13 research outputs found

    Comparison of Tissue Heat Balance- and Thermal Dissipation-Derived Sap Flow Measurements in Ring-Porous Oaks and a Pine

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    Sap flow measurements have become integral in many physiological and ecological investigations. A number of methods are used to estimate sap flow rates in trees, but probably the most popular is the thermal dissipation (TD) method because of its affordability, relatively low power consumption, and ease of use. However, there have been questions about the use of this method in ring-porous species and whether individual species and site calibrations are needed. We made concurrent measurements of sap flow rates using TD sensors and the tissue heat balance (THB) method in two oak species (Quercus prinus Willd. and Quercus velutina Lam.) and one pine (Pinus echinata Mill.). We also made concurrent measurements of sap flow rates using both 1 and 2-cm long TD sensors in both oak species. We found that both the TD and THB systems tended to match well in the pine individual, but sap flow rates were underestimated by 2-cm long TD sensors in five individuals of the two ring-porous oak species. Underestimations of 20–35% occurred in Q. prinus even when a “Clearwater” correction was applied to account for the shallowness of the sapwood depth relative to the sensor length and flow rates were underestimated by up to 50% in Q. velutina. Two centimeter long TD sensors also underestimated flow rates compared with 1-cm long sensors in Q. prinus, but only at large flow rates. When 2-cm long sensor data in Q. prinus were scaled using the regression with 1-cm long data, daily flow rates matched well with the rates measured by the THB system. Daily plot level transpiration estimated using TD sap flow rates and scaled 1 cm sensor data averaged about 15% lower than those estimated by the THB method. Therefore, these results suggest that 1-cm long sensors are appropriate in species with shallow sapwood, however more corrections may be necessary in ring-porous species

    Modeling respiration from snags and coarse woody debris before and after an invasive gypsy moth disturbance

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    Although snags and coarse woody debris are a small component of ecosystem respiration, disturbances can significantly increase the mass and respiration from these carbon (C) pools. The objectives of this study were to (1) measure respiration rates of snags and coarse woody debris throughout the year in a forest previously defoliated by gypsy moths, (2) develop models for dead stem respiration rates, (3) model stand-level respiration rates of dead stems using forest inventory and analysis data sets and environmental variables predisturbance and postdisturbance, and (4) compare total dead stem respiration rates with total ecosystem respiration and net ecosystem exchange. Respiration rates were measured on selected Pinus and Quercus snags and coarse woody debris each month for 1 year in a northeastern U.S. temperate forest. Multiple linear regression using environmental and biometric variables including wood temperature, diameter, density, species, and decay class was used to model respiration rates of dead stems. The mass of snags and coarse woody debris increased more than fivefold after disturbance and respiration rates increased more than threefold. The contribution of dead stems to total ecosystem respiration more than tripled from 0.85% to almost 3% and respiration from dead stems alone was approximately equal to the net ecosystem exchange of the forest in 2011 (fourth year postdisturbance). This study highlights the importance of dead stem C pools and fluxes particularly during disturbance and recovery cycles. With climate change increasing the ranges of many forest pests and pathogens, these data become particularly important for accurately modeling future C cycling

    Diversity or Redundancy in Leaf Physiological and Anatomical Parameters in a Species Diverse, Bottomland Hardwood Forest?

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    Research Highlights: Bottomland hardwood forests exhibit seasonal flooding, are species diverse, and provide numerous ecosystem services including floodwater storage, wildlife habitat and nutrient mitigation. However, data are needed to adequately predict the potential of individual species to achieve these services. Background and Objectives: In bottomland hardwood forests, increasing tree species richness may increase functional diversity unless species exhibit an overlap in physiological functioning. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (1) compare physiological and anatomical leaf parameters across species, (2) determine if leaf anatomical and nutrient properties were correlated with physiological functioning, (3) determine intra-species variability in leaf stomatal properties and determine how whole crown metrics compare with leaves measured for gas exchange and (4) measure soil nitrogen for evidence of denitrification during inundation periods. Materials and Methods: We measured gas exchange, leaf nutrients and anatomical properties in eight bottomland hardwood species including Carya ovata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Quercus michauxii, Quercus nigra, Quercus pagoda, Quercus phellos, Ulmus alata and Ulmus americana. Additionally, we quantified soil ammonium and nitrate content during winter inundated conditions to compare with non-inundation periods. Results: We found that leaf-level water use parameters displayed greater variability and diversity across species than photosynthesis and leaf nitrogen parameters, but green ash and shagbark hickory exhibited generally high leaf N concentrations and similar physiological functioning. Elms and oaks displayed larger variability in leaf physiological functioning. Stomatal density was significantly correlated with photosynthetic capacity and tree-level water use and exhibited high intra-species variability. Conclusions: This bottomland hardwood forest contains more diversity in terms of water use strategies compared with nitrogen uptake, suggesting that differences in species composition will affect the hydrology of the system. Green ash and shagbark hickory exhibit higher leaf nitrogen concentrations and potential for nutrient mitigation. Finally, leaf anatomical parameters show some promise in terms of correlating with leaf physiological parameters across species

    Comparative hydraulic and anatomic properties in palm trees (Washingtonia robusta) of varying heights: implications for hydraulic limitation to increased height growth

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    As trees grow taller, the energetic cost of moving water to the leaves becomes higher and could begin to limit carbon gain and subsequent growth. The hydraulic limitation hypothesis states that as trees grow taller, the path length and therefore frictional resistance of water flow increases, leading to stomatal closure, reduced photosynthesis and decreased height growth in tall trees. Although this hypothesis is supported by the physical laws governing water movement in trees, its validation has been complicated by the complex structure of most tree species. Therefore, this study tested the hydraulic limitation hypothesis in Washingtonia robusta (H. Wendl.), a palm that, while growing to tall heights, is still structurally simple enough to act as a model organism for testing. There were no discernable relationships between tree height and stomatal conductance, stomatal densities, guard cell lengths, leaf dry mass per unit area (LMA) or sap flux, suggesting that these key aspects of hydraulic limitation are not reduced in taller palms. Taller palms did, however, have higher maximum daily photosynthetic assimilation rates, lower minimum leaf water potentials that occurred earlier in the day and fewer, smaller leaves than did shorter palms. Leaf epidermal cells were also smaller in taller palms compared with shorter ones. These findings are consistent with hydraulic compensation in that tall palms may be overcoming the increased path length resistance through smaller, more efficient leaves and lower leaf water potentials than shorter palms

    StoManager1: An Enhanced, Automated, and High-throughput Tool to Measure Leaf Stomata and Guard Cell Metrics Using Empirical and Theoretical Algorithms

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    Automated stomata detection and measuring are vital for understanding plant physiological performance and ecological functioning in global water and carbon cycles. Current methods are laborious, time-consuming, prone to bias, and limited in scale. We developed StoManager1, a high-throughput tool utilizing empirical and theoretical algorithms and convolutional neural networks to automatically detect, count, and measure over 30 stomatal and guard cell metrics, including stomata and guard cell area, length, width, and orientation, stomatal evenness, divergence, and aggregation index. These metrics, combined with leaf functional traits, explained 78% and 93% of productivity and intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) variances in hardwoods, making them significant factors in leaf physiology and tree growth. StoManager1 demonstrates exceptional precision and recall ([email protected] over 0.993), effectively capturing diverse stomatal properties across various species. StoManager1facilitates the automation of measuring leaf stomata, enabling broader exploration of stomatal control in plant growth and adaptation to environmental stress and climate change. This has implications for global gross primary productivity (GPP) modeling and estimation, as integrating stomatal metrics can enhance comprehension and predictions of plant growth and resource usage worldwide. StoManager1's source code and an online demonstration are available on GitHub (https://github.com/JiaxinWang123/StoManager.git), along with a user-friendly Windows application on Zenodo (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7686022).Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Allometry and Photosynthetic Capacity of Poplar (Populus Deltoides) Along a Metal Contamination Gradient in an Urban Brownfield

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    The value of urban green space has become an increasingly controversial issue. In particular, development of novel vegetative assemblages on vacant lands may have many formerly unrecognized benefits. However, questions remain regarding the functional impairment of these assemblages due to degraded soils. We investigated the effects of elevated concentrations of soil metals on allometry and photosynthetic capacity of naturally colonized poplars (Populus deltoides Michx.) growing at Liberty State Park, New Jersey. We found that allometries of harvested trees did not differ significantly between the low metal load (LML) and high metal load (HML) sites suggesting that metal contamination did not negatively affect carbon allocation patterns of the target species. Likewise, photosynthetic parameters did not differ significantly between the LML and HML sites, suggesting that soil metal contamination did not negatively affect photosynthetic capacity. However, trees from the LML site were significantly younger for a given size than trees from the HML site. Trees from the medium metal load site (MML) differed significantly in allometry and photosynthetic parameters from the other two sites suggesting other edaphic and ecological factors are a stronger driver for carbon allocation patterns and photosynthetic capacity in these trees. Taken together, this research suggests that sapling establishment and growth may be impaired by heavy metals and that trees in HML sites may incur more maintenance costs than trees in LML sites. However, given enough time, poplars can provide considerable rehabilitation of urban brownfields, particularly those that exhibit soil metal contamination

    Decadal-Scale Reduction in Forest Net Ecosystem Production Following Insect Defoliation Contrasts with Short-Term Impacts of Prescribed Fires

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    Understanding processes underlying forest carbon dynamics is essential for accurately predicting the outcomes of non-stand-replacing disturbance in intermediate-age forests. We quantified net ecosystem production (NEP), aboveground net primary production (ANPP), and the dynamics of major carbon (C) pools before and during the decade following invasive insect defoliation and prescribed fires in oak- and pine-dominated stands in the New Jersey Pinelands National Reserve, USA. Gross ecosystem production (GEP) recovered during the year following defoliation at the oak stand, but tree mortality increased standing dead and coarse woody debris, and ecosystem respiration (Re) accounted for >97% of GEP. As a result, NEP averaged only 22% of pre-disturbance values during the decade following defoliation. At the pine stand, GEP also recovered to pre-disturbance values during the year following understory defoliation by gypsy moth and two prescribed fires, while Re was nearly unaffected. Overall, defoliation and tree mortality at the oak stand drove a decadal-scale reduction in NEP that was twofold greater in magnitude than C losses associated with prescribed fires at the pine stand. Our study documents the outcomes of different non-stand-replacing disturbances, and highlights the importance of detrital dynamics and increased Re in long-term measurements of forest C dynamics following disturbance in intermediate-age forests

    Forest Response and Recovery Following Disturbance in Upland Forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain

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    Carbon and water cycling of forests contribute significantly to the Earth\u27s overall biogeochemical cycling and may be affected by disturbance and climate change. As a larger body of research becomes available about leaf-level, ecosystem and regional scale effects of disturbances on forest ecosystems, a more mechanistic understanding is developing which can improve modeling efforts. Here, we summarize some of the major effects of physical and biogenic disturbances, such as drought, prescribed fire, and insect defoliation, on leaf and ecosystem-scale physiological responses as well as impacts on carbon and water cycling in an Atlantic Coastal Plain upland oak/pine and upland pine forest. During drought, stomatal conductance and canopy stomatal conductance were reduced, however, defoliation increased conductance on both leaf-level and canopy scale. Furthermore, after prescribed fire, leaf-level stomatal conductance was unchanged for pines but decreased for oaks, while canopy stomatal conductance decreased temporarily, but then rebounded the following growing season, thus exhibiting transient responses. This study suggests that forest response to disturbance varies from the leaf to ecosystem level as well as species level and thus, these differential responses interplay to determine the fate of forest structure and functioning post disturbance