1,442 research outputs found

    Non-volant modes of migration in terrestrial arthropods

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    Animal migration is often defined in terms appropriate only to the ‘to-and-fro’ movements of large, charismatic (and often vertebrate) species. However, like other important biological processes, the definition should apply over as broad a taxonomic range as possible in order to be intellectually satisfying. Here we illustrate the process of migration in insects and other terrestrial arthropods (e.g. arachnids, myriapods, and non-insect hexapods) but provide a different perspective by excluding the ‘typical’ mode of migration in insects, i.e. flapping flight. Instead, we review non-volant migratory movements, including: aerial migration by wingless species, pedestrian and waterborne migration, and phoresy. This reveals some fascinating and sometimes bizarre morphological and behavioural adaptations to facilitate movement. We also outline some innovative modelling approaches exploring the interactions between atmospheric transport processes and biological factors affecting the ‘dispersal kernels’ of wingless arthropods

    Accretion onto the Supermassive Black Hole in M87

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    Chandra X-ray observations of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 resolve the thermal state of the hot interstellar medium into the accretion (Bondi) radius of its central 3 10^9 Msun black hole. We measure the X-ray gas temperature and density profiles and calculate the Bondi accretion rate, Mdot_Bondi \sim 0.1 Msun/yr. The X-ray luminosity of the active nucleus of M87 observed with Chandra is L_{x, 0.5-7 \keV} \sim 7 \times 10^{40}erg/s. This value is much less than the predicted nuclear luminosity, L_{Bondi} \sim 5 \times 10^{44} erg/s, for accretion at the Bondi rate with a canonical accretion radiative efficiency of 10%. If the black hole in M87 accretes at this rate it must do so at a much lower radiative efficiency than the canonical value. The multiwavelength spectrum of the nucleus is consistent with that predicted by an advection-dominated flow. However, as is likely, the X-ray nucleus is dominated by jet emission then the properties of flow must be modified, possibly by outflows. We show that the overall energetics of the system are just consistent with the predicted Bondi nuclear power. This suggests that either most of the accretion energy is released in the relativistic jet or that the central engine of M87 undergoes on-off activity cycles. We show that, at present, the energy dumped into the ISM by the jet may reduce the accretion rate onto the black hole by a factor \propto (v_j/c_s)^{-2}, where v_j is the jet velocity and c_s the ISM sound speed, and that this is sufficient to account for the low nuclear luminosity.Comment: emulateapj.sty, revised version, accepted by Ap

    Filling the Gaps with Public Policy: The Application of the Hague Convention Protocol in US Courts in the Absence of a Co-Signing State

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    This article will consider a possible avenue for filling \u27gaps\u27 when the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention or the 1996 Child Protection Convention do not apply in child custody/abduction cases. Specifically, it will explore utilizing internal US domestic relations law to facilitate the return of a child who has been abducted to the USA from a non-signatory country. To better illustrate the potential effects, the article will explore this \u27gap filler\u27 through the lens of a case study involving Japan, the most prominent first world country that is not yet a signatory to the Convention. The article also considers the implications for the international community

    Design of the iLocater Acquisition Camera Demonstration System

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    Existing planet-finding spectrometers are limited by systematic errors that result from their seeing-limited design. Of particular concern is the use of multi-mode fibers (MMFs), which introduce modal noise and accept significant amounts of background radiation from the sky. We present the design of a single-mode fiber-based acquisition camera for a diffraction-limited spectrometer named "iLocater." By using the "extreme" adaptive optics (AO) system of the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT), iLocater will overcome the limitations that prevent Doppler instruments from reaching their full potential, allowing precise radial velocity (RV) measurements of terrestrial planets around nearby bright stars. The instrument presented in this paper, which we refer to as the acquisition camera "demonstration system," will measure on-sky single-mode fiber (SMF) coupling efficiency using one of the 8.4m primaries of the LBT in fall 2015

    Revealing the Dusty Warm Absorber in MCG--6-30-15 with the Chandra HETG

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    We present detailed evidence for a warm absorber in the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG--6-30-15 and dispute earlier claims for relativistic O line emission. The HETG spectra show numerous narrow, unresolved (FWHM < 200 km/s) absorption lines from a wide range of ionization states of N, O, Mg, Ne, Si, S, Ar, and Fe. The O VII edge and 1s^2--1snp resonance line series to n=9 are clearly detected at rest in the AGN frame. We attribute previous reports of an apparently highly redshifted O VII edge to the 1s^2--1snp (n > 5) O VII resonance lines, and a neutral Fe L absorption complex. The shape of the Fe L feature is nearly identical to that seen in the spectra of several X-ray binaries, and in laboratory data. The implied dust column density agrees with that obtained from reddening studies, and gives the first direct X-ray evidence for dust embedded in a warm absorber. The O VIII resonance lines and weak edge are also detected, and the spectral rollover below 2 keV is explained by the superposition of numerous absorption lines and edges. We identify, for the first time, a KLL resonance in the O VI photoabsorption cross section, giving a measure of the O VI column density. The O VII (f) emission detected at the systemic velocity implies a covering fraction of ~5% (depending on the observed vs. time-averaged ionizing flux). Our observations show that a dusty warm absorber model is not only adequate to explain all the spectral features > 0.48 keV (< 26 \AA) the data REQUIRE it. This contradicts the interpretation of Branduardi-Raymont et al. (2001) that this spectral region is dominated by highly relativistic line emission from the vicinity of the black hole.Comment: 4.5 pages, 1 color figure, accepted (April 2001) for publication in ApJL, not many changes from the initial submission - updated/added some measuements for the O VII resonance series, and added a discussion about FeO2 grain

    β3-integrin is required for differentiation in OC-2 cells derived from mammalian embryonic inner ear

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mammalian inner ear contains the organ of Corti which is responsible for the conversion of sound into neuronal signals. This specialised epithelial tissue is the product of a complex developmental process where a common precursor cell type differentiates into the sound transducing hair cells and the non-innervated supporting cells. We hypothesised that integrin proteins, which are involved in cell attachment to extracellular matrix proteins and cellular signalling, play a role in the differentiation process of the precursor inner ear epithelial cells. To test our hypothesis we have utilised a cell line (OC-2) derived from E13 embryonic immortomouse inner ears. In vitro, by switching the incubation temperature from 33°C to 39°C, the OC-2 cells can be induced to differentiate and express hair cells markers, such as Myosin VIIa. The OC-2 cells are thus a useful model system for testing mechanism of hair cells differentiation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have identified 4 integrin subunits which are expressed in OC-2 cells: α6, αv, β1 and β3. Among these, the relative level of expression of the αv, β1 and β3 subunits increased in a time dependent manner when the cells were exposed to the differentiating temperature of 39°C, most notably so for β3 which was not detectable at 33°C. Treatment of fully differentiated OC-2 cells with siRNA against the four integrin subunits reduced the expression of not only the respective integrin proteins but also of the hair cell marker Myosin VIIa. Conversely over-expression of β3 was sufficient to induce the expression of Myosin VIIa at 33°C.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data demonstrate that modulation of integrin expression is associated with the differentiation process of the OC-2 cells. This suggests that the maturation of the organ of Corti, from where OC-2 cells are derived, may also depend on changes of gene expression associated with integrin expression.</p

    From Parasite to Mutualist: Rapid Evolution of Wolbachia in Natural Populations of Drosophila

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    Wolbachia are maternally inherited bacteria that commonly spread through host populations by causing cytoplasmic incompatibility, often expressed as reduced egg hatch when uninfected females mate with infected males. Infected females are frequently less fecund as a consequence of Wolbachia infection. However, theory predicts that because of maternal transmission, these “parasites” will tend to evolve towards a more mutualistic association with their hosts. Drosophila simulans in California provided the classic case of a Wolbachia infection spreading in nature. Cytoplasmic incompatibility allowed the infection to spread through individual populations within a few years and from southern to northern California (more than 700 km) within a decade, despite reducing the fecundity of infected females by 15%–20% under laboratory conditions. Here we show that the Wolbachia in California D. simulans have changed over the last 20 y so that infected females now exhibit an average 10% fecundity advantage over uninfected females in the laboratory. Our data suggest smaller but qualitatively similar changes in relative fecundity in nature and demonstrate that fecundity-increasing Wolbachia variants are currently polymorphic in natural populations