12 research outputs found

    Community Intervention in Elderly Population: a Fall Prevention Project

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    The data collected was used for the production of epidemiological indicators, structure, process, and results. It is suggested to continue the project for one year, covering a larger sample and subsequent evaluation, and the creation of indicators for informal care providers

    Community Intervention in Elderly Population: a Fall Prevention Project

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    The data collected was used for the production of epidemiological indicators, structure, process, and results. It is suggested to continue the project for one year, covering a larger sample and subsequent evaluation, and the creation of indicators for informal care providers

    Seis Sigma na Avaliação Externa da Qualidade em Laboratórios Clínicos (caso de estudo: Folato e Vitamina B12)

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    Um dos problemas nas práticas laboratoriais é a comparabilidade dos resultados analíticos para o mesmo parâmetro de medição, quando determinados por diferentes laboratórios. O Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade (PNAEQ), inserido no Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA, I.P.), tem como missão organizar e coordenar programas de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade Laboratorial, permitindo avaliar o desempenho interlaboratorial

    Aplicação do seis sigma na avaliação da inexatidão (bias) dos resultados laboratoriais do parâmetro cortisol sérico: 2012-2014

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    Introdução: Na prática laboratorial, é crescente a preocupação com a obtenção de resultados fidedignos, que apoiem corretamente os profissionais de saúde no diagnóstico, tratamento e controlo de patologias nos utentes. Requer especial atenção, a variabilidade dos resultados analíticos entre diferentes laboratórios, para um determinado parâmetro de medição. A trabalhar neste sentido, o Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade (PNAEQ), tem como missão a promoção, organização e coordenação de programas de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade (AEQ), e o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho interlaboratorial dos laboratórios participantes

    Adenovirus type 7 associated with severe and fatal acute lower respiratory infections in Argentine children

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    BACKGROUND: Adenoviruses are the second most prevalent cause of acute lower respiratory infection of viral origin in children under four years of age in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The purpose of this study was to analyze the clinical features and outcome of acute lower respiratory infection associated with different adenovirus genotypes in children. METHODS: Twenty-four cases of acute lower respiratory infection and adenovirus diagnosis reported in a pediatric unit during a two-year period were retrospectively reviewed. Adenovirus was detected by antigen detection and isolation in HEp-2 cells. Adenovirus DNA from 17 isolates was studied by restriction enzyme analysis with Bam HI and Sma I. RESULTS: Subgenus b was found in 82.3% of the cases, and subgenus c in 17.7%. Within subgenus b, only genotype 7 was detected, with genomic variant 7h in 85.7% (12/14) and genomic variant 7i in 14.3% (2/14). Mean age was 8.8 ±; 6 months, and male to female ratio was 3.8: 1. At admission, pneumonia was observed in 71% of the cases and bronchiolitis in 29%. Malnutrition occurred in 37% of the cases; tachypnea in 79%; chest indrawing in 66%; wheezing in 58%; apneas in 16%; and conjunctivitis in 29%. Blood cultures for bacteria and antigen detection of other respiratory viruses were negative. During hospitalization, fatality rate was 16.7% (4 /24). Of the patients who died, three had Ad 7h and one Ad 7i. Thus, fatality rate for adenovirus type 7 reached 28.6% (4/14). CONCLUSIONS: These results show the predominance of adenovirus 7 and high lethality associated with the genomic variants 7h and 7i in children hospitalized with acute lower respiratory infection

    European Journalism Observatory- a platform for training and professional networks in the Faculty of Information Sciences

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    The launching of a Spanish platform within the Observatory will serve as a training laboratory for undergraduate and graduate students of the Faculty of Information Sciences at the same time as for establishing a professional media network in and outside Spain. The European Journalism Observatory (EJO) is a network of 14 non-profit media research institutes in 11 countries where Spain continue to be the missing element. All researchers in the EJO network actively strive to transfer their knowledge to the media industry as well as interested publics outside the scientific community, as a platform to enable online availability of at least a portion of many publications in several languages

    Application of Six sigma on sodium parameter for total error evaluationtotal evaluation

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    We present a study performed in PNAEQ on the implementation of six sigma methodology in evaluating the sodium parameter to the total error (TE) resulting from laboratory measurements of the participants in the program, in order to mitigate systematic errors and improve quality of measurements in laboratories. The implementation of this tool is based on DMAIC cycle which breaks down into five distinct stages to achieve the desired improvement, from definition, preparation and analysis of the objectives proposed until monitoring after implemented in the organization, in order to control and ensure the success of this improvement, avoiding the possible deviations. Sodium was selected because disturbances more frequently in subjects are related to the concentration of this ion and feeding is the main source of sodium in the body. The salt intake is directly related to the risk of mortality associated with cardiovascular disease. The reference values in plasma are between 136 and 145 mmol/l

    Aplicação do seis sigma na avaliação da inexatidão (bias) dos resultados laboratoriais do cortisol sérico (2012-2014)

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    Introdução: Na prática laboratorial, é crescente a preocupação com a obtenção de resultados fidedignos, que apoiem corretamente os profissionais de saúde no diagnóstico, tratamento e controlo de patologias nos utentes. Requer especial atenção, a variabilidade dos resultados analíticos entre diferentes laboratórios, para um determinado parâmetro de medição. A trabalhar neste sentido, o Programa Nacional de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade (PNAEQ), tem como missão a promoção, organização e coordenação de programas de Avaliação Externa da Qualidade (AEQ), e o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho interlaboratorial dos laboratórios participantes