1,605 research outputs found

    Hunting technology during the early and middle holocene in the puna of Salta (Argentina): patterns of variation and processes of change

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    Se presenta un modelo sobre el cambio en la tecnología de caza en la puna de Salta a lo largo del Holoceno temprano y medio, focalizando en el cambio en la representación de sistemas de armas. Para esto, se siguió una metodología centrada en el análisis de tendencias centrales y de dispersión en diferentes variables diagnósticas de sistemas de armas, medidas en puntas de proyectil. A partir de los patrones resultantes se discuten posibles cambios en las técnicas de caza y la incidencia de mecanismos tales como la toma de decisión y la transmisión cultural en la dinámica de cambio. A su vez, los resultados obtenidos son comparados con los de otras áreas de los Andes Centro-Sur, en perspectiva macrorregional.We present an initial model on the change in hunting technology in the Puna of Salta during the early and middle Holocene, focusing on the change in the representation of weapons systems. For this, we followed a methodology based on the analysis of central tendency and dispersion in different diagnostic variables of weapon systems, measured in projectile points. Changes in hunting techniques and the impact of mechanisms such as decision making and cultural transmission in the dynamics of change are discussed from the resulting patterns. In turn, the results are compared with other areas of the South Central Andes from a macro-regional perspective.Fil: Restifo, Federico. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Aeshna Tuberculifera Walker, a New Ohio Record

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    Author Institution: Department of Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 4321

    Tacit knowledge and the biological weapons regime

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    Bioterrorism has become increasingly salient in security discourse in part because of perceived changes in the capacity and geography of life science research. Yet its salience is founded upon a framing of changes in science and security that does not always take into consideration the somewhat slippery concept of ‘tacit knowledge’, something poorly understood, disparately conceptualised and often marginalised in discussions on state and non-state biological weapons programmes. This paper looks at how changes in science and technology—particularly the evolution of information and communications technology—has contributed to the partial erosion of aspects of tacit knowledge and the implications for the biological weapons regime. This paper concludes by arguing that the marginalisation of tacit knowledge weakens our understanding of the difficulties encountered in biological weapons programmes and can result in distorted perceptions of the threat posed by dual-use biotechnology in the 21st century

    A System And Method For User Customized 3d Model Placement

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    A system and method are disclosed that enable user-customized 3D ad model placement in augmented reality videos. The first part of the algorithm involves adding markers into the video created by the video providers. The system for broadcasting the video includes an algorithm to predict the products the user is likely to purchase, thus customizing advertisement placement. A 3D model is generated for the product identified by the prediction algorithm. The system combines the product generated via the prediction program with the markers on the video to generate the placement. Thus a video is displayed on the user’s device with an ad for the product customized for the user. This enables the user to click on the product for information or purchase and increases the chances of the user purchasing the product. The disclosed method of model placement has high reliability, user specificity and cost effectiveness in advertising

    Patterns of Cultural Transmission in the Manufacture of Projectile Points: Implications for the Early Settlement of the Argentine Puna

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    Within the Andean region, the Puna is an elevated desert that rises beyond 3,000 masl. Human settlement of this sector apparently began ca. 11,000 rcybp during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the result of human dispersion from other biomes. The clearest archaeological records date to the early Holocene (ca.10,000–8000 rcybp). Early populations likely were of low demographic density and high residential mobility, given to moving great distances. These characteristics likely influenced cultural dynamics.Fil: Hoguin, Rodolphe Gregory. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Restifo, Federico. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Patterns of Cultural Transmission in the Manufacture of Projectile Points: Implications for the Early Settlement of the Argentine Puna

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    Within the Andean region, the Puna is an elevated desert that rises beyond 3,000 masl. Human settlement of this sector apparently began ca. 11,000 rcybp during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, the result of human dispersion from other biomes. The clearest archaeological records date to the early Holocene (ca.10,000–8000 rcybp). Early populations likely were of low demographic density and high residential mobility, given to moving great distances. These characteristics likely influenced cultural dynamics.Fil: Hoguin, Rodolphe Gregory. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense; Francia. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; Francia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Restifo, Federico. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Processes of diversification, intensification and domestication during the holocene in the highlands north of Argentina and Chile: contributions from the puna of Salta

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    Este artículo analiza y discute los procesos de intensificación, domesticación y diversificación en el uso de los camélidos ocurridos entre ca 10000 y 3500 años AP en la Puna de Salta, comparando con distintas áreas de las tierras altas del Noroeste argentino y el Norte de Chile. La información arqueofaunística y lítica macroregional disponible se integra para el estudio de estos procesos. Los resultados indican cambios en el Holoceno medio y, fundamentalmente, en el Holoceno medio final. La evidencia faunística registra la presencia de camélidos domesticados y el aumento en la representación de camélidos subadultos, mientras que la tecnología lítica se caracteriza por la presencia de una mayor variedad de puntas de proyectil y la proliferación de formas base de hojas.Intensification, domestication and diversification processes on the use of the camelids in the Puna of Salta (ca 10000 - 3500 BP) are comparatively analyzed and discussed in this article considering different areas from the highlands of the Northwest of Argentina and North of Chile. Thus, archaeofaunal and lithic information is integrated to the study of these processes. Results highlight the occurrence of changes during the Middle Holocene and especially in the end of the Middle Holocene. The archaeofaunal evidence exhibits the presence of domesticated camelids and an increase in sub-adult camelid frequency throughout the Holocene. In relation to lithic assemblages, an increment in projectile point classes and the proliferation of blade technology are recorded.Fil: Lopez, Gabriel Eduardo Jose. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Restifo, Federico. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Même les esclaves peuvent avoir une confrérie

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    Dans la ville portuaire de Messine, en 1584, est fondée une confrérie originale, celle des esclaves noirs convertis. La cérémonie d’accueil qu’on leur réserve au sein de l’église et du sénat de la ville montre l’acceptation « officielle » de tous les citoyens chrétiens. L’intégration sociale des noirs africains semble être plus problématique. Les Trinitaires, après 1606, arrivent à faire abolir la confrérie des esclaves. Messine, comme tant d’autres villes portuaires de l’aire méditerranéenne, « apprécie » la présence d’esclaves noirs, mais pas de façon organisée ; or, une confrérie, l’est. L’opposition des pères trinitaires et l’activisme zélé des Jésuites sur les rives du détroit sont les deux faces d’une même pièce : les esclaves ne doivent pas s’organiser. Les esclaves sont soumis à un traitement individuel, aussi bien dans la conversion en ce qui concerne dans l’affranchissement. Mais chaque cas est un cas individuel.An unusual confraternity of converted black slaves was founded in the port city of Messina in 1584. The welcoming ceremony for the confraternity at the church and in the city’s senate are evidence of Christian citizens’ “official” acceptance of the organization. But the social integration of African blacks was more problematic. After 1606, Trinitarian friars abolished the confraternity. Messina, like many other Mediterranean port cities, “welcomed” black slaves but not their organizations. The Trinitarians’ opposition and the Jesuits’ zealous activism are two aspects of the same stance: slaves must not organize. Slaves were subject to personal treatment, both for conversion and emancipation, and each case was an individual one

    Discussion on units of analysis for lithic artifacts studies

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    Se discuten criterios para la elección o construcción de unidades de análisis en estudios líticos. Asumiendo que los conjuntos líticos representan un continuo de variación morfológica y métrica, su ordenamiento a partir de diferentes unidades es responsabilidad del investigador dado que no tienen una segmentación inherente. Se resalta el criterio de elección o construcción de unidades según su relevancia para responder a una pregunta de investigación. Se argumenta que la confiabilidad y validez de las unidades de análisis es crucial para el proceso de investigación.Criteria for the choice or construction of units of analysis in lithic studies are discussed. Assuming that the lithic assemblages represent a continuum of morphological and metric variation, since they do not have an inherent segmentation, their ordering from different units is the responsibility of the researcher. The main criterion of choice or construction of units is their relevance regarding a research question. It is argued that the reliability and validity of the units of analysis is crucial for the research process.Fil: Restifo, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Arqueología; Argentin