25 research outputs found

    Total cost assessment of greenhouse tomato production in Zacatecas, Mexico

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    Agriculture in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico, consumes 77% of the available groundwater. In this region, the main source of water is 34 aquifers, of which 44% are over exploited. Over extraction of the aquifers damages the environment, increases pumping costs and decreases water quality. Greenhouse tomato production systems have increased considerably in recent years. Besides the environmental problems that agriculture generates, there is also the problem of emissions and solid waste. The objective of this paper is to assess the environmental impact on profitability of protected agriculture systems in the state of Zacatecas. The methodology used was total cost assessment. This study assesses the total cost of four production units in their present situation, as well as in two scenarios: one denominated sustainable and the other unsustainable. Profitability indicators in the sustainable and unsustainable scenarios show that adopting conservation production practices, besides improving the image of the organization and permitting better access to markets, will maintain profitability and contribute to the conservation of natural resources

    Assessing Environmental Management of Tomato Production under Protected Agriculture

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    This study examines the impact of environmental strategies on profitability of protected agriculture production systems in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico using the approach of Total Quality Environmental Management (TQEM) and Total Cost Assessment (TCA). We identified environmental management practices currently used by production units and analyzed the existing situation, plus two hypothetical scenarios. Profitability indicators show that adopting conservation production practices will not only improve the image of the organization but permit better access to markets, maintain positive profitability and contribute to the conservation of natural resources

    Competitiveness, efficiency and environmental impact of the production of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on Zacatecas, Mexico

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    In the early nineties in Mexico began a series of programs to assist the competitiveness of rural producers face the withdrawal of state support for production, trade and services sector as well as their incorporation in the process of trade liberalization. Zacatecas is the largest producer of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) national. Most of the production is rainfed. Low rainfall, low efficiency inagricultural irrigation and overexploitation of aquifers causes environmental damage. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the agricultural policy in bean production systems in the state of Zacatecas through the determination of competitive production technologies and efficient, considering the market failures related to the environment. Were determined the indicators of competitiveness and efficiency through the implementation of the extended policy analysis matrix (EPAM). The research was conducted with data from spring-summer cycle 2009. The framework of analysis was the rural district of development in Zacatecas, Fresnillo, R铆o Grande and Ojocaliente. With the exception of TCS technologies from the RDD Zacatecas, Ojocaliente, BCF and TCS, all production systems shown to be competitive in the current situation. Cultivated production systems with competing technologies also showed to be efficient, except TCSL Fresnillo and Ojocaliente BMF. The adoption of sustainable practices will reduce the deterioration in competitiveness and efficiency of production systems.A principios de la d茅cada de los noventa en M茅xico se iniciaron una serie de programas para coadyuvar a la competitividad de los productores rurales frente al retiro del estado en el apoyo a la producci贸n, comercializaci贸n y servicios sectoriales, as铆 como en su incorporaci贸n en el proceso de liberalizaci贸n comercial. Zacatecas es el principal productor de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) nacional. La mayor parte de la producci贸n se cultiva en temporal. Escasa precipitaci贸n pluvial, baja eficiencia en riego agr铆cola y sobreexplotaci贸n de los acu铆feros provoca da帽os ambientales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el impacto de la pol铆tica agr铆cola en los sistemas de producci贸n de frijol del estado de Zacatecas a trav茅s de la determinaci贸n de las tecnolog铆as de producci贸n competitivas y eficientes, considerando las fallas de mercado relacionadas al ambiente. Se determinaron los indicadores de competitividad y eficiencia a trav茅s de la aplicaci贸n de la matriz de an谩lisis de pol铆tica ampliada (MAPA). La investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 con informaci贸n del ciclo agr铆cola primavera-verano 2009. El marco de an谩lisis fueron los Distritos de Desarrollo Rural de Zacatecas, Fresnillo, R铆o Grande y Ojocaliente. Con excepci贸n de las tecnolog铆as TCS del DDR de Zacatecas, BCF y TCS de Ojocaliente, todos los sistemas de producci贸n mostraron ser competitivos en la situaci贸n actual. Los sistemas de producci贸n cultivados con tecnolog铆as competitivas tambi茅n resultaron eficientes, exceptuando el TCSL de Fresnillo y BMF de Ojocaliente. La adopci贸n de pr谩cticas sostenibles reducir谩 el deterioro de la competitividad y eficiencia de los sistemas de producci贸n

    El TLCAN y la viabilidad de la producci贸n de frijol en una zona de alta migraci贸n en Zacatecas: el caso de la Colonia Gonz谩lez Ortega

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    The commercial opening represents for Mexico and in particular for the agricultural sector a paradigm change and new challenges for the rural development. The new development strategy adopted by M茅xico since the early eighties promotes the opening of the frontiers and the deregulation of the agriculture, aspects that are necessary to evaluate. This work determines the viability of producing bean storm on the Colonia Gonzalez Ortega, Zacatecas under an open economy. A total commercial opening among Mexico, Canada and United States will be able at the beginning of 2008. Spite of beans is a basic and strategic product for Mexican inhabitants this product was included in the NAFTA negotiations. Given the extensive characteristics of production of the storm bean in Zacatecas and the Colonia Gonzalez Ortega in particular, it is assuming that the new economic circumstances of regional integration and of commercial opening will make worse the productive situation of the region and therefore, the progressive abandonment of the activity for the producers. The use of the Analysis Discriminante allowed to distinguish the variables that contribute on the differentiation of the production systems. Based on the net income it was possible to distinguish three categories of producers, those that do not make money, those that are in a situation of simple reproduction (sensitive to modifications of the variables) and those that are in a good economic situation. It was determined that the removethe overgrowth, the use of fertilizers and equipment depreciation were variables that allowed the differentiation among strata. Given the production characteristics, the type of producers in the region and their problems, as well as the asymmetries of Mexico with regard to United States and Canada in terms of agricultural competitiveness, exist irrefutable evidences that make vulnerable the viability of the bean cultivation in the zone. It was proposed considerations from empiric experience and theoretical support that can articulate public policies for the stability social of this system product.La apertura comercial representa para M茅xico y en particular para el sector agropecuario un cambio de paradigma y nuevos retos para el desarrollo rural. La integraci贸n econ贸mica de la que forma parte M茅xico como nueva estrategia de desarrollo desde principios de los ochenta, promueve la apertura de las fronteras y la desregulaci贸n de la agricultura, aspectos que resultan necesarios evaluar. El presente trabajo analiza sobre qu茅 bases podr谩 ser viable el cultivo de frijol de temporal en la Colonia Gonz谩lez Ortega, Zacatecas en el marco de la apertura total que se dar谩 en el 2008 entre M茅xico, Estados Unidos y Canad谩, a pesar de ser un producto b谩sico y estrat茅gico para los mexicanos se decide incluirlo en las negociaciones del TLCAN. Dadas las caracter铆sticas extensivas de producci贸n del frijol de temporal en Zacatecas y la Colonia Gonz谩lez Ortega en particular, es de suponer que las nuevas circunstancias econ贸micas de integraci贸n regional y de apertura comercial agudicen a煤n m谩s la situaci贸n productiva de la regi贸n y por tanto, el progresivo abandono de la actividad por los productores. La utilizaci贸n del An谩lisis Discriminante permiti贸 distinguir las variables que en mayor medida contribuyen en la diferenciaci贸n de los sistemas de producci贸n. En base a los ingresos netos fue posible distinguir tres categor铆as de productores, los que pierden, los que se encuentran en una situaci贸n de reproducci贸n simple (sensibles a modificaciones de las variables) y los que se encuentran con mayor holgura econ贸mica. Se determin贸 que los deshierbes, el uso de fertilizantes y la depreciaci贸n de equipo fueron variables con mayor incidencia en la diferenciaci贸n entre estratos. Vistas las caracter铆sticas de producci贸n, el tipo de productores y la problem谩tica en la zona, as铆 como las asimetr铆as de M茅xico con respecto a Estados Unidos y Canad谩 en t茅rminos de competitividad agr铆cola, existen evidencias irrefutables que hacen vulnerable la viabilidad del cultivo de frijol en la zona. Se plantean consideraciones que derivan de la evidencia emp铆rica y el soporte te贸rico que pueden articular pol铆ticas p煤blicas en virtud de la estabilidad social de este sistema producto

    Diferenciaci贸n de productores de frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en una zona de alta migraci贸n en Zacatecas, M茅xico

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    Mexico is participating in the international economic integration. This integration is promoting the opening of frontiers and the regulation of the agriculture, over time these aspects are necessary to evaluate. In this work is carried out a differentiation of dry bean growers based on specific productive characteristics and economic revenues that the activity generates in an area of high migration in Zacatecas under the context of the nafta. Given the extensive characteristics of production of storm dry bean and the technological levels applied in Zacatecas, it assumed that the new circumstances of regional integration and commercial opening have exacerbated the precarious productive situation of the region and the progressive abandonment of the activity. Based on money net income it was distinguished three categories of producers. Those that lost money, those that were in a situation of simple reproduction, and these that obteined higher revenues. It was determined that weed out, use of fertilizers and depreciation of equipment, were variables with more incidence in the differentiation among producers strata. Production characteristics, type of producers, problematic in the area, as well productive asymmetries among Mexico, United States and Canada, are irrefutable evidences that to damage the viability of the dry bean in the area.M茅xico est谩 participando activamente dentro de la integraci贸n econ贸mica internacional, para promover la apertura de las fronteras y la desregulaci贸n de la agricultura; al paso del tiempo, 茅stos son aspectos que es necesario evaluar. En este trabajo se hace una diferenciaci贸n de productores de frijol con base en particularidades espec铆ficas e ingresos econ贸micos que la actividad genera en una zona de alta migraci贸n en Zacatecas bajo el contexto del tlcan. Dadas las caracter铆sticas extensivas de producci贸n de frijol de temporal y los niveles tecnol贸gicos aplicados en Zacatecas, las nuevas circunstancias de integraci贸n regional y apertura comercial han agudizado la precaria situaci贸n productiva de la regi贸n y el creciente abandono de la actividad. Con base en ingresos netos fue posible distinguir tres categor铆as: los que pierden, los que se encuentran en situaci贸n de reproducci贸n simple y los que logran mayores ingresos. Se determin贸 que el deshierbe, el uso de fertilizantes y la depreciaci贸n de equipo, fueron las variables con mayor incidencia al diferenciar los estratos. Las caracter铆sticas de producci贸n, el tipo de productores, la problem谩tica de la zona, as铆 como las asimetr铆as productivas entre M茅xico, Estados Unidos y Canad谩, son evidencias irrefutables que vulneran la viabilidad del frijol en la zona

    Estimaci贸n del impacto econ贸mico derivado del derrame petrolero ocasionado por la plataforma DeepWater Horizon, sobre los ecosistemas del Golfo de M茅xico

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    Contingent Valuation exercise is developed on the ecosystem services provided by the Gulf of Mexico. The target population is determined by the census households riverine five entities. A survey of household head or responsible in order to know the availability to make financial contributions to the protection of ecosystems in the Gulf of Mexico. The results allow the estimation of the average contribution per household and consequently, the economic impact caused by the collapse of the platform Deepwater Horizon (2010).Se desarrolla un ejercicio de Valoraci贸n Contingente sobre los Servicios Ecosist茅micos que provee el Golfo de M茅xico. La poblaci贸n objetivo est谩 determinada por los hogares censales de cinco entidades rivere帽as. Se levant贸 una encuesta dirigida a jefe de hogar o responsable con el fin de conocer la disponibilidad para hacer aportaciones econ贸micas para la protecci贸n de los ecosistemas del Golfo de M茅xico. Los resultados permiten la estimaci贸n de la aportaci贸n promedio por hogar y en consecuencia, del impacto econ贸mico provocado por el colapso de la plataforma Deep Water Horizon (2010)

    Evaluaci贸n de un cluster bajo agricultura protegida en M茅xico

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    Protected agriculture producers in Zacatecas are facing the challenge of participating in the global markets with sustainable income. A viable way would be to increase their upgrading capability. This work determines the relationship between upgrading and collective efficiency of the tomato cluster under protected agriculture in Zacatecas. Information was obtained through a survey among technicians, complemented with interviews |with owners of the production units, researchers and government authorities. Applying cluster analysis technique, a classification of production units by technological level was made. By these means we obtained the collective efficiency index, the value chain pattern of governance of the value chain in which enterprises participate and the upgrading pattern. External economies were more dominant than joint actions. Collective efficiency and upgrading were positively correlated. A high technological level is a necessary but insufficient condition for enterprises competitiveness in the global market, so that an increase in upgrading capability is required.El naciente cluster de tomate bajo agricultura protegida en Zacatecas enfrenta el reto de participar en los mercados globales de una manera sostenible; una respuesta viable para ello es elevar su capacidad de upgrading. En este trabajo se determina la relaci贸n entre la eficiencia colectiva en el upgrading del cluster. La informaci贸n se obtuvo a trav茅s de un cuestionario aplicado a t茅cnicos de las unidades de producci贸n (UP), el cual se complement贸 con entrevistas a propietarios o gerentes, investigadores y funcionarios gubernamentales; posteriormente, se hizo una clasificaci贸n de las UP por nivel tecnol贸gico aplicando la t茅cnica de an谩lisis de conglomerado con lo que se obtuvo el 铆ndice de eficiencia colectiva, el tipo de gobernanza de las cadenas de valor con las que se relacionan las agroempresas y los tipos de upgrading logrados. Se encontr贸 que las econom铆as externas fueron m谩s dominantes que las acciones conjuntas; la eficiencia colectiva y el upgrading se encuentran positivamente relacionados; asimismo, se observ贸 que el alto nivel tecnol贸gico es condici贸n necesaria, m谩s no suficiente, para que las agroempresas permanezcan competitivas en el mercado global, por lo que se requiere elevar su capacidad de upgrading

    Los impactos del Tratado de Libre Comercio de Am茅rica del Norte en la producci贸n de frijol de Zacatecas

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    Total commercial aperture, foreseen in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) for 2008, may have some impact on agriculture and rural employment in Zacatecas, particularly in bean production, since the state is the main national producer. Bean production occupies 57 per cent of the state yield area, and employs near 70 thousand workers. Considering the agreement trade terms, the statistical data available and primary sources, this article concludes that the competitiveness that commercial aperture will generate may precipitate the abandonment of bean production, and the deterioration of living conditions for thousands of producers. The Mexican government should reconsider the terms of the NAFTA, so as to improve agricultural production and implement new policies to generate employment.La apertura comercial total, prevista en el Tratado de Libre Comercio de Am茅rica del Norte (TLCAN) para 2008, puede afectar la agricultura y el empleo rural de Zacatecas, particularmente la producci贸n de frijol, donde la entidad ocupa el primer lugar como productor nacional. Dicha leguminosa ocupa 57 por ciento del 谩rea sembrada en el estado y emplea a cerca de 70 mil personas. Al revisar los t茅rminos comerciales pactados, datos estad铆sticos y fuentes primarias, se concluye que la competitividad que genere la apertura comercial puede precipitar el abandono de los cultivos y el deterioro de las condiciones de vida de miles de agricultores. El gobierno mexicano deber铆a reevaluar los t茅rminos del tratado para impulsar la producci贸n agr铆cola y establecer pol铆ticas p煤blicas nuevas generadoras de empleo