319 research outputs found

    Makrellundersøkelser vest for De britiske øyer i mai 1972

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    In the period from 3 to 25 May mackerel taggings were carried out southwest and northwest of Ireland and at the Otterbank with the R. V. «Havdrøn». In total 5 086 mackerel were tagged. More than 75 % of the total number were released southwest of Ireland

    Merkeforsøk med makrell i irske farvann i mai 1978 med F/F "Havdrøn"

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    During the period 11 to 22 May a total of 18 169 mackerel was tagged off the southwestern coast of Ireland. Internal tags of stainless steel were used, and the fish was caught by jig

    Native Speaker Stance-Taking In A Multinational Conference Call

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    The present study examines the stance-taking measures of a native speaker director in a conference call, focusing on social contexts where foreign speakers are also involved. The transcript used in this study is comprised of a global departmental team meeting call from a multinational company based in Austin, TX. Subjects are native and nonnative co-workers or specialists in the field of home vacation rental and a native director. The analysis aims at finding what different stance-taking measures are enacted by the director throughout this conference call, what linguistic strategies are used to claim authority, and whether different strategies or stances are used towards nonnative speakers. Primarily, this study intended to address features of foreigner talk; however, no strong indications of usage of this register were found. With the purpose of accounting for style-shifting and linguistic strategies, the quantitative analysis will look at the frequency distribution of non-contracted forms for evidence of elision avoidance, and verify whether the director uses careful articulation by analyzing the number of words used per minute. The qualitative analysis will explore lexical choices, stress on both content and function words, and stance-taking measures used towards native and nonnative participants. The objective of this study is to understand how authority is expressed and how language and stance are used as tools for claiming and maintaining authority in a setting where the director does not have any visual contact with the participants

    Sentrale variabler i forstĂĄelsen av spilleavhengighet

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    Spilleavhengighet er et sterkt voksende fenomen. Det gjør at behovet for å forstå forhold som påvirker spilleavhengighet er viktig. I denne artikkelen diskuteres det atferdsanalytiske perspektivet i forståelsen av spilleavhengighet. Atferdsanalyse innebærer en vitenskapelig tilnærming til analyse av atferd der en søker å finne relasjonelle forhold mellom atferd og miljøbetingelser. Variabler som forsterkningsskjemaer, overtroisk atferd og illusjon av kontroll, det å utsette konsekvenser og delayed discounting, verbal atferd, overføring av stimulusfunksjoner er relevante i forståelse av spilleavhengighet. For eksempel vurderes verbal atferd og regelstyrt atferd som særs vesentlig i etableringen og opprettholdelsen av overdreven spilling. Eksperimentelle prosedyrer der en studerer verbal atferd blir diskutert. I forhold til verbal atferd diskuteres også protokollanalyse med "tenk høyt" prosedyren. Denne prosedyren kan være et nyttig redskap for å undersøke selvgenererte regler hos spilleavhengige personer. På tross av at det eksisterer en solid kunnskap om spilleavhengighet som er bygd på empiriske studier, mener forfatterne at spilleavhengighet bør være et interessant forskningsområde for atferdsanalytikere.Gambling is a growing problem in the world, therefore, it is important to understand the variables that affect gambling. The present article will discuss the behavior analytic perspective, which has a scientific approach to the understanding of behavior and attempts to find the functional relationships between the behavior and other relevant environmental conditions. Variables such as reinforcement schedules, different verbal operants, transfer of stimulusfunctions, delayed consequences, delayed discounting, and superstition illusion of control seem to be important in the understanding of gambling behavior. The role of verbal behavior and rule-governed behavior are specifically discussed as central components of the establishment and maintenance of excessive gambling. Experimental procedures in the study verbal behavior are discussed along with the protocol analysis with the “think aloud” procedure, a procedure that seems to be useful for the study of self-generated rules in people with gambling problems. In spite of the existence of general empirical and cumulative knowledge about the development of gambling behaviour, the authors argue that gambling should be a relevant focus of research for behavior analysts

    Melaina Kole

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    Denne mastergradsavhandlingen er et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid om melankoli og avhengighetssamfunnet gjennom autetnografi og fenomenologi, analysert opp i mot utvalgte teorier og empiri. Ved systematisk oppføring av teoretiske perspektiver, metoder og melankoli har jeg siktet mot å tilegne meg så mye data som mulig, for å øke sjangsen for suksess ved definering av melankoli, og å utforske begrepets bruk og verdi gjennom empiri, historiske perspektiver og vitenskapsteorier. I den kunstneriske utforskningen vil avhengighetssamfunnet være hoved-temaet, men forbindelsen mellom melankoli og avhengighetssamfunnet er målet for det kreative eksperimentet som er den performative medieproduksjonen

    Hva med oss andre som bor her? Profesjonsetiske utfordringer i møte med fosterforeldres egne barn

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    My thesis is both an empirical and ethical study, which means that I do an ethical analysis of the empirical material. The empirical part of the study is a qualitative analysis of how challenges in foster care placement may impact on foster carers’ own children. This is followed by an ethical analysis of professional ethical challenges raised by the circumstances of foster carers’ children. To identify such challenges, knowledge about the foster sibling relationship, first and foremost through the life experiences of children of foster parents, is crucial. In Norway, limited research attention is given to how the foster parents’ own children make meaning of their role and participation in foster care. International studies on experiences of biological children in foster care abroad, have found potential tensions and risk of loss and difficulties growing up with foster siblings and conclude that more research is needed. The lacuna of this research is professional discussions on how ethical dilemmas and challenges are embedded in foster care, and the moral responsibility of the social workers for the wellbeing of these children. In this way, the study can be said to focus on ethical issues in social work practice, more specifically on how professionals encounter ethical difficulties in their professional relationship with biological children in foster families. The main issue in my research project is: what professional ethical challenges can foster care placement represent regarding foster carers’ own children as an affected third party? The overall aim of the study is guided by four research questions: 1. How do children of foster carers reflect upon their own experiences with growing up with foster siblings? 2. How do foster parents reflect on how foster care placement impact on their own children? 3. How can my results in research question 1 and 2 bring up professional ethical challenges? 4. In what ways do guidelines, legislation and social politics governing Foster Care take foster carers’ own children into consideration?publishedVersio

    Mackerel investigations west of the British Isles in May 1972

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    In the period from 3 to 25 May mackerel taggings were carried out southwest and northwest of Ireland and at the Otterbank with the R. V. «Havdrøn». In total 5 086 mackerel were tagged. More than 75 % of the total number were released southwest of Ireland

    Rights and responsibilities : intellectual disability in China : family, governmental and non-governmental care

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    According to the latest official survey (2005) there are 5.54 million people with intellectual disabilities in China. The large majority of these are still confined to the home, depending on their families for any needed assistance. One of the organisations that do provide services for people with intellectual disabilities is Huiling. Huiling is a Chinese non-governmental organisation currently operating in twelve cities all over the country. When founded in 1985, it was the first organisation offering services to people with intellectual disabilities in China. The two questions discussed are: First, who has responsibility for the welfare of people with intellectual disabilities in China? Second, what are the general and more specific strategies Huiling is pursuing in the organisation’s work with and for people with intellectual disabilities? The short answer to the first question is the family, yet there has been some changes in the last two decades that may indicate there is an increased awareness on disability-issues in China, and as a result the government is offering more services to people with intellectual disabilities, and is also opening up for more non-governmental organisations to do the same. The short answer to the second question is that Huiling, from starting out as provider of care in the form of covering the most basic needs, like eating and a place to sleep, has developed and now works towards the more ambitious goal that “persons with intellectual disabilities should have the same rights as others.” The organisation now works actively, and with several approaches, towards giving people with intellectual disabilities a more visible and independent role in society. Huiling can be said to have a double objective with its services: On one side it tries to influence society to accommodate people with intellectual disabilities. This is primarily achieved through the organisation’s stress on an active use of the public space, and through what may be called a “deinstitutionalised” service model. On the other side, it tries to influence and train people with intellectual disabilities, in order for them to better adapt to society. In this regard, the organization not only stress each individuals equal rights, but also the responsibility to do ones best, relating to work, relations to others and self development

    Tagging experiments on mackerel in Irish waters in May 1977 with R/V "Havdrøn"

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    During the period 5 to 10 May a total of 14 033 mackerel was tagged off the southwestern coast of Irland. Internal tags of stainless steel were used, and the fish was caught by jig

    Tagging experiments on mackerel in Irish waters in May 1978 with R/V "Havdrøn"

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    During the period 11 to 22 May a total of 18 169 mackerel was tagged off the southwestern coast of Ireland. Internal tags of stainless steel were used, and the fish was caught by jig
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