235 research outputs found

    FAIR Assessment Tools: An evaluation of assessment tools of data sets according to the FAIR principles

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    Seit der Veröffentlichung der FAIR Prinzipien im Jahr 2016 gewinnen diese immer mehr an Bedeutung. Seither wurden verschiedene Tools entwickelt, die dabei helfen sollen publizierte Daten hinsichtlich der ErfĂŒllung der FAIR Prinzipien zu bewerten. Bei den derzeit angebotenen Fair Assessment Tools gibt es eine große Bandbreite. Sie reicht von einfachen ausdruckbaren PDF-Checklisten zu vollautomatischen Tools die nur eine DOI oder URL brauchen, um die Bewertung durchzufĂŒhren. Forschende, die sich Feedback zur Optimierung des eigenen Datensatzes bezĂŒglich der FAIR Prinzipien erhoffen, haben andere Anforderungen als Data Stewards, die einen schnellen Überblick ĂŒber die QualitĂ€t der im Repositorium veröffentlichten DatensĂ€tze brauchen. Um eine Orientierung zu bekommen, welche Tools fĂŒr welchen Nutzerkreis und welche Fragestellung geeignet sind, haben wir die im Zeitraum von Juli bis Dezember 2022 verfĂŒgbaren FAIR Assessment Tools evaluiert. Wir haben in unserer Bewertung unter anderem folgende Aspekte betrachtet: die Dauer der Bearbeitung, Zielgruppe des Tools, ob Vorkenntnisse (im Bereich IT und FDM) notwendig sind fĂŒr die Verwendung des Tools sowie fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis der Ergebnisse. Das Poster fasst die Auswertung der FAIR Assessment Tools zusammen indem es sie vier Kategorien zuordnet: Fully Configurable Tools, Automatic Tools, Improved Survey Tools und Regular List Tools. Die Kategorisierung gibt einen Überblick und unterstĂŒtzt so bei der Auswahl des fĂŒr die eigenen BedĂŒrfnisse entsprechenden Tools

    Twelve Weeks of Nitrate, Beta-Alanine, or Combined Treatment in NCAA Division III Male Soccer Players

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    In a sport of long duration, such as soccer, with many high-intensity bouts interspersed within the match, enhancing performance to last the duration of the match and maintain high levels of intensity is paramount. Thus, with proper nutrition and physical preparation, supplements such as beta-alanine (due to its intracellular buffering capacity) and nitrate (due to its vasodilatory and ergogenic effects in endurance exercise) may have value in this population. PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of chronic supplementation with nitrate, beta-alanine, or combined treatment in NCAA Division III male soccer players. METHODS: Twenty-two NCAA Division III male soccer players (age: 19.1 ± 1.1yrs; mass: 74.8 ± 8.0kg; body fat: 13.6 ± 4.0%) were randomly assigned into one of four groups: nitrate plus placebo (NIT), beta-alanine plus placebo (BA), placebo (PLA), or active treatments (ACT) and participated in this 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled study. At pre-intervention testing, participants completed body composition measures, VO2 max, 30-second Wingate test on day one, and 40-yard dash and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery: Level 2 (YOYOIR2) on day two and testing sessions were repeated at 6- and 12-weeks post training and supplementation. A 4x3 repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze the data with a-priori p value set at ≀0.05. RESULTS: There was a significant time effect for the following variables indicating that the training protocol induced performance adaptations: VO2 max (p = 0.0), Wingate peak power and mean power (p = 0.04; p = 0.006), 40-yard dash (p = 0.003), and YOYOIR2 (p = 0.0). Change in performance over time (% change) for VO2 max was NIT: 9%, BA: 7%, ACT: 12% vs PLA: 8%. Wingate mean power % change was NIT: 17%, BA: 6%, ACT: 4% vs PLA: 5%. Wingate peak power % change was NIT: 10%, BA: 11%, ACT: 10% vs PLA: 9%. YOYOIR2 % change was NIT: 48%, BA: 54%, ACT: 74% vs PLA: 10%. Despite this, there were no significant group by time effects for any variables. CONCLUSION: Although further research is warranted, addition of these supplements may be beneficial to soccer players

    Stability is Stable: Connections between Replicability, Privacy, and Adaptive Generalization

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    The notion of replicable algorithms was introduced in Impagliazzo et al. [STOC '22] to describe randomized algorithms that are stable under the resampling of their inputs. More precisely, a replicable algorithm gives the same output with high probability when its randomness is fixed and it is run on a new i.i.d. sample drawn from the same distribution. Using replicable algorithms for data analysis can facilitate the verification of published results by ensuring that the results of an analysis will be the same with high probability, even when that analysis is performed on a new data set. In this work, we establish new connections and separations between replicability and standard notions of algorithmic stability. In particular, we give sample-efficient algorithmic reductions between perfect generalization, approximate differential privacy, and replicability for a broad class of statistical problems. Conversely, we show any such equivalence must break down computationally: there exist statistical problems that are easy under differential privacy, but that cannot be solved replicably without breaking public-key cryptography. Furthermore, these results are tight: our reductions are statistically optimal, and we show that any computational separation between DP and replicability must imply the existence of one-way functions. Our statistical reductions give a new algorithmic framework for translating between notions of stability, which we instantiate to answer several open questions in replicability and privacy. This includes giving sample-efficient replicable algorithms for various PAC learning, distribution estimation, and distribution testing problems, algorithmic amplification of ÎŽ\delta in approximate DP, conversions from item-level to user-level privacy, and the existence of private agnostic-to-realizable learning reductions under structured distributions.Comment: STOC 2023, minor typos fixe

    Salmonella typhimurium fecal shedding following Salmonella choleraesuis-thyphimurium vaccination via drinking water and subsequent challenge

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    Salmonella typhimurium (ST) is a primary cause of enteritis and subclinical production losses in growing or finishing swine. Due to the zoonotic potential, intervention programs for ST have been established attempting to reduce carcass contamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate Salmonella fecal shedding of pigs vaccinated with a commercial, avirulent live culture (ALC) Salmonella Choleraesuis-Typhimurium vaccine when challenged with virulent ST

    Erstellung und Realisierung einer institutionellen Forschungsdaten-Policy

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    Die Hochschulrektorenkonferenz hat 2015 Empfehlungen zum Forschungsdatenmanagement verfasst, worin den Hochschulen nahegelegt wurde eigene Forschungsdaten-Policies zu verabschieden. Ziel sei es, den Hochschulangehörigen mehr Orientierung im Forschungsdatenmanagement zu geben. Umfang, Inhalt und der Verabschiedungsprozess einer Forschungsdaten-Policy können jedoch stark voneinander abweichen. Die vorliegende Empfehlung sowie die zugehörigen Erfahrungsberichte geben einen Überblick ĂŒber die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung einer Policy sowie Wege zu deren Erstellung. Neben einer Definition von Forschungsdaten-Policies sowie einer tabellarischen Übersicht thematischer Bausteine werden Empfehlungen zur Erstellung und Verabschiedung gegeben

    A Novel Closed-Head Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Caused by Primary Overpressure Blast to the Cranium Produces Sustained Emotional Deficits in Mice

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    Emotional disorders are a common outcome from mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) in humans, but their pathophysiological basis is poorly understood. We have developed a mouse model of closed-head blast injury using an air pressure wave delivered to a small area on one side of the cranium, to create mild TBI. We found that 20-psi blasts in 3-month-old C57BL/6 male mice yielded no obvious behavioral or histological evidence of brain injury, while 25–40 psi blasts produced transient anxiety in an open field arena but little histological evidence of brain damage. By contrast, 50–60 psi blasts resulted in anxiety-like behavior in an open field arena that became more evident with time after blast. In additional behavioral tests conducted 2–8 weeks after blast, 50–60 psi mice also demonstrated increased acoustic startle, perseverance of learned fear, and enhanced contextual fear, as well as depression-like behavior and diminished prepulse inhibition. We found no evident cerebral pathology, but did observe scattered axonal degeneration in brain sections from 50 to 60 psi mice 3–8 weeks after blast. Thus, the TBI caused by single 50–60 psi blasts in mice exhibits the minimal neuronal loss coupled to “diffuse” axonal injury characteristic of human mild TBI. A reduction in the abundance of a subpopulation of excitatory projection neurons in basolateral amygdala enriched in Thy1 was, however, observed. The reported link of this neuronal population to fear suppression suggests their damage by mild TBI may contribute to the heightened anxiety and fearfulness observed after blast in our mice. Our overpressure air blast model of concussion in mice will enable further studies of the mechanisms underlying the diverse emotional deficits seen after mild TBI
