2,896 research outputs found

    Theoretical basis of crisis of legitimacy and implications for less developed countries: Guatemala as a case of study

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    El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un conjunto de reflexiones adaptadas a las condiciones de países en desarrollo, en relación con la teoría de la crisis de legitimidad, propuesta en la Escuela de Francfort, por Jürgen Habermas. Más específicamente, el argumento de este estudio consiste en desarrollar una aplicación de la referida teoría para las condiciones sociales y políticas de los países subdesarrollados, considerando a Guatemala como caso de estudio. Tanto el objetivo como el argumento fundamental se basan en que estos postulados de Habermas han sido formulados para las condiciones de los países más desarrollados. De allí que sus fundamentos requieran de adaptaciones a las naciones menos avanzadas

    Teoría de la complejidad y aplicaciones a la administración: principios sobre la coherencia y la fluidez de sistemas operativos en las empresas

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    El objetivo fundamental de artículo es discutir la importancia y puesta en práctica de mecanismos operativos relacionados con: (i) coherencia en la dirección de política empresarial; y (ii) de mantenimiento de los flujos de operaciones dentro de las organizaciones o empresas. Se abordan inicial- mente aspectos esenciales de la teoría de la complejidad. A partir de ellos se determinan directrices para operativizar los principios y prácticas antes referidos. La teoría de la complejidad puede brindar elementos muy valiosos para la planeación, organización, dotación de recursos, operativización y control de las actividades de empresas o unidades de producción

    International trade conditions: Challenges for less developed countries

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    Main issues this paper takes into consideration are related to: (i) conceptual topics or theoretical aspects from mainstream international trade frameworks; and (ii) core concerns, less developed countries need to face to pursue higher standards both, in their efforts to improve internal markets and participation into foreign links regarding international trade scenarios. From the theoretical standpoint, major features of the current globalization processes are discussed. One of the key final considerations regards the evidence that under the new mechanisms of the World Trade Organization, less developed nations have better conditions to carry out trade negotiations, notwithstanding, broad margin for improvement exists to achieve fair circumstances in the foreign trade relationships

    Latin America and the Caribbean 1990-2007: State investment in health sector

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    This study has as main aim, to carry out a comparative research regarding efforts that Latin American governments have developed over the past sixteen years about investment in public health systems. The central claim of this research is that even though Uruguay, Costa Rica and Chile has acceptable health care standards –according their degree of comparative regional development- other countries, such as the Central Americans, show a less advance general conditions. As part of the methodology, this document has as central axis, a cluster analysis in terms of updated static conditions, and a dynamic approach as wellEl objetivo de la investigación presentada en este artículo fue establecer una comparación entre los esfuerzos de inversión social que realizan los gobiernos de países latinoamericanos para fortalecer el sector de la salud. El argumento central es que, si bien es cierto que las naciones de mayor estabilidad y desarrollo, como Uruguay, Costa Rica y Chile, han mejorado sus condiciones sociales, existen otras que se encuentran en posición más rezagada. Tal es el caso de los países centroamericanos. El estudio se basa en indicadores de clúster y análisis actualizados en términos tanto dinámicos como estático

    Balanced mixture of biochar and synthetic fertilizer increases seedling quality of acacia mangium”

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    An experimental device to elicit social networks

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    This paper proposes an original mechanism to elicit latent social networks. Subjects are invited to reveal their friends’ name and surname, together with a score measuring the strength of relationship. According to the mechanism, subjects are rewarded of a fixed price either a) when they do not name anybody or b) when the scores of a randomly selected (bidirectional) link are sufficiently close. We test the mechanism’s performance in the field. Our main results are: i) a very large percentage of links (75%) were corresponded. ii) the mechanism largely captures strong friendship relations and practically ignores weak relations. A simple model of friend—regarding preferences is developed to explain this evidence.friendship, networks, experiments, other—regarding preferences.

    Proposed financial model for sustainable corporate growth

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    Issues such as technical and economic capacity in the production of goods and services, administrative and financial management, and marketing policies, are crucial for sustainable growth of organizations, understood as a dynamic process that has an effect on value creation of organizations. The objective of this paper is to define a model including the particular aspects of policy affecting sustainable growth corporate, based on the quantification of financial components. For the realization of this document took into account various studies and research concepts and approaches discussed trying to identify factors of growth corporate, such as planning, control, management, financial management and human resources, monitoring and evaluation, among others. However this document is limited to analyze components related to financial managementAspectos como la capacidad técnica y económica en la producción de bienes y servicios, la gestión administrativa y financiera, y las políticas de comercialización o mercadeo, son determinantes para el crecimiento sostenible de las organizaciones, entendido como un proceso dinámico que tiene efecto en la creación de valor de las mismas. El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es definir un modelo que contenga los aspectos particulares que afectan una política de crecimiento corporativo sostenible, a partir de la cuantificación de componentes financieros. Para la realización de este documento se tuvieron en cuenta diversos estudios e investigaciones que exponen conceptos y enfoques que tratan de identificar factores de crecimiento corporativo, tales como planificación, control, dirección, manejo de recursos financieros y humanos, monitoreo y evaluación, entre otros1. Sin embargo, el presente documento se limitará a analizar componentes relacionados con la gestión financier

    Sobre las soluciones de juegos en formas normales: modelos particulares basados ??en la teoría del equilibrio nash

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    The main objective of this paper is to present in a deductive way, solutions for general games played under normal conditions following competitive paths, applying core principles of Nash equilibrium. Here the normal approach implies strategic choices available for each player, formulated and implemented without any information concerning specific choices to be made by others players. It is convenient to keep in mind that John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern outlined a set of conditions for Nash equilibrium for a game in normal form, proposed as the basic framework to analyze the conditions and requirements for a particular Nash equilibrium to be the solution of the game. Theorems that exhibit imbedding relations among the Nash equilibriums of the game are given to examine the role of pre-play communication and the imbedding order in equilibrium selection. A core argument to claim here is that a generic case of Nash equilibriums that are strategically unstable relative to maxi-min strategies is given to emphasize the role of moves of the third kind and pre-play communication in correlated and coordinated solutions and the need to account for cases where Nash equilibriums are not plausible or even desirable as solutions for a game in normal form

    Quantum Field Theory on compact stars near the Buchdahl limit

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    Very compact stars seem to be forbidden in General Relativity. While Buchdahl's theorem sets an upper bound on compactness, further no-go results rely on the existence of two light rings, the inner of which has been associated to gravitational instabilities. However, little is known about the role of quantum fields in these strong gravity regimes. Here, we consider the particularly simple model of a constant density star and we work in the probe approximation where the backreaction is ignored. We show that the trapping of modes inside the star leads the renormalized stress tensor of Conformal Field Theories to diverge faster than the classical source in the Buchdahl limit. This leads to the violation of the Null Energy Condition around the inner light ring. The backreaction of quantum fields in this regime therefore cannot be ignored. This happens as the star's surface approaches the Buchdahl radius 9GM/49GM/4 rather than the Schwarzschild radius. The results are independent of the details of the interactions, but contain an ambiguity associated to the renormalization scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Updated the title and abstract, as well as minor changes in the main tex