3 research outputs found

    Tillage and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Area- and Yield-Scaled Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Pre-Plant Anhydrous Ammonia

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    Precision-guided technologies enable corn (Zea mays L.) growers to apply pre-plant anhydrous ammonia (NH3) parallel to intended corn rows even when full-width tillage follows NH3 application. Close, but crop-safe, proximity of NH3 to corn rows may potentially increase N use efficiency and lower N requirements and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Experiments in 2011 and 2012 on silty clay loam Mollisol near West Lafayette, IN, assessed area- and yield-scaled N2O emissions when spring pre-plant NH3 was applied at recommended (202 kg N ha−1) and reduced rate (145 kg N ha−1), in no-till (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) systems following NT soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. Each 12-cm deep NH3 band was positioned 15 cm from, and parallel to, intended corn rows using precision guidance. Nitrification of NH3 in application bands was 31% faster under CT than NT. Area- and grain yield-scaled N2O emissions were N rate dependent in both growing seasons. On average, CT+202 kg N resulted in highest area-scaled (mean = 2.45 kg N ha−1) and grain yield-scaled (mean = 360 g N Mg−1) N2O emissions. In contrast, CT+145 kg N had similar yield-scaled emissions as NT+202 and NT+145 kg N, and reduced area-scaled N2O emissions by 65, 45, and 19% respectively, relative to CT+202 kg N, NT+202 kg N, and NT+145 kg N treatments. These preliminary results suggest that reducing pre-plant NH3 rates by ∼30% under CT has the potential to reduce N2O emissions without significant yield declines in the CT phase of a NT–CT rotation, despite faster nitrification in CT

    Achieving Lower Nitrogen Balance and Higher Nitrogen Recovery Efficiency Reduces Nitrous Oxide Emissions in North America's Maize Cropping Systems

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    Few studies have assessed the common, yet unproven, hypothesis that an increase of plant nitrogen (N) uptake and/or recovery efficiency (NRE) will reduce nitrous oxide (N2O) emission during crop production. Understanding the relationships between N2O emissions and crop N uptake and use efficiency parameters can help inform crop N management recommendations for both efficiency and environmental goals. Analyses were conducted to determine which of several commonly used crop N uptake-derived parameters related most strongly to growing season N2O emissions under varying N management practices in North American maize systems. Nitrogen uptake-derived variables included total aboveground N uptake (TNU), grain N uptake (GNU), N recovery efficiency (NRE), net N balance (NNB) in relation to GNU [NNB(GNU)] and TNU [NNB(TNU)], and surplus N (SN). The relationship between N2O and N application rate was sigmoidal with relatively small emissions for N rates <130 kg ha−1, and a sharp increase for N rates from 130 to 220 kg ha−1; on average, N2O increased linearly by about 5 g N per kg of N applied for rates up to 220 kg ha−1. Fairly strong and significant negative relationships existed between N2O and NRE when management focused on N application rate (r2 = 0.52) or rate and timing combinations (r2 = 0.65). For every percentage point increase, N2O decreased by 13 g N ha−1 in response to N rates, and by 20 g N ha−1 for NRE changes in response to rate-by-timing treatments. However, more consistent positive relationships (R2 = 0.73–0.77) existed between N2O and NNB(TNU), NNB(GNU), and SN, regardless of rate and timing of N application; on average N2O emission increased by about 5, 7, and 8 g N, respectively, per kg increase of NNB(GNU), NNB(TNU), and SN. Neither N source nor placement influenced the relationship between N2O and NRE. Overall, our analysis indicated that a careful selection of appropriate N rate applied at the right time can both increase NRE and reduce N2O. However, N2O reduction benefits of optimum N rate-by-timing practices were achieved most consistently with management systems that reduced NNB through an increase of grain N removal or total plant N uptake relative to the total fertilizer N applied to maize. Future research assessing crop or N management effects on N2O should include N uptake parameter measurements to better understand N2O emission relationships to plant NRE and N uptake