10 research outputs found

    KMT2A associates with PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 subcomplex in pancreatic cancer stem cells and epigenetically regulates their characteristics

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC), one of the most aggressive and life-threatening human malignancies, is known for its resistance to cytotoxic therapies. This is increasingly ascribed to the subpopulation of undifferentiated cells, known as pancreatic cancer stem cells (PCSCs), which display greater evolutionary fitness than other tumor cells to evade the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. PCSCs are crucial for tumor relapse as they possess ‘stem cell-like’ features that are characterized by self-renewal and differentiation. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain the unique characteristics of PCSCs are poorly understood. Here, we identify the histone methyltransferase KMT2A as a physical binding partner of an RNA polymerase-associated PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 protein subcomplex and an epigenetic regulator of PCSC properties and functions. Targeting the protein subcomplex in PCSCs with a KMT2A-WDR5 inhibitor attenuates their self-renewal capacity, cell viability, and in vivo tumorigenicity

    The pRb/RBL2-E2F1/4-GCN5 axis regulates cancer stem cell formation and G0 phase entry/exit by paracrine mechanisms

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    The lethality, chemoresistance and metastatic characteristics of cancers are associated with phenotypically plastic cancer stem cells (CSCs). How the non-cell autonomous signalling pathways and cell-autonomous transcriptional machinery orchestrate the stem cell-like characteristics of CSCs is still poorly understood. Here we use a quantitative proteomic approach for identifying secreted proteins of CSCs in pancreatic cancer. We uncover that the cell-autonomous E2F1/4-pRb/RBL2 axis balances non-cell-autonomous signalling in healthy ductal cells but becomes deregulated upon KRAS mutation. E2F1 and E2F4 induce whereas pRb/RBL2 reduce WNT ligand expression (e.g. WNT7A, WNT7B, WNT10A, WNT4) thereby regulating self-renewal, chemoresistance and invasiveness of CSCs in both PDAC and breast cancer, and fibroblast proliferation. Screening for epigenetic enzymes identifies GCN5 as a regulator of CSCs that deposits H3K9ac onto WNT promoters and enhancers. Collectively, paracrine signalling pathways are controlled by the E2F-GCN5-RB axis in diverse cancers and this could be a therapeutic target for eliminating CSCs

    BRD9-SMAD2/3 orchestrates stemness and tumorigenesis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma

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    Background and Aims The dismal prognosis of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is linked to the presence of pancreatic cancer stem-like cells (CSCs) that respond poorly to current chemotherapy regimens. The epigenetic mechanisms regulating CSCs are currently insufficiently understood, which hampers the development of novel strategies for eliminating CSCs. Methods By small molecule compound screening targeting 142 epigenetic enzymes, we identified that bromodomain-containing protein BRD9, a component of the BAF histone remodeling complex, is a key chromatin regulator to orchestrate the stemness of pancreatic CSCs via cooperating with the TGFβ/Activin-SMAD2/3 signaling pathway. Results Inhibition and genetic ablation of BRD9 block the self-renewal, cell cycle entry into G0 phase and invasiveness of CSCs, and improve the sensitivity of CSCs to gemcitabine treatment. In addition, pharmacological inhibition of BRD9 significantly reduced the tumorigenesis in patient-derived xenografts mouse models and eliminated CSCs in tumors from pancreatic cancer patients. Mechanistically, inhibition of BRD9 disrupts enhancer-promoter looping and transcription of stemness genes in CSCs. Conclusions Collectively, the data suggest BRD9 as a novel therapeutic target for PDAC treatment via modulation of CSC stemness

    A Chemical Probe for Tudor Domain Protein Spindlin1 to Investigate Chromatin Function.

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    Modifications of histone tails, including lysine/arginine methylation, provide the basis of a 'chromatin or histone code'. Proteins that con-tain 'reader' domains can bind to these modifications and form specific effector complexes, which ultimately mediate chromatin function. The spindlin1 (SPIN1) protein contains three Tudor methyl-lysine/arginine reader domains and was identified as a putative onco-gene and transcriptional co-activator. Here we report a SPIN1 chemi-cal probe inhibitor with low nanomolar in vitro activity, exquisite selectivity on a panel of methyl reader and writer proteins, and with submicromolar cellular activity. X-ray crystallography showed that this Tudor domain chemical probe simultaneously engages Tudor domains 1 and 2 via a bidentate binding mode. Small molecule inhibition and siRNA knockdown of SPIN1, as well as chemoproteomic studies, iden-tified genes which are transcriptionally regulated by SPIN1 in squa-mous cell carcinoma and suggest that SPIN1 may have a roll in cancer related inflammation and/or cancer metastasis

    RBL2-E2F-GCN5 guide cell fate decisions during tissue specification by regulating cell-cycle-dependent fluctuations of non-cell-autonomous signaling

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    Summary: The retinoblastoma family proteins (RBs) and E2F transcription factors are cell-autonomous regulators of cell-cycle progression, but they also impact fate choice in addition to tumor suppression. The range of mechanisms involved remains to be uncovered. Here, we show that RBs, particularly RBL2/p130, repress WNT ligands such as WNT4 and WNT8A, thereby directing ectoderm specification between neural crest to neuroepithelium. RBL2 achieves this function through cell-cycle-dependent cooperation with E2Fs and GCN5 on the regulatory regions of WNT loci, which direct neuroepithelial versus neural crest specification by temporal fluctuations of WNT/β-catenin and DLL/NOTCH signaling activity. Thus, the RB-E2F bona fide cell-autonomous axis controls cell fate decisions, and RBL2 regulates field effects via WNT ligands. This reveals a non-cell-autonomous function of RBL2-E2F in stem cell and tissue progenitor differentiation that has broader implications for cell-cycle-dependent cell fate specification in organogenesis, adult stem cells, tissue homeostasis, and tumorigenesis

    Epigenetic and transcriptional regulations prime cell fate before division during human pluripotent stem cell differentiation.

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    Funder: Federation of European Biochemical SocietiesStem cells undergo cellular division during their differentiation to produce daughter cells with a new cellular identity. However, the epigenetic events and molecular mechanisms occurring between consecutive cell divisions have been insufficiently studied due to technical limitations. Here, using the FUCCI reporter we developed a cell-cycle synchronised human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) differentiation system for uncovering epigenome and transcriptome dynamics during the first two divisions leading to definitive endoderm. We observed that transcription of key differentiation markers occurs before cell division, while chromatin accessibility analyses revealed the early inhibition of alternative cell fates. We found that Activator protein-1 members controlled by p38/MAPK signalling are necessary for inducing endoderm while blocking cell fate shifting toward mesoderm, and that enhancers are rapidly established and decommissioned between different cell divisions. Our study has practical biomedical utility for producing hPSC-derived patient-specific cell types since p38/MAPK induction increased the differentiation efficiency of insulin-producing pancreatic beta-cells

    KMT2A associates with PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 subcomplex in pancreatic cancer stem cells and epigenetically regulates their characteristics

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    Abstract Pancreatic cancer (PC), one of the most aggressive and life-threatening human malignancies, is known for its resistance to cytotoxic therapies. This is increasingly ascribed to the subpopulation of undifferentiated cells, known as pancreatic cancer stem cells (PCSCs), which display greater evolutionary fitness than other tumor cells to evade the cytotoxic effects of chemotherapy. PCSCs are crucial for tumor relapse as they possess ‘stem cell-like’ features that are characterized by self-renewal and differentiation. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain the unique characteristics of PCSCs are poorly understood. Here, we identify the histone methyltransferase KMT2A as a physical binding partner of an RNA polymerase-associated PHF5A-PHF14-HMG20A-RAI1 protein subcomplex and an epigenetic regulator of PCSC properties and functions. Targeting the protein subcomplex in PCSCs with a KMT2A-WDR5 inhibitor attenuates their self-renewal capacity, cell viability, and in vivo tumorigenicity

    A Chemical Probe For Tudor Domain Protein Spindlin1 to Investigate Chromatin Functions

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    Modifications of histone tails, including lysine/arginine methylation, provide the basis of a \u27chromatin or histone code\u27. Proteins that contain \u27reader\u27 domains can bind to these modifications and form specific effector complexes, which ultimately mediate chromatin function. The spindlin1 (SPIN1) protein contains three Tudor methyllysine/arginine reader domains and was identified as a putative oncogene and transcriptional co-activator. Here we report a SPIN1 chemical probe inhibitor with low nanomolar in vitro activity, exquisite selectivity on a panel of methyl reader and writer proteins, and with submicromolar cellular activity. X-ray crystallography showed that this Tudor domain chemical probe simultaneously engages Tudor domains 1 and 2 via a bidentate binding mode. Small molecule inhibition and siRNA knockdown of SPIN1, as well as chemoproteomic studies, identified genes which are transcriptionally regulated by SPIN1 in squamous cell carcinoma and suggest that SPIN1 may have a roll in cancer related inflammation and/or cancer metastasis.<br /