9,542 research outputs found

    Row-Centric Lossless Compression of Markov Images

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    Motivated by the question of whether the recently introduced Reduced Cutset Coding (RCC) offers rate-complexity performance benefits over conventional context-based conditional coding for sources with two-dimensional Markov structure, this paper compares several row-centric coding strategies that vary in the amount of conditioning as well as whether a model or an empirical table is used in the encoding of blocks of rows. The conclusion is that, at least for sources exhibiting low-order correlations, 1-sided model-based conditional coding is superior to the method of RCC for a given constraint on complexity, and conventional context-based conditional coding is nearly as good as the 1-sided model-based coding.Comment: submitted to ISIT 201

    Minimum Conditional Description Length Estimation for Markov Random Fields

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    In this paper we discuss a method, which we call Minimum Conditional Description Length (MCDL), for estimating the parameters of a subset of sites within a Markov random field. We assume that the edges are known for the entire graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). Then, for a subset U⊂VU\subset V, we estimate the parameters for nodes and edges in UU as well as for edges incident to a node in UU, by finding the exponential parameter for that subset that yields the best compression conditioned on the values on the boundary ∂U\partial U. Our estimate is derived from a temporally stationary sequence of observations on the set UU. We discuss how this method can also be applied to estimate a spatially invariant parameter from a single configuration, and in so doing, derive the Maximum Pseudo-Likelihood (MPL) estimate.Comment: Information Theory and Applications (ITA) workshop, February 201

    Differential expression of three galaxin-related genes during settlement and metamorphosis in the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora

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    BACKGROUND: The coral skeleton consists of CaCO3 deposited upon an organic matrix primarily as aragonite. Currently galaxin, from Galaxea fascicularis, is the only soluble protein component of the organic matrix that has been characterized from a coral. Three genes related to galaxin were identified in the coral Acropora millepora. RESULTS: One of the Acropora genes (Amgalaxin) encodes a clear galaxin ortholog, while the others (Amgalaxin-like 1 and Amgalaxin-like 2) encode larger and more divergent proteins. All three proteins are predicted to be extracellular and share common structural features, most notably the presence of repetitive motifs containing dicysteine residues. In situ hybridization reveals distinct, but partially overlapping, spatial expression of the genes in patterns consistent with distinct roles in calcification. Both of the Amgalaxin-like genes are expressed exclusively in the early stages of calcification, while Amgalaxin continues to be expressed in the adult, consistent with the situation in the coral Galaxea. CONCLUSION: Comparisons with molluscs suggest functional convergence in the two groups; lustrin A/pearlin proteins may be the mollusc counterparts of galaxin, whereas the galaxin-like proteins combine characteristics of two distinct proteins involved in mollusc calcification. Database searches indicate that, although sequences with high similarity to the galaxins are restricted to the Scleractinia, more divergent members of this protein family are present in other cnidarians and some other metazoans. We suggest that ancestral galaxins may have been secondarily recruited to roles in calcification in the Triassic, when the Scleractinia first appeared. Understanding the evolution of the broader galaxin family will require wider sampling and expression analysis in a range of cnidarians and other animals

    The Effects of Vouchers on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Conditional Voucher Program Juan A. Correa David Inostroza Francisco Parro Loreto Reyes Gabriel Ugarte Universidad Andrés Bello Marzo

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    Indexación: UNAB JEL Classi cation: H4; I2Abstract We use data from Chile's conditional voucher program to test the e ects of vouchers on academic achievement. Conditional vouchers have delivered extra resources to low-income, vulnerable students since 2008. Moreover, under this scheme, additional resources are contingent on the completion of speci c scholastic goals. Using a di erence-in-di erences approach, we nd a positive and signi cant e ect of vouchers on standardized test scores. Additionally, our results highlight the importance of conditioning the delivery of resources to some speci c academic goals when frictions exist in the education market

    Dirección, ensamble y grabación de la tuna UTP

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    Durante el segundo semestre del año 2019 se llevó a cabo un proceso de dirección, ensamble y grabación de la tuna UTP, donde participaron estudiantes de diferentes carreras, quienes hacen parte de dicho grupo desde hace alguno años, todo esto con el fin de sembrar bases musicales que les permitan a los miembros de dicho grupo a realizar montajes cada vez más exigentes, en dicho proceso se obtuvo una producción y unos arreglos musicales que servirán de evidencia y referente para nuevos montajes además que este proyecto busca que la tuna UTP se destaque como instrumento de cohesión institucional e identidad que apoyan el desarrollo de los estudiantes en sus dimensiones personal, social y profesional. Motivan la creatividad, la imaginación, el autoconocimiento, la identidad, el reconocimiento de talentos y aptitudes

    Construcción de un índice de vulnerabilidad financiera para el Ecuador

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    In this article we build a financial vulnerability index for the ecuadorian banking system during the years 2003 to 2016. The methodologies implemented were the equal variance weighting and the principal component analysis. The variables included are the ones that the Andean Community of Countries recommended for monitoring financial vulnerability. The data is stationary and a Johnnson tranformation was imposed to fulfill the assumptions about the probability distributions. The final results of each methodology were compared at the end. We conclude that the index based on the principal component analisis is prefered and that the linear transformations made, although necessary for the development of the models, at the end diminish the presision of the results.En este estudio se construyeron dos ´índices que miden la vulnerabilidad del sistema bancario ecuatoriano para los años 2003 hasta inicios del 2016. Las metodologías utilizadas fueron la de igual ponderación de la varianza y el análisis de componentes principales. Las variables incluidas son las recomendadas por la CAN para el monitoreo del sistema financiero. Se trabajo con datos estacionarios y se impusieron transformaciones lineales de Johnson para cumplir los supuestos acerca las distribuciones de probabilidad. Al final se comparó las dos metodologías en relación a los hechos históricos sucedidos durante el periodo descrito por cada ´índice. Se concluye que se prefiere el ´índice basado en el análisis de componentes principales y que la transformación lineal realizada, necesaria para el desarrollo de los modelos, resta precisión a los resultados

    Sexualidad y reproducción adolescente: un estudio sociocultural en un contexto urbano-marginal de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México

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    En esta investigación no se pretende partir de lo establecido tradicionalmente, de suponer a priori que la sexualidad y la reproducción adolescente, representan problemas necesariamente. Por el contrario, la intención es comprender con mayor precisión dichos fenómenos en referencia al contexto socioeconómico, a la familia, al grupo de pares, a la escuela y al contexto cultural en que viven y se desarrollan los adolescentes a partir de valores construidos socialmente. De ahí que se da prioridad a la voz y a la experiencia de los adolescentes, con el fin de lograr reconstruir la forma en que perciben, entienden y dan significado a la sexualidad y la reproducción a partir de su subjetividad, pues en el lenguaje, los adolescentes construyen un relato en el que vierten significados, los cuales dotan de sentido a sí mismos, a sus emociones y al mundo en que participa
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