategies

    Indoor Smoke Exposure and Risk of Anthracosis

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    The association between indoor smoke exposure due to traditional baking (baking homemade bread) and anthracosis has rarely been investigated. The aim of the present study is to quantify such association among the Iranian population. A hospital based case-control study was carried out on 83 anthracotic cases and 155 controls (83 individuals with non-anthracotic pulmonary disorders from the pulmonary ward and 72 persons from the surgical ward without any known pulmonary disorders). The interview was performed using the “American Thoracic Society” questionnaire, comprising demographic information, occupational history, cigarette smoking, and indoor smoke exposure due to traditional baking. Multivariate analysis was performed by logistic regression. Comparison between cases and pulmonary ward controls showed that only the association between indoor smoke exposure due to traditional baking and anthracosis in women was statistically significant (OR: 4.30, 95% CI: 1.31 to 14.10). This was concluded after adjusting for other risk factors such as occupational exposure to dust, age, and education. When surgical ward controls were considered as control, after controlling for the significant risk factors, we found a significant relationship between indoor smoke exposure due to traditional baking and anthracosis (OR: 3.35, 95% CI: 1.49 to 7.55). Based on the findings from this study, it is concluded that there is an association between indoor smoke exposure and anthracosis. Women are significantly more susceptible to anthracosis than men are when exposed to smoke exposure

    Association of Interleukin-27 gene rs153109 polymorphism and chronic hepatitis B infection

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    Background: According to World Health Organization (WHO) report about 400 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV). Host immune responses which are mainly controlled by cytokines, can be either effective in disease progression or control the infection. Interleukin-27 (IL-27) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine which promotes Th1 responses. Genetic variations (e.g. single nucleotide polymorphisms [SNPs]) can affect the product or activity of IL-27 gene. The aim of present study was to determine the association between IL-27 rs153109 and chronic HBV infection among the Iranian population. Materials and Methods: In this study chronic HBV patients (n=120, Anti-HBc Ab positive and HBsAg positive for more than 6 months) and controls (n=120) from healthy individuals referred to Tehran Taleghani hospital (2013-2014) were studied. Genotypes of IL-27 gene polymorphism were detected by PCR-RFLP. DNA sequencing was applied on 10% of samples to validate the genotyping results. The studied variables were polymorphism genotypes/alleles, clinical status, age and gender. Results: Results showed no statistically significant difference for patients and control groups neither in genotype frequencies of AA among the chronic group (30%) compared to healthy controls (32.5%) (P=0.368); nor in allele frequency A) 60.4%) for patients against A 59.2% in control groups (P=0.780). Conclusion: Despite the importance of IL-27 in the immune response, the findings of this study suggests that genetic variants of IL-27 SNP 153109A/G were not associated with susceptibility to the chronic infection of HBV