2,761 research outputs found

    Elementary Derivation of the Chiral Anomaly

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    An elementary derivation of the chiral gauge anomaly in all even dimensions is given in terms of noncommutative traces of pseudo-differential operators.Comment: Minor errors and misprints corrected, a reference added. AmsTex file, 12 output pages. If you do not have preloaded AmsTex you have to \input amstex.te

    Scientists Reflect on Why They Chose to Study Science

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    A concern commonly raised in literature and in media relates to the declining proportions of students who enter and remain in the ‘science pipeline’, and whether many countries, including Australia and New Zealand, have enough budding scientists to fill research and industry positions in the coming years. In addition, there is concern that insufficient numbers of students continue in science to ensure an informed, scientifically literate citizenry. The aim of the research presented in this paper was to survey current Australian and New Zealand scientists to explore their reasons for choosing to study science. An online survey was conducted via a link to SurveyGizmo. The data presented are from 726 respondents who answered 22 forced-choice items and an open-ended question about the reasons they chose to study science. The quantitative data were analysed using t tests and analyses of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range tests, and the qualitative data were analysed thematically. The quantitative data showed that the main reasons scientists reported choosing to study science were because they were interested in science and because they were good at science. Secondary school science classes and one particular science teacher also were found to be important factors. Of much less importance were the prestige of science and financial considerations. The qualitative data expanded on these findings and showed that passion for science and/or curiosity about the world were important factors and also highlighted the importance of recreational pursuits, such as camping when a child. In the words of one respondent, ‘People don’t go into science for the money and glory. It’s passion for knowledge and science that always attracted me to the field’

    Outlier detection in network revenue management

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    This paper presents an automated approach for providing ranked lists of outliers in observed demand to support analysts in network revenue management. Such network revenue management, e.g. for railway itineraries, needs accurate demand forecasts. However, demand outliers across or in parts of a network complicate accurate demand forecasting, and the network structure makes such demand outliers hard to detect. We propose a two-step approach combining clustering with functional outlier detection to identify outlying demand from network bookings observed on the leg level. The first step clusters legs to appropriately partition and pool booking patterns. The second step identifies outliers within each cluster and uses a novel aggregation method across legs to create a ranked alert list of affected instances. Our method outperforms analyses that consider leg data without regard for network implications and offers a computationally efficient alternative to storing and analysing all data on the itinerary level, especially in highly-connected networks where most customers book multi-leg products. A simulation study demonstrates the robustness of the approach and quantifies the potential revenue benefits from adjusting demand forecasts for offer optimisation. Finally, we illustrate the applicability based on empirical data obtained from Deutsche Bahn

    Abyssal origin for the early Holocene pulse of unradiogenic neodymium isotopes in Atlantic seawater

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    The neodymium isotopic composition of authigenic phases of deep-sea sediment cores can be interpreted as reflecting past changes in water-mass mixing proportions if end-member water-mass compositions are constrained through time. Here we present three new records spanning 2480 to 4360 m depth in the North Atlantic Ocean that show seawater Nd isotope values in the early to mid-Holocene that are more radiogenic than values from the abyssal northwest Atlantic. This finding indicates that that the end-member composition of North Atlantic Deep Water was more stable within its core than it was at abyssal depths. The spatial distribution of the unradiogenic neodymium isotope values observed in the North Atlantic suggests a bottom source, and therefore that they were unlikely to have been due to the production of intermediate-depth Labrador Sea Water. We infer that the unradiogenic authigenic Nd isotope values were most likely derived from a pulse of poorly chemically weathered detrital material that was deposited into the Labrador Sea following Laurentide ice sheet retreat in the early Holocene. This unradiogenic sediment released neodymium into the bottom waters, yielding an unradiogenic seawater signal that was advected southward at abyssal depths and attenuated as it vertically mixed upward in the water column to shallower depths. The southward dispersion of these unradiogenic seawater values traces deep-water advection. However, the exact values observed at the most abyssal sites cannot be interpreted as proportionate to the strength of deep-water production without improved constraints on end-member changes

    Clustering of match running and performance indicators to assess between- and within-playing position similarity in professional rugby league

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    This study aimed to determine the similarity between and within positions in professional rugby league in terms of technical performance and match displacement. Here, the analyses were repeated on 3 different datasets which consisted of technical features only, displacement features only, and a combined dataset including both. Each dataset contained 7617 observations from the 2018 and 2019 Super League seasons, including 366 players from 11 teams. For each dataset, feature selection was initially used to rank features regarding their importance for predicting a player’s position for each match. Subsets of 12, 11, and 27 features were retained for technical, displacement, and combined datasets for subsequent analyses. Hierarchical cluster analyses were then carried out on the positional means to find logical groupings. For the technical dataset, 3 clusters were found: (1) props, loose forwards, second-row, hooker; (2) halves; (3) wings, centres, fullback. For displacement, 4 clusters were found: (1) second-rows, halves; (2) wings, centres; (3) fullback; (4) props, loose forward, hooker. For the combined dataset, 3 clusters were found: (1) halves, fullback; (2) wings and centres; (3) props, loose forward, hooker, second-rows. These positional clusters can be used to standardise positional groups in research investigating either technical, displacement, or both constructs within rugby league.</p

    Characterisation of the androgen regulation of glycine N-methyltransferase in prostate cancer cells

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    The development and growth of prostate cancer is dependent on androgens; thus, the identification of androgen-regulated genes in prostate cancer cells is vital for defining the mechanisms of prostate cancer development and progression and developing new markers and targets for prostate cancer treatment. GlycineN-methyltransferase (GNMT) is aS-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase that has been recently identified as a novel androgen-regulated gene in prostate cancer cells. Although the importance of this protein in prostate cancer progression has been extensively addressed, little is known about the mechanism of its androgen regulation. Here, we show that GNMT expression is stimulated by androgen in androgen receptor (AR) expressing cells and that the stimulation occurs at the mRNA and protein levels. We have identified an androgen response element within the first exon of theGNMTgene and demonstrated that AR binds to this elementin vitroandin vivo. Together, these studies identify GNMT as a direct transcriptional target of the AR. As this is an evolutionarily conserved regulatory element, this highlights androgen regulation as an important feature of GNMT regulation.</jats:p

    Digital storytelling and Co-creative Media: The role of community arts and media in propagating and coordinating population-wide creative practice

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    How is creative expression and communication extended among whole populations? What is the social and cultural value of this activity? What roles do formal agencies, community-based organisations and content producer networks play? Specifically, how do participatory media and arts projects and networks contribute to building this capacity in the contemporary communications environment
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