108 research outputs found

    El espacio creativo del comunicólogo

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    El comunicólogo como ser social que se adiestra en el análisis y la investigación de los procesos socio-comunicacionales y cuyas posibilidades de creatividad requieren de una triple competencia: la científico-social, la técnica y la humanística. Su espacio creativo, dada las restricciones en la comunicación de masas, se da en la necesidad de crear nuevos espacios, fuera de la cultura de masas y de los medios de comunicación

    The statistics of diffusive flux

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    We calculate the explicit probability distribution function for the flux between sites in a simple discrete time diffusive system composed of independent random walkers. We highlight some of the features of the distribution and we discuss its relation to the local instantaneous entropy production in the system. Our results are applicable both to equilibrium and non-equilibrium steady states as well as for certain time dependent situations.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Mikromarási folyamat dinamikai hatásainak elemzése: Analysis of dynamic effects in micro milling process

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    Micro milling is the most flexible and fastest way to machine miniature structures prepared of different kind of materials. This method is actually the transportation of conventional sized milling into the range of 0-999 microns. Micro milling is characterized by relative large dynamic effects, which have impacts on the machining quality and accuracy. Main aim of this research work is mapping and understanding of these effects, and hence the active increasing the stability of the process. Systematic series of experiments were carried out in order to analyse the cutting forces and vibrations. Dominant frequencies were determined, and phenomenon of chatter was investigated.  Kivonat A mikromarás különböző anyagú, miniatűr struktúrák megmunkálásnak az egyik legrugalmasabb és leggyorsabb módja. Az eljárás valójában a hagyományos méretű marás 0-999 µm-es mérettartományba történő átültetése. A mikromarást viszonylag jelentős dinamikai hatások jellemzik, amik befolyásolják a megmunkálási minőséget és pontosságot is. A kutatás célja ezeknek a hatásoknak a részletes feltérképezése, megértése, ezek által is a folyamat stabilitásának a tudatos növelése. A forgácsolási erők és a rezgések elemzése céljából szisztematikus kísérletsorozat végeztünk C45-ös anyagon. Meghatároztuk a domináns frekvenciákat, valamint megvizsgáltuk az öngerjesztett rezgés jelenségét

    Tendency in the growth of creole kids in extensive systems

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    The present investigation was developed at the State of Puebla, Mexico, to describe the tendency in the growth of Creole kids by means of the evaluation of the average daily weight gain (ADWG). A total of 161 kids were controlled from the birth to the 102 days of age. Every 15 days the kids were weighed, previous fasting with separation of the mother from afternoon of the previous day. The variables included were date and weight at birth, sex, childbirth type and weights every 15 days. The results show that the average weight to the birth was 2.562 ± 0.583 kg, the males surpassing females (p<0.01) in 9.57 percent (0.232 kg). Differences were observed in favour of those of simple childbirth. The final weight was 10.186 ± 2.723 kg for the females and 11.508 ± 3.616 kg for the males. The males from simple childbirth reached a greater weight (12.229 kg). The average daily weight gain (g) for all the animals was of 82.37 ± 26.9 g. The weight at the first month reached 106.2 g; at the second 95.5 g and 53.9 g at third. The smaller gains are observed in the females born from double childbirth with 64.01 ± 17.1 g, whereas the best growth behavior was find in males from simple childbirth with 94.34 ± 30.31 g. The better adjustment of the growth was obtained with potential type equations for the total of kids (Y= 3.23X0.262); second degree polynomial equations were better for the females (Y= 3.35 + 0.07497X -0.00007085 X2); potential equations for males (Y= 4.23X0.21); and also, potential for kids of simple childbirth (Y= 3.91X0.23) and second degree polynomial equations for kids of double childbirth (Y= 3.26 + 0.0947X - 0.00002069 X2).En el Estado de Puebla, México, se desarrolló la presente investigación con el objetivo de describir la tendencia en el crecimiento de cabritos criollos mediante la evaluación de la ganancia media diaria de peso (GMDp). Se dio seguimiento individual a 161 cabritos desde el nacimiento hasta los 102 días de edad, pesándose cada 15 días, previo ayuno con separación de la madre desde la tarde del día anterior. Las variables consideradas fueron fecha y peso de nacimiento, sexo, tipo de parto y pesos quincenales. Los resultados muestran que el peso promedio al nacimiento es de 2,562 ± 0,583 kg, superando los machos a las hembras (p<0,01) en un 9,57 p.100 (0,232 kg). Los de parto simple tuvieron mejor comportamiento. El peso final fue de 10,186 ± 2,723 kg para las hembras y de 11,508 ± 3,616 kg para los machos. La ganancia media diaria de peso (g) para el total de los animales fue de 82,37 ± 26,9 g en promedio. Por períodos, al primer mes alcanzan 106,2 g; en el segundo 95,5 g y 53,9 en el tercero. Las menores ganancias se observan en las hembras nacidas de parto gemelar, con 64,01 ± 17,1 g, mientras que el mejor comportamiento lo tienen los machos simples con 94,34 ± 30,31g. Las ecuaciones de mejor ajuste del crecimiento fueron de tipo potencial para el total de cabritos (Y= 3,23X 0,262); polinomial de segundo grado para las hembras (Y= 3,35 + 0,07497X - 0,00007085X2); potencial para machos (Y= 4,23X 0,21); potencial para cabritos de parto simple (Y =3,91X 0,23) y polinomial de segundo grado para cabritos de parto doble (Y= 3,26 + 0,0947X - 0,00002069X2)

    Calidad térmica a través de un gradiente altitudinal para una comunidad de lagartijas en la sierra del Ajusco y el Pedregal de San Ángel, México

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    ResumenSe evaluó y comparó la calidad térmica del hábitat para una comunidad de lagartijas (9 especies) en un gradiente altitudinal (2 320-3 530 m) en la sierra del Ajusco y Pedregal de San Ángel para determinar si los ambientes térmicos diferentes pueden definir límites de distribución y termorregulación. Se seleccionaron 6 sitios diferentes en altitud y tipo de vegetación para monitorear la temperatura operativa ambiental. Se calculó la calidad térmica mediante la desviación de la temperatura operativa con respecto al intervalo de temperaturas seleccionadas por las lagartijas. Los resultados sugieren 3 tendencias: 1) la temperatura operativa y calidad térmica fueron más altas en los sitios más bajos (2 320 y 2 540 m) con matorral xerófilo; 2) los valores más bajos fueron registrados en los sitios con cobertura vegetal densa con bosque de pino (2 870 y 3 220 m); 3) las zonas abiertas (3 000 y 3 530 m) de pastizal alpino tuvieron valores medios de temperatura operativa y calidad. Estos resultados sugieren que la altitud y el tipo de vegetación tienen influencia en la calidad térmica y los trabajos sobre ecología térmica deben realizarse en varias escalas espaciales para entender los factores involucrados en el nicho térmico y en la termorregulación.AbstractWe evaluated and compared the thermal quality for a lizard community (9 species) in Sierra del Ajusco and Pedregal de San Ángel (central Mexico) along an altitudinal gradient (2 320-3 530 m) to determine whether different thermal environments may be influencing species distribution and thermoregulatory behavior. Six areas that differ in elevation and vegetation type are chosen to survey environmental operative temperatures. Habitat thermal quality is estimated from the mean deviation of operative temperatures from lizards’ selected thermal range. Results indicate 3 key findings: 1) operative temperature and thermal quality are higher at lower elevations (2 320 and 2 540 m), where xeric scrub vegetation was abundant; 2) thermal quality is lowest in closed-canopy pine forest (2 870 and 3 220 m); and 3) intermediate values of operative temperature and thermal quality are observed in open grassland habitat (3 000 and 3 530 m). These results support our hypothesis that elevation and vegetation type affect thermal quality and we conclude that thermal ecology studies should be conducted at multiple spatial scales to gain a better understanding of factors influencing the thermal niche and thermoregulatory profiles

    Termorregulación de dos poblaciones de lagartijas simpátridas: Sceloporus lineolateralis y Sceloporus poinsettii (Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) en Durango, México

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    ResumenLa temperatura ambiental es un factor importante en la regulación de la actividad y los procesos fisiológicos de los organismos ectotermos. Las especies que habitan en simpatría están expuestas a un nicho térmico similar y aquellas especies que están cercanamente emparentadas pueden presentar requerimientos térmicos similares. En el presente trabajo, se estudió la ecología térmica de 2 poblaciones de lagartijas vivíparas, Sceloporus lineolateralis y S. poinsettii, pertenecientes a los grupos Sceloporus torquatus y Sceloporus poinsettii, las cuales habitan en simpatría en la localidad de Peñón Blanco, Durango, México. Las temperaturas corporales de las lagartijas activas en campo y el intervalo de temperaturas corporales preferidas fueron similares entre ambas especies; sin embargo, S. poinsettii registró mayor eficiencia y precisión en la termorregulación, debido a que el intervalo de temperaturas preferidas de esta especie es más amplio. Finalmente, las preferencias térmicas fueron análogas a las registradas anteriormente para los grupos S. torquatus, S. poinsettii y para otras especies del género.AbstractEnvironmental temperature is an important factor that regulates activity and physiological processes of ectotherms. Because sympatric species are exposed to similar thermal niche conditions, closely related species could present similar thermal requirements. This similarity may generate interspecific competition for optimal thermal space. The thermal ecology of the sympatric viviparous lizards Sceloporus lineolateralis and S. poinsettii (Sceloporus torquatus and Sceloporus poinsettii groups, respectively) were studied in natural populations in Peñón Blanco, Durango, Mexico. We found that active body temperatures and selected body temperatures were similar among species. However, S. poinsettii exhibited higher efficiency and accuracy of thermoregulation because the preferred thermal range of this species was wider. Finally their thermal preferences are analogous to those previously reported for the both groups and the genus

    PID-like Fuzzy Controller Design for Anti-Slip System in Quarter-Car Robot

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    The design strategy of an adaptive Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID)-like fuzzy controller for an anti-slip Quarter-Car robotic system is proposed. The proposed control system is constructed by two loops, an external one for lineal speed control and an internal loop for current control. A motion profile is used to follow a trajectory. The slip is computed, such as the difference between the linear velocity given by an S-curve velocity profile and the longitudinal speed calculated according to the rotational speed of the Quarter-Car tire. This difference is the input of the external control loop. Whether the slip is significant, the slave controller must do that both velocities go at the same speed controlling the current of the direct current (DC) motor. On the other hand, the mathematical model of a tire coupled to the DC-motor model is presented to simulate the system and controller response. To test the robustness of the system, different scenarios are presented where the slip coefficient varies depending on the work surface. Three surfaces were selected to test the performance of the controller, dry, wet, and icy surfaces, while the system had a trajectory

    Quantifying the area-at-risk of myocardial infarction in-vivo using arterial spin labeling cardiac magnetic resonance

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    © The Author(s) 2017.T2-weighted cardiovascular magnetic resonance (T2-CMR) of myocardial edema can quantify the area-at-risk (AAR) following acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and has been used to assess myocardial salvage by new cardioprotective therapies. However, some of these therapies may reduce edema, leading to an underestimation of the AAR by T2-CMR. Here, we investigated arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion CMR as a novel approach to quantify the AAR following AMI. Adult B6sv129-mice were subjected to in vivo left coronary artery ligation for 30 minutes followed by 72 hours reperfusion. T2-mapping was used to quantify the edema-based AAR (% of left ventricle) following ischemic preconditioning (IPC) or cyclosporin-A (CsA) treatment. In control animals, the AAR by T2-mapping corresponded to that delineated by histology. As expected, both IPC and CsA reduced MI size. However, IPC, but not CsA, also reduced myocardial edema leading to an underestimation of the AAR by T2-mapping. In contrast, regions of reduced myocardial perfusion delineated by cardiac ASL were able to delineate the AAR when compared to both T2-mapping and histology in control animals, and were not affected by either IPC or CsA. Therefore, ASL perfusion CMR may be an alternative method for quantifying the AAR following AMI, which unlike T2-mapping, is not affected by IPC

    Regeneración de campus para la creación de un laboratorio vivo de sostenibilidad ("living lab") en el Campus de Excelencia Internacional de Moncloa

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    La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) a través de su Centro de Innovación en Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano (itdUPM) está propiciando la generación de conciencia, conocimiento y soluciones innovadoras que contribuyen al cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible a través de un edificio que sirve como laboratorio de prueba para nuevas tecnologías verdes y como plataforma de ideación colaborativa y activación social

    Epidemiology of Invasive Fungal Infections in Latin America

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    The pathogenic role of invasive fungal infections (IFIs) has increased during the past two decades in Latin America and worldwide, and the number of patients at risk has risen dramatically. Working habits and leisure activities have also been a focus of attention by public health officials, as endemic mycoses have provoked a number of outbreaks. An extensive search of medical literature from Latin America suggests that the incidence of IFIs from both endemic and opportunistic fungi has increased. The increase in endemic mycoses is probably related to population changes (migration, tourism, and increased population growth), whereas the increase in opportunistic mycoses may be associated with the greater number of people at risk. In both cases, the early and appropriate use of diagnostic procedures has improved diagnosis and outcome