370 research outputs found


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    Universitas Syiah Kuala (Unsyiah) merupakan perguruan tinggi yang menerapkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) sebagai salah satu kebutuhan pokok dalam menunjang aktifitas akademika. Teknologi informasi tersebut harus dijamin tetap aman, tersedia dan berjalan perlu dilakukan proses backup secara rutin. Proses backup dilakukan unsyiah menggunakan owncloud. Setiap aktifitas dari proses backup harus dipantau supaya berjalan sesuai rencana dan targetnya. Pemantauan proses backup data dilakukan unsyiah saat ini secara manual dimana admin harus masuk satu persatu ke server melalui terminal. Semakin banyak sistem informasi dan database yang dibackup maka semakin besar waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk proses pemantauan. Supaya proses pemantauannya optimal dan efisien, maka diperlukan sebuah sistem pemantauan proses backup. Sistem pemantauan proses backup data merupakan sistem informasi dikembangkan menggunakan metode waterfall. Sistem informasi tersebut dapat memberikan informasi hasil dan besar file backup serta tersedia notifikasi berbasis email tentang status backup. Hasil pengujian sistem informasi tersebut diketahui fungsionalitas dapat berjalan dengan baik.Kata Kunci : Owncloud, pemantauan, backup, sistem informasi, waterfall, notifikasi

    Using web (e-learning) as a platform to increase the student’s reading comprehension skill at Darwan Ali university Sampit

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    Reading is one of the abilities that must be mastered by foreign language learners. This is proven by finding the problems experienced by students in understanding the contents of the reading as it has been provided by the English lecturer beyond the students’ knowledge. This paper presents an innovative e-learning platform that was specifically designed to upgrade the student’s reading comprehension skill. This article is a descriptive qualitative as conducted at Darwan Ali University Sampit. The data collecting method were used an observation and literature review. The results showed that 1) IT at Darwan Ali University Sampit has a role as a supporting facility to upgrade reading skill of english learning process. 2) Web (E-learning) is an interesting and an attractive learning facility to the students, and as facility for the students by using E-learning: first, it can improve the student understanding in reading during the application of the development of reading material that refers to e-learning, second, they can get information and reading materials in the form of media such as text, picture, and video that attractive them as a participant


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    ABSTRAKYufitsa, Reshi . 2016. Implementasi Permainan Tradisional Aceh di PAUD IT Al-Fatih Banda Aceh. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:(1)Dr. Anizar Ahmad, M.Pd (2) Drs. Johari Efendi, M.PdKata Kunci : Implementasi, Permainan Tradisional AcehImplementasi permainan tradisional Aceh merupakan salah satu cara mengenalkan unsur nilai sosial budaya dan tradisi dalam kegiatan pembelajaran anak usia dini. Bagaimana jenis permainan tradisional Aceh dan aspek perkembangan yang dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan tradisional Aceh menjadi kajian dalam penelitian di PAUD IT Al-Fatih Banda Aceh. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara. Subjek penelitian adalah 54 orang anak dan 11 orang guru di PAUD IT Al-Fatih Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada lima jenis permainan tradisional Aceh yang diimplementasikan di PAUD IT Al-Fatih Banda Aceh, yaitu (1) engklek, (2) tam-tam buku, (3) ureung buta, (4) lumpat taloe, dan (5) meupet-pet nyet. Aspek yang dapat dikembangkan dari permainan tradisional Aceh yang diimplementasikan enam aspek dasar perkembangan anak, (1) aspek agama dan moral,dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan engklek, tam-tam buku,ureung buta,lumpat taloe, dan meupet-pet nyet (2) aspek bahasa,dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan tam-tam buku dan ureung buta (3) aspek fisik motorik,dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan engklek, tam-tam buku, ureung buta, lumpat taloe, dan meupet-pet nyet (4) aspek kognitif,dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan engklek, lumpat taloe, dan meupet-pet nyet (5)aspek sosial emosional, dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan engklek, tam-tam buku, ureung buta, lumpat taloe, meupet-pet nyet dan (6) aspek seni, dapat dikembangkan melalui permainan engklek, tam-tam buku, ureung buta, dan lumpat taloe. Disarankan kepada pengelola lembaga PAUD IT Al-Fatih untuk menyediakan berbagai alat permainan tradisional Aceh dan memasukkan dalam kurikulum PAUD IT Al-Fati

    A new species of the genus Gomphomastax Brunner von Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Eumastacidae: Gomphomastacinae) from Indian Kashmir

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    A new species, Gomphomastax nigrovittata Usmani, from Kashmir is described and illustrated. In addition to conventional morphological characters, genitalic structures are also studied. A key to known species of Gomphomastax from Indian Kashmir is given

    Efficient Design of Reversible Code Converters Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata

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    Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is an attractive field of nano-technology which offers the various advantages over existing CMOS technology for the development of logic circuits. Contradictory to other technologies which use the voltage levels for logic representation, QCA utilizes the polarization of electrons for representing the binary states in the QCA Cell. Conventional logic circuits are not energy efficient as they are not reversible in nature and hence lead to energy dissipation. Thus there is a need of a serious effort that will provide an efficient paradigm for designing the circuits which does not dissipation the energy and hence will preserve the information. This paper offers the efficient design of various QCA reversible code converters which prove to be efficient in term of cell Area, cell count, total area, latency and complexity. All the proposed reversible code converter designs were simulated and their credibility was successfully verified with the QCADesigner tool

    Efficient Design of Reversible Code Converters Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata

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    Quantum dot Cellular Automata (QCA) is an attractive field of nano-technology which offers the various advantages over existing CMOS technology for the development of logic circuits. Contradictory to other technologies which use the voltage levels for logic representation, QCA utilizes the polarization of electrons for representing the binary states in the QCA Cell. Conventional logic circuits are not energy efficient as they are not reversible in nature and hence lead to energy dissipation. Thus there is a need of a serious effort that will provide an efficient paradigm for designing the circuits which does not dissipation the energy and hence will preserve the information. This paper offers the efficient design of various QCA reversible code converters which prove to be efficient in term of cell Area, cell count, total area, latency and complexity. All the proposed reversible code converter designs were simulated and their credibility was successfully verified with the QCADesigner tool

    Grain Size Induced Metal-insulator Transition in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Compounds

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    The effect of different synthesis techniques on structural, microstructural and electrical properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) was investigated. Two different techniques viz solid state reaction (SSR) and sol-gel (SG) method were used to prepare the samples. X-ray studies have confirmed the single phase formation of LSMO by both the techniques. The average grain size was 2 m for solid state reaction sample and 22 nm for sol-gel sample. A substantial enhancement in electrical resistivity was observed in the sample with nanosized grains. The micro grain size sample exhibited metallic behaviour whereas nanoparticle sample showed metal-insulator transition around 250 K. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3554