713 research outputs found

    Structure and orientation of small particles of platinum deposited on NaCl and mica

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    The structure of small platinum particles condensed in vacuum onto NaCl (001), NaCl (111) and mica substrates was studied by electron diffraction and electron microscopy. Results show that above a certain substrate temperature decahedral or icosahedral particles are formed. These particles are practically absent with substrates cleaved in high vacuum. They are always much less numerous than in gold films prepared under the same conditions. Assumptions made to explain this phenomenon are: (1) the initial growth of an abnormal structure of the nuclei as opposed by the substrate; (2) the particles disappear before they attain a size which corresponds to the observations; and (3) the particles result from a coalescence mechanism leading to multiple twinned particles

    Inference and Differential Analysis of Extended Core Networks: a way to study Anti-Sense Regulation

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    A key issue in bioinformatics is to decipher cell regulation mechanisms. By comparing networks observed in two different situations, differential network analysis enables to highlight differences that reveal specific cellular responses. The aim of our work is to study the role of natural anti-sense transcription on cellular regulation mechanisms. Our proposal is to build and compare networks obtained from two different sets of actors: the “usual” sense actors on one hand and the sense and anti-sense actors on the other hand. Our study only considers themost significant interactions, called an Extended Core Network; therefore our differential analysis identifies important interactions that are on the influence of anti-sense transcription. Our inference method of an Extended Core Network is inspired by C3NET, but whereas C3NET only computes one interaction per gene, we propose to consider the most significant interactions for each gene. We define the differential network analysis of two extended core networks inferred with and without anti-sense actors. This relies on change motifs that describe which gene-gene interactions of the extended core network are modified when we integrate anti-sense actors in the data. As our method ocuses on the most significant interactions, these motifs highlight the impact of anti-sense transcription. The networks motifs obtained by our workflow are then compared with assessed biological knowledge. The study reported in this paper is realized on transcriptional data from apple fruit in a context of fruit ripening; the change motifs revealed by our analysis are matched on a protein-protein interaction network and give a small set of interesting actors thatdeserve further biological investigation

    Differential Network Analysis of Anti-sense Regulation

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    A challenging task in systems biology is to decipher cell regulation mechanisms. By comparing networks observed in two different situations, the differential network analysis approach enables to highlight interaction differences that reveal specific cellular responses. The aim of our work is to study the role of natural anti-sense transcription on cellular regulation mechanisms. Our proposal is to build and compare networks obtained from two different sets of actors: the “usual” sense actors on one hand and the sense and anti-sense actors on the other hand. Our study only considers the most significant interactions, called an Extended Core Network; therefore our differential analysis identifies important interactions that are impacted by anti-sense transcription. This paper first introduces our inference method of an Extended Core Network; this method is inspired by C3NET, but whereas C3NET only computes one interaction per gene, we propose to consider the most significant interactions for each gene. Secondly, we define the differential network analysis of two extended core networks inferred with and without anti-sense actors. On a local view, this analysis relies on change motifs that describe which genes have their most important interactions modified when the anti-sense transcripts are considered; they are called AS-impacted genes. Then from a more global view, we consider how the relationships between these AS-impacted genes are rewired in the network with anti-sense actors. Our analysis is performed by computing Steiner trees that represent minimal subnetworks connecting the AS-impacted genes. We show that the visualisation of these results help the biologists to identify interesting parts of the networks

    Differential Functional Analysis and Change Motifs in Gene Networks to Explore the Role of Anti-sense Transcription

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    Several transcriptomic studies have shown the widespread existence of anti-sense transcription in cell. Anti-sense RNAs may be important actors in transcriptional control, especially in stress response processes. The aim of our work is to study gene networks, with the particularity to integrate in the process anti-sense transcripts. In this paper, we first present a method that highlights the importance of taking into account anti-sense data into functional enrichment analysis. Secondly, we propose the differential analysis of gene networks built with and without anti-sense actors in order to discover interesting change motifs that involve the anti-sense transcripts. For more reliability, our network comparison only studies the conservative causal part of a network, inferred by the C3NET method. Our work is realized on transcriptomic data from apple fruit

    Responses to Pheromones in a Complex Odor World: Sensory Processing and Behavior

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    Insects communicating with pheromones, be it sex- or aggregation pheromones, are confronted with an olfactory environment rich in a diversity of volatile organic compounds of which plants are the main releaser. Certain of these volatiles can represent behaviorally relevant information, such as indications about host- or non-host plants; others will provide essentially a rich odor background out of which the behaviorally relevant information needs to be extracted. In an attempt to disentangle mechanisms of pheromone communication in a rich olfactory environment, which might underlie interactions between intraspecific signals and a background, we will summarize recent literature on pheromone/plant volatile interactions. Starting from molecular mechanisms, describing the peripheral detection and central nervous integration of pheromone-plant volatile mixtures, we will end with behavioral output in response to such mixtures and its plasticity

    Live imaging of DORNRÖSCHEN and DORNRÖSCHEN-LIKE promoter activity reveals dynamic changes in cell identity at the microcallus surface of Arabidopsis embryonic suspensions

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    Key message Transgenic DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP reporters access the window from explanting Arabidopsis embryos to callus formation and provide evidence for the acquisition of shoot meristem cell fates at the microcalli surface. Abstract The DORNRÖSCHEN (DRN) and DORNRÖSCHEN-LIKE (DRNL) genes encode AP2-type transcription factors, which are activated shortly after fertilisation in the zygotic Arabidopsis embryo. We have monitored established transgenic DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP reporter lines using live imaging, for expression in embryonic suspension cultures and our data show that transgenic fluorophore markers are suitable to resolve dynamic changes of cellular identity at the surface of microcalli and enable fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Although DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP are both activated in surface cells, their promoter activity marks different cell identities based on real-time PCR experiments and whole transcriptome microarray data. These transcriptome analyses provide no evidence for the maintenance of embryogenic identity under callus-inducing high-auxin tissue culture conditions but are compatible with the acquisition of shoot meristem cell fates at the surface of suspension calli

    Electrodeposition of In2S3 buffer layer for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

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    AbstractThe electrochemical deposition of In2S3 thin films was carried out from an aqueous solution of InCl3 and Na2S2O3. The effect of the potential of deposition was studied on the cell parameters of CIGSe based solar cells. The obtained films depending on the deposition potential and thickness exhibited complete substrate coverage or nanocolumnar layers. XPS measurements detected the presence of indium sulphide and hydroxide depending on the deposition parameters. Maximum photoelectric conversion efficiency of 10.2% was obtained, limited mainly by a low fill factor (56%). Further process optimization is expected to lead to efficiencies comparable to CdS buffer layers