2,368 research outputs found

    Palliative care: promoting general practice participation

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    Specialist palliative care services and services involved in the pre-palliative phase of a patient’s disease must accept GPs as an integral part of the care tea

    Molecular Interactions Between Plants and Insect Herbivores.

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    Diverse molecular processes regulate the interactions between plants and insect herbivores. Here, we review genes and proteins that are involved in plant-herbivore interactions and discuss how their discovery has structured the current standard model of plant-herbivore interactions. Plants perceive damage-associated and, possibly, herbivore-associated molecular patterns via receptors that activate early signaling components such as Ca <sup>2+</sup> , reactive oxygen species, and MAP kinases. Specific defense reprogramming proceeds via signaling networks that include phytohormones, secondary metabolites, and transcription factors. Local and systemic regulation of toxins, defense proteins, physical barriers, and tolerance traits protect plants against herbivores. Herbivores counteract plant defenses through biochemical defense deactivation, effector-mediated suppression of defense signaling, and chemically controlled behavioral changes. The molecular basis of plant-herbivore interactions is now well established for model systems. Expanding molecular approaches to unexplored dimensions of plant-insect interactions should be a future priority

    Anomalous double peak structure in Nb/Ni superconductor/ferromagnet tunneling DOS

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    We have experimentally investigated the density of states (DOS) in Nb/Ni (S/F) bilayers as a function of Ni thickness, dFd_F. Our thinnest samples show the usual DOS peak at ±Δ0\pm\Delta_0, whereas intermediate-thickness samples have an anomalous ``double-peak'' structure. For thicker samples (dF3.5d_F \geq 3.5 nm), we see an ``inverted'' DOS which has previously only been reported in superconductor/weak-ferromagnet structures. We analyze the data using the self-consistent non-linear Usadel equation and find that we are able to quantitatively fit the features at ±Δ0\pm\Delta_0 if we include a large amount of spin-orbit scattering in the model. Interestingly, we are unable to reproduce the sub-gap structure through the addition of any parameter(s). Therefore, the observed anomalous sub-gap structure represents new physics beyond that contained in the present Usadel theory.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Aplikasi Reservasi kamar pada Penginapan Timur Palembang

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    Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancangdan membangun aplikasi pengelolaan data reservasi kamar berbasis web pada Penginapan Timur Palembang. Aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sistem yang ada pada pemesanan kamar (reservasi). Aplikasi ini berguna untuk mempermudah dalam pencarian dan proses pencatatan transaksi dan lebih menghemat waktu. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini adalah metodologi iterasi dengan langkah-langkah: perencanaan, analisis, desain,dan penerapan. Dari hasil pembahasan tersebut maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya aplikasi pengelolaan data reservasi ini, kinerja administrasi dapat meningkatkan dan meminimalkan kesalahan dalam mencatat data pelanggan, data pemesanan, data pembayaran, dan pembuatan laporan

    Aplikasi Reservasi kamar pada Penginapan Timur Palembang

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    Tujuan penulisan tugas akhir ini adalah untuk merancangdan membangun aplikasi pengelolaan data reservasi kamar berbasis web pada Penginapan Timur Palembang. Aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sistem yang ada pada pemesanan kamar (reservasi). Aplikasi ini berguna untuk mempermudah dalam pencarian dan proses pencatatan transaksi dan lebih menghemat waktu. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini adalah metodologi iterasi dengan langkah-langkah: perencanaan, analisis, desain,dan penerapan. Dari hasil pembahasan tersebut maka penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dengan adanya aplikasi pengelolaan data reservasi ini, kinerja administrasi dapat meningkatkan dan meminimalkan kesalahan dalam mencatat data pelanggan, data pemesanan, data pembayaran, dan pembuatan laporan

    Experiments towards quantum information with trapped Calcium ions

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    Ground state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions in an rf-(Paul) trap is the prerequisite for quantum information experiments with trapped ions. With resolved sideband cooling on the optical S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition we have cooled one and two 40Ca+ ions to the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. With a novel cooling scheme utilizing electromagnetically induced transparency on the S1/2 - P1/2 manifold we have achieved simultaneous ground state cooling of two motional sidebands 1.7 MHz apart. Starting from the motional ground state we have demonstrated coherent quantum state manipulation on the S1/2 - D5/2 quadrupole transition at 729 nm. Up to 30 Rabi oscillations within 1.4 ms have been observed in the motional ground state and in the n=1 Fock state. In the linear quadrupole rf-trap with 700 kHz trap frequency along the symmetry axis (2 MHz in radial direction) the minimum ion spacing is more than 5 micron for up to 4 ions. We are able to cool two ions to the ground state in the trap and individually address the ions with laser pulses through a special optical addressing channel.Comment: Proceedings of the ICAP 2000, Firenz