476 research outputs found

    Les institutions culturelles en coopération avec les communautés en ligne. L’exemple du Wikipédien en résidence

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    Le web social permet de nouvelles interactions avec les usagers des institutions culturelles dont le recours à des communautés en ligne (Flickr, Wikimedia) afin de promouvoir et enrichir leurs collections. La coopération avec ces communautés ainsi que l'engagement de certaines d'entre elles envers des institutions culturelles nous amènent à reconsidérer l'usage du terme générique "crowdsourcing" utilisé pour décrire ce phénomène. Basé sur une enquête internationale, cette étude s'intéresse au cas particulier du Wikipédien en résidence (WiR) qui officie en tant que représentant et conseiller de Wikimédia au sein de l'institution culturelle. S'ils sont expérimentés dans le monde Wikimedia, une grande majorité des WiRs ne viennent pas du milieu des institutions culturelles. Diverses, les activités qu'ils mènent sont orientées à la fois sur l'amélioration de la qualité des projets Wikimedia, sur la promotion des collections de l'institution culturelle et sur la formation des professsionnels de l'information. Ce travail s'arrête également sur les buts, les points de convergence et les obstacles à une collaboration entre les institutions culturelles et Wikimedia qui partagent l'idéal de transmettre librement et sans discrimination des informations au plus grand nombre de personnes. En outre, l'étude montre que la grande majorité des institutions culturelles ayant recruté un WiR continue à collaborer avec Wikimedia et a acquis une indépendance dans la participation à certains projets

    Les enquêtes sur le SIDA en Afrique

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    A travers cet article est analysé l'intérêt des enquêtes sur le SIDA pour mesurer l'ampleur de la maladie au sein de la population, mais également pour analyser les connaissances et attitudes vis-à-vis de cette maladie afin de mieux organiser les campagnes de prévention. Il s'agit donc de mener d'une part des enquêtes de type épidémiologique mais également de type socio-démographique et anthropologique pour étudier les attitudes face à la maladie. (Résumé d'auteur

    Slow sedimentation and deformability of charged lipid vesicles

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    The study of vesicles in suspension is important to understand the complicated dynamics exhibited by cells in vivo and in vitro. We developed a computer simulation based on the boundary-integral method to model the three dimensional gravity-driven sedimentation of charged vesicles towards a flat surface. The membrane mechanical behavior was modeled using the Helfrich Hamiltonian and near incompressibility of the membrane was enforced via a model which accounts for the thermal fluctuations of the membrane. The simulations were verified and compared to experimental data obtained using suspended vesicles labelled with a fluorescent probe, which allows visualization using fluorescence microscopy and confers the membrane with a negative surface charge. The electrostatic interaction between the vesicle and the surface was modeled using the linear Derjaguin approximation for a low ionic concentration solution. The sedimentation rate as a function of the distance of the vesicle to the surface was determined both experimentally and from the computer simulations. The gap between the vesicle and the surface, as well as the shape of the vesicle at equilibrium were also studied. It was determined that inclusion of the electrostatic interaction is fundamental to accurately predict the sedimentation rate as the vesicle approaches the surface and the size of the gap at equilibrium, we also observed that the presence of charge in the membrane increases its rigidity

    Breathers in inhomogeneous nonlinear lattices: an analysis via centre manifold reduction

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    We consider an infinite chain of particles linearly coupled to their nearest neighbours and subject to an anharmonic local potential. The chain is assumed weakly inhomogeneous. We look for small amplitude discrete breathers. The problem is reformulated as a nonautonomous recurrence in a space of time-periodic functions, where the dynamics is considered along the discrete spatial coordinate. We show that small amplitude oscillations are determined by finite-dimensional nonautonomous mappings, whose dimension depends on the solutions frequency. We consider the case of two-dimensional reduced mappings, which occurs for frequencies close to the edges of the phonon band. For an homogeneous chain, the reduced map is autonomous and reversible, and bifurcations of reversible homoclinics or heteroclinic solutions are found for appropriate parameter values. These orbits correspond respectively to discrete breathers, or dark breathers superposed on a spatially extended standing wave. Breather existence is shown in some cases for any value of the coupling constant, which generalizes an existence result obtained by MacKay and Aubry at small coupling. For an inhomogeneous chain the study of the nonautonomous reduced map is in general far more involved. For the principal part of the reduced recurrence, using the assumption of weak inhomogeneity, we show that homoclinics to 0 exist when the image of the unstable manifold under a linear transformation intersects the stable manifold. This provides a geometrical understanding of tangent bifurcations of discrete breathers. The case of a mass impurity is studied in detail, and our geometrical analysis is successfully compared with direct numerical simulations

    Modeling an Evolutionary Conserved Circadian Cis-Element

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    Circadian oscillator networks rely on a transcriptional activator called CLOCK/CYCLE (CLK/CYC) in insects and CLOCK/BMAL1 or NPAS2/BMAL1 in mammals. Identifying the targets of this heterodimeric basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor poses challenges and it has been difficult to decipher its specific sequence affinity beyond a canonical E-box motif, except perhaps for some flanking bases contributing weakly to the binding energy. Thus, no good computational model presently exists for predicting CLK/CYC, CLOCK/BMAL1, or NPAS2/BMAL1 targets. Here, we use a comparative genomics approach and first study the conservation properties of the best-known circadian enhancer: a 69-bp element upstream of the Drosophila melanogaster period gene. This fragment shows a signal involving the presence of two closely spaced E-box–like motifs, a configuration that we can also detect in the other four prominent CLK/CYC target genes in flies: timeless, vrille, Pdp1, and cwo. This allows for the training of a probabilistic sequence model that we test using functional genomics datasets. We find that the predicted sequences are overrepresented in promoters of genes induced in a recent study by a glucocorticoid receptor-CLK fusion protein. We then scanned the mouse genome with the fly model and found that many known CLOCK/BMAL1 targets harbor sequences matching our consensus. Moreover, the phase of predicted cyclers in liver agreed with known CLOCK/BMAL1 regulation. Taken together, we built a predictive model for CLK/CYC or CLOCK/BMAL1-bound cis-enhancers through the integration of comparative and functional genomics data. Finally, a deeper phylogenetic analysis reveals that the link between the CLOCK/BMAL1 complex and the circadian cis-element dates back to before insects and vertebrates diverged

    Visual and auditory perceptual strength norms for 3,596 French nouns and their relationship with other psycholinguistic variables

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    Perceptual experience plays a critical role in the conceptual representation of words. Higher levels of semantic variables such as imageability, concreteness, and sensory experience are generally associated with faster and more accurate word processing. Nevertheless, these variables tend to be assessed mostly on the basis of visual experience. This underestimates the potential contributions of other perceptual modalities. Accordingly, recent evidence has stressed the importance of providing modality-specific perceptual strength norms. In the present study, we developed French Canadian norms of visual and auditory perceptual strength (i.e., the modalities that have major impact on word processing) for 3,596 nouns. We then explored the relationship between these newly developed variables and other lexical, orthographic, and semantic variables. Finally, we demonstrated the contributions of visual and auditory perceptual strength ratings to visual word processing beyond those of other semantic variables related to perceptual experience (e.g., concreteness, imageability, and sensory experience ratings). The ratings developed in this study are a meaningful contribution toward the implementation of new studies that will shed further light on the interaction between linguistic, semantic, and perceptual systems

    Rhythmic glucose metabolism regulates the redox circadian clockwork in human red blood cells

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    Circadian clocks coordinate mammalian behavior and physiology enabling organisms to anticipate 24-hour cycles. Transcription-translation feedback loops are thought to drive these clocks in most of mammalian cells. However, red blood cells (RBCs), which do not contain a nucleus, and cannot perform transcription or translation, nonetheless exhibit circadian redox rhythms. Here we show human RBCs display circadian regulation of glucose metabolism, which is required to sustain daily redox oscillations. We found daily rhythms of metabolite levels and flux through glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). We show that inhibition of critical enzymes in either pathway abolished 24-hour rhythms in metabolic flux and redox oscillations, and determined that metabolic oscillations are necessary for redox rhythmicity. Furthermore, metabolic flux rhythms also occur in nucleated cells, and persist when the core transcriptional circadian clockwork is absent in Bmal1 knockouts. Thus, we propose that rhythmic glucose metabolism is an integral process in circadian rhythms. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Deterministic assembly of linear gold nanorod chains as a platform for nanoscale applications

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    We demonstrate a method to assemble gold nanorods highly deterministically into a chain formation by means of directed capillary assembly. This way we achieved straight chains consisting of end-to-end aligned gold nanorods assembled in one specific direction with well-controlled gaps of [similar]6 nm between the individual constituents. We determined the conditions for optimum quality and yield of nanorod chain assembly by investigating the influence of template dimensions and assembly temperature. In addition, we transferred the gold nanorod chains from the assembly template onto a Si/SiO2 target substrate, thus establishing a platform for a variety of nanoscale electronic and optical applications ranging from molecular electronics to optical and plasmonic devices. As a first example, electrical measurements are performed on contacted gold nanorod chains before and after their immersion in a solution of thiol end-capped oligophenylenevinylene molecules showing an increase in the conductance by three orders of magnitude, indicating molecular-mediated transport