267 research outputs found

    Effective Quantum Dynamics of Interacting Systems with Inhomogeneous Coupling

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    We study the quantum dynamics of a single mode/particle interacting inhomogeneously with a large number of particles and introduce an effective approach to find the accessible Hilbert space where the dynamics takes place. Two relevant examples are given: the inhomogeneous Tavis-Cummings model (e.g., N atomic qubits coupled to a single cavity mode, or to a motional mode in trapped ions) and the inhomogeneous coupling of an electron spin to N nuclear spins in a quantum dot.Comment: 9 pages and 10 figures, new version, accepted in Physical Review

    Salmonella enterica: a review or the trilogy agent, host and environment and its importance in Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus; Scielo.Salmonella enterica es uno de los principales patógenos transmitidos por los alimentos en el mundo, siendo la primera causa de brotes de intoxicación alimentaria en Chile. A pesar de todos los esfuerzos de control y prevención desplegados, la incidencia en las personas se ha mantenido alta, por lo que diversos factores podrían estar influenciando el comportamiento epidemiológico de esta infección. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir factores referidos tanto al agente biológico, al hospedero humano y al medio ambiente, que podrían tener mayor trascendencia en Chile. De esta forma, se infieren ámbitos prioritarios para la investigación de S. enterica, que permitan entender su dispersión en la naturaleza y su éxito como patógeno de un amplio rango de hospederos. A futuro, el mayor conocimiento de estos determinantes facilitará la implementación de estrategias de bioseguridad y vigilancia para la prevención de la enfermedad en las personas y en los animales.Salmonella enterica is a major foodborne pathogen worldwide, being the main cause of outbreaks by food consumption in Chile. Despite all efforts deployed for control and prevention, the high incidence in people still persists, with several factors that could be influencing the epidemiological behavior of this infection. The objective of this review is to identify these factors belonging to the biological agent, the human host and the environment, which probably have a greater importance in Chile. Thus, priority areas for research of S. enterica are inferred, which hopefully will help to understand its spread in nature and its success as a wide host range pathogen. In the future, increased understanding of these determinants will facilitate the implementation of biosecurity and surveillance strategies for the prevention of disease in people and animals.http://ref.scielo.org/kz75k

    Failures of Quay Walls During Chilean Earthquake of March 1985

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    Extensive damage took place in the quay walls in the Ports of Valparaíso and San Antonio during the Chilean earthquake of March 1985. Different types of retaining structures such as gravity retaining walls built with concrete blocks, sheetpiles and decks on vertical piles were subjected to large shaking ranging from 0.3 - 0.45g at Valparaíso Port to more than 0.6g at San Antonio. Some of the retaining structures collapsed and others behave quite well. In addition, some liquefaction and settlements in the sandy fill below the yards did occur at San Antonio, along with permanent displacements in the fill slope behind some of the decks supported by piles. The behavior of 7 berths at Valparaíso and 7 berths at San Antonio is discussed taking into account soil characteristics and field measurements performed after the earthquake

    Single observable concurrence measurement without simultaneous copies

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    We present a protocol that allows us to obtain the concurrence of any two qubit pure state by performing a minimal and optimal tomography of one of the subsystems through measuring a single observable of an ancillary four dimensional qudit. An implementation for a system of trapped ions is also proposed, which can be achieved with present day experimental techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Magnetic behavior of nanoparticles in patterned thin films

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    The magnetic behavior of truncated conical nanoparticles in patterned thin films is investigated as a function of their size and shape. Using a scaling technique, phase diagrams giving the relative stability of characteristic internal magnetic structures of the particles are obtained. The role of the uniaxial anisotropy in determining the magnetic properties of such systems is discussed, and a simple method for stablishing its strength is proposed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum simulation of entanglement dynamics in a quantum processor

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    We implement a five-qubit protocol in IBM quantum processors to get entanglement dynamics in a two qubit system in the presence of an environment. Specifically, two qubits represent the main system, another two qubits the environment, and an additional qubit is used as an auxiliary qubit to perform the quantum entanglement estimation. We focus on measuring, in this superconducting quantum processor, the sudden death and sudden birth of entanglement. We obtain the quantum entanglement evolution of the main system qubits and the environment qubits as the average of N=10N=10 independent experiments in the same quantum device, observing that the noisy nature of current quantum processors produce a shift on times signaling sudden death o sudden birth of entanglement. This work takes relevance showing the usefulness of current noisy quantum devices to test fundamental concepts in quantum information.Comment: 6 pages, and 12 figure

    Diabetes y su impacto en el territorio periodontal

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    ResumenDiabetes y enfermedad periodontal corresponden probablemente al mejor ejemplo de cómo una enfermedad sistémica puede tener un efecto en el territorio periodontal. Si bien esta asociación ha sido extensamente estudiada, muchas de las asociaciones propuestas presentan contradicciones. En la presente revisión de la literatura se analizan los siguientes tópicos relevantes para la práctica clínica en periodoncia e implantología: i) Identificación de enfermedad periodontal severa y su capacidad para diagnosticar casos de diabetes; ii) Efectos de la diabetes sobre la enfermedad periodontal; iii) Efectos de la diabetes sobre la reparación periodontal y periimplantaria; iv) Efecto del tratamiento periodontal sobre el control metabólico de la diabetes.AbstractDiabetes and periodontal disease correspond to conditions that probably exemplify how a systemic disease may have a strong impact in the periodontium. Although this association has been studied for several years, many of these studies still show contradictory results. The present review analyses the following questions relevant for the clinician in the fields of periodontology: i) Value of the diagnosis of severe periodontitis and its capacity to identify previously un-diagnosed cases of diabetes; ii) Effects of diabetes on periodontal disease; iii) Effects of diabetes on periodontal and periimplant tissue repair and regeneration and; iv) Effect of periodontal therapy on the metabolic control of diabetes

    Calculation of quantum discord for qubit-qudit or N qubits

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    Quantum discord, a kind of quantum correlation, is defined as the difference between quantum mutual information and classical correlation in a bipartite system. It has been discussed so far for small systems with only a few independent parameters. We extend here to a much broader class of states when the second party is of arbitrary dimension d, so long as the first, measured, party is a qubit. We present two formulae to calculate quantum discord, the first relating to the original entropic definition and the second to a recently proposed geometric distance measure which leads to an analytical formulation. The tracing over the qubit in the entropic calculation is reduced to a very simple prescription. And, when the d-dimensional system is a so-called X state, the density matrix having non-zero elements only along the diagonal and anti-diagonal so as to appear visually like the letter X, the entropic calculation can be carried out analytically. Such states of the full bipartite qubit-qudit system may be named "extended X states", whose density matrix is built of four block matrices, each visually appearing as an X. The optimization involved in the entropic calculation is generally over two parameters, reducing to one for many cases, and avoided altogether for an overwhelmingly large set of density matrices as our numerical investigations demonstrate. Our results also apply to states of a N-qubit system, where "extended X states" consist of (2^(N+2) - 1) states, larger in number than the (2^(N+1) - 1) of X states of N qubits. While these are still smaller than the total number (2^(2N) - 1) of states of N qubits, the number of parameters involved is nevertheless large. In the case of N = 2, they encompass the entire 15-dimensional parameter space, that is, the extended X states for N = 2 represent the full qubit-qubit system.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Dark States and Interferences in Cascade Transitions of Ultra-Cold Atoms in a Cavity

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    We examine the competition among one- and two-photon processes in an ultra-cold, three-level atom undergoing cascade transitions as a result of its interaction with a bimodal cavity. We show parameter domains where two-photon transitions are dominant and also study the effect of two-photon emission on the mazer action in the cavity. The two-photon emission leads to the loss of detailed balance and therefore we obtain the photon statistics of the cavity field by the numerical integration of the master equation. The photon distribution in each cavity mode exhibits sub- and super- Poissonian behaviors depending on the strength of atom-field coupling. The photon distribution becomes identical to a Poisson distribution when the atom-field coupling strengths of the modes are equal.Comment: 15 pages including 7 figures in Revtex, submitted to PR