972 research outputs found

    Optical Observations and Multiband Modelling of the Afterglow of GRB 041006: Evidence of A Hard Electron Energy Spectrum

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    We present the CCD Cousins R band photometric observations of the afterglow of GRB 041006. The multiband afterglow evolution is modelled using an underlying `hard' electron energy spectrum with a p11.3p_1 \sim 1.3. The burst appears to be of very low energy (E1048E \sim 10^{48} ergs) confined to a narrow cone of opening angle θ2.3\theta \sim 2.3^{\circ}. The associated supernova is compared with SN1998bw and is found to be brighter.Comment: Accepted for publication in Bull. Astr. Soc. India (BASI

    Observations of the Optical Afterglow of GRB 050319 : Wind to ISM transition in view

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    The collapse of a massive star is believed to be the most probable progenitor of a long GRB. Such a star is expected to modify its environment by stellar wind. The effect of such a circum-stellar wind medium is expected to be seen in the evolution of a GRB afterglow, but has so far not been conclusively found. We claim that a signature of wind to constant density medium transition of circum-burst medium is visible in the afterglow of GRB 050319. Along with the optical observations of the afterglow of GRB 050319 we present a model for the multiband afterglow of GRB 050319. We show that the break seen in optical light curve at \sim 0.02 day could be explained as being due to wind to constant density medium transition of circum-burst medium, in which case, to our knowledge, this could be the first ever detection of such a transition at any given frequency band. Detection of such a transition could also serve as a confirmation of massive star collapse scenario for GRB progenitors, independent of supernova signatures.Comment: 11 pages, 3 tables, 1 figure

    Stipe anatomical studies on selected pteridophytes of South India

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    Present study is based on the stipe anatomy of 13 selected species of pteridophytes of South India. Detailed description, key to the taxa based on stipe anatomy, photographs and descriptions are provided

    Peran Pengawas Menelan Obat (Pmo) Tuberkulosis dalam Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Kelurahan Sidomulyo Barat Pekanbaru

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    The treatment observers is an important role for the success of DOTS strategy. Treatment observers is usually come from patients who will give a boost to the patient in order to improve patient compliance in taking medicine and regularing the treatment. TB cases in Pekanbaru city is still high with a low cure rate from the national average. This study is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results showed a treatment role in improving medication adherence for patients with tuberculosis case is to accompany and supervise the patient every day, accompany the patient to the health center, remind patients to take medicine at night, give encouragement and support to patients, remind patients to examine repeated sputum, provide guidance to patients, and carry patients to doctor in case of side effects

    Effectiveness of social skill training on self concept in adolescents at selected orphanage, Salem

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    A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Social Skill Training on Self Concept in Adolescents at Selected Orphanage, Salem. The research design adopted was pre-experimental design. The study was conducted at House of Peace Orphanage, Chinnathirupathi, Salem. The sample size was 30 and was selected by convenience sampling technique. Modified Pierce Harison Self concept scale was used to assess the level of self concept. Social skill training was conducted to promote the level of self concept. The data collected were analysed by using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study finding revealed that 24(80%) samples belong to the age group of 16-18 years, 16(53.33%) samples were female, and 21 (70%) samples were studying in higher secondary. In pre-test, 14(46.67%) had average level of self concept, 11(36.67%) had below average level of self concept, 5(16.67%) had significantly below average level of self concept. In posttest 8(26.67%) had high average level of self concept, 10(33.33%) had above average level of self concept. 8(26.67%) had significantly above average level of self concept. The mean pre-test score was 34.60? 9.76, whereas in post-test score was 76.60? 16.54. The estimated ‘t’ value 16.44 at p <0.001 level which is greater than the table value. So the social skill training was effective in impr oving the level of self concept. Hence H1 is retained. There was significant association found between the level of self concept and their selected demographic variables like, age, sex, education and hobbies. So, H2 is retained for the above mentioned variables

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ransum Mengandung Bungkil Inti Sawit Fermentasi Dengan Bacillus cereus V9 Terhadap Kualitas Fisik Daging Ayam Broiler

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ransum mengandung bungkil inti sawit fermentasi (BISF) dengan Bacillus cereus V9 terhadap kualitas fisik daging ayam broiler. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Agustus 2020 sampai dengan tanggal 30 September 2020 di Laboratorium pusat dan terpadu, Laboratorium Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Jambi dan kandang Farm Fakultas Peternakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri dari 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Susunan perlakuan yang diterapkan adalah R0 = 0% BISF, R1= 10% BISF, R2= 15%  BISF, R3= 20% BISF, R4= 25% BISF, R5= 30% BISF. Peubah yang diamati dalam penilitian ini adalah pH, susut masak, dan daya ikat daging ayam  broiler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh pemberian ransum yang mengandung bungkil inti sawit fermentasi dengan Bacillus cereus V9 tidak berpengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap pH, susut masak, dan daya ikat air daging ayam broiler. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pemberian bungkil inti sawit fermentasi dengan Bacillus cereus V9 dalam ransum ayam broiler dapat di gunakan sampai taraf 30%. Kata kunci :bungkil inti sawit, fermentasi, pH daging, susut masak daging, daya ikat daging


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    Deep Sea sediment core PC-1 from the South Andaman Sea (7 ̊19.85' N; 94 ̊ 39.26' E; in East Andaman Basin) below the water depth of 3144 m contain discrete ash layers at various depths. According to morphological study, these ash layers contain glass shards of different varieties i.e. Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, Type-IV and Type-V and it is comparable to glass shards of Toba volcanic reported from other parts of the world. This observation is also supported on the basis of relative biostratigraphic datum observed in the core PC-1. The Layer-A (56 cm thick) at 210 cm bsf is just above the biostratigraphic datum of ca. 0.12 Ma, correspond to Youngest Toba Tuff (YTT), followed by Layer-C belongs to Middle Toba Tuff (MTT) and Layer-D inferred as Oldest Toba Tuff (OTT). This interpretation is further supported by the geochemical data obtained from the EDX analysis, which suggest high silica and alkali contents of rhyolitic composition. Hence, geochemical composition, morphology and biostratigraphic data of these discrete tephra layers show identical characteristics to the products of Toba eruptions, including YTT, MTT and OTT

    Development of techno-pedagogy approach learning model to improve digital literation of UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur’s students

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    The study objectives were 1) to describe the level of digital literacy of UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur's  students; and 2) Developing a techno-pedagogy approach to improve digital literacy of UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur's students. This research innovation is developing of a techno-pedagogy approach model and arranging a techno-pedagogy approach to improve students' digital literacy. This innovation is based on the idea of a pedagogical model which is an important aspect in achieving learning goals in the world of education. In the first study objective, quantitative methods are used, the second research objective uses qualitative methods. Research location at UPN "Veteran" Jawa Timur. This option is to provide insight, knowledge, and solutions to integrated pedagogical problems in learning amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Data were collected from questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Among the data needed are online skills; motivation; online video/audio; internet discussion; supporting elements;  ict abilities; blended learning models; teaching contents; frequencies of face-to-face meeting; regulation; culture