58 research outputs found

    The Maltreatment : Aggression Link among Prosecuted Males : What about Psychopathy?

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    Criminal offenders constitute a high-risk sample regarding experiences of childhood maltreatment and engagement in severe aggression. Moreover, psychopathic traits are more common in samples of offenders than non-offenders. Although research has underlined the relationship between childhood maltreatment and adult aggression, the influence of psychopathy on this link is still unclear. We examined the dynamics of maltreatment, aggression, and psychopathy in a mixed sample of 239 male violent, sexual, and other offenders using latent factor structural equation modeling. We found a consistent positive association of maltreatment with aggression. Psychopathy did not mediate this relation. Maltreatment was not associated with psychopathy, although psychopathy had a positive effect on aggressive behavior. These dynamics appeared similar for violent, sexual, and other offenders. However, latent variables were constructed somewhat differently depending on the offender status. For instance, sexual abuse appeared to be of specific importance in sexual offenders. Violent offenders showed high rates of psychopathy compared to sexual and other offenders. The current findings may inspire future research to focus more closely on the different subtypes of psychopathy when examining its role in the prediction of aggression based on childhood maltreatment. Moreover, childhood maltreatment must not be neglected in treatment and prevention approaches aimed at reducing the risk of aggressive behavior

    The Suitability of the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire in Criminal Offender Samples

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    Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are common in community samples and are associated with various dysfunctional physical, psychological, and behavioral consequences. In this regard, criminal offenders are at specific risk, considering their elevated ACE rates compared with community samples and the associations of ACEs with criminal behaviors. However, assessing ACEs in offender samples by self-reports has been criticized with regard to their validity and reliability. We examined the suitability of ACE-self-reports using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) in a sample of 231 male offenders involved in the German criminal justice system by comparing self-reported to externally rated ACEs to externally rated ACEs based on the information from the offenders’ criminal and health-related files and on interviews conducted by forensically trained psychological/psychiatric experts. The accordance between self-ratings and expert ratings was examined considering mean differences, correlations, inter-rater agreement measures, and regression analyses. Offenders themselves reported a higher ACE burden than the one that was rated externally, but there was a strong relationship between CTQ self-assessments and external assessments. However, associations were stronger in offenders seen for risk assessment than in those evaluated for criminal responsibility. Overall, the CTQ seems suitable for use in forensic samples. However, reporting bias in self-reports of ACEs should be expected. Therefore, the combination of self-assessments and external assessments seems appropriate

    The role of stress coping strategies for life impairments in ADHD

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is commonly accompanied by functional impairments within personal, professional, and social context as well as further psychological distress. The role of perceived stress has been examined in this regard, although little is known about the influence of stress coping strategies. We examined the dynamics between ADHD symptomatology, stress coping strategies, and life impairments in a sample of 230 clinical and non-clinical adult individuals. ADHD was associated with low probability of choosing adaptive but high probability of implementing maladaptive stress coping strategies as well as with increased life impairments. Adaptive stress coping showed little effects beyond the associations between ADHD and life impairments, whereas some maladaptive coping strategies increased current life impairments over and above the effects of ADHD and further psychological distress. The present findings emphasize the need of professional support in adults with ADHD and the necessity to include stress coping strategies in respective treatment approaches aimed at reducing life impairments

    Mental Health in Young Detainees Predicts Perpetration of and Desistance From Serious, Violent and Chronic Offending

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    Mental health problems are common among young offenders but their role in predicting criminal recidivism is still not clear. Early identification and treatment of young offenders at risk of serious, violent, and chronic (SVC) offending is of major importance to increase their chances to develop into a healthy and non-criminal future and protect society from further crime. In the present study, we assessed mental health among 106 young offenders while incarcerated and analyzed their criminal careers up to 15 years after release. We found high rates of mental health issues, especially externalizing problems, but also concerning illegal substance and alcohol use patterns as well as personality disorders. Rule-breaking behavior and internalizing problems were negatively related to incarceration time until study assessment, but withdrawal and internalizing problems were positively associated with remaining time to release. Whereas, SVC status before assessment and after release were not statistically dependent, mental health issues predicted perpetration of and desistance from SVC offending after release. Alarming alcohol use appeared to be of specific importance in this regard. Findings indicate that young offenders at risk of future SVC offending may benefit from mental health treatment with specific focus on problematic alcohol consumption to prevent ongoing crime perpetration

    Is emotional dysregulation part of the psychopathology of ADHD in adults?

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    Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is a common condition in adulthood. The disorder is characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Alongside these symptoms, it is discussed whether symptoms of emotional dysregulation could add additional and better description of the psychopathology of ADHD. Neither the current ICD-10 and DSM-IV nor the upcoming DSM-5 includes symptoms of emotional dysregulation as a core aspect of ADHD. Several authors (e.g., Wender 1995) describe adult ADHD in a more differentiated way and propose concepts of the disorder that consider the subjective experiences of the adult patient by introducing the symptomatology of emotional symptoms. Empirical studies attest this dimension sufficient reliability and validity. Symptoms of emotional dysregulation are definable and seem to be distinct factors of the psychopathology of adult ADHD. Pharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions help to alleviate this type of symptoms. This review attests a decisive role to the emotional symptoms in the ADHD symptomatology, which should be taken in serious consideration by future researc

    ADHD symptom profiles, intermittent explosive disorder, adverse childhood experiences, and internalizing/externalizing problems in young offenders

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and co-existing psychiatric/psychological impairments as well as adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are common among young offenders. Research on their associations is of major importance for early intervention and crime prevention. Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) warrants specific consideration in this regard. To gain sophisticated insights into the occurrence and associations of ADHD, IED, ACEs, and further psychiatric/psychological impairments in young (male and female) offenders, we used latent profile analysis (LPA) to empirically derive subtypes among 156 young offenders who were at an early stage of crime development based on their self-reported ADHD symptoms, and combined those with the presence of IED. We found four distinct ADHD subtypes that differed rather quantitatively than qualitatively (very low, low, moderate, and severe symptomatology). Additional IED, ACEs, and further internalizing and externalizing problems were found most frequently in the severe ADHD subtype. Furthermore, females were over-represented in the severe ADHD subtype. Finally, ACEs predicted high ADHD symptomatology with co-existing IED, but not without IED. Because ACEs were positively associated with the occurrence of ADHD/IED and ADHD is one important risk factor for on-going criminal behaviors, our findings highlight the need for early identification of ACEs and ADHD/IED in young offenders to identify those adolescents who are at increased risk for long-lasting criminal careers. Furthermore, they contribute to the debate about how to best conceptualize ADHD regarding further emotional and behavioral disturbances

    Prognosebegutachtung als Einzelfallbetrachtung

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    Im Zentrum der kriminalprognostischen Begutachtung steht der individuelle Beurteilungsfall. Aus straf- und verfassungsrechtlichen Grundprinzipien wird das Erfordernis einer BerĂŒcksichtigung individueller Besonderheiten hergeleitet. Herausgearbeitet wird, dass zur Herstellung des gebotenen Einzelfallbezugs kontext- und verĂ€nderungsintensive Methoden einzusetzen sind. Insbesondere hĂ€ngt die - jeweils gesondert zu prĂŒfende - Kriminorelevanz festgestellter EinzelumstĂ€nde vom Lebenskontext ab. Deshalb mĂŒssen auch prognostische EinschĂ€tzungen selbst die dafĂŒr maßgeblichen Kontextvariablen benennen, wobei diese Variablen unter UmstĂ€nden von der Prognosebeurteilung selbst mitbestimmt werden

    White matter alterations in neurodegenerative and vascular dementia

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    Die Zuordnung einer Demenzerkrankung zu einem neurodegenerativen Pathomechanismus, wie der Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ (DAT), oder einem vaskulĂ€ren Pathomechanismus, kann trotz der VerfĂŒgbarkeit bildgebender Verfahren Probleme bereiten. Überlappungen neurodegenerativer und vaskulĂ€rer Mechanismen sind hĂ€ufig. Mikroangiopathische VerĂ€nderungen des Marklagers finden sich bei einem hohen Anteil von Patienten mit der klinischen Verlaufsform einer Demenz vom Alzheimer-Typ. Es ist unklar, ob es sich um eine Koinzidenz zweier Pathomechanismen handelt oder ob eine wechselseitige Beeinflussung stattfindet. Die hohe SensitivitĂ€t der Magnet-Resonanz-Tomographie bei der Erfassung von mikroangiopathischen VerĂ€nderungen des Marklagers könnte dazu fĂŒhren, dass zu hĂ€ufig vaskulĂ€re Demenzerkrankungen diagnostiziert werden. Der Einfluss mikroangiopathischer VerĂ€nderungen des Marklagers auf den Demenzverlauf wird kontrovers diskutiert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit gibt eine Übersicht ĂŒber die aktuellen Konzepte zum Stellenwert von MarklagerverĂ€nderungen bei Demenzerkrankungen.Due to a significant overlap of the two syndromes, differentiation of degenerative dementia of the Alzheimer-Type from vascular dementia may be difficult even when imaging studies are available. White matter changes occur in many patients suffering from Alzheimer\u27s disease. Little is known about the impact of white matter changes on the course and clinical presentation of Alzheimer\u27s disease. High sensitivity of MRI in the detection of white matter alterations may account for over-diagnosing vascular dementia. The clinical significance of white matter alterations in dementia is still a matter of debate. The article reviews current concepts about the role of white matter alterations in dementia

    Methodologischer Anspruch und qualitative Wirklichkeit : Die Bedeutung wissenschaftlicher Diskurse fĂŒr die QualitĂ€tssicherung forensischer Praxis

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    Untersucht wird, ob aus methodologischer Sicht in den forensischen Wissenschaften eine FortfĂŒhrung der Diskussion um Mindestanforderungen fĂŒr Prognosegutachten angezeigt ist oder die aktuell vorliegenden Maßnahmen zur QualitĂ€tssicherung als (immer noch) ausreichend eingestuft werden können. DafĂŒr wird zunĂ€chst auf den Begriff der wissenschaftlichen Methode und dessen Umsetzung in der forensischen Praxis eingegangen. Anschließend werden (inter-)nationale Methodendiskurse beispielhaft dargestellt, die verdeutlichen, wie dynamisch die Methodenentwicklung im Bereich kriminalprognostischen Wissens seit geraumer Zeit ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund und in Anbetracht berufsethischer Standards wird geschlussfolgert, dass eine Überarbeitung der Mindestanforderungen angezeigt ist. Nach hier vertretener Meinung sollte im Zuge dieses Prozesses eine grundsĂ€tzliche Diskussion ĂŒber QualitĂ€tsstandards bei Prognosegutachten gefĂŒhrt werden

    Zu Qualifikationsanforderungen in der Kriminalprognostik

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    Behandelt wird der gestiegene Qualifizierungs- und Gutachtenbedarf in der Kriminalprognostik in den vergangenen Jahren und wie diesem Bedarf ohne QualitĂ€tseinbußen nachgekommen werden kann. Nach dem Hinweis auf das Erfordernis einer besonderen Sachkunde von PrognosesachverstĂ€ndigen werden PrognosebezĂŒge und ZustĂ€ndigkeiten einzelner Fachdisziplinen behandelt. Daraus wird abgeleitet, dass die benötigte Prognosesachkunde im Wesentlichen durch Zusatzqualifizierungen statt in grundstĂ€ndigen StudiengĂ€ngen erworben wird und die kriminalprognostische Begutachtung auf eine Zusammenarbeit unterschiedlicher Fachdisziplinen angewiesen ist. Es wird geschlussfolgert, dass die BemĂŒhungen um eine solche Zusammenarbeit in der Begutachtungspraxis und bei der Aus- bzw. Fortbildung sowie dem QualitĂ€tsmanagement intensiviert werden sollten
