19 research outputs found

    Effects of Youth Participation in Extra-Curricular Sport Programs on Perceived Self-Efficacy: A Multilevel Analysis

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    The present study examined extracurricular sport participation variables and developmental context in relationship to perceived self-efficacy among underserved adolescents. Participants (n ¼ 821, 13.6 1.5 years) completed the Youth Experience in Sport questionnaire and General Self-Efficacy Scale. We used the Human Development Index (HDI) to characterize developmental contexts. Multilevel regression models were used to explore the relative contributions of age, sex, years of participation in extracurricular sport, HDI, and perceived positive experience in sport. Our results highlight that positive experience alone and in interaction with length of participation in the program fostered perceived self-efficacy. Participants from higher HDI contexts remained longer in the program. An implication of our research is that variables linked to positive sport experiences and perceived self-efficacy can be used as markers to evaluate the outcomes and impact of sport participation programs aimed at promoting positive youth development.1113-FF28-6C5F | Carlos Eduardo Barros Gonçalvesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Developmental Benefits of Extracurricular Sports Participation Among Brazilian Youth

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    Youth sporting activities have been explored as a way to impact positive personal transformation and development, glaringly demonstrated by world-wide investments in public policies, programs, and projects. We studied positive effects of participation in sports on the developmental assets of 614 adolescents (13.1 1.7 years) actively engaged in extracurricular sport programs targeted at socially disadvantaged youths, from five municipalities across five states of the southern, south-eastern and northeastern regions of Brazil. Participants responded to a developmental assets questionnaire designed to capture sociodemographic and human development data. Multilevel logistic regression was used to explore associations between years of participation in sport and human development indicators, controlling for age and sex. Our results showed that the quality of the young people’s support network and duration of program participation positively influenced sport participation, which, in turn, was associated with willingness to learn. A strong association was also observed between sport participation and developmental assets. Thus, we offer new evidence of a relationship between positive development and environmental factors in which individual and contextual forces can be aligned, and we provide new reference data for developing countries.This work was funded by the National Scientific and Technological Development Council (ME/CNPq –Case No. 487547/2013-6) and São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP 2014/20854-7).1113-FF28-6C5F | Carlos Eduardo Barros Gonçalvesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Europa Orientale : geografia e storia

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    All\u2019inizio del nuovo secolo differenze e diffidenze che hanno separato a lungo i Paesi europei appaiono superate nell\u2019omologazione agli stessi modelli sociali ed economici che sono stati veicolati dalla globalizzazione. Gli effetti pi\uf9 forti sulle nuove generazioni sembrano aver attenuato ogni richiamo ideale alle tradizionali categorie della politica, sulla cui base l\u2018Europa ha subito la sua pi\uf9 recente frattura (1945-1989). Segni pi\uf9 tangibili di quella contrapposizione tra le due Europe si colgono per\uf2 in fenomeni che si percepiscono un po\u2019 ovunque nella vita quotidiana, e con non minor evidenza nelle scuole, soprattutto nelle migrazioni attivate dalla disgregazione del sistema economico e sociale del cosiddetto \u201csocialismo reale\u201d. Testimoni di quest\u2019altra realt\ue0, gli stranieri ormai attivi in ogni istituzione educativa, oltre che nel mondo della produzione, rendono oggi pi\uf9 attuali che mai, anche in Italia, le questioni dell\u2019integrazione e della multiculturalit\ue0: la loro presenza invita a una migliore conoscenza di una parte d\u2019Europa a lungo quasi nascosta dalla \u201ccortina di ferro\u201d, poco nota nella sua complessit\ue0 interna ma oggi sempre pi\uf9 diversa e plurale