26 research outputs found

    Alternativas determinantes en valoración de inmuebles urbanos

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    En multitud de actos económicos resulta necesario conocer el valor de los activos implicados. La valoración inmobiliaria es una de las que más frecuentemente afecta a los ciudadanos, dado que se encuentra presente en numerosas situaciones cotidianas. Desde la perspectiva de la Administración Pública, la valoración de inmuebles también es de transcendental importancia, debido a que buena parte del sistema impositivo tiene su base en el gravamen de bienes inmuebles. La complejidad del mercado inmobiliario ha favorecido la aparición y el desarrollo de metodologías alternativas a las que tradicionalmente han sido utilizadas en la valoración de inmuebles. Estos métodos más avanzados presentan unas características significativamente diferentes de los tradicionales y se basan fundamentalmente en la utilización de técnicas matemáticas para la estimación del valor, mediante la construcción de modelos. La vivienda y el local comercial constituyen los tipos de inmueble urbanos que más frecuentemente son objeto de valoración. Resulta de interés, por tanto, conocer, en primer lugar, cuáles son las distintas metodologías alternativas disponibles para la valoración de inmuebles urbanos y, en segundo lugar, cuáles son los principales determinantes del precio tanto de la vivienda como del local comercial

    Are there differences in the perception of climate change among farmers? Empirical evidence in the Mediterranean basin

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    El sector agrario en latitudes mediterráneas es uno de los más castigados por el cambio climático, caracterizado principalmente por la incidencia de sequías prolongadas que ponen en riesgo la productividad de las cosechas. El presente trabajo persigue como principal objetivo analizar las percepciones acerca del cambio climático de agricultores de regadío ubicados en la cuenca mediterránea. Mediante análisis estadístico por conglomerados jerárquicos, se obtuvieron tres tipologías de agricultores entre los que se evidenciaron diferencias en cuanto a tres modalidades de factores: (1) conciencia de situaciones climatológicas extraordinarias adversas que en los últimos años han provocado daños en sus cultivos, (2) características sociodemográficas del agricultor y (3) atributos de su explotación. Los resultados deberían ser considerados, con objeto de mejorar la comprensión de las percepciones del agricultor, a la hora de formular políticas gubernamentales y ante posibles adaptaciones relacionadas con el cambio climático y la agricultura.The agricultural sector in Mediterranean latitudes is one of the most affected by climate change, mainly characterized by the incidence of prolonged droughts that jeopardize crop productivity. The main objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions of climate change among irrigation farmers located in the Mediterranean basin. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, three typologies of farmers were identified, revealing differences in three sets of factors: (1) awareness of adverse climatic events that have caused damages to their crops in recent years, (2) sociodemographic characteristics of the farmers, and (3) attributes of their farms. The results should be taken into consideration to enhance the understanding of farmers' perceptions when formulating government policies and potential adaptations related to climate change and agriculture

    How to achieve economic development through tourism? Different ways for different economies: A new approach through fuzzy set qualitative comparative análisis

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    Policy makers and tourism investors have a limited vision of how a certain level of tourism development is possible depending on country-specific conditions such as incomes and competitiveness factors. In this context, the aim of this research is to identify different strategies or solutions, based on different drivers of tourism competitiveness, that lead to tourism development in countries with different levels of per capita income. To this end, the Travel & Tourism Development Index will be used to answer the research questions raised. This paper proposes the use of an alternative methodology such as fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). As a result, a total of eight different strategies which lead to tourism development have been identified for the different categories considered, identifying the key drivers to achieve such development for the different economies

    Artificial neural networks for predicting real estate prices

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    Econometric models, in the estimation of real estate prices, are a useful and realistic approach for buyers and for local and fiscal authorities. From the classical hedonic models to more data driven procedures, based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), many papers have appeared in economic literature trying to compare the results attained with both approaches. We insist on the use of ANN, when there is enough statistical information, and will detail some comparisons to hedonic modeling, in a medium size city in the South of Spain, with an extensive set of data spanning over several years, collected before the actual downturn of the market. Exogenous variables include each dwelling's external and internal data (both numerical and qualitative), and data from the building in which it is located and its surroundings. Alternative models are estimated for several time intervals, and enabling the comparison of the effects of the rising prices during the bull market over the last decade

    Do psychographic variables influence resident attitudes towards tourism? Evidence from Cordoba, Spain–A World Heritage City

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    This study explores residents’ attitudes towards tourism in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Within this context, our overall aim was to determine whether the host community’s attitudes towards tourism were shared by all members or, in contrast, were far from homogeneous. And if the latter, to characterize resident profiles to determine the specific factors behind the differences. In conjunction with the traditional sociodemographic factors, we also used new pioneering variables associated with the pandemic including two psychographic factors: perceived risk and perceived economic crisis. The empirical study was performed in a type of tourist destination seldom explored in terms of community segmentation: a World Heritage City. The results highlight that by using sociodemographic factors, dependence on tourism, and psychographic factors, it was possible to identify three different segments of residents. By using a decision tree in a novel way, it was determined that the psychographic factors show higher discriminant potential. Obtaining different resident profiles according to attitudes towards tourism is of paramount interest, especially for the correct management of sustainable tourism destinations. And even more so in the context of a crisis as it enables public tourism managers to design differentiated strategies for each profile aimed at maximizing support from the host community, given the importance of residents’ behavior as an integral part of the tourism produc

    Open the doors to tourism or remain cautious: residents’ dilemma amidst a pandemic

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    During a pandemic, residents of tourism destinations face the dilemma of whether to welcome tourists to help the economy rebound or to oppose their arrival to minimize the risk of contagion. This paper examines the influence of residents’ perception of the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic and the health risks associated with tourist arrivals on their attitudes towards tourism impacts and willingness to support tourism development. To this end, a novel model is tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). The potential moderating effect of belonging to certain population groups is also analysed, namely (i) having a household member linked to the tourism sector, (ii) residing in the city centre, and (iii) belonging to a COVID-19 risk group. Perceived risk of contagion was found to be a stronger predictor of residents’ support for tourism development than perception of the economic crisis; an effect that increases notably among residents of the most popular tourist areas of the city. These empirical findings provide useful information with a view to designing destination planning strategies during and after the pandemic

    Willingness to Pay by Tourist Companies for Improving Sustainability and Competitiveness in a Mature Destination

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    Sustainability is becoming, in itself, an element of differentiation and competitiveness in tourism markets. However, the transition to sustainable tourism is a difficult task that requires time, money, and the willingness of stakeholders. The aim of this research is to estimate which factors explain tourism companies’ willingness to pay (WTP) the most widely accepted tax instruments, which can be used to finance subsequent policy development related to the sustainability of the destination. The factors that influence WTP of the most accepted instruments are also identified through a logistic regression model. The study was carried out in Andalusia, a popular tourist region in Spain. To this end, a survey was carried out of 916 tourism companies. The results obtained show that the factors that influence tourism companies’ willingness to pay are: commercial activity, business size, and annual turnover. In addition, taxes related to environmental protection generate greater WTP among tourism companies

    Valuation models for holiday rentals’ daily rates: price composition based on Booking.com

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    In recent years, the number of sharing economy accommodations has grown exponentially due to the Internet and peer-to-peer networks, which has made researchers increasingly interested in analysing this new type of lodging. This study sought to develop models that determine the significant variables for the daily price of staying in holiday rentals based on data extracted from Booking.com and other sources. The hedonic pricing method (HPM) was selected to conduct the research as this methodology has been widely used in real estate valuation and hotel daily rate determination; however, the HPM is still rarely used for holiday rentals. The study focused on the city of Seville, where a notable increase in holiday rentals has been observed in recent years. Variables related to the accommodation typology, including location, size and equipment, as well as seasonality, are the most influential factors in the proposed models. These results are of interest to both owners and users of holiday rentals and can help these individuals to determine if the price of a stay is what would commonly be offered in the market under normal circumstances.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Teaching material for the visibilization of models in the female entrepreneurship. Raising awareness in self-employment

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    En un momento de grandes cambios, la docencia universitaria no se encuentra ajena a los retos y necesidades planteados por la sociedad en la que desenvuelve su actividad. Juega una especial importancia el papel de la mujer como agente dinamizador de la actividad económica. En este sentido la universidad debe de tratar de fomentar el espíritu emprendedor entre el alumnado. Según esto, este proyecto se orienta hacia la elaboración de material docente para la mejora de la visibilización del rol empresarial de la mujer mediante la elaboración de casos de emprendimiento femenino. El material docente se ha materializado en un libro coeditado por el Consejo Social de la universidad de Córdoba, la Fundación Caja Rural del Sur y la editorial Tirant lo Blanc (indexada en el primer cuartil del índice SPI). Dicho material proporciona una variada selección de casos reales que el alumno puede consultar convirtiéndose así en un complemento didáctico esencial en la Asignatura de Creación de Empresas. Además, a medio plazo, este libro, mediante su continua utilización en próximos cursos, podría permitir hacer un seguimiento y medición de las tasas de respuesta en intención emprendedora entre los alumnos.In a time of great changes, university teaching is not alien to the challenges and needs that the society in which it develops its activity poses. The role of women as a dynamic agent of economic activity plays a special role. In this sense, the university should try to foster an entrepreneurial spirit among the students. According to this, this project is oriented towards the development of teaching material for the visibility of female entrepreneurship cases. The teaching material has materialized in a book in editing process coedited by the social council of the University of Córdoba and the publishing house Tirant lo Blanc (indexed in the first quartile of the SPI index). This material provides a selection of real and varied cases that the student can consult, thus becoming an essential didactic complement in the Business Creation Course. In the medium term, this book, through its continuous use in future courses, could allow to track and measure response rates entrepreneurial intention among students