853 research outputs found

    Les figures de la discontinuité dans le développement résidentiel périurbain : application à la région Limousin.

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    While understanding urban areas through continuity of developed land reached its limits,discontinuity of urban fabrics has become a key to understand today's cities and their shaping dynamics. Itraises researchers’ interest especially as GIS development gives new opportunities to measure urbanpatterns. While researches in landscape ecology or geography allow to measure discontinuous patterns, itseems to be important to focus on their economic foundations which are a matter for recent empiricalresearches in economy. The construction of an analytical grid of discontinuous urban patterns allows tounderstand simultaneously peri-urban development and patterns of residential development at the parcellevel. This research is applied to the Limousin region on the 1950-2009 period. The focus on discontinuousurban patterns sheds light on residential trajectories of the Limousin region's communes. The proposal of aspatio-temporal data base allows to understand these trajectories through combined measures of geographical dispersion and morphological dispersion. With these measures, we broach the link betweenfunctional and morphological dynamics thanks to a multitheme data base. To understand household locationand residential dispersion, we analyze the issue of housing production, the interaction between property andpublic regulation at the scale of communes, the influence of amenities and desamenities of urban and ruralspacesAlors que la continuité du bâti ne suffit plus pour appréhender l’espace urbain d’aujourd’hui,la discontinuité du tissu urbain est devenue une clé de compréhension de la ville contemporaine et de sonprocessus de formation. Elle suscite l'intérêt des chercheurs, d'autant plus que le déploiement des systèmesd'information géographique offre de nouvelles perspectives de mesure des formes urbaines. Mais, si lestravaux en écologie du paysage ou en géographie permettent de mesurer l'émergence de ces formesdiscontinues, il nous semble important de nous intéresser aux fondements économiques de l'urbanisationdiscontinue qui commencent à faire l’objet de travaux empiriques en économie. La constitution d’une grillede lecture de l’urbanisation discontinue nous permet de comprendre de manière concomitante la formationdes espaces périurbains et les formes de développement de l’habitat à l’échelle parcellaire. Cette rechercheest appliquée au Limousin sur la période 1950-2009. Le prisme de la discontinuité nous apporte un éclairagesur les trajectoires de développement résidentiel des communes de cette région. La construction d’une basede données spatio-temporelles nous offre la possibilité de lire ces trajectoires à partir de l’association demesures de dispersion géographique et de dispersion morphologique de l’habitat. À partir de ces mesuresde dispersion, nous abordons l’articulation des logiques fonctionnelles et morphologiques du développementrésidentiel grâce à la construction d’une base de données multithématiques. Pour comprendre les schémasde localisation des ménages, nous analysons plus particulièrement les problématiques de la production deslogements, de l’interaction entre structure foncière et régulation publique à l’échelle des communes et del’influence des aménités et désaménités des espaces urbains et ruraux sur la dispersion de l’habitat

    Comparison of runaway electron generation parameters in small, medium-sized and large tokamaks-A survey of experiments in COMPASS, TCV, ASDEX-Upgrade and JET

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    This paper presents a survey of the experiments on runaway electrons (RE) carried out recently in frames of EUROFusion Consortium in different tokamaks: COMPASS, ASDEXUpgrade, TCV and JET. Massive gas injection (MGI) has been used in different scenarios for RE generation in small and medium-sized tokamaks to elaborate the most efficient and reliable ones for future RE experiments. New data on RE generated at disruptions in COMPASS and ASDEX-Upgrade was collected and added to the JET database. Different accessible parameters of disruptions, such as current quench rate, conversion rate of plasma current into runaways, etc have been analysed for each tokamak and compared to JET data. It was shown, that tokamaks with larger geometrical sizes provide the wider limits for spatial and temporal variation of plasma parameters during disruptions, thus extending the parameter space for RE generation. The second part of experiments was dedicated to study of RE generation in stationary discharges in COMPASS, TCV and JET. Injection of Ne/Ar have been used to mock-up the JET MGI runaway suppression experiments. Secondary RE avalanching was identified and quantified for the first time in the TCV tokamak in RE generating discharges after massive Ne injection. Simulations of the primary RE generation and secondary avalanching dynamics in stationary discharges has demonstrated that RE current fraction created via avalanching could achieve up to 70–75% of the total plasma current in TCV. Relaxations which are reminiscent the phenomena associated to the kinetic instability driven by RE have been detected in RE discharges in TCV. Macroscopic parameters of RE dominating discharges in TCV before and after onset of the instability fit well to the empirical instability criterion, which was established in the early tokamaks and examined by results of recent numerical simulations.EURATOM 633053Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia UID/FIS/50010/2013Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 14.619.21.0001, 15.08.2014, RFMEFI61914X000

    Running Simultaneous Kepler Sessions for the Parallelization of Parametric Scans and Optimization Studies Applied to Complex Workflows

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    AbstractIn this paper we present an approach taken to run multiple Kepler sessions at the same time. This kind of execution is one of the requirements for Integrated Tokamak Modelling platform developed by the Nuclear Fusion community within the context of EUROFusion project[2]. The platform is unique and original: it entails the development of a comprehensive and completely generic tokamak simulator including both the physics and the machine, which can be applied for any fusion device. All components are linked inside workflows. This approach allows complex coupling of various algorithms while at the same time provides consistency. Workflows are composed of Kepler and Ptolemy II elements as well as set of the native libraries written in various languages (Fortran, C, C++). In addition to that, there are Python based components that are used for visualization of results as well as for pre/post processing. At the bottom of all these components there is a database layer that may vary between software releases, and require different version of access libraries. The community is using shared virtual research environment to prepare and execute workflows. All these constraints make running multiple Kepler sessions really challenging. However, ability to run numerous sessions in parallel is a must - to reduce computation time and to make it possible to run released codes while working with new software at the same time. In this paper we present our approach to solve this issue and examples that show its correctness

    Modelling of runaway electron dynamics during argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade and JET

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    Disruptions in tokamak plasmas may lead to the generation of runaway electrons that have the potential to damage plasma-facing components. Improved understanding of the runaway generation process requires interpretative modelling of experiments. In this work we simulate eight discharges in the ASDEX Upgrade and JET tokamaks, where argon gas was injected to trigger the disruption. We use a fluid modelling framework with the capability to model the generation of runaway electrons through the hot-tail, Dreicer and avalanche mechanisms, as well as runaway electron losses. Using experimentally based initial values of plasma current and electron temperature and density, we can reproduce the plasma current evolution using realistic assumptions about temperature evolution and assimilation of the injected argon in the plasma. The assumptions and results are similar for the modelled discharges in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. For the modelled discharges in ASDEX Upgrade, where the initial temperature was comparatively high, we had to assume that a large fraction of the hot-tail runaway electrons were lost in order to reproduce the measured current evolution


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    In the title compound, C10H6N2, the mol­ecule is almost planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.014 Å. The dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 1.28 (16)°. In the crystal, mol­ecules are stacked along the a axis by way of weak aromatic π–π stacking inter­actions between the benzene and pyridine rings of adjacent mol­ecules [centroid–centroid separation = 3.7943 (19) Å]
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