14 research outputs found

    Qualitative Analysis: Comparison of Growth and Development in Children with HIV/AIDS Living at Lentera Halfway House and Those Living at Home with Family in Surakarta

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    Background: Children with HIV/AIDS infection need optimal endurance to grow and develop. Optimal endurance is required to cope with threatening diseases. This study aimed to compare growth and development in children with HIV/AIDS living at Lentera halfway house and those living at home with family in Surakarta.Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study with case study approach. The main study subjects were children with HIV/AIDS. The informants of this study included manager and care-givers at the Lentera halfway house, and parents. The informants were selected by snowball sampling. The dependent variables under study included bodyweight, CD4, fine and gross motoric development, stigma and discrimination, moral and religious development. The independent variable was place of care, i.e. halfway house or home with family. Except for bodyweight and CD4, the other remaining variables were collected by in-depth interview and observation. Bodyweight was measured by scale. CD4 was measured by chemical laboratory.Results: There was no difference in child growth living in the two places of care, with respect to bodyweight and CD4 count. The CD4 count was moderate indicating a moderate immunosuppressive state. Children with HIV/AIDS suffered stigma and discrimination more at halfway house than at home living with family. There was no difference in gross motoric development in children with HIV/AIDS living at the two places of care. Likewise, there was no difference in moral and religious development in children with HIV/AIDS living at the two places of care.Conclusion: Stigma and discrimination occur more often in children with HIV/AIDS that live at halfway house than at home with family. Bodyweight, CD4 count, gross motoric development, and moral and religious development are comparable in children with HIV/AIDS that live at halfway house and at home with family.Keywords: children with HIV/AIDS, halfway house, family, growth, developmentCorrespondence: Vita Raraningrum. School of Midwifery Rustida, Banyuwangi, East Java. Email: [email protected] of Epidemiology and Public Health (2016), 1(3): 175-181https://doi.org/10.26911/jepublichealth.2016.01.03.0


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    Background: Studies have shown that up to 33 percent of women experience clinical depression or an anxiety disorder at some point during pregnancy. Anxiety and depression in pregnancy can lead to low fetal quality, increased risk of pregnancy complication and developmental disorder of the child. Antidepressant treatment may cause recurrence or addiction rate of up to 50%. In theory, yoga can relieve undesirable psychic symptoms such as anxiety and depression during pregnancy. This study aimed to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Subjects and Method: This was a randomized controlled trial conducted at Budi Luhur clinic in Kudus, Central Java, from 27 December 2017 to 7 February 2018. A total of 102 pregnant women was allocated at random into the intervention group (n1=51) and control group (n2=51). The independent variable was prenatal yoga. The dependent variables were anxiety and depression. The data were collected by questionnaire. Difference in the dependent variables between the two groups was tested by Mann-Whitney test and multiple linear regression. Results: The mean level of anxiety was lower in the intervention group than the control group both at two weeks after the intervention (b= -9.25; 95% CI= -10.22 to -8.28; p< 0.001) and four weeks after the intervention (b= -5.79; 95% CI= -7.68 to -3.90; p< 0.001). The mean level of depression was lower in the intervention group than the control group both at two weeks after the intervention (b= -10.82; 95% CI= -12.29 to -9.35; p< 0.001) and four weeks after the intervention (b= -2.58; 95% CI= -3.98 to -1.18; p< 0.001). Conclusion: Prenatal yoga intervention is effective in reducing anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Keywords: prenatal yoga, anxiety, depressio

    The Effect of Peer Support Group on Depression and Quality of Life Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Kediri East Java

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    Background: People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or HIV/AIDs encounter such problems as society stigma and depression that can affect their quality of life in the term of physical, mental, and social health. Social support should be improved from individual, family, Peer Support Group (PSG), and government. PSG serves to help PLWHA feel not lonely, to give opportunity of seeing others, of sharing information about newest treatment and local support service, to reduce isolation, to improve social support, and to reduce stigma in order to achieve better quality of life and to reduce depression. The objective of research was to analyze the effect of KDS on depression and quality of life among PLWHA in Friendship Plus Peer Support Group in Kediri City.Subjects and Method: This study was an analytical observational study with cross sectional design. This was conducted at Friendship Plus Peer Support Group in Kediri, Indonesia in May to July 2016. The sample consisted of 60 subjects taken using simple random sampling. Technique of collecting data used was questionnaire, while analysis was carried out using Pearson's Product Moment correlational and multiple linear regression tests.Results: The result of research showed that there was a statistically significant effect of Peer Support Group on the reduced depression in PLWHA (b= -0.60; 95% CI= -0.82 to 0.38; p<0.001). Depression was affected by family income of 88.8% (b= -8.68; 95% CI= 0.01; p=0.021) and education (b= -7.86; 95% CI= -14.05 to 1.67; p=0.014). There was a statistically significant effect of Peer Support Group on the improved quality of life among PLWHA (b=0.32; 95% CI= 0.09 to 0.53; p=0.005). Quality of life was affected by family income of 92.3% (b= 1.36; 95% CI= 0.01; p<0.001) and education (b=20.84; 95% CI= 14.75 to 26.93; p<0.001). Conclusion: This research concluded that there was an effect of peer support group on the reduced depression among PLWHA and there was an effect of peer support group the improved quality of life among PLWHA.Keywords: peer support group, depression, quality of life, PLWHACorrespondence: Astika Rasyiid. Diploma III Midwifery of Tulungagung University, East Java.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2016), 1(1): 32-40https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2016.01.01.0

    The Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on HIF-1α Expression in Cervical Uterine Cancer

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    Background: Uterine cervical cancer is one of the main causes of female death related to cancer. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy aims to reduce tumor mass to allow radical surgery. HIF-1α is thought to have a key role in the development of cancer and the main target for chemoprevention.Objective: This study aims to prove the effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on HIF-1α expression in uterine cervical cancer as an assessment parameter for chemotherapy response. Subjects and methods: The study was carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Pathology Department of Anatomy Dr. Moewardi - Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Thirty (30) cervical cancer samples that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were examined for HIF-1α expression before and after giving 3 times neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Examination using immunohistochemical methods. Data analysis using t-test.Results: Mean HIF-1α expression before administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy 5.10± 1.174 cell/field, after administration of neoadjuvant chemotherapy 4.00±1.174 cell/field with p=0.001.Conclusion: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy has an effect on reducing HIF-1α expression in uterine cervical cancer.Keywords: neoadjuvant chemotherapy, HIF-1α, uterine cervical cancerCorrespondence: Sri Sulistyowati. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Mobile: 08122968215. email: [email protected] Indonesian Journal of Medicine (2018), 3(2): 109-114https://doi.org/10.26911/theijmed.2018.03.02.0

    Biopsychosocial Determinants of Pregnant Women's Behaviour in Conducting Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) Tests in Madiun

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    Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is top ranked infectious disease which causes death with high mortality and morbidity rates, and requires diagnosis and long-term therapy (WHO, 2013). In October 2016, Health Office of Madiun City stated that in 2015, there were 2,772 pregnant women, among those only 1,120 conducted HIV-AIDS tests and 4 of them declared HIV positive. These numbers indicated that the participations of pregnant women in conducting HIV-AIDS tests are not optimal. This study aimed to discover biopsychosocial determinants in conducting HIV-AIDS tests on pregnant women in Madiun.Subject and Methods: This was an analytic observational study with case control design. A total of 108 samples of pregnant women in Madiun which consisted of 54 pregnant women who conducted HIV/AIDS tests as cases, and 54 pregnant women who did not conduct HIV/ AIDS tests as controls were collected by using fixed disease sampling The device to gather the data was a set of questionnaire. Data analysis used Chi Square and path analysis.Results: There were positive influence of family support (b=1.57; 95% CI= 0.52 to 2.63; p=0.004), information exposure (b=1.14; 95% CI= 0.33 to 1.95; p=0.006), perceived seriousness (b=1.21; 95% CI= 0.14 to 2.28; p=0.027), perceived vulnerability b=1.12; 95% CI= 0.12 to 2.13; p=0.028), perceived benefit (b=1.28; 95% CI= 0.23 to 2.31; p=0.017) on pregnant women's behaviour in conducting HIV/ AIDS tests, and statistically significant. There were negative influence of family income (b=-0.73; 95% CI= -1.51 to 0.05; p=0.067), perceived obstacles (b=-0.92; 95% CI= -1.99 to 0.15; p=0.093) and statistically significant.Conclusion: Family support, information exposure, family income, perceived seriousness, perceived vulnerability, perceived obstacles, and perceived benefit influence pregnant women in conducting HIV/ AIDS tests.Keywords: determinants, bipsychosocial, HIV/ AIDS testCorrespondence: Wida Rahma Arwiyantasari. Muhammadiyah Midwifery Academy Madiun. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: 085736709597.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(2): 112-123https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.02.0

    Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) Level is Lower in Premature Rupture of Membrane

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    Abstract Objective: To prove wheth er the levels of Heat Shock Protein 70 (Hsp70) was lower in women experiencing premature rupture of membranes than in women with normal aterm pregnancy in order to explain occurrence of pregnancy premature rupture of membranes at termin biomolecular (Hsp70). Method: This was an obse rvational resear ch and the study design was a cross-sectional study. The number of all samples was 60 women, divided into 2 groups and each group contained 30 women. Independ ent var iable: Heat Shock Protein 70 level, Depend ent var iable: Premature Rupture of Membrane. Data was analyzed by t test Result: Based on matern al character istic on both groups, the mean levels of Hsp70 in serum of pr egnant women with PROM lower (0.36) compared to normal pregnant group (3.94) and this difference was statistically significant (p50%). Conclusion: Theme an levels of Hsp 70 in premature rupture of membranes obtained lower levels than in normal full-term pregnancy and this difference was sta tistically significant. Keywords: Heat Shock Protein 70, maternal stress, PRO

    Difference of Serum MMP9 and TNF ô€ƒ Level in Preterm and Term Premature Rupture of Membranes

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    Objective: To examine the difference between matrix metalloproteinase†9 (MMPâ€9) and Tumor Necrosis Factor ô€ƒ (TNFâ€ô€ƒ) serum levels in preterm and term premature rupture of membranes (PROM). Method: Our study employed an observational cross sectional approach. Seventy samples were divided into two groups, 35 samples with preterm PROM (28â€36 weeks gestational age) and 35 samples with PROM at term pregnancy (37â€42 weeks gestational age). Both groups underwent examination for serum MMPâ€9 and TNFâ€ô€ƒ concentration using ELISA method. Statistical analysis was done using ttest. Result: Serum levels of MMPâ€9 in the preterm PROM group was 2860.68K627.32 ng/ml, which was significantly higher than in the PROM at term pregnancy group 2549.74K657.15 ng/ml (p=0.04). Likewise, the average serum level of TNFâ€ô€ƒ in subjects with preterm PROM was 12,086.60K5384.51 ng/ml, significantly higher in comparison to PROM at term pregnancy, which was 6422.51K2645.32 ng/ml (p=0.00). Conclusion: Serum levels of MMPâ€9 and TNFâ€ô€ƒ in preterm PROM is significantly higher than that in PROM at term pregnancy. Keywords: MMPâ€9, premature rupture of membranes, preterm, term, TNFâ€ô€

    The Effect of Reality Therapy on the Serotonin Level and Depression Score in Cervical Cancer Patients

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    Introduction: Cervical cancer is cancer occurring in the cervix uteri, which is mostly caused by an infection by human papillomavirus (HPV). Women diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer suffer emotional stress that can lead to depression. This condition causes decreasing quality of life, decreasing level of serotonin, and an increase in depression score. Giving reality therapy to patients is expected to have positive effects. Methods: The research was con- ducted through an experiment with pre-test and post-test design. The research samples were15 subjects taken through consecutive sampling from the Polyclinic of Obstetrics and Gynecol- ogy of Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta starting in March 2015. The analysis of serotonin level was conducted in Prodia Laboratory. The experimental data was analyzed using a t-test (α =0.05). Results: The average level of serotonin of the research subjects after receiving reality therapy was higher (223.59 + 41.20) compared to that before the therapy (82.77 + 27.02). From the t-test analysis with p = 0.00, it was found that the average depression score after receiving reality therapy is lower (11:40 + 4.80) compared that before the therapy (17:33 +5:52). Conclusion: There was a significant increase in the serotonin level and a significant decrease in the depression score as the effect of reality therapy given to patients with ad- vanced cervical cancer

    The Role of HLAC and NK Cells in Fetal Growth Restriction

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    Objective: To determine the role of HLA-C and NK cell expressions in fetal growth restriction (FGR). Methods: A cross sectional study design was used. This study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, its affiliated hospitals, and at the Pathological Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sebelas Maret Surakarta. A total of 40 samples were included in this study. The samples consisted of 20 normal pregnancies and 20 pregnancies with FGR. HLA-C expression in the trophoblast and NK cells in decidua of the subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were examined using immunohistochemical method and statistical analysis with T test. Results: The mean expression of HLA-C in the trophoblast in the pregnant group with FGR was 9.021.30, normal pregnancy was 7.96 ± 0.97, p=0.01 (p<0.05). The mean expression of NK cells in decidua of pregnancy with FGR was 10.59 ± 2.11, normal pregnancy was 0.91 ± 8.18, with p=0.00 (p<0.05). Conclusion: The expressions of HLA-C in trophoblast and NK cells in decidua of pregnancy with FGR were higher compared with those of normal pregnancy. [Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2017; 5-3: 142-148] Keywords: fetal growth restriction, HLA-C, NK cell