58 research outputs found

    Etiological Profile of Pancytopenia.

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    Introduction: Pancytopenia is a relatively common haematological entity. It is a striking feature of many serious and life threatening illnesses ranging from simple drug induced bone marrow hypoplasia, megaloblastic marrow to fatal bone marrow aplasias and leukemias. The severity of pancytopenia and the underlying pathology determines the management and prognosis. Thus, identification of the correct cause will help in implementing appropriate therapy. Objectives : • To find out the incidence of pancytopenia in the clinical pathological setup. • To find out the various causes of pancytopenia. • To study the clinicopathological correlation • To analyse the levels of vital hematological parameters during presentation. Methods : This is a prospective study to evaluate patients with pancytopenia. 50 patients of age group between 2 to 60 years presenting with cytopenias were evaluated in Hematology unit, Department of Pathology, Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore during period of March 2010 to August 2011.Patients on myelotoxic chemotherapy were excluded. Results : Among 50 cases studied, age of patients ranged from 5-60 years with a mean age of 39.5 years, and female predominance M:F was 1:1.2. Most of the patients presented with generalised weakness and fever. Commonest physical finding was pallor followed by hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Dimorphic anaemia was predominant blood picture. Bone marrow aspiration was conclusive in all cases. Commonest marrow finding was hypercellularity with megaloblastic erythropoiesis. The commonest cause for pancytopenia was megaloblastic anaemia (68%) followed by aplastic anaemia (14%), myelofibrosis (12%),subleukemic leukemia (4%), myelodysplastic syndrome(2%).The commonest association was with Grade 2 marrowfibrosis in reticulin stain. Conclusion: Pancytopenia should be suspected on clinical grounds when a patient presents with unexplained anaemia, prolonged fever and tendency to bleed. Hence, present study concludes that detailed primary haematological investigations along with bone marrow aspiration in cytopenic patients is helpful for understanding disease process, to diagnose or to rule out the causes of cytopenia. As a large proportion of pancytopenia is of reversible aetiology, early and accurate diagnosis may be life-saving

    Immunohistochemical Detection of Nerve Growth Factor Expression in Follicular and Plexiform Ameloblastoma

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    Title: Immunohistochemical detection of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) expression in follicular and plexiform ameloblastoma. INTRODUCTION: Odontogenic tumours (OT) are lesions derived from the epithelial and/or mesenchymal elements of the tooth forming apparatus and are therefore found exclusively within the jaw bones. OTs are not frequently occurring lesions accounting for < 2–3% of all oral and maxillofacial specimens sent for diagnosis to oral pathology services. If viewed as a percentage of all tumours in the human body, this figure is reduced to a conservative estimate of approximately 0.002–0.003%. Ameloblastoma is an aggressive odontogenic tumour that forms from odontogenic epithelium within a mature fibrous stroma devoid of odontogenic ectomesenchyme. At present, it is known that the potential sources to develop an ameloblastoma are varied, and these include: • Cell rests of enamel organ, • Epithelium of existing odontogenic cyst, • Disturbances of the developing enamel organ, • Basal cells of the surface epithelium of the jaws. Although classified as a benign tumour, ameloblastoma is also the most common odontogenic tumour of epithelial origin with severe clinical implications. Ameloblastoma has a locally aggressive growth pattern; about 70% of cases undergo malignant transformation, and up to 2% metastasize to other sites. Ameloblastoma constitutes about 14% of all jaw tumours and cysts, and it is the most prevalent odontogenic tumours in developing countries. The tumor shows an approximately equal prevalence in the third to seventh decades of life. Ameloblastoma has two relatively distinct cells, an anti-apoptotic proliferating site in the periphery (Ameloblast like cells) and a pro-apoptotic differentiating site in the centre (Stellate reticulum like cells) resembling the enamel organ during odontogenesis. The molecular background of ameloblastoma has been poorly understood, thus hindering the development of noninvasive therapies. The neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors plays a major role in apoptosis, survival, and differentiation of neural and non-neural cells. The neurotrophin family comprises four different members. The first of these growth factors to be described was the neuronal growth factor (NGF), followed by the discovery of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). The actions mediated by these molecules depend on their binding to two different subsets of transmembrane receptors. On one side, the pro-neurotrophins (immature form of these factors) and mature neurotrophins bind to the p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR), and on the other, only mature neurotrophins bind to three different tropomyosin-related kinase (TrK A, TrK B, TrK C) receptors in a specific manner. In this way, NGF binds to TrKA, BDNF and NT-4/5 to TrKB, and NT-3 to TrkC. Following ligand binding, p75NTR can act independently or p75NTR can also act as a TrK co-receptor, allowing a stronger binding affinity of the neurotrophins to the TrK receptors. p75NTR and TrK receptors can interact both in synergistic or antagonistic manners. The formation of a p75NTR/TrK complex was shown to facilitate the affinity and selectivity of each neurotrophin for its TrK receptor. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. The study is aimed at evaluating the expression of Nerve Growth Factor in follicular and plexiform ameloblastoma. Objectives: 2. To detect and analyze the immunohistochemical expression pattern of Nerve Growth Factor in follicular type of ameloblastoma. 3. To detect and analyze the immunohistochemical expression pattern of Nerve Growth Factor in plexiform type of ameloblastoma. 4. To compare the immunohistochemical expression pattern of Nerve Growth Factor among the follicular and plexiform types of ameloblastoma. JUSTIFICATION: 1. High and low affinity neurotrophin receptors namely TrK and p75NTR along with neurotrophin signalling pathways, plays a crucial role for survival/proliferation regulating pathways (RAS, MAPK, P13, IKK and NFkB) of the neuronal and non-neuronal cells prove p75NTR independent, p75NTR dominant or TrK dominant system. 2. Expression of RAS, MAPK, P13K, IKK, and NFkB have been elucidated in other tumours by the binding of nerve growth factor ligand with nerve growth factor receptors through earlier studies. 3. Expression of P75NTR in peripheral Ameloblast like cells of Ameloblastoma has already been documented in literature. This study will detect the role of nerve growth factor and its possible role in the biological behaviour of ameloblastoma METHODOLOGY: • 40 paraffin embedded study samples will be extracted from the archives of the Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, Vivekananda Dental College for Women, Tiruchengode. • The study sample comprises of follicular and plexiform types of ameloblastoma. • The selected samples will be sectioned into two sections of 3 to 5 microns. One section will be stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E), and the other will be Immunohistochemically stained with NGF marker. • In all samples, under H&E staining, when morphological analysis disclosing the presence of more than one histological pattern of Ameloblastoma, then the pattern which predominates will be considered for final diagnosis. • Immunohistochemical standardisation will be done using nervous tissue as positive control. Immunohistochemical reactivity is classified into three groups:(+) mildly positive, (++) moderately positive and (++) strongly positive. • Inclusion criteria - histological patterns of Follicular and plexiform types of Ameloblastoma. • Exclusion criteria - hybrid Ameloblastoma, other histological variants of Ameloblastoma and recurrent Ameloblastoma. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Statistical package for social science SPSS version 16 will be used. The scores for strongly positive immunoreactivity will be given between 6 and 9, for moderate positive immunoreactivity between score 2 and 3, and for weakly positive immunoreactivity, score 1 and 2 will be given [Nunia et al., 2016]. [50] An unpaired t-test will be used to compare the staining intensity between follicular and plexiform ameloblastoma and a Chi-square Test will be employed to determine the magnitude of expression between follicular and plexiform ameloblastoma. Potential Risk: There is no potential risk. BENEFITS: Histological diagnosis via IHC will bring us to a non-surgical approach of the treatment of ameloblastoma in the near future. OUTCOME MEASURES: By obtaining thorough knowledge on the altered molecular signalling pathways in this neoplasia, we can definitely elucidate the mechanisms of tumorigenesis, cell differentiation, and tumour progression


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    Objective: Magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (NPs) have gained considerable attention in the Biomedical filed. Evolution of new magnetic material based on the transition metal-doped magnetite has become the subject of increasing research interest. The main aim of the current investigation was to improve the diabetic potential, optical, magnetic, structural properties of magnetite nanoparticles and hence Fe3O4 NPs were doped with a divalent transition element such as Zinc. Methods: Zinc doped magnetite nanoparticles (Zn-Fe3O4 NPs) were obtained through Co-precipitation methods using aqueous plant extract of Andrographis paniculata acted as an efficient stabilizer and a reducing agent. The structure, morphology, crystalline, optical and magnetic property of synthesized Zn-Fe3O4 NPs were evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy with Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy(SEM-EDX), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectrophotometer and Vibrating scanning magnetometer (VSM). Results: In XRD analysis, the average crystallite size of the synthesized Zn-Fe3O4 NPs was found to be 5 nm exhibiting super paramagnetic behavior, which composes it an appealing possibility for biomedicines. The Zn-Fe3O4 NPs had strongly inhibited the alpha (α)-amylase enzyme and had proved their therapeutic role. Conclusion: In conclusion, Zn-Fe3O4 NPs is an excellent anti-diabetic agent to control type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Studies on decolorization of textile dye by using Pseudomonas and bacillus sp from the contaminated effluent soil samples of Kovilpatti, Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu

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    Textile industries releasing large amount of effluent which contains textile dyes and toxic chemicals and it is one of the major source of pollution also contaminating water bodies. To remove that, bacteria have been of great attention because of their ability to treat effluent. The present study was undertaken to exploit the ability of Pseudomonassp and Bacillus sp from dye contaminated soil samples for bioremediation for dye effluent. Among the bacterial strains used in the study. Pseudomonas sp emerged out to be most potent decolorizer in comparison to Bacillus sp with the degree of decolorization of 90.0 %. Thus, it was concluded that the Pseudomonas sp had highest color removing capacity from contaminated effluent soil samples.&nbsp


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    In the title compound, C23H22N2, the central pyrrolidine ring adopts an envelope conformation. The benzene ring of the hexa­hydro­pyrroloisoquinoline ring system makes dihedral angles of 83.43 (6) and 61.99 (10)°, respectively, with the phenyl and pyrrole rings. In the crystal structure, weak C—H⋯π inter­actions are observed

    Clinical outcomes and response to treatment of patients receiving topical treatments for pyoderma gangrenosum: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is an uncommon dermatosis with a limited evidence base for treatment. Objective: to estimate the effectiveness of topical therapies in the treatment of PG. Methods: prospective cohort study of UK secondary care patients with a clinical diagnosis of PG suitable for topical treatment (recruited July 2009 to June 2012). Participants received topical therapy following normal clinical practice (mainly Class I-III topical corticosteroids, tacrolimus 0.03% or 0.1%). Primary outcome: speed of healing at 6 weeks. Secondary outcomes: proportion healed by 6 months; time to healing; global assessment; inflammation; pain; quality-of-life; treatment failure and recurrence. Results: Sixty-six patients (22 to 85 years) were enrolled. Clobetasol propionate 0.05% was the most commonly prescribed therapy. Overall, 28/66 (43.8%) of ulcers healed by 6 months. Median time-to-healing was 145 days (95% CI: 96 days, ∞). Initial ulcer size was a significant predictor of time-to-healing (hazard ratio 0.94 (0.88;80 1.00); p = 0.043). Four patients (15%) had a recurrence. Limitations: No randomised comparator Conclusion: Topical therapy is potentially an effective first-line treatment for PG that avoids possible side effects associated with systemic therapy. It remains unclear whether more severe disease will respond adequately to topical therapy alone

    A Study Siddha Diagnostic Methodology and Symptomatology Specially Ennvagai Thervu for Netri Soolai

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    The aim is to conduct a clinical study on standardization of Siddha diagnostic methodology for Netrisoolai with special mention to Envagai thervu. • The disease is characterized by Alterations in foods, habits, sleep or any disequilibrium between the three domains. • The author had collected literature for definition, etiology, pathogenesis, other characteristic features, specific diagnostic findings, line of treatment and dietary regimen from various texts. • For the work, 40 cases were observed and diagnosed in the OPD of Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai • Log Book and proforma were maintained for each of these 40 cases individually. • Prompt diagnosis was made after careful analysis of observation results and differential diagnosis. • The etiopathogenesis and pathology of the disease had been discussed. • Derangement of UyirThathukkal and UdalThathukkal in the disease had been discussed. • Alterations in Siddha parameters like Kaalam, Nilam, Gnanenthiriyam, Kanmenthiriyam, Thegi Ilakkanam and Manikkadai Nool have been recorded. • Ennvagai Thervugal had been studied in detail and their interpretation had been done. CONCLUSION: In this study the diagnosis of disease “Netrisoolai” as per siddha diagnostic procedures, elucidated in the siddha textbooks were done elaborately and the results observed were recorded and interpreted. Naadi and Neikuri shows rise in vatham followed by pitham and Kapam. Hence Naadi and Neikuri are better parameters in assessing the disease. This study has been conducted as observational type of study. Furthermore Experimental studies should be carried out in validating this research in more efficient way

    Application of UPFC for enhancement of voltage profile and minimization of losses using Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI)

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    Transmission line loss minimization in a power system is an important research issue and it can be achieved by means of reactive power compensation. The unscheduled increment of load in a power system has driven the system to experience stressed conditions. This phenomenon has also led to voltage profile depreciation below the acceptable secure limit. The significance and use of Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) devices and capacitor placement is in order to alleviate the voltage profile decay problem. The optimal value of compensating devices equires proper optimization technique, able to search the optimal solution with less computational burden. This paper presents a technique to provide simultaneous or individual controls of basic system parameter like transmission voltage, impedance and phase angle, thereby controlling the transmitted power using Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) based on Bacterial Foraging (BF) algorithm. Voltage stability level of the system is defined on the Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI) of the lines. The IEEE 14-bus system is used as the test system to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed system. The test result showed that the ocation of UPFC improves the voltage profile and also minimize the real power loss