14 research outputs found


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    Mutans streptococci is a normal flora of the mouth. Streptococcus mutans is considered to be the main etiological agent of dental caries in human. Many research have been reported about Mutans Streptococci transmission in the family. The infant first became colonized by this organism probably from family cohorts. This research was done to know protein patterns of Streptococcus mutans in an acquired by transmission in the family. Plaque of ten family were taken to isolate Streptococcus mutans isolation and then were extracted as whole cell protein by Artama method (1996). Protein analysis by SDS PAGE to establish the relationship or transmission of Streptococcus mutans in family. The result indicated that protein patterns of Streptococcus mutans found in children identically to those of their parents. Strongly supporting the notion that parents transmit their organism to their ifants


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    Dental caries is a unique multifactorial infectious disease. In recent years, the prevalence of dental caries in most western countries has steadily declined. By contrast study done in some developing countries such as Zambia, Nigeria, Thailand and Indonesia showed a marked increase in dental caries. Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) is the most important agent of human caries. Cariogenic feature of these bacteria include synthesis intracellular polysaccharide, extracellular polysaccharide, lactic acid production and ability to survive in low pH levels. Potentially, caries can be reduced by interfering with transmission of S . mutans, eliminating established S. mutanspopulations from the oral cavity, increasing the acid resistance of the teeth and control and control of the carbohydrate composition of the diet. Oral anti mutans vaccines have been demonstrated in the laboratory, the costs involved in the development for human are relatively high. Studies Strain replacement therapy is a great promise in implantation of benign oral microbial strain capable of successfully competing with S. mutans

    Number of osteoclasts, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-b ligand and osteoprotegerin expression in electrolyzed reduced water-treated orthodontic tooth movement in Wistar rats

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    Purpose: To analyse the potential use of electrolyzed reduced water effect (ERW) in the treatment of orthodontic tooth movement in Wistar rats by means of osteoclast number, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expressions. Methods: ERW was produced by an electrolysis machine that rendered the water pH alkaline. A dose of ERW 2.5 ml/100 g body weight was used for treatment for 7 days. The orthodontic tooth movement animal study was done by means of a rubber separator, with 0.0284 N force applied to the maxillary incisive tooth for 7 days. The rats were euthanized on days 3, 5 and 7 with the maxilla bone subsequently removed for immunohistochemistry examination. RANKL and OPG expression were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining and the osteoclast number determined with the aid of haematoxylin-eosin stain. Results: ERW decreased the osteoclast number in the treatment group on day 3 and OPG expression on day 7 and there was significant difference between the groups (p < 0.05). RANKL expression decreased on Day 7. There was a significant difference between treatment groups on Days 5 and 7. Conclusion: ERW significantly inhibits the number of osteoclasts, RANKL and OPG expression during orthodontic tooth movement after 3 and 7 days. ERW is thus a potential therapy for enhancement of bone remodeling in patients with orthodontic tooth movement

    Number of osteoclasts, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-b ligand and osteoprotegerin expression in electrolyzed reduced water-treated orthodontic tooth movement in Wistar rats

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    Purpose: To analyse the potential use of electrolyzed reduced water effect (ERW) in the treatment of orthodontic tooth movement in Wistar rats by means of osteoclast number, receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expressions. Methods: ERW was produced by an electrolysis machine that rendered the water pH alkaline. A dose of ERW 2.5 ml/100 g body weight was used for treatment for 7 days. The orthodontic tooth movement animal study was done by means of a rubber separator, with 0.0284 N force applied to the maxillary incisive tooth for 7 days. The rats were euthanized on days 3, 5 and 7 with the maxilla bone subsequently removed for immunohistochemistry examination. RANKL and OPG expression were evaluated by immunohistochemical staining and the osteoclast number determined with the aid of haematoxylin-eosin stain. Results: ERW decreased the osteoclast number in the treatment group on day 3 and OPG expression on day 7 and there was significant difference between the groups (p < 0.05). RANKL expression decreased on Day 7. There was a significant difference between treatment groups on Days 5 and 7. Conclusion: ERW significantly inhibits the number of osteoclasts, RANKL and OPG expression during orthodontic tooth movement after 3 and 7 days. ERW is thus a potential therapy for enhancement of bone remodeling in patients with orthodontic tooth movement

    Osteogenic Ability of Combined Hematopoetic Stem Cell, Hydroxyapatite Graft and Platelet Rich Fibrin on Rats (Rattus Novergicus)

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    Background: In Indonesia, the incidence rate of tooth extraction as the main form of dental treatment reached as high as 79.6% in 2014. Teeth extraction leads to periodontal tissue defect whose treatment, incorporating the use of graft material Hydroxyapatite (HA) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) with stem cells, has become increasingly widespread. The stem cell potentially put to therapeutic use is the Hematopoetic Stem Cell (HSC). Aim and Objectives: to examine the effect of hematopoetic stem cell addition to HA graft and PRF post-tooth extraction on the number of osteoblasts and amount of Osteoprotegerin (OPG) in periodontal defect treatment. Material and Methods: This study constituted laboratory-based experimental research with a post test-only control group. Twenty four rats (Rattus novergicus) represented the animal study model in this research. Alveolar bone defect in the animal study model was induced by extracting the first molar of the mandible using sterile needle holder clamps. The sample population was divided into four groups: K0: the untreated control group; K1: socket filled with HA Graft and PRF. K2: socket filled with HSC 105 cells. K3: the socket filled with HAGraft and PRF with HSC 106 cells. Results: The K3 group had both the highest number of osteoblasts when compared with the control group (350.17 ± 33.42; P <0.001) and the strongest OPG expression of all treatment groups (11,36 ± 0,54; P <0.01). Conclusion:Acombination of HA graft, PRF and HSC significantly increases the Osteogenic Ability of Combined Hematopoetic Stem Cell, Hydroxyapatite Graft and Platelet Rich Fibrin on Rats (Rattus Novergicus) Dwi Rahmawati1, Retno Indrawati Roestamadji , Ernie Maduratna Setiawatie3, Anita Yuliati4, Taufan Bramantoro5 1Oral and Dental Science, 2Department of Oral Biology,3Department of Periodontic, 4Department of Dental Material and Technology, 5Department of Dental Public Health, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya-Indonesia 2* expression of OPG and the number of osteoblasts rendering it a potential treatment for tissue engineering-based periodontal defect. Keywords: Osteoprotegerin, Osteoblast, Bone regeneration, Bone graft, Tissue Engineerin

    Osteogenic Ability of Combined Hematopoetic Stem Cell, Hydroxyapatite Graft and Platelet Rich Fibrin on Rats (Rattus Novergicus)

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    Background: In Indonesia, the incidence rate of tooth extraction as the main form of dental treatment reached as high as 79.6% in 2014. Teeth extraction leads to periodontal tissue defect whose treatment, incorporating the use of graft material Hydroxyapatite (HA) and Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) with stem cells, has become increasingly widespread. The stem cell potentially put to therapeutic use is the Hematopoetic Stem Cell (HSC). Aim and Objectives: to examine the effect of hematopoetic stem cell addition to HA graft and PRF post-tooth extraction on the number of osteoblasts and amount of Osteoprotegerin (OPG) in periodontal defect treatment. Material and Methods: This study constituted laboratory-based experimental research with a post test-only control group. Twenty four rats (Rattus novergicus) represented the animal study model in this research. Alveolar bone defect in the animal study model was induced by extracting the first molar of the mandible using sterile needle holder clamps. The sample population was divided into four groups: K0: the untreated control group; K1: socket filled with HA Graft and PRF. K2: socket filled with HSC 105 cells. K3: the socket filled with HA Graft and PRF with HSC 106 cells. Results: The K3 group had both the highest number of osteoblasts when compared with the control group (350.17 ± 33.42; P <0.001) and the strongest OPG expression of all treatment groups (11.36 ± 0.54; P <0.01). Conclusion: A combination of HA graft, PRF and HSC significantly increases the expression of OPG and the number of osteoblasts rendering it a potential treatment for tissue engineering-based periodontal defect

    Sleep Time Duration Does Not Affect Oral Inflammation and Periodontal Health Status in Night-Shift Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study This

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    Background: Night-shift workers experience circadian rhythm disruption, changes in sleep time duration, and effects on their eating habits. All these factors may be related to the release of inflammatory mediators and may affect oral inflammation and periodontal health status. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of sleep time duration on oral inflammation and periodontal health status in night-shift workers and non-night-shift workers. Methods: This study involved two groups with 27 participants each: one group of nightshift workers and one group of non-night-shift workers. Examination of depth of pocket and bleeding on probing (BOP) was conducted with a periodontal probe. Non-stimulating saliva samples were collected to analyze the levels of melatonin, malondialdehyde (MDA), and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) using ELISA. Comparisons for each parameter were performed using independent t-tests, and the relationships between duration of sleep and depth of pocket, BOP, salivary melatonin, MDA, and TNF-α were calculated using linear regression. Results: The night-shift worker group had a short sleep time duration (p = 0.000). The salivary melatonin level of the night-shift workers was lower than that of the non-night-shift workers (p = 0.000). MDA, depth of pocket, and BOP were higher in the night-shift workers (p = 0.000). Only salivary melatonin showed a correlation with sleep time duration in the night-shift worker group (p 0.05). Conclusion: Night-shift workers showed higher rates of oral inflammation and periodontal health status, but there was no relationship between these factors and sleep time duration

    Prevalensi Serotipe Streptococcus Mutans yang Dominan pada Anak TK dengan Karies Gigi di Surabaya

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    Salah satu faktor penyebab karies gigi adalah adanya Streptococcus mutans sebagai flora dalam rongga mulut. Berdasarkan antigen polisakarida yang terdapat pada dividing selnya, Streptococcus mutans dapat dibedakan menjadi 8 serotipe (a sampai dengan h). Salah satu alternatif pencegahan terjadinya karies gigi adalah dengan imunisasi. Hal ini dimungkinkan dengan adanya perkembangan antibodi monoklonal terhadap Streptococcus mutans. Duna menunjang pembuatan vaksin imunisasi dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan untuk rnengetahui serotipe Streptococcus mutans strain Indonesia, yang dominan. Sacnpel kuman diperoleh dari Oak gigi dari 80 anak-anak TIC di Surabaya yang menderita karies gigi. Di-isolasi untuk mendapatkan kuman Streptococcus =tans, kemudian dipurifikasi menjadi ekstraks antigen dan direaksikan dengan antiserum terhadap Streptococcus mutans hash! imunisasi pada hewan coba kelinci, dengan ekstrak antigen Streptococcus mutans serotipe c f Ingbritt ) dan serotipe d (Sobrinus ), Serologi dilakukan dengan uji imunodifusi ganda (IMO) dan Reverse Pasif Hemaglutination Assay (RPHA). Has periclitian dari 2 macam uji tersebut menunjukkan 100% dari semua sampel adalah Streptococcus mutans serotipe c, serta tidak adanya korelasi antara jumlah koloni S,mutans, indeks kebersihan mulut (OHI) dan indeks karies (de° dengan macam serotipe arnotar7s


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    <em>Mutans streptococci </em>is a normal flora of the mouth. <em>Streptococcus mutans</em> is considered to be the main etiological agent of dental caries in human. Many research have been reported about <em>Mutans Streptococci</em> transmission in the family. The infant first became colonized by this organism probably from family cohorts. This research was done to know protein patterns of <em>Streptococcus mutans</em> in an acquired by transmission in the family. Plaque of ten family were taken to isolate Streptococcus mutans isolation and then were extracted as whole cell protein by Artama method (1996). Protein analysis by SDS PAGE to establish the relationship or transmission of <em>Streptococcus mutans</em> in family. The result indicated that protein patterns of <em>Streptococcus mutans</em> found in children identically to those of their parents. Strongly supporting the notion that parents transmit their organism to their ifants

    Socioeconomic characteristics of the parents and the risk prediction of early childhood caries

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    Background: The high prevalence of early childhood caries still becomes a major health problem. It is because children prefer to consume sweet foods, which are also cariogenic. The oral mucosa is a mirror of general health or any systemic disease which usually shows visible symptoms in the oral cavity. Dental caries in children is often related to the socioeconomic characteristics of the parents. Some references suggest that there is a relationship between the socioeconomic status with the incidence of caries. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of socioeconomic characteristics of the parents with the risk prediction of early childhood caries by using cariogram approach to the elementary school students in Wonosobo. Method: The research is an observational analytic study with cross-sectional approach survey method. The research sampling uses proportional random sampling with 201 respondents of fifth graders. The socioeconomic status is measured through questionnaires, while the risk prediction of early childhood caries is measured by using cariogram. The research data analysis uses Spearman rank. Result: The results of the study show that the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents’ parents mostly belong in the middle category as many as 145 respondents (72.1%), lower category as many as 31 respondents (15.4%) and in the upper category as many as 25 respondents (12.4%). Prediction of the respondents avoiding early childhood caries is 55%, while the prediction of the respondents being risked of having early childhood caries is 45%. The results of data analysis show that the relationship between the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents’ parents and the risk of having early childhood caries for the respondents is p<0.05. Conclusion: There is a relationship between the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents’ parents with the early childhood caries, which shows that the higher the socioeconomic status of the parents, the lower the risk of the respondents from having early childhood caries