49 research outputs found


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    The synthesis of salicylanilide from the main components of gandapura oil was conducted in this research through substitution reaction. This research was carried out by reacting methyl salicylate in gandapura oil with aniline by refluxing for 8 hour. The products were identified using IR spectrophotometer and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Result of identification with IR spectrophotometer showed peaks at 3380.98 cm-1 which is a secondary amide N-H group and peak at 1677.95 cm-1 which is the absorption of amide carbonyl C=O group. The results of the GC-MS identification obtained 4 peaks. Peak with a retention time of 11.505 minutes is showed the presence of methylsalicylate compounds, whereas the peak with aretention time of 22.890 minutes and with 0.26% area has a value for m/z 213 is suspected to be the synthesized compounds (salicylanilide)


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    Minyak cengkeh diisolasi dari bunga cengkeh (Syzigium aromaticum) kering dan dikarakterisasi berdasarkan sifat fisik dan Kromatografi Gas – Spektroskopi Massa (KG-SM). Isolasi dilakukan dengan metode distilasi uap selama 8 jam. Karakterisasi minyak cengkeh berdasar sifat fisik yang meliputi warna, bau, indeks bias, dan berat jenis. Analisis komponen minyak cengkeh menggunakan KG-SM.  Hasil isolasi diperoleh minyak cengkeh dengan rendemen 8,6 %. Minyak cengkeh yang diperoleh berwarna kuning muda, berbau khas cengkeh, indeks bias (20 oC) 1,5356 dan bobot jenis (15 oC) 1,0663 g/mL. Hasil analisis menggunakan KG-SM menunjukkan bahwa minyak cengkeh mengandung 6 komponen yaitu, eugenol 81,2 %, trans-karyofilen 3,92 %, alfa-humulen 0,45 %, eugenil asetat 12,43 %, karyofilen oksida 0,25 % dan trimetoksiasetofenon 0,53 %. Fakta lain menunjukkan bahwa pengeringan bunga cengkeh menyebabkan hilangnya beberapa komponen yang mudah menguap dalam minyak cengkeh. Kata kunci: distilasi uap, Kromatografi Gas – Spektroskopi Massa, minyak bunga cengkeh, Syzygium aromaticu


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    ABSTRAK Mangifera casturi merupakan tumbuhan endemik Kalimantan yang berpotensi sebagai obat tradisional karena adanya senyawa bioaktif dari kelompok fenolik dan flavonoid. Kelompok senyawa flavonoid C-glikosida dapat diekstraksi menggunakan pelarut n-butanol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh fraksi n-butanol dari ekstrak metanol daun M. casturi. Ekstraksi daun M. casturi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol dan untuk memperoleh fraksi n-butanol dilakukan dengan metode fraksinasi bergradien menggunakan pelarut n-heksana, etil asetat dan n-butanol. Hasil maserasi berupa cairan hijau kehitaman dengan rendemen sebesar 27,9 % dan hasil fraksinasi menggunakan n-butanol berupa cairan berwarna coklat tua dengan  rendemen sebesar  1,69 %. Kata kunci: ekstrak metanol, fraksinasi, Mangifera casturi, n-butanol ABSTRACT                     Mangifera casturi is an endemic plant of Borneo which has been used as traditional medicine because of the existence of bioactive component from phenol and flavonoids group. Flavonoid C-glycoside compounds can be extracted using n-butanol. This research was aimed to obtain n-butanol fraction of methanol extract from M. casturi leaves. Methanol extract was obtained by maceration method using methanol as a solvent and n-butanol fraction was carried out by gradient fractionation method using n-hexane, ethyl acetate and   n-butanol. The result of maceration is a greenish-black liquid with yield of 27.9 % and the result of fractionation using n-butanol is a dark brown liquid with yield of 1.69 %.Key words: fractionation, Mangifera casturi, methanol extract, n-butanolÂ


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    ABSTRAK Senyawa metabolit sekunder dari kelompok fenolik dan flavonoid merupakan senyawa yang berkontribusi pada aktivitas biologis dari suatu tanaman. Kelompok senyawa flavonoid dan fenolik telah diketahui dapat diperoleh dari fraksi etil asetat buah mangga kasturi. Pelarut etil asetat merupakan pelarut semi polar yang dapat melarutkan senyawa flavonoid dalam bentuk O-glikosida dan tanin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh fraksi etil asetat dari daun M. casturi dan untuk mengetahui jenis kelompok senyawa metabolit sekunder dari fraksi etil asetat daun M. casturi. Ekstraksi daun M. casturi dilakukan dengan maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol dan fraksi etil asetat dapat diperoleh dari fraksinasi ekstrak metanol daun M. casturi dengan pelarut n-heksana dan etil asetat. Fraksi etil asetat yang diperoleh dilakukan uji fitokimia untuk mengetahui jenis kelompok senyawa metabolit sekunder yang meliputi uji flavonoid, tanin, saponin, triterpenoid dan steroid. Hasil fraksinasi diperoleh fraksi etil asetat dengan rendemen sebesar 24,90 %, sedangkan hasil uji fitokimia terhadap fraksi tersebut menunjukkan adanya senyawa golongan flavonoid, tanin dan triterpenoid. Kata kunci: etil asetat , fraksinasi, fitokimia, Mangifera casturi ABSTRACT Phenolic and flavonoid groups are the secondary metabolites that contribute to the biological activity of the plant. Phenolic and flavonoid groups has been reported can be obtained from ethyl acetate fraction of M. casturi fruits. Ethyl acetate is a semi-polar solvent which can extract flavonoid O-glycoside and tannin compounds. This research was aimed to obtain ethyl acetate fraction of M. casturi leaves and to identify the secondary groups of metabolite compounds of its fraction. Extraction of M. casturi leaves was done by maceration using methanol as a solvent, while ethyl acetate fractions was obtained by fractination of methanol extract using n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Ethyl acetate fraction was performed by phytochemical test to identify the secondary group of metabolite compounds include flavonoids, tannins, saponins, triterpenoids and steroids test. The result of fractionation showed that the ethyl acetate fraction have yield of 24.90 %, while the phytochemical test of its fraction showed the existence of flavonoids, tannins and triterpenoids. Key words: ethyl acetate, fractionation, Mangifera casturi, phytochemica


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    ABSTRAK Minyak mint yang berasal dari Mentha arvensis banyak digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam industri makanan, kosmetik, dan farmasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan mengkarakterisasi minyak mint dari daun segar Mentha arvensis. Isolasi minyak mint dilakukan dengan metode distilasi uap air selama 4 jam, sedangkan karakterisasi sifat fisik ditentukan berdasarkan  warna, bau, indeks bias, dan massa jenis. Komponen penyusun minyak mint dianalisis menggunakan Kromatografi Gas-Spektroskopi Massa (KG-SM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak mint yang diperoleh berwarna kuning muda dengan bau yang menyengat,  rendemen 0,06 %, memiliki indeks bias 1,463 (20 oC), dan massa jenis sebesar 1,126 g/mL  (25 oC). Hasil analisis dengan KG-SM menunjukkan adanya 25 komponen penyusun minyak mint, dengan komponen terbesar yaitu karvon (52,46 %). Letak geografis tumbuhnya M. arvensis diduga mempengaruhi senyawa penyusun minyak mint.   Kata kunci : disitlasi uap-air, KG-SM, Mentha arvensis , minyak mint. ABStract Mint oil from Mentha arvenis many uses as raw material in food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical indsutries. This research were aims to isolate and to characterize the mint oil from fresh leaf of Mentha arvensis. Isolation of mint oil was carried out using water-steam distillation for 4 hours, while the physical properties characterization determined based on colour, odour, the refractive index and density. The chemical component of mint oil was analyzed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS). The experiment result showed that mint oil is light yellow liquid with strong odour and the yield of mint oil is 0.06% , refractive index value is 1.463 (20 oC), and density is 1.126 g/mL (25 oC). The results of GC-MS analyzing showed that mint oil contain 25 chemical components, with the major components are carvone (52.46 %). Geographical location of M. arvensis growing might be predicted can affect the compounds of mint oil. Key words: GC-MS, mint oil, Mentha arvensis , steam-water distillation

    The Effort to Improve The Economic Value Of Patchouli Oil: The Controlled Esterification at Production of The Aroma Compounds Base on Patchouli Oil

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    Patchouli oil is an excellent of the Indonesian essential oil, because 45% of essential oil government-reserve is gained from it. Patchouli oil is commonly used in soap industrial, hair tonic, mouthwash, and high quality perfume. In the utilizing, patchouli oil is mixed with other essential oil, such as: clove oil, rose oil, and vetiver oil; since the fixative nature with flavor substance could chain the other essential oil. The fixative nature and the odor resistance come from the tertier alcohol substance, e.i.: patchoulic alcohol as its main component. Although it has long odor resistance, as an aroma substance, the odor of patchouli oil has less strong. As the base character of aroma substances determined by ester component compiler, so it is interesting to study the esterification reaction controlling the amount of ester product. In this research, patchouli oil was converted into the ester substance by esterification reaction using anhydride acid and ZnCl2 catalyst. The esterification was optimized to various concentration of ZnCl2 catalyst from 1–5% and to obtained the most preferred ester dan patchoulic alcohol ratio. Characterization of trade patchouli oil and the product of esterification were conducted based on determining the physical nature, such as: density and refraction index, and also the patchouli oil component's profile from chromatogram and mass spectrum resulted from GC and GC-MS analysis. To know most preferred ester and pachoulic alcohol ratio, using hedonic test with 25 panelists was conducted. The research resulted that the esterification reaction of patchouli oil using anhydride acid could be done by using ZnCl2 catalyst. Characterization result using GC indicated that the component's profile change under esterification condition; while characterization result using GC-MS showed the existence of patchoulic acetate substance. Variation of anhydride acid composition affected the ratio profile of patchoulic acetate and patchoulic alcohol. Hedonic test results showed that panelists'most preferred ratio of patchoulic acetate and patchoulic alcohol is 0.7934


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    ABSTRAK   Mangifera casturi (manga kasturi) adalah tanaman yang termasuk dalam genus Mangifera yang dikenal sebagai tanaman khas daerah Kalimantan Selatan. M. casturi mempunyai kelompok senyawa triterpenoid yang merupakan senyawa metabolit sekunder dengan aktivitas biologis. Triterpenoid dapat diperoleh dari fraksi n-heksana ekstrak metanol batang M. casturi, sedangkan pada bagian daunnya belum ada informasi tentang jenis senyawa fitokimianya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan preparasi fraksi n-heksana dari ekstrak metanol daun M. casturi dan mengetahui jenis kelompok senyawa metabolit sekunder yang terdapat pada fraksi n-heksana daun M. casturi. Ekstrak metanol diperoleh dengan cara maserasi terhadap daun M. casturi menggunakan metanol dan fraksi n-heksana diperoleh dengan metode ekstraksi cair-cair menggunakan pelarut n-heksana terhadap ekstrak tersebut, sedangkan untuk mengetahui jenis kelompok senyawa metabolit sekunder pada fraksi n-heksana daun M. casturi dilakukan uji fitokimia. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh rendemen fraksi n-heksana sebesar 6,89 % dan fraksi n-heksana menunjukkan adanya kelompok senyawa tanin dan triterpenoid.   Kata kunci : ekstrak metanol, fraksi n- heksana, Mangifera casturi, triterpenoid   ABSTRACT Mangifera casturi is a plant belonging to the genus Mangifera and typical mango of Borneo. M. casturi contains of triterpenoids which is an active secondary metabolites compound. Triterpenoids has been known can be obtained from n-hexane fraction of methanol extract from M. casturi stem. There is no research about phytochemical compounds of M. casturi leaves. The purposes of this research was aimed to prepare n-hexane fraction from methanol extract of M. casturi leaves and to determine the secondary group of metabolites compounds from n-hexane fraction. Methanol extract was obtained by using maceration method of M. casturi leaves and n-hexane fractions was carried out by liquid extraction of methanol extract using n-hexane as a solvent. While to determine the secondary metabolites of n-hexane fraction was performed by phytochemical test. The results showed that the n-hexane fraction have yield 6.89 % and its fraction contains of tannins and triterpenoids. Key words : methanol extract, n-hexane fraction, Mangifera casturi, triterpenoid

    Respon Kumbang Tribolium Castaneum Herbst Terhadap Umpan Berbasis Semiommia : Response Of The Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium Castaneumfierbst On Semiochemical Based Bait

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    Abstract: Monitoring of the red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum Herbst) population by using semiochemical. based bait is important for supporting integrated pestmanagement program. The baits were formulated succesfully using wheat bran as carrier and vegetable oils such as corn oil, soybean oil and palm oil as kairomone, and 4,8 dimethyl decanal. (DMD) as aggregation pheromone. The beetles responded to all baits both in laboratory and warehouse. The level of attractancy on bait loaded DMD is higher than others. Therefore loading ofDMD is obligatory. Keywords :response, Tribolium castaneum Herbst, semiochemical based bai


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    Ester merupakan senyawa berbau harum, yang dapat diperoleh dari reaksi antara alkohol dan asam karboksilat. Senyawa tersebut banyak digunakan dalam industri parfum, kosmetik, dan makanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan esterifikasi terhadap l-mentol dengan anhidrida asetat dan mengetahui pengaruh rasio mol l-mentol:anhidrida asetat (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 5:1) terhadap produk ester yang dihasilkan. Reaksi dilakukan dengan mencampurkan senyawa l­-mentol, anhidrida asetat dan katalis H2SO4 98 % dalam pelarut dietil eter dalam refluks selama 1 jam. Hasil sintesis dianalisis berdasarkan penentuan sifat fisik (warna,bau) dan dikarakterisasi dengan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT), Spektrofotometri Infra Merah (FT-IR), Kromatografi Gas (KG), dan Kromatografi Gas-Spektrometri Massa (KG-SM). Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa hasil sintesis masih berupa campuran yaitu l-mentol dan l-mentil asetat, berupa cairan berwarna kuning dan berbau khas mint. Rasio mol l-mentol dan anhidrida asetat mempengaruhi produk l-mentil asetat. % rasio tertinggi l-mentil asetat yaitu sebesar 18,79 % pada rasio mol l-mentol:anhidrida asetat 2:1. Sedangkan rendemen tertinggi senyawa l-mentil asetat yaitu sebesar 28,28 % pada rasio mol l-mentol:anhidrida asetat 2:1. Kata kunci: Esterifikasi, l­-mentol, anhidrida asetat, rasio mo


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    Menthol is one of peppermint oil components (Mentha piperita). It can be converted into menthyl propionate that have stronger aroma than alcohol compounds. The aims of this research were to synthesize ester l­-menthyl propionate using l-menthol and propionate acid and study on the influence of mole ratio of reactans to esters product. The esterifications were carried out by reacting l-menthol and propionate acid in ether solvents and sulfuric acid as catalyst. The mixture was refluxed for 1 hour. The ratio of l-menthol and propionate acid were set at 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4. The products of esterification were characterized based on physical properties (color and odor) and analyzed by TLC, GC, GC-MS and FT-IR Spectrophotometry. The result of characterization showed that the products are a mixture of l-menthol and l-menthyl propionate. This products have a yellow color and stronger aroma than l-menthol. The results showed the highest yield of synthesis products 22.5 % was obtained at mole ratio l-menthol:propionate acid 1:1. Key words: esterification, l-menthyl propionate, mole rati