132 research outputs found

    Characteristics of the physical heart trained and untrained students depending on the level of bioelements in the body

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    The functional inspection of cardiac activity is conducted at 80 physically trained and untrained students, who have been surveyed about the maintenance of cadmium, potassium and calcium in an organism. The research of the element balance of students revealed that study of chemical elements in the organism of sportsmen was more satisfactory, than for the physically untrained students which showed the deficit of essential elements. The research of features of reaction of the cardiovascular system on the physical loading showed that physiological role of toxic cadmium for the state of the cardiovascular system was more expressed for sportsmen, than for the physically untrained students, though its content in an organism was within the limits of the existing norm. The physiological role toxic and essential elements for an action of the heart of sportsmen and the persons who are not going in for sports is revealed

    Interatomic interaction at the aluminum-fullerene C60\mathrm{C}_{60} interface

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    We propose a model describing the interatomic interaction at the interface between fullerene C60\mathrm{C}_{60} and aluminum. Using the density functional theory, we calculate the binding energy and the fullerene's position on the Al(111)\mathrm{Al}(111) slab. The obtained data are applied to estimate the parameters of the Lennard-Jones potential for carbon and aluminum atoms, which is then used in molecular dynamics simulations. The results of the theoretical study of desorption of fullerenes from an aluminum substrate are in good agreement with those of the experiments from the literature. We also investigate the capillary effects in an aluminum melt with submerged fullerenes. The positive interface surface energy indicates the poor wettability of C60\mathrm{C}_{60} by the melt. The calculated value of the diffusion relaxation time is approximately two orders of magnitude less than the characteristic coagulation time of fullerenes. The activation character of the coagulation process and the capillary nature of the interaction between fullerenes are discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Щодо питання статусу біблійної картини світу в сучасному узусі (On the issue of the status of Biblical worldview in modern usage)

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    У статті порушено проблему статусу біблійної картини світу в сучасному узусі; виокремлено підґрунтя розрізнення сакрального й профанного, що змодельовано в релігійній картині світу; заналізовано біблійну парадигму усталених традиційних критеріїв філософського ґатунку; проілюстровано позицію щодо сакралізації біблійних текстів як основного засобу інформаційного збереження й «захисту» провідних концептів. (The problem of the status of biblical worldview in modern usage is raised in the article; the base of distinction of sacred and profane that modeled in the religious worldview is also emphasized; the author analyzes the biblical paradigm of the established traditional criteria of philosophical range; the position on sacralization of biblical texts is illustrated as the main means of information storage and «protection» of the leading concepts; it is proved that the formation of a significant number of cross-cutting symbols of the biblical worldview was completed at the text level of the Bible, which is the semantic core that generates new concepts and new texts, what expands and simultaneously organizes and codifies the biblicisms in a single orderly system so called linguistic worldview. Biblical symbol brings out the deeper meaning and it is often not identical with the nominative meaning, symboleme as a linguistic unit that actually determines symbol assigns the word associations that form the symbolical complex. They as special signs at the intersection of language and cultural realia correlate with cultural continuum, religious and language worldview. The biblical text contributed to the formation of Ukrainian mentality, including the concepts of love, conscience, truth, compassion, and etc.

    Social focus of business: theoretical and practical aspects

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    The article deals with the reasons for the necessity of social responsibility of business in the conditions of the global economic crisis. The nature and characteristics of social responsibility of enterprises are analyzed, existing theories of social responsibility and its international standards being examined. Social responsibility and social focus of business are defined as the activity which is advantageous for business itself being an effective factor in the success of the manufacturer. The reasons for this are given in the article. The social orientation of the producer and his commitment to the interests of stakeholders (third parties) affect the indicators of capitalization, gross income revenue, profitability, investments and reputation. Taking into account the world's leading experience, a list of public policy measures is proposed that can promote the growth of social activity of Ukrainian producers, including large corporations, in order to overcome inequality and social strain in society.Стаття присвячена з'ясуванню необхідності соціальної відповідальності бізнесу в умовах глобальної економічної кризи. Аналізуються сутність та характерні особливості соціальної відповідальності підприємств, розглядаються існуючі теорії соціальної відповідальності та її міжнародні стандарти. Соціальна відповідальність та спрямованість визначаються як діяльність, що, насамперед, вигідна бізнесу та виступають чинниками успішності виробника. Соціальна спрямованість виробника, його орієнтація на інтереси стейкхолдерів (третіх осіб) впливає на показники капіталізації, валового доходу, рентабельності, інвестицій та репутацію. На основі провідного світового досвіду пропонується перелік заходів державної політики, що сприятиме зростанню соціальної активності українських виробників, у тому числі і великих корпорацій, з метою подолання нерівності та соціальної напруги у суспільстві

    Commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects (on the example of exhausted mines and quarries)

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    Abstract. In this article we developed scientific and applied foundations of commercialization of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects, on the example of exhausted mines. It is determined that the category of “anthropogenic object” can be considered in a narrow-applied sense, as specific anthropogenic objects to ensure the target needs, and in a broad theoretical sense, meaning everything that is created and changed by human influence, that is the objects of both artificial and natural origin. It was determined that problems of commercialization of the natural-resource potential of anthropogenic objects are most often considered by researchers for specific objects, without having complex methodological coverage from the point of view of combining environmental, technical, economic and managerial components. When studying the substantiation of the scientific base, the authors confirmed the feasibility of the commercialization of natural-resource potential of anthropogenic objects on the example of a number of theoretical scientific studies in reclamation, reconstruction, recreation, remediation, restoration of biological productivity and economic value of land disturbed by economic activity. The considered examples of exhausted mines in the 21st century in the USA, Canada, Germany, Romania, and Poland indicate a wide range of opportunities for their commercialization. The study of the potential for commercialization of exhausted mines in the post-Soviet countries testified to the underused reserves for the commercialization of their nature-resource potential and their high potential for further development. The authors proposed the identification of anthropogenic objects on the basic livelihood spheres of society. There were identified the main system (natural, biological, technical, economic, social, managerial) and structural (subjects, trends, threats, risks, problems, challenges) factors of diagnosing the state of an anthropogenic object. A set of measures has been developed for commercialization of an anthropogenic object in functional and production activities, product policy, financial and investment spheres, pricing and sales policies, promotion, management and determination of property rights. Recommendations were provided on optimizing the management decision-making process based on a set of positivistic development principles, methods, and management functions. The study allows international organizations, state and local authorities, territorial communities, owners and potential investors to see new opportunities and make mutually beneficial decisions on the rational use of the nature-resource potential of anthropogenic objects


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    All residential buildings need a supply of fresh air in order to have comfort and health conditions, to remove pollutants and control condensation. Mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation system with heat recovery helps saving energy by recovering heat from exhaust air and by using energy efficient ventilation equipment. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to answer the question do the modern mechanical ventilation system meet in reality the requirements of comfort of the residents and energy efficiency. Modern ventilation systems with heat recovery are very important because of two reasons: they exchange air inside the apartment and help to get rid of any excess moisture. Heat recovery ventilation systems are energy efficiency. They help to reduce costs of heating a space for householder. Because the fresh air is pre-warmed, heat loss from ventilation is largely avoided. The prevalence of mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery in residential buildings in Finland has increased over the last years. The increase in energy efficiency through heat recovery systems such as these contributes to as more sustainable society. This bachelor thesis is designed in order to study mechanical ventilation system one of the renovated buildings in Kuopio owned by Niiralan Kulma Company. In order to get all needed data the measurements were made with several devices

    До питання семантичної трансформації й концептуалізації біблійних антропонімів

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    У статті здійснено аналіз лінгвокультурологічних особливостей семантичної трансформації й концептуалізації провідних біблійних антропонімів: з’ясовано потрактування поняття «концепт» у сучасній лінгвокультурології; визначено умови концептуалізації й категоризації провідних біблійних антропонімів; проаналізовано особливості концептуалізації біблійних антропонімів Авель – Каїн, Христос – Іуда. (The linguistic and cultural features of semantic transformation and conceptualization of main Biblical anthroponyms are analyzed in the article. The interpretation of meaning of «concept» in modern cultural linguistics is clarifyed; the terms of conceptualization and categorization of main biblical anthroponyms are determined. The authors analyze the features of conceptualization of biblical anthroponyms Abel – Cain, Christ – Judas.

    Розвиток інформаційної компетентності студентів у навчальному процесі ВНЗ

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    Решетняк, С. Б. Розвиток інформаційної компетентності студентів у навчальному процесі ВНЗ / Сергій Борисович Решетняк, Олена Володимирівна Решетняк // Бочаровські читання : матеріали наук.-практ. конф. [з міжнар. участю], присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 18 берез. 2016 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2016. – С.138-141.Проаналізовано проблеми розвитку інформаційної компетентності студента в системі навчання у ВНЗ. Розглянуто важливі напрямки цього процесу: впровадження в освітню практику інтерактивного навчання; розвиток партнерських відносин викладачів і студентів; активне включення в навчальний процес інтернет-технологій.The problems of the development of the student's information competence in the educational system at the higher education institution are analyzed. Considered important areas of this process: implementation of interactive learning in educational practice; development of partnership relations between teachers and students; active inclusion of Internet technologies in the educational process.Проанализированы проблемы развития информационной компетентности студента в системе обучения в вузе. Рассмотрены важные направления этого процесса: внедрение в образовательную практику интерактивного обучения; развитие партнерских отношений преподавателей и студентов; активное включение в обучающий процесс интернет-технологий

    Effect of Interface on Density and Elastic Moduli of Al/C60\textbf{Al/C}_{60} Nanocomposites

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    The paper analyzes theoretically the influence of fullerenes on the characteristics of Al/C60\mathrm{Al/C}_{60} composites. The molecular dynamics method is used to study the dependences of density and stiffness constants on the concentration of inclusions, and to calculate the values of the bulk and shear moduli for isotropic polycrystalline nanocomposites. The analysis shows that interfacial interaction significantly affects the properties of nanocomposites. This effect can be taken into account within the framework of the theory of heterogeneous media using the interphase layer model. The properties of the interphase layer are determined by interfacial interaction and can be calculated by approximating the results of molecular dynamics calculations. Using assumptions about the simplified form of the two-particle distribution function allows the interfacial interaction energy to be calculated and the interphase layer properties to be assessed analytically. The paper compares numerical results and analytical estimates, and discusses the validity of the approximations used. The analysis performed on the example of an Al/C60\mathrm{Al/C}_{60} composite material demonstrates the feasibility of using the analytical model of the interphase layer to estimate the effective density and elastic moduli of heterogeneous media with nano-inhomogeneities.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 2 table