14 research outputs found

    Modelling the impact of priority infrastructure on the performance of minibus-taxi services in southern africa

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    Many governments in the global South are grappling with challenges of improving the quality of informal transport, and an inability to pay for service improvements. This paper asks the question whether efficiency benefits might be gained through strategic implementation of once-off infrastructure interventions providing priority to informal vehicles at intersections. We identify interventions that would formalise this behaviour: a single lane pre-signal strategy, queue-jumping lane, and dedicated public transport lane. The paper’s objective is to quantify the potential economic impacts of such treatments on minibus-taxi operators, passengers, and other road users. The findings indicate that substantial savings could be realised in terms of travel time, user cost, and operating cost to taxi passengers and drivers. The single lane pre-signal strategy and the queue-jumping lane saw a decrease in total hourly cost of 45% and 43% respectively, including construction cost, user cost, and agency cost, indicating a net social benefit. If part of these savings were passed on to passengers, priority infrastructure could serve as an implicit subsidy to public transport users.Papers presented virtually at the 39th International Southern African Transport Conference on 05 -07 July 202

    Krimpsiekte in a sheep following a single dose of Tylecodon ventricosus (Burm. f.) Toelken and the isolation of tyledoside D from this plant species

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    Tylecodon ventricosus induced severe respiratory distress in two penned sheep without any electrocardiographic abnormalities being recorded. Based on the results it appears as if T. ventricosus predominantly induces the neuromuscular syndrome referred to as krimpsiekte. A single, relatively large intraruminal dose of 10,0 g/kg induced krimpsiekte in one sheep. Treatment with 5,0 g/kg activated charcoal on two consecutive days did not prevent the development of krimpsiekte. A bufadienolide, tyledoside D, was isolated from semi-dried plant material.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat X Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Neurotoxicity in calves induced by the plant, Nierembergia hippomanica Miers var. violacea Millan in South Africa

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    The plant Nierembergia hippomanica var. violacea has been incriminated in field outbreaks of neurotoxicity in calves in the Free State Province. Hepatotoxicity and electrocardiogram (ECG) deviations were induced in a sheep dosed with 5 g/kg dried plant material on four consecutive days. A calf dosed with 2,5 g/kg dried plant material, on two consecutive days, did not show overt clinical changes. Voluntary ingestion of approximately 30 g/kg fresh flowering plants by a second calf resulted in nervous signs characterized by chewing motions, protrusion of the tongue, dysphagia, hypermetria, ataxia, paresis and lateral recumbency. Salivation, dehydration and cardiac irregularities completed the clinical picture. Clinical chemistry changes revealed muscle damage and increased serum urea and creatinine concentrations indicative of kidney involvement. This is the first confirmed outbreak of Nierembergia hippomanica var. violacea intoxication of stock in South Africa.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat v.9 was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.mn201

    Guidelines for restoring Lowland Sand Fynbos ecosystems

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    CITATION: Holmes, P.M., et al. 2022. Guidelines for restoring Lowland Sand Fynbos ecosystems. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch Univesity, Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology.The original publication is available at http://biodiversityadvisor.sanbi.org/planning-and-assessment/ecological-restoration/Lowland Sand Fynbos ecosystems are among the most threatened terrestrial systems in South Africa. Of the ten Sand Fynbos veld types, seven are Critically Endangered or Endangered according to the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems. They are all either poorly protected, or not protected at all in the conservation network. Sand Fynbos ecosystems harbour unique biodiversity, but owing to their lowland locations experience extensive losses to other land uses. Some natural pockets remain scattered within agricultural or urban developments. They are, however degraded due to invasive alien plants, inappropriate fire regimes or pollution and are an urgent priority to restore. National biodiversity targets aim for a minimum proportion of an ecosystem type to be retained in a natural or near-natural state. The minimum target for Sand Fynbos ecosystems is mostly 30% of the original extent – a target no longer attainable for several of these ecosystems, such as Cape Flats Sand Fynbos. For many of these precious systems, this means a necessary focus on their restoration. The purpose of these guidelines is to assist managers and landowners of degraded Sand Fynbos vegetation to restore biodiversity and contribute to the conservation of these threatened ecosystems. The guidelines outline appropriate methods to restore degraded Sand Fynbos ecosystems, based on the latest research and field trial outcomes.Hans Hoheisen Charitable TrustBiodiversity Management Branch, City of Cape TownSANBI - South African National Biodiversity InstituteHans Hoheisen Charitable TrustPublishers versio

    A study of the piezoelectric behaviour of quartz and quartzites

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    M.Sc. (Geology)Please refer to full text to view abstrac

    The use of wireless technology to overcome bandwidth constraints by constructing a secure wireless metropolitan area network

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    The Internet has influenced our lives greatly. The way we communicate evolved with the arrival of the Internet and has continued to evolve along with the Internet. While initially being used by Academia and large organizations such as the American Department of Defense, the Internet soon became a buzzword in the average home. E-mail has changed the way companies and individuals communicate, and the World Wide Web has changed the way all Internet users access information. Lately the ability to communicate globally and instantly via text services such as MSN, audio services such as Skype, or audio and video services such as Microsoft NetMeeting has become popular. These new services consume ever-increasing amounts of bandwidth; in turn these high quality services have driven the need for high-speed always-on Internet connections to businesses and homes. The development of 802.11b and later on 802.11g wireless local area network (LAN) standards have brought wireless networking to the home user. Cheap Wi- Fi-certified hardware has enabled many people to access their high-speed Internet connections from anywhere within their home, or even on the move. The convenience that Wi-Fi has brought has resulted in the increased use of the broadband services mentioned above. The end result is that the Internet changed the way we communicate, and continues to do so with the help of Wi-Fi.Dr. E. Marai

    A novel approach to solvent screening for post-combustion carbon dioxide capture with chemical absorption

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Carbon dioxide (CO2) is classified as the main greenhouse gas (GHG) contributing to global warming. Estimates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggest that CO2 emissions must be reduced by between 50 to 85% by 2050 to avoid irreversible impacts. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) strategies can be applied to de-carbonize the emissions from fossil-fueled power plants. Compared to other CCS techniques, post-combustion capture (PCC) is most likely to be implemented effectively as a retrofit option to existing power plants. At present however CCS is not yet commercially viable. The main challenge with CCS is to reduce the inherent energy penalty of the CO2 separation stage on the host plant. Seventy-five to eighty percent of the total cost of CCS is associated with the separation stage. There are several technologies available for separating CO2 from power plant flue gas streams. Reactive absorption with aqueous amine solutions has the ability to treat low concentration, low pressure and large flux flue gas streams in industrial-scale applications. It is most likely to be the first technology employed commercially in the implementation of CCS. The energy required for solvent regeneration however, is high for the standard solvent used in reactive absorption processes, i.e. MEA. This leads to a reduction in thermal efficiency of the host plant of up to 15%. Alternative solvent formulations are being evaluated in an attempt to reduce the energy intensity of the regeneration process. The main objective of this study was to establish a novel, simplified thermodynamic method for solvent screening. Partial solubility parameters (PSPs) were identified as the potential basis for such a method. The major limitation of this approach is that the model doesn’t account for effects from chemical reaction(s) between materials, e.g. CO2 reacting with aqueous alkanolamine solutions; considering only the effects from dissolution. The EquiSolv software system was developed based on PSP theory. The Hansen 3-set PSP approach was used to describe the equilibrium behaviour of CO2 absorbing in task specific solvents. The Hansen theory was expanded to a 4-set approach to account for contributions from electrostatic interactions between materials. The EquiSolv program was used successfully to screen large sets of solvent data (up to 400 million formulations) in the search for suitable alternative solvent formulations for CO2 absorption. The secondary objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the proposed PSP model to accurately predict suitable alternative solvents for CO2 absorption through preliminary experimental work. A series of CO2 absorption experiments were conducted to evaluate the absorption performance of predicted alternative solvent formulations. The predicted alternative solvent formulations exhibited a significant improvement in absorption performance (up to a 97% increase in the measured absorption capacity) compared to conventional solvent formulations. Statistical analysis of the experimental results has shown that there is a statistically significant concordant relationship between the predicted and measured rankings for the absorption performance of the predicted solvent formulations. Based on this it was concluded that PSP theory can be used to accurately predict the equilibrium behaviour of CO2 absorbing in task specific solvents. Recently ionic liquids (ILs) have been identified as potential alternatives to alkanolamine solutions conventionally used for CO2 absorption. Absorption experiments were conducted as a preliminary assessment of the absorption performance of ILs. Results have shown ILs to have significantly improved performance compared to conventional alkanolamine solvents; up to a 96% increase in the measured absorption capacity compared to conventional solvents. Future work should focus on developing task specific ionic liquids (TSILs) in an attempt to reduce the energy intensity of solvent regeneration in CO2 absorption processes.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koolsuurgas (CO2) word geklassifiseer as die vernaamste kweekhuis gas (GHG) wat bydra to globale verwarming. Beramings deur die Interregeringspaneel oor Klimaatsverandering (IPKV) toon aan dat CO2 emissies teen 2050 verminder moet word met tussen 50 en 85% om onomkeerbare invloede te vermy. Verskeie koolstof opvangs en bergings (KOB) strategieë kan toegepas word ten einde die koolstof dioksied konsentrasie in die emissies van kragstasies wat fossielbrandstowwe gebruik, te verminder. Naverbranding opvangs (NVO) is die mees aangewese KOB tegniek wat effektief toegepas kan word op bestaande kragstasies. Tans is KOB egter nog nie kommersieël lewensvatbaarvatbaar nie. Die hoof uitdaging wat KOB in die gesig staar is om die energie boete inherent aan die CO2 skeidingstap te verminder. Tussen vyf-en-sewentig en tagtig persent van die totale koste van KOB is gekoppel aan die skeidingstap. Daar is verskeie metodes beskikbaar vir die skeiding van CO2 uit die uitlaatgasse van kragstasies. Reaktiewe absorpsie met waterige oplossings van amiene kan gebruik word om lae konsentrasie, lae druk en hoë vloei uitlaatgasstrome in industriële toepassings te behandel. Dit is hoogs waarskynlik die eerste tegnologie wat kommersieël aangewend sal word in die toepassing van KOB. Die oplosmiddel wat normalweg vir reaktiewe absorpsie gebruik word (d.w.s. MEA) benodig egter ‘n groot hoeveelheid energie vir regenerasie. Dit lei tot ‘n afname in die termiese doeltreffendheid van die voeder aanleg van tot 15%. Alternatiewe oplosmiddelstelsels word tans ondersoek in ‘n poging om the energie intensiteit van die regenerasieproses te verminder. Die hoof doelwit van hierdie studie was om ‘n nuwe, ongekompliseerde termodinamiese metode te vestig vir die keuring van alternatiewe oplosmiddels. Parsiële oplosbaarheidsparameters (POPs) is geïdentifiseer as ‘n moontlike grondslag vir so ‘n metode. Die model beskryf egter slegs die ontbindings gedrag van materiale. Die effekte van chemise reaksie(s) tussen materiale, bv. die tussen CO2 en waterige oplossings van alkanolamiene, word nie in ag geneem nie. Die POP teorie het gedien as grondslag vir die ontwerp van die EquiSolv sagteware stelsel. Die Hansen stel van drie POPs is gebruik om die ewewigsgedrag te beskryf van CO2 wat absorbeer in doelgerig-ontwerpte oplosmiddels. Die Hansen teorie is verder uitgebrei na ‘n stel van vier POPs om die bydrae van elektrostatiese wisselwerking tussen materiale in ag te neem. Die EquiSolv program is verskeie kere met groot sukses gebruik vir die sifting van groot stelle data (soveel as 400 miljoen formulasies) in die soektog na alternatiewe oplosmiddels vir CO2 absorpsie. Die sekondêre doelwit van die studie was om die vermoë van die voorgestelde POP model om geskikte alternatiewe oplosmiddels vir CO2 absorpsie akkuraat te voorspel, te ondersoek deur voorlopige eksperimentele werk. ‘n Reeks CO2 absorpsie eksperimente is gedoen ten einde die absorpsie werkverrigting van die voorspelde alternatiewe oplosmidels te ondersoek. ‘n Verbetering in absorpsie werkverrigting van tot 97% is gevind vir die voorspelde oplosmiddels vergeleke met die van oplosmiddels wat tipies in die industrie gebruik word. Statistiese ontleding van die eksperimentele resultate het getoon dat daar ‘n beduidende ooreenstemming tussen die voorspelde en gemete rangskikking van die voorspelde oplosmiddels se werkverrigting bestaan. Dus kan POP teorie gebruik word om die absorpsie van CO2 in doelgerig-ontwerpte oplosmiddels akkuraat te beskryf. Ioniese vloeistowwe (IVs) is onlangs geïdentifiseer as moontlike alternatiewe oplosmidels vir die alkanolamien oplossings wat normaalweg gebruik word vir CO2 absorpsie. Absorpsie eksperimente is gedoen ten einde ‘n voorlopige raming van die absorpsie werkverrigting van IVs te bekom. Daar is bevind dat IVs ‘n beduidende verbetering in werkverrigting toon in vergelyking met die alkanolamien oplosmiddels wat normaalweg gebruik word. ‘n Verbetering in absorpsie werkverrigting van tot 96% is gevind vir die voorspelde IV-bevattende oplosmiddels vergeleke met die van oplosmiddels wat tipies in die industrie gebruik word. Die fokus van toekomstige navorsing moet val op die ontwikkeling van doelgemaakte ioniese vloeistowwe (DGIVs) in ‘n poging om die energie intensiteit van oplosmiddel regenerasie in CO2 absorpsie prosesse te verminder

    Gesamentlike bedinging en die Bantoe se bedingingsposisie in die Suid-Afrikaanse nywerheid

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    Proefskrif (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1978.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record

    Some characteristics of the pulsed parallel-plate spark chamber

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    Thesis (M. Sc.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1965.Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record