13 research outputs found

    Marketing Mix Internacional en la captación de clientes de la agencia de viajes y turismo Jeremy Tours S.R.L. del distrito de Puente Piedra, año 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar si existe relación entre el Marketing mix internacional y captación de clientes de la agencia de viajes y turismo Jeremy Tours S.R.L. del distrito de Puente Piedra, año 2019.Este proyecto se llevó a cabo mediante el método deductivo, teniendo un enfoque cuantitativo. Se efectuó un nivel descriptivo correlacional. El tipo de desarrollo es aplicada, se utilizó para su objetivo el diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Se tomó una muestra censal de 5 personas de la empresa agencia de viajes y turismo Jeremy Tours S.R.L. del distrito de Puente Piedra, año 2019. Para la obtención de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario el cual fue validado demostrando así su confiabilidad mediante el alfa de Cromback. Este estuvo compuesto por 10 preguntas por variable siendo un total así de 20 preguntas en medición de la escala de Likert. Los resultados se obtuvieron mediante el uso del sistema SPSS para llevar a cabo así el correspondiente análisis y su contraste mediante la prueba de Spearman. Se obtuvo la comprobación de la existencia de relación entre Marketing Mix internacional y Captación de Clientes

    Estudio de mercado para la creación de una microempresa de consultoría de servicios informáticos y administrativos en la ciudad de el Rama, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Sur RACCS.

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    El presente trabajo es un estudio de mercado para la creación de una microempresa de consultoría de servicios informáticos y administrativos en la ciudad de El Rama, Región Autónoma de la Costa Caribe Sur (RACCS), muestra cuales son las principales dificultades a las que se enfrentan las microempresas de El Rama y la demanda potencial de servicios de consultoría


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    Seminario Desarrollo de Emprendedores. 2012. Carrera Odontología.Empresa cuyo producto es una solución reveladora de placa bacteriana de origen natural, a base de remolacha. El producto sirve para teñir las zonas de mayor retención de placa bacteriana, lo cual le indica a la persona las zonas que necesitan ser reforzadas con una adecuada técnica de cepillado e hilo dental. Su propósito es mejorar la salud oral y prevenir patologías orales ofreciendo un producto natural, sin efectos adversos, sin contraindicaciones y agradable al gusto de las personas. A largo plazo, pretenden colaborar en disminuir el índice de CPO (piezas Cariadas, Perdidas y Obturadas) en Nicaragua. El producto está dirigido a cualquier persona que esté interesada en mejorar la calidad de su salud bucal

    Biogeography in the deep : hierarchical population genomic structure of two beaked whale species

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    Funding for this research was provided by the Office of Naval Research, Award numbers N000141613017 and N000142112712. ABO was supported by a partial studentship from the University of St Andrews, School of Biology; OEG by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (Scottish Funding Council grant HR09011); ELC by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Aparangi; NAS by a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Innovation; MLM by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant 801199); CR by the Marine Institute (Cetaceans on the Frontier) and the Irish Research Council; and MTO by the Hartmann Foundation.The deep sea is the largest ecosystem on Earth, yet little is known about the processes driving patterns of genetic diversity in its inhabitants. Here, we investigated the macro- and microevolutionary processes shaping genomic population structure and diversity in two poorly understood, globally distributed, deep-sea predators: Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) and Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris). We used double-digest restriction associated DNA (ddRAD) and whole mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequencing to characterise genetic patterns using phylogenetic trees, cluster analysis, isolation-by-distance, genetic diversity and differentiation statistics. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; Blainville’s n = 43 samples, SNPs=13988; Cuvier’s n = 123, SNPs= 30479) and mitogenomes (Blainville’s n = 27; Cuvier’s n = 35) revealed substantial hierarchical structure at a global scale. Both species display significant genetic structure between the Atlantic, Indo-Pacific and in Cuvier’s, the Mediterranean Sea. Within major ocean basins, clear differentiation is found between genetic clusters on the east and west sides of the North Atlantic, and some distinct patterns of structure in the Indo-Pacific and Southern Hemisphere. We infer that macroevolutionary processes shaping patterns of genetic diversity include biogeographical barriers, highlighting the importance of such barriers even to highly mobile, deep-diving taxa. The barriers likely differ between the species due to their thermal tolerances and evolutionary histories. On a microevolutionary scale, it seems likely that the balance between resident populations displaying site fidelity, and transient individuals facilitating gene flow, shapes patterns of connectivity and genetic drift in beaked whales. Based on these results, we propose management units to facilitate improved conservation measures for these elusive species.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Study protocol for the multicentre cohorts of Zika virus infection in pregnant women, infants, and acute clinical cases in Latin America and the Caribbean: The ZIKAlliance consortium

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    Background: The European Commission (EC) Horizon 2020 (H2020)-funded ZIKAlliance Consortium designed a multicentre study including pregnant women (PW), children (CH) and natural history (NH) cohorts. Clinical sites were selected over a wide geographic range within Latin America and the Caribbean, taking into account the dynamic course of the ZIKV epidemic. Methods: Recruitment to the PW cohort will take place in antenatal care clinics. PW will be enrolled regardless of symptoms and followed over the course of pregnancy, approximately every 4 weeks. PW will be revisited at delivery (or after miscarriage/abortion) to assess birth outcomes, including microcephaly and other congenital abnormalities according to the evolving definition of congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). After birth, children will be followed for 2 years in the CH cohort. Follow-up visits are scheduled at ages 1-3, 4-6, 12, and 24 months to assess neurocognitive and developmental milestones. In addition, a NH cohort for the characterization of symptomatic rash/fever illness was designed, including follow-up to capture persisting health problems. Blood, urine, and other biological materials will be collected, and tested for ZIKV and other relevant arboviral diseases (dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever) using RT-PCR or serological methods. A virtual, decentralized biobank will be created. Reciprocal clinical monitoring has been established between partner sites. Substudies of ZIKV seroprevalence, transmissio

    A comparative study of welfare among ASEAN-member countries using the physical quality of life index (1981-1990)

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    Welfare economics is an approach to economic problems that is specifically oriented to the evaluation of the impact of various economic activities and measures on the well-being of individuals. It studies policy issues concerning the allocation of resources. Welfare economics, like medicine, is an applied science. It has to combine with other disciplines to show useful ways to structure and analyze issues. Welfare economics gathers together the pertinent theoretical relationships from positive to \u27\u27pure\u27\u27 economics in terms, typically, of a single end: the economic welfare of the community (Rothenberg 1961)

    Speciation in the deep : genomics and morphology reveal a new species of beaked whale Mesoplodon eueu

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    This work was supported by ONR grants N000141613017 to E.L.C. and N.A. and N00014-18-1-2808 to C.S.B.; funds from the NMNH Rebecca G. Mead and James G. Mead Marine Mammal Endowment, NSF (USA) grant no. DEB-1457735 to M.S.S., P.A.M. and J.G.; Brothers Hartmann Foundation grant no. AB28148 to M.T.O.; NMFS, BOEM, and USA Navy funding to D.Ch. under the Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species. M.L.M. was funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no 801199; E.L.C. by a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand Te Apārangi. Irish Whale and Dolphin Group Cetacean Stranding scheme is part-funded by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.The deep sea has been described as the last major ecological frontier, as much of its biodiversity is yet to be discovered and described. Beaked whales (ziphiids) are among the most visible inhabitants of the deep sea, due to their large size and worldwide distribution, and their taxonomic diversity and much about their natural history remain poorly understood. We combine genomic and morphometric analyses to reveal a new Southern Hemisphere ziphiid species, Ramari's beaked whale, Mesoplodon eueu, whose name is linked to the Indigenous peoples of the lands from which the species holotype and paratypes were recovered. Mitogenome and ddRAD-derived phylogenies demonstrate reciprocally monophyletic divergence between M. eueu and True's beaked whale (M. mirus) from the North Atlantic, with which it was previously subsumed. Morphometric analyses of skulls also distinguish the two species. A time-calibrated mitogenome phylogeny and analysis of two nuclear genomes indicate divergence began circa 2 million years ago (Ma), with geneflow ceasing 0.35–0.55 Ma. This is an example of how deep sea biodiversity can be unravelled through increasing international collaboration and genome sequencing of archival specimens. Our consultation and involvement with Indigenous peoples offers a model for broadening the cultural scope of the scientific naming process.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe