8,191 research outputs found

    Innovación en servicios en la era del conocimiento = Services innovation in the era of knowledge

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    Actualmente, la economía global esta basada en el conocimiento, estamos viviendo y haciendo negocios en una nueva era y con nuevas reglas, en donde el sector de servicios esta tomando un lugar de mayor importancia y un rol más relevante que lo hecho anteriormente, y donde la innovación se convierte en la manera que este tipo de firmas pueden competir, acceder a nuevos mercados y ganar crecimiento a largo plazo. Usualmente la investigación hecha sobre la innovación, las definiciones acerca de ella y las tipologías desarrolladas fueron diseñadas para productos tangibles, siendo un legado de etapas económicas anteriores (basadas en la industria manufacturera), sin embargo, los Servicios tienen sus propias particularidades y características distintivas de los productos. El entendimiento y comprensión de esto es de suma importancia para las compañías proveedoras de servicios, porque las ayuda a ajustar su proceso de innovación para hacerlo más congruente con un modelo de desarrollo de servicios que un modelo de desarrollo de productos que ha sido adaptado. Este artículo resalta las características de esta nueva era del conocimiento, la importancia de la innovación en el sector de servicios en la nueva economía y las tipologías para innovación disponibles para servicios, con el propósito de ayudar en la evaluación y ajuste del proceso de innovación de las firmas que pertenecen a este segmento. Abstract: Now a day the world economy is based in knowledge, we are living and making business in an entirely new era with new rules, where services sector is taking a more important place and a more relevant roll than previously were, and the innovation becomes the way this kind of firms can compete, access to new markets and gain long term growing. Usually, innovation research, definitions and typologies developed were done for tangible products, a legacy from an earlier economic age (based on manufacturing industry), however, Services has they own particularities and distinctive characteristics from products. The understanding of this issue is very important to service providers companies, because they could adjust their innovation process more according to a service development model than an adapted product development one. This article points out the characteristics of the new knowledge era, the importance of innovation in services sector in this new economy and the typologies available for services with the purpose to help in the evaluation or adjustment of the firm’s innovation process that fall in this segment

    La gestión del conocimiento y la innovación en servicios de telecomunicaciones en las empresas de México.

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    The purpose of this research paper is to provide with empirical evidence that helps to support to the roll of the knowledge management in telecommunications services innovation in Service Providers operating in México. The followed methodology was based on the data collection from primary sources, through an electronic questionnaire applied via Web, which was sent to CEOs, CIOs, CTOs, COOs and other officers, also to managers and specialists of Large companies as well SMEs of the telecommunications sector in Mexico. A total of 400 invitations were sent and 185 were answered and useful for the investigation (46% of rate of answer). The hypotheses were tested using structural equations modeling by partial least square (PLS). The findings present knowledge management as a coordinated mechanism and the empirical evidence supports the argument that states that a company with knowledge management capabilities uses the resources more efficiently, therefore is more innovating. The implications and limitations of the present research have to do with the fact that were performed only in one sector of the economic activity and it is circumscribed to Mexico, therefore would be necessary to replicate it different contexts. The practical implications are focused to serve as a support, to show the importance of knowledge management and his impact on innovation within the company, helping in the creation of the business case to justify the funding necessary to implement the internal programs and the acquisition of specialized software and hardware. The originality value of the research work has to do with fact of being one of the few of this type in Mexico and that is focused in the telecommunications sector

    Sobre el teorema de Liouville para funciones enteras

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    La idea del artículo es presentar las pruebas del teorema de Liouville sobre funciones enteras. En este trabajo recalcamos dos importantes aplicaciones, una en la demostración del teorema fundamental del álgebra y otra en el área de las aplicaciones conformes. El presente contiene una breve nota histórica de la vida de Joseph Liouville y su trabajo. También contiene la version del teorema de Liouville para funciones doblemente periódicas, funciones armónicas y aplicaciones cuasiconformes