131 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un nuevo currículo para la carrera de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de El Salvador (2° parte)

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    La propuesta curricular se centra en establecer proyectos relevantes que encierran áreas problemáticas de la realidad nacional propios de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil; perfilando de generalizada la estructuración del plan de estudios para atender cada proyecto y la integración multifuncional para formar cualidades y capacidades tecno científicas y humanas en formar el Ingeniero Civil

    Planeamiento estratégico del Banco Interamericano de Finanzas

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    La presente tesis desarrolla el planeamiento estratégico para la Banco Interamericano de Finanzas S.A., Banbif, bajo el Modelo Secuencial del Proceso Estratégico elaborado por D’Alessio (2008). El Banbif es una entidad financiera que forma parte del grupo Ignacio Fierro, cuya misión es realizar actividades de intermediación financiera, a través de la captación y colocación de fondos, así como diversos servicios a la banca múltiple. El objetivo del presente planeamiento busca asegurar la sostenibilidad y crecimiento del negocio, a través de la creación de mejores productos y servicios eficientes, innovadores y de alta calidad, orientados principalmente a la mediana empresa y a las personas de nivel socioeconómico A,B y C. Esta propuesta de planeamiento busca orientar las decisiones de los directivos del Banbif para los próximos diez años, teniendo en cuenta la disminución en el ahorro y la inversión que se ha visto en el Perú entre los años 2011 al 2015. La tesis consta de ocho capítulos que incluyen el análisis de la situación actual y entorno, la formulación y diseño de estrategias, la implementación y la evaluación y control; y un capítulo final con las conclusiones y recomendaciones para la compañía Banbif. Finalmente, la presente tesis recomienda la implementación del presente planeamiento teniendo en cuenta la situación del sector financiero y económico del Perú al 2015.This thesis develops the strategic planing for the Banco Interamericano de Finanzas S.A., Banbif, under the strategic process sequence model elaborated by D’Alessio (2008). The Banbif is a finantial institution, that is part of Ignacio Fierro group, whose mission is to carry out financial transactions through the recruitment and placement of funds and various services to multiple bank. The aim of this planning seeks to ensure the sustainability and growth of the business, through the creation of better products and efficient, innovative and high quality services, mainly oriented to medium enterprises and people of high socioeconomic status. This proposal seeks to guide planning decisions by managers BanBif for the next ten years, considering the decline in the savings and investments occurred in Peru between 2011 and 2015. The thesis has eight chapters that include the current situation analysis and environment, the design and formulation of the strategies, implementation and evaluation and control, furthermore, a chapter with recommendations and conclusions for the Banbif. Finally, this thesis recommends the implementation of this planning considering the situation in the financial and the economic sector in Peru at 2015.Tesi

    Dahlia merckii y D. rupicola (Asteraceae, Coreopsideae), dos nuevos registros para la región de la Nueva Galicia, México

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    Background and Aims: Dahlia is a characteristic genus of Asteraceae tribe Coreopsideae and eight species were known in Nueva Galicia. The objective of the present communication is to report two additional species.Methods: Botanical explorations were carried out in Nueva Galicia. Additionally, Dahlia specimens deposited at the herbaria ANSM, BUAP, CFNL, CHAPA, CIIDIR, ENCB, FCME, IBUG, IEB, MEXU, QMEX, SLPM, UAT, UAZ and XAL were reviewed and identified. Morphological descriptions and an identification key were made based on the analysis of specialized literature, revision of herbaria specimens and plants in the field. A database was compiled with the information and was analyzed with a geographic information system for the elaboration of distribution maps and proposals for protection categories.Key results: We documented Dahlia merckii and D. rupicola in Nueva Galicia. These new records extend the distribution area for both species to western Mexico. According to the categories and criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, D. merckii can be qualified as a Least Concern species. Meanwhile, D. rupicola could be considered as Endangered if the area of occupation and the extension of occurrence are taken into account.Conclusions: This information extends the adaptive amplitude of both Dahlia species to habitats with different ecological conditions to those previously documented. We recommend carrying out studies to evaluate the conservation status of all the species in the genus according to conservation categories at national and international scales. Finally, the expanded distributions of D. merckii and D. rupicola indicate the need to continue and promote botanical exploration in Mexico. Antecedentes y Objetivos: Dahlia es un género característico de Asteraceae tribu Coreopsideae y para la Nueva Galicia se conocían ocho especies. El presente texto tiene como finalidad reportar dos especies adicionales.Métodos: Exploraciones botánicas en Nueva Galicia fueron llevadas a cabo. Se revisaron y determinaron ejemplares depositados en los herbarios ANSM, BUAP, CFNL, CHAPA, CIIDIR, ENCB, FCME, IBUG, IEB, MEXU, QMEX, SLPM, UAT, UAZ y XAL. Se realizaron descripciones morfológicas ampliadas y una clave de identificación a partir de la consulta de literatura especializada, del análisis de ejemplares de herbario y la revisión de plantas en el campo. La información recopilada se analizó con un sistema de información geográfica para la elaboración de mapas de distribución y propuestas para categorías de protección.Resultados clave: Se documenta a Dahlia merckii y D. rupicola para la Nueva Galicia. Estos nuevos registros extienden el área de distribución para ambas especies al occidente de México. De acuerdo a las categorías y criterios de la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, D. merckii se puede tratar como una especie en Preocupación Menor. Dahlia rupicola podría considerarse En Peligro tomando en cuenta los valores de extensión de la ocurrencia y el área de ocupación.Conclusiones: Estos datos extienden la amplitud adaptativa de las dos especies de Dahlia a hábitats con condiciones ecológicas diferentes a las antes reconocidas. Recomendamos la realización de estudios para evaluar el estado de conservación de la totalidad de especies del género, de acuerdo a las categorías de conservación a nivel nacional e internacional. Por último, la ampliación de las distribuciones de D. merckii y D. rupicola también señala la necesidad de continuar e impulsar la exploración botánica en México

    Ignición 2.0

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    Se diseñó un cansat que actuará como sonda y que, con ayuda de sensores y un arduino, recolectará diversos parámetros relativos a las condiciones para la vida en ambientes aún no habitados. Posterior a la recolección y el descenso se publicará una base de datos en una página web de acceso público para aquellos interesados en dicha información. El cansat debe ser capaz de soportar las condiciones del lugar de aterrizaje hasta el momento de recuperación, por lo que se apoyará de celdas solares para suministrar energía a la batería

    Somatostatin: From a supporting actor to the protagonist to explain the long-term effect of sleeve gastrectomy on glucose metabolism.

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    BACKGROUND: Bariatric/metabolic surgery has become the most effective treatment against type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The role of many gastrointestinal hormones in T2DM has been proposed, but the pathophysiological models described vary greatly depending on the anatomical rearrangements after surgery. We focus on somatostatin as a common factor in two of the most commonly performed surgical procedures in a healthy rodent model. We performed sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and also an experimental surgery without gastric involvement (intestinal resection of 50 % jejunum-ileum portion -IR50 %). METHODS: We used five groups of Wistar rats: fasting control, sham-operated, SG-operated, RYGB-operated and IR50-operated. We analysed several parameters 4 and 23 weeks after surgery: plasma SST-14/28 fractions, plasma glucose, insulin release and SST-producing cell expression in the duodenum and pancreatic islets. RESULTS: Numerous SST-producing cells in the duodenum but a low number in the pancreas and a long-term loss of glucose tolerance were observed in SG and RYGB animals. Additionally, a high plasma SST-28 fraction was found in animals after SG but not after RYGB. Finally, IR50 animals showed no differences versus controls. CONCLUSIONS: In our SG model the amplitude of insulin response after metabolic surgeries, is mediated by SST-28 plasma levels derived from the proportional compensatory effect of gastric SST-producing tissue ablation. In addition, a strong compensatory response to the surgical loss of gastric SST-producing cells, leads to long-term loss of insulin production after SG but not in the others. Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved

    Synergistic Antimicrobial Effects of Silver/Transition-metal Combinatorial Treatments

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    Due to the emergence of multi-drug resistant strains, development of novel antibiotics has become a critical issue. One promising approach is the use of transition metals, since they exhibit rapid and significant toxicity, at low concentrations, in prokaryotic cells. Nevertheless, one main drawback of transition metals is their toxicity in eukaryotic cells. Here, we show that the barriers to use them as therapeutic agents could be mitigated by combining them with silver. We demonstrate that synergism of combinatorial treatments (Silver/transition metals, including Zn, Co, Cd, Ni, and Cu) increases up to 8-fold their antimicrobial effect, when compared to their individual effects, against E. coli and B. subtilis. We find that most combinatorial treatments exhibit synergistic antimicrobial effects at low/ non-toxic concentrations to human keratinocyte cells, blast and melanoma rat cell lines. Moreover, we show that silver/(Cu, Ni, and Zn) increase prokaryotic cell permeability at sub-inhibitory concentrations, demonstrating this to be a possible mechanism of the synergistic behavior. Together, these results suggest that these combinatorial treatments will play an important role in the future development of antimicrobial agents and treatments against infections. In specific, the cytotoxicity experiments show that the combinations have great potential in the treatment of topical infections

    The long-term failure of RYGB surgery in improving T2DM is related to hyperinsulinism.

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    BACKGROUND: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is the gold standard method for bariatric surgery and leads to substantial improvements in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. However, many patients experience relapses in diabetes five years after undergoing this aggressive surgical procedure. We focus on beta-cell population changes and absorptive intestinal consequences after RYGB in a healthy nonobese animal model after a long survival period. METHODS: For our purpose, we use three groups of Wistar rats: RYGB-operated, surgical control (Sham) and fasting control. We measure alpha-, beta-cell mass; transcription (Arx, and Pdx-1) and proliferation (Ki67) factors; glucose tolerance and insulin release after oral glucose tests; histological adaptive changes in the jejunum; and intestinal glucose transporters. RESULTS: Our results showed an early increase in insulin secretion after surgery, that decrease at the end of the study. The beta-cell mass reduces twenty-four weeks after RYGB, which coincides with decrease of Pdx-1 transcription promoter factor. These was coincident with an increase in alpha-mass and a high expression of Arx in RYGB group. CONCLUSIONS: The analysis of all data showed beta-cell mass transdifferentiation into alpha-cell mass in RYGB rats. Due to long-term exhaustion of the beta-cell population by hyperinsulinism derived from digestive tract adaptation to surgery. Copyright © 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier GmbH.. All rights reserved

    Glucagon-Producing Cell Expansion in Wistar Rats. Changes to Islet Architecture After Sleeve Gastrectomy

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    Purpose Many studies about bariatric surgery have analyzed the effect of sleeve gastrectomy (SG) on glucose improvement, beta-cell mass, and islet size modification. The effects of SG on the other endocrine cells of the pancreas, such as the alpha-cell population, and their regulatory mechanisms remain less studied. Materials and Methods We focused our work on the changes in the alpha-cell population after SG in a healthy model of Wistar rats. We measured alpha-cell mass, glucose tolerance, and insulin release after oral glucose tolerance tests and plasma glucagon secretion patterns after insulin infusion. Three Wistar rat groups were employed: SG-operated, surgical control (Sham), and fasting control. Results The results obtained showed significant increases in the alpha-cell population after SG. The result was an increase in beta-cell transdifferentiation; it was shown by some expressed molecules (the loss of expression of Pdx-1 and the increase in Arx and Pax6 cells/mm(2) of islet). The serum results were enhanced plasma glucagon secretion pattern after insulin infusion assays and normal glucose tolerance and insulin release after OGTT. Conclusion We concluded that SG leads to an expansion of the alpha-cell population, at expense of beta-cell; this expansion of alpha-cells is related to transdifferentiation. Plasma glucose level was not affected due to an increased glucagon response

    Simulación del comportamiento del subsistema de potencia del satélite Lian-He bajo unos parámetros de misión típicos = Simulation of the Lian-Hé satellite power subsystem under typical LEO mission requirements

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    En el proceso de diseño de sistemas espaciales, el subsistema de generación y distribución de potencia resulta crítico. Para percibirlo basta con pensar en la dependencia energética de gran parte de los demás subsistemas. En el presente informe se describirá en detalle el modelizado del sistema de generación y distribución de potencia del satélite Lian-He. También se realizarán análisis para comprobar durabilidad de la batería durante la misión, así como la robustez del diseño en caso de fallo de algún panel solar. El presente trabajo es parte del contenido docente de la asignatura de Generación y Gestión de Potencia Eléctrica correspondiente al Máster Universitario en Sistemas Espaciales (MUSE), impartido en el curso 2016-2017. Los tutores de este trabajo han sido los profesores Elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas y Santiago Pindado. The proper design of the power subsystem in a space mission is a critical factor, as the correct performance of all the other subsystems of a satellite depend on the power generation and distribution. In the present work, the power subsystem of Lian-Hé satellite (generation, storage and distribution), is thoroughly described and analyzed for a typical LEO misión requeriments. Besides, a failure analysis of key parts of the subsystem such as oneot two solar panels, or half of the battery strings has been included in the work. This work was carried out as part of the subject Power Subsystems of the Master in Space Systems(MUSE)of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The supervisors of this work were professors elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas and Santiago Pindado

    Nutritional value of Acacia amentacea and parkinsonia texana grown in semiarid conditions

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    In order to evaluate the nutritional value of Parkinsonia texana and Acacia amentacea, two leguminosae species of the Tamaulipan scrubland, Northeastern Mexico, two experiments were carried out: the first tested the effects of season and browse species on chemical composition as nutritional variable to small ruminants; the second tested the effect of the addition of polyethylene glycol (PEG) on fermentation parameters. Foliage samples were collected from three sites. Data of chemical composition were analysed using analysis of variance for a bi-factorial arrangement, whereas the effect of PEG was analysed by a strip plot design. Results of chemical composition were affected by interacting factors season*species as individually they were significantly different (P<0.001). Addition of PEG affected (P<0.001) fermentation parameters. Significantly higher values of neutral detergent fibre (42%), condensed tannins (19%), purines (9 μmol), partitioning factor (PF) (6.1) and gross energy losses (GEL=6.7%) were found in A. amentacea, while P. texana gave higher crude protein (18%), in vitro true organic matter digestibility (82%), metabolisable energy (ME) [2.1 Mcal/kg dry matter (DM)], A (183 mL), c (0.07/h) and L (0.86 h). Addition of PEG increased ME, and affected (P<0.001) fermentation parameters A and c, while purines and PF decreased. Results indicate that chemical composition and fermentation parameters vary according to seasons and species. PEG addition increases the fermentation parameters, which indicates that PEG counteracts the detrimental effects of secondary components of samples. Data suggest that using both species combined could supply necessary nutritional requirements to small ruminants in the Tamaulipan scrubland