31,339 research outputs found

    Space qualified CO2 laser. Phase 1 - Design Final interim technical report, 18 Nov. 1968 - 18 Sep. 1969

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    Carbon dioxide gas laser for aerospace environmen

    Diffusion bonding of IN 718 to VM 350 grade maraging steel

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    Diffusion bonding studies have been conducted on IN 718, VM 350 and the dissimilar alloy couple, IN 718 to maraging steel. The experimental processing parameters critical to obtaining consistently good diffusion bonds between IN 718 and VM 350 were determined. Interrelationships between temperature, pressure and surface preparation were explored for short bending intervals under vacuum conditions. Successful joining was achieved for a range of bonding cycle temperatures, pressures and surface preparations. The strength of the weaker parent material was used as a criterion for a successful tensile test of the heat treated bond. Studies of VM-350/VM-350 couples in the as-bonded condition showed a greater yielding and failure outside the bond region

    WHAM Observations of H-Alpha, [S II], and [N II] toward the Orion and Perseus Arms: Probing the Physical Conditions of the Warm Ionized Medium

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    A large portion of the Galaxy (l = 123 deg to 164 deg, b = -6 deg to -35 deg), which samples regions of the Local (Orion) spiral arm and the more distant Perseus arm, has been mapped with the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper (WHAM) in the H-Alpha, [S II] 6716, and [N II] 6583 lines. Several trends noticed in emission-line investigations of diffuse gas in other galaxies are confirmed in the Milky Way and extended to much fainter emission. We find that the [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha ratios increase as absolute H-Alpha intensities decrease. For the more distant Perseus arm emission, the increase in these ratios is a strong function of Galactic latitude and thus, of height above the Galactic plane. The [S II]/[N II] ratio is relatively independent of H-Alpha intensity. Scatter in this ratio appears to be physically significant, and maps of it suggest regions with similar ratios are spatially correlated. The Perseus arm [S II]/[N II] ratio is systematically lower than Local emission by 10%-20%. With [S II]/[N II] fairly constant over a large range of H-Alpha intensities, the increase of [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha with |z| seems to reflect an increase in temperature. Such an interpretation allows us to estimate the temperature and ionization conditions in our large sample of observations. We find that WIM temperatures range from 6,000 K to 9,000 K with temperature increasing from bright to faint H-Alpha emission (low to high [S II]/H-Alpha and [N II]/H-Alpha) respectively. Changes in [S II]/[N II] appear to reflect changes in the local ionization conditions (e.g. the S+/S++ ratio). We also measure the electron scale height in the Perseus arm to be 1.0+/-0.1 kpc, confirming earlier, less accurate determinations.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. Figures 2 and 3 are full color--GIFs provided here, original PS figures at link below. Accepted for publication in ApJ. More information about the WHAM project can be found at http://www.astro.wisc.edu/wham/ . REVISION: Figure 6, bottom panel now contains the proper points. No other changes have been mad

    Estimating monthly-averaged air-sea transfers of heat and momentum using the bulk aerodynamic method

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    Air-sea transfers of sensible heat, latent heat, and momentum are computed from twenty-five years of middle-latitude and subtropical ocean weather ship data in the North Atlantic and North Pacific using the bulk aerodynamic method. The results show that monthly-averaged wind speeds, temperatures, and humidities can be used to estimate the monthly-averaged sensible and latent heat fluxes computed from the bulk aerodynamic equations to within a relative error of approximately 10%. The estimate of monthly-averaged wind stress under the assumption of neutral stability are shown to be within approximately 5% of the monthly-averaged non-neutral values

    Calculations of electric currents in Europa

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    Electrical currents should flow in the Galilean satellite, Europa, because it is located in Jupiter's corotating magnetosphere. The possible magnitudes of these currents are calculated by assuming that Europa is a differentiated body consisting of an outer H2O layer and a silicate core. Two types of models are considered here: one in which the water is completely frozen and a second in which there is an intermediate liquid layer. For the transverse electric mode (eddy currents), the calculated current density in a liquid layer is approximately 10 to the -5/Am. For the transverse magnetic mode (unipolar generator), the calculated current density in the liquid is severely constrained by the ice layer to a range of only 10 to the -10 to -11th power/ Am, for a total H2O thickness of 100 km, provided that neither layer is less than 4 km thick. The current density is less for a completely frozen H2O layer. If transient cracks were to appear in the ice layer, thereby exposing liquid, the calculated current density could rise to a range of 10 to the -6 to 10 to the -5/Am, depending on layer thicknesses, which would require an exposed area of 10 to the -9 to 10 to the -8 of the Europa surface. The corresponding total current of 2.3x10 to the 5th power A could in 1 yr. electrolyze 7x10 to the 5th power kg of water (and more if the cells were in series), and thereby store up to 10 the 8th power J of energy, but it is not clear how electrolysis can take place in the absence of suitable electrodes. Electrical heating would be significant only if the ice-layer thickness were on the order of 1 m, such as might occur if an exposed liquid surface were to freeze over; the heating under this condition could hinder the thickening of the ice layer

    An extended multi-zone model for the MCG-6-30-15 warm absorber

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    The variable warm absorber seen with {\em ASCA} in the X-ray spectrum of MCG-6-30-15 shows complex time behaviour in which the optical depth of OVIII anticorrelates with the flux whereas that of OVII is unchanging. The explanation in terms of a two zone absorber has since been challenged by {\em BeppoSAX} observations. These present a more complicated behaviour for the OVIII edge. We demonstrate here that the presence of a third, intermediate, zone can explain all the observations. In practice, warm absorbers are likely to be extended, multi-zone regions of which only part causes directly observable absorption edges at any given time.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Life testing of metal-ceramic CO2 lasers

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    The main purpose of this program was to determine the life characteristics of nine space-qualified, metal-ceramic CO2 lasers. Lifetimes ranged between about 400 hours to over 2000 hours (the limit of testing) with a high degree of consistency in like groups. In all cases the tubes which had failed could be restored to near their original power by doubling the cathode current for 30 minutes. Periodic rejuvenation allowed operation for the full 2000 hours on all tubes. The failure mechanism appears to involve formation of NiO and C on the nickel cathode emission surface with subsequent absorption of tube gases

    Iron fluorescence from within the innermost stable orbit of black hole accretion disks

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    The fluorescent iron Ka line is a powerful observational probe of the inner regions of black holes accretion disks. Previous studies have assumed that only material outside the radius of marginal stability can contribute to the observed line emission. Here, we show that fluorescence by material inside the radius of marginal stability, which is in the process of spiralling towards the event horizon, can have a observable influence on the iron line profile and equivalent width. For concreteness, we consider the case of a geometrically thin accretion disk, around a Schwarzschild black hole, in which fluorescence is excited by an X-ray source placed at some height above the disk and on the axis of the disk. Fully relativistic line profiles are presented for various source heights and efficiencies. It is found that the extra line flux generally emerges in the extreme red wing of the iron line, due to the large gravitational redshift experienced by photons from the region within the radius of marginal stability. We apply our models to the variable iron line seen in the ASCA spectrum of the Seyfert nucleus MCG-6-30-15. It is found that the change in the line profile, equivalent width, and continuum normalization, can be well explained as being due to a change in the height of the source above the disk. We discuss the implications of these results for distinguishing rapidly-rotating black holes from slowly rotating holes using iron line diagnostics.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Figures 3 to 7 replaced with corrected versions (previous figures affected by calculational error). Some changes in the best fitting parameter