51 research outputs found

    The political cost of corruption: scandals, campaign finance, and reelection in the Brazilian chamber of deputies

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    Políticos notoriamente envolvidos em escândalos de corrupção logram reelegerse apesar da opinião pública em geral condenar a corrupção. Nesse artigo nos debruçamos sobre esse paradoxo examinando o efeito de escândalos de corrupção no comportamento de membros da Câmara dos Deputados. Em particular, focamos em suas estratégias de financiamento de campanha e escolhas de carreira. Para explorar esses temas utilizamos um banco de dados original que contém informações sobre todos os deputados e deputadas federais de 1995 a 2010. Embora muitos parlamentares acusados de corrupção sejam penalizados nas urnas, mostramos que gastos de campanha elevados atenuam o efeito negativo de escândalos. Nossos resultados são robustos para várias especificações e controlando por explicações alternativas. Este artigo apresenta uma discussão original das estratégias utilizadas por políticos corruptos para se manterem no poder. Mostramos que se tornam imunes às consequências eleitorais de escândalos se gastarem acima de patamares específicos. Esses achados são muito relevantes para discussões normativas em termos de reforma política que visam fortalecer accountability eleitoral no Brazil.While corruption is widely disapproved of, some corrupt politicians continue to win elections. We tackle this paradox by examining the effects of malfeasance scandals in politicians' behavior. In particular, we focus on their campaign finance strategies and career choices. We explore these issues empirically with an original dataset that includes all lower-house members of Congress (MCs) in Brazil from 1995 to 2010. Although tainted incumbents tend to be penalized electorally, we show that campaign spending attenuates this effect. These results are robust, controlling for a host of potential confounders and biases. Hence, we offer a first exploration of incumbents' strategies to avoid the electoral cost of their publicized wrongdoings. Above a certain threshold of funding, Brazilian members of Congress become impervious to negative exposure, regardless of the severity of their ethical and/or criminal violations. These results carry important normative consequences in terms of regulating campaign financing as a means of improving accountability

    Levels and degradability of crude protein in digestive metabolism and performance of dairy cows

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    Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of the level and degradability of crude protein (CP) on the digestive metabolism and productive performance of dairy cows. In both experiments, 15 Holstein cows with 585 ± 40 kg of body weight were distributed in a Latin square design with five contemporary squares, three periods of 21 days and three treatments. In experiment 1, treatments consisted of three CP levels (130, 160 or 180 g CP/kg DM), while in experiment 2, the treatments consisted of three levels of rumen degradable protein (RDP; 80, 100 or 120 g RDP/kg DM) in diets with average of 163 g CP/kg DM. Variables evaluated in both experiments were dry matter intake (DMI), total apparent digestibility, milk yield (MY) and composition, ruminal fermentation and N balance. In experiment 1, the increase of CP from 130 to 180 linearly increased the organic matter, CP, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) intake (kg) and the apparent total digestibility coefficient of DM and CP. In addition, a linear increase of MY, fat corrected milk (FCM) and daily production of fat, protein, lactose, casein and total solids was observed. A linear increase in ruminal ammoniacal nitrogen (NH 3 -N) concentration and nitrogen excretion in milk, feces and urine was also observed. However, there was no observed effect on SCFA concentration. In experiment 2, the increase of the RDP from 80 to 120 increased the DMI, MY, FCM, milk protein content and digestibility coefficient of the NDF, ADF and ethereal extract. Additionally, there was an increase in NH 3 -N concentration and milk nitrogen excretion. The studies indicated that the increase of CP content up to 100 g RDP/kg DM increased the DMI and the productive performance of the cows, but also increased urine N. Thus, it is desirable that the increase of the CP through the increase of the RDP is carried out up to 100 g of RDP/kg DM, since there is elimination of nitrogen, decrease of milk yield and decrease of propionic acid in values above that level


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    Este trabalho, pertencente a área de ensino e pesquisa em Administração, procura compreender o valor percebido, o prestígio e a identificação com a profissão sob a perspectiva dos estudantes de graduação de duas universidades federais, a amostra foi obtida aplicando questionários junto aos estudantes de Administração. Os resultados mostram que muitos graduandos em administração estão ainda indecisos com a profissão, mas, há também aqueles cuja identificação com a mesma é clara. A maioria visa um trabalho futuro, seja na iniciativa privada ou no serviço público. A partir da análise dos dados foi possível à formação de dois clusters, o primeiro grupo foi denominado de vocacionado, o qual, pode dizer que estão mais satisfeitos e identificado com o curso de Administração e outro chamado de indecisos, o qual possui um grau menor de identificação e satisfação com o mesmo

    Nitrogen balance and milk composition of dairy cows fed urea and soybean meal and two protein levels using sugar cane based diets

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de dois teores de proteína bruta (PB) (baixa: 142 g de PB/kg de MS e alta: 156 g de PB/kg de MS) e de duas fontes nitrogenadas (farelo de soja e ureia) na dieta de vacas leiteiras, alimentadas com cana-de-açúcar como volumoso sobre a síntese de proteína microbiana, composição da fração nitrogenada do leite, balanço de nitrogênio (N) e parâmetros sanguíneos. Foram utilizadas 12 vacas Holandesas com produção média de 22,0 ± 2,3 kg leite/dia, no terço final de lactação (235 ± 40 dias em lactação), agrupadas em três quadrados latinos balanceados e contemporâneos 4x4, com período experimental de 21 dias, dos quais 14 para adaptação as dietas e os demais para coleta de amostras. A excreção total de urina (L/dia), o NUL e a ureia sanguínea foram maiores para as dietas com alta PB, independentemente da fonte nitrogenada. A eficiência de utilização do N foi maior para as vacas alimentadas com dietas com baixa PB. Vacas no terço final da lactação podem ser alimentadas com dietas com teores reduzidos de PB, independentemente de a fonte nitrogenada ser farelo de soja ou ureia, sem influenciar a síntese de proteína microbiana, a composição da fração nitrogenada do leite e obter maior eficiência de utilização do N da dieta.The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding two levels of crude protein (CP) (low: 142 g CP/kg DM; and high: 156 g CP/kg DM) and two nitrogen sources (soybean meal and urea) to dairy cows using sugar cane as forage on microbial protein synthesis, the composition of the milk nitrogen fraction, nitrogen (N) balance and blood parameters. Twelve Holstein cows with an average milk yield of 22.0 ± 2.3 kg/day, and with 235 ± 40 days in milk were included in this study. The animals were grouped into three balanced and contemporary 4x4 Latin squares for an experimental period of 21 days. On the 15th day of each period, milk and urine samples were collected for microbial protein synthesis determination. Total excretion of urine (L/day), milk urea nitrogen (MUN) and blood urea were higher for the diets with high CP, regardless of the nitrogen source. Nitrogen efficiency was higher for cows fed diets with low CP. Cows in the final third of lactation can be fed diets with reduced CP levels, regardless of the nitrogen source, soybean meal or urea, without influencing the synthesis of microbial protein or the composition of the nitrogen fraction of milk

    Methane emission, intake, digestibility, performance and blood metabolites in sheep supplemented with cupuassu and tucuma cake in the eastern Amazon

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    The use of co-products as a feed supplement for ruminants makes livestock sustainable and optimizes the use of available areas and animal performance. Furthermore, when cakes are used, the residual fat composition can influence ruminal metabolism and methane (CH4) production. This study aimed to assess the effects of a diet containing cupuassu (CUP; Theobroma grandiflorum) and tucuma (TUC; Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.) cakes on intake, digestibility, serum metabolites, performance, and CH4 emissions in confined sheep in the Amazon. Approximately 28 animals, Dorper-Santa Inês, castrated, with an average initial live weight (ILW) of 35 ± 2.3 kg, were distributed in metabolic cages, in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and seven replications: (1) Control (C40), without the addition of Amazonian cake and with 40 g of ether extract (EE)/kg of dietary dry matter (DM); (2) CUP, the inclusion of the CUP cake and 70 g of EE/kg; (3) TUC, the inclusion of the TUC cake and 70 g of EE/kg; and (4) Control (C80), without the addition of Amazonian cake and with 80 g of EE/kg of dietary DM, with roughage to concentrate ratio of 40:60. The use of the TUC cake as a feed supplement reduced the intake of DM, crude protein (CP), and EE compared to the inclusion of the CUP cake (p < 0.05); however, it increased the intake of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) by 32% (p < 0.01). The highest averages of DM (732 g/kg) and CP (743 g/kg) digestibility were presented in C40, while the highest digestibility of NDF was presented in TUC (590 g/kg). Albumin levels stayed above and protein levels were below the reference values, and the C40 diet also obtained below results for cholesterol, triglycerides and High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) (P < 0.05). Sheep fed CUP (91 g) and TUC (45 g) had lower daily weight gains (DWGs) than those fed with diets without the inclusion of cakes (C40 = 119 g; C80 = 148 g), and feed efficiency (FE) was also lower in CUP (84) and TUC (60) diets than in C40 (119) and C80 (137) diets. CH4 emissions were lower in animals fed TUC (26 L/day) and higher in C40 (35 L/day); however, TUC resulted in higher CH4 emissions in grams/body live weight (BW) gain/day (353 g/BW/day) vs. 183 g/BW/day (C40), 157 g/BW/day (C80), and 221 g/BW/day (CUP). The supplementation with cakes did not improve intake, digestibility and performance, did not compromise blood metabolites and did not reduce the enteric CH4 emission in confined sheep in the Amazon; however, the use of CUP cake showed similar results to the control treatments and did not increase CH4 emissions, as occurred with the inclusion of TUC cake

    Low-level laser therapy modulates musculoskeletal loss in a skin burn model in rats

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on gastrocnemius muscle morphology and Myod imunoexpression in a model of dorsal burn in rats. METHODS: Sixteen male Wistar rats were distributed into two groups: control group (CG): rats submitted to scald burn injury without treatment and laser treated group (LG): rats submitted to scald burn injury and treated with laser therapy. Fourteen days post-surgery, gastrocnemius muscle was evaluated being the specimens stained with HE and morphometric data was evaluated. MyoD expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The results showed that laser treated animals presented more organized tissue morphology compared to the non-treated animals, with a higher number of nucleus in the fibers. Also, the cross sectional area of the fibers and the MyoD immunoexpression in the laser treated groups was higher. CONCLUSION: Low-level laser therapy had positive effects on gastrocnemius muscle, improving tissue muscle morphology, increasing cross sectional area and MyoD immunoexpression.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Ministry of Science, Technology and Inovation National Council of Scientific and Technological Development Institutional Program for Scientific InitiationUNIFESP Bioscience DepartmentUNIFESP School of MedicineUNIFESP Postgraduate Program in Interdisciplinary Health SciencesUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Human Movement SciencesUNIFESP, Bioscience DepartmentUNIFESP, School of MedicineUNIFESP, Postgraduate Program in Interdisciplinary Health SciencesUNIFESP, Department of Human Movement SciencesSciEL