70 research outputs found

    Evaluation of care and treatment clinics using a four-year retrospective cohort of patients receiving anti-retroviral therapy in Mbeya Region, Tanzania

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    Evaluations of sub-national anti-retroviral therapy (ART) programmes’ performance are important to support regional programme planning and epidemic response. We constructed a four-year retrospective cohort of clients from 10 care and treatment clinics (CTC) in the Mbeya region of Tanzania using routinely collected data from patients initiating ART between January 1, 2008 and March 31, 2012. Our primary outcomes were mortality rate and lost to follow up. We calculated ART coverage based on regional prevalence estimates and used medical cards, drug registers and quarterly reports to assess data quality. We enrolled 17,813 participants into the cohort. More patients initiated ART at WHO stages 3 (58.9%), and at CD4 cell counts between 50-199 cells/”l (56%). The proportion of patients initiating ARTs at a CD4 counts <50 cells/”l decreased from 40.7% in 2008 to 33.8% in 2012 (p-value <0.001). A total of 10,155 (57.0%) patients were lost to follow up (LTFU) during the 4 years of follow up; 59.2% were female. The overall mortality rate was 17.8 per 1000 person years; the six-month mortality was 6.2 per 1000 person years. The risk of mortality for patients at WHO stage III and IV was more than twice as high (hazard ratio [HR] 2.15; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.05-4.39 and HR 2.29; 95% CI, 1.39-6.37, respectively) as compared to stage I and II. Those patients initiating ART with CD4 cell count between 50 and 199 cells/”l had significantly lower hazard of death compared to those initiating ART with CD4 cells counts <50 cells/”l (HR 0.51, 95% CI 0.34-0.78). In conclusion, during the study, a high proportion of patients were lost to follow up, and the majority of them were female. Most patients initiated ARTs at lower CD4 count (<200 cells/mm3) and at WHO stages III and IV, and they had higher risk of mortality compared to those initiated at higher CD4 counts and WHO stage I and II. Emphasis needs to be placed on strategies of early diagnosis of HIV infection, prompt initiation of ART, and support for ART adherence to minimise lost to follow up

    Changing forms of HIV-related stigma along the HIV care and treatment continuum in sub-Saharan Africa:A temporal analysis

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    Objectives Stigma remains pervasive for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa, undermining care engagement. Using everyday, biographical and epochal temporalities, we explored the manifestation of stigma at different stages of the HIV care continuum in seven health and demographic surveillance sites in Eastern and Southern Africa. Methods Between 2015 and 2016, we conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 264 PLHIV, 54 health providers and 48 family members of people who had died from HIV. Topic guides explored experiences of HIV testing, care and treatment services. Data were analysed thematically, aided by NVivo 10. Results In everyday time across these communities, stigma was evident in the presence of gossiping and the relative absence of supportive interpersonal discourse, which fuelled judicious disclosure. This was especially disruptive at testing, counselling and early antiretroviral therapy adherence stages of care. Biographical time framed everyday stigma events, highlighting the dilemma of disclosure in relation to sexual relationship norms, as well as the interfacing of age and healthcare continuum points. Epochal patriarchal relations gave a structural context to everyday and biographical stigma dynamics. Historical shifts to social acceptance of PLHIV within these communities, while positive, were complicated by stigma in everyday life and in respect of biographical goals like having a family. Moreover, low community-level resistance to HIV-related stigma jeopardised stigma reduction strategies. Conclusions Despite improvements to HIV care services, stigma remains pervasive across the HIV care continuum in these sites. Context-specific interventions are needed to address stigma and discrimination of PLHIV within the community and in health services, and greater reflection is required to ensure policies aiming to expand HIV treatment do not exacerbate stigma and result in negative HIV outcomes

    Changing forms of HIV-related stigma along the HIV care and treatment continuum in sub-Saharan Africa: a temporal analysis.

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    OBJECTIVES: Stigma remains pervasive for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in sub-Saharan Africa, undermining care engagement. Using everyday, biographical and epochal temporalities, we explored the manifestation of stigma at different stages of the HIV care continuum in seven health and demographic surveillance sites in Eastern and Southern Africa. METHODS: Between 2015 and 2016, we conducted qualitative in-depth interviews with 264 PLHIV, 54 health providers and 48 family members of people who had died from HIV. Topic guides explored experiences of HIV testing, care and treatment services. Data were analysed thematically, aided by NVivo 10. RESULTS: In everyday time across these communities, stigma was evident in the presence of gossiping and the relative absence of supportive interpersonal discourse, which fuelled judicious disclosure. This was especially disruptive at testing, counselling and early antiretroviral therapy adherence stages of care. Biographical time framed everyday stigma events, highlighting the dilemma of disclosure in relation to sexual relationship norms, as well as the interfacing of age and healthcare continuum points. Epochal patriarchal relations gave a structural context to everyday and biographical stigma dynamics. Historical shifts to social acceptance of PLHIV within these communities, while positive, were complicated by stigma in everyday life and in respect of biographical goals like having a family. Moreover, low community-level resistance to HIV-related stigma jeopardised stigma reduction strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Despite improvements to HIV care services, stigma remains pervasive across the HIV care continuum in these sites. Context-specific interventions are needed to address stigma and discrimination of PLHIV within the community and in health services, and greater reflection is required to ensure policies aiming to expand HIV treatment do not exacerbate stigma and result in negative HIV outcomes

    A process evaluation of the scale up of a youth-friendly health services initiative in northern Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND: While there are a number of examples of successful small-scale, youth-friendly services interventions aimed at improving reproductive health service provision for young people, these projects are often short term and have low coverage. In order to have a significant, long-term impact, these initiatives must be implemented over a sustained period and on a large scale. We conducted a process evaluation of the 10-fold scale up of an evaluated youth-friendly services intervention in Mwanza Region, Tanzania, in order to identify key facilitating and inhibitory factors from both user and provider perspectives. METHODS: The intervention was scaled up in two training rounds lasting six and 10 months. This process was evaluated through the triangulation of multiple methods: (i) a simulated patient study; (ii) focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews with health workers and trainers; (iii) training observations; and (iv) pre- and post-training questionnaires. These methods were used to compare pre- and post-intervention groups and assess differences between the two training rounds. RESULTS: Between 2004 and 2007, local government officials trained 429 health workers. The training was well implemented and over time, trainers' confidence and ability to lead sessions improved. The district-led training significantly improved knowledge relating to HIV/AIDS and puberty (RR ranged from 1.06 to 2.0), attitudes towards condoms, confidentiality and young people's right to treatment (RR range: 1.23-1.36). Intervention health units scored higher in the family planning and condom request simulated patient scenarios, but lower in the sexually transmitted infection scenario than the control health units. The scale up faced challenges in the selection and retention of trained health workers and was limited by various contextual factors and structural constraints. CONCLUSIONS: Youth-friendly services interventions can remain well delivered, even after expansion through existing systems. The scaling-up process did affect some aspects of intervention quality, and our research supports others in emphasizing the need to train more staff (both clinical and non-clinical) per facility in order to ensure youth-friendly services delivery. Further research is needed to identify effective strategies to address structural constraints and broader social norms that hampered the scale up

    The rebellious man: next-of-kin accounts of the death of a male relative on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa

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    The HIV response is hampered by many obstacles to progression along the HIV care cascade, with men, in particular, experiencing different forms of disruption. One group of men, whose stories remain untold, are those who have succumbed to HIV-related illness. In this paper, we explore how next-of-kin account for the death of a male relative. We conducted 26 qualitative after-death interviews with family members of male PLHIV who had recently died from HIV in health and demographic surveillance sites in Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe and South Africa. The next-of-kin expressed frustration about the defiance of their male relative to disclose his HIV status and ask for support, and attributed this to shame, fear and a lack of self-acceptance of HIV diagnosis. Next-of-kin painted a picture of their male relative as rebellious. Some claimed that their deceased relative deliberately ignored instructions received by the health worker. Others described their male relatives as unable to maintain caring relationships that would avail day-to-day treatment partners, and give purpose to their lives. Through these accounts, next-of-kin vocalised the perceived rebellious behaviour of these men, and in the process of doing so neutralised their responsibility for the premature death of their relative

    Exploring the acceptability of self-screening for hypertension in private drug shops: A Qualitative evaluation of a pilot Intervention in Mwanza region, Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND In sub-Saharan Africa, the estimated burden of hypertension is increasing. Innovative strategies are needed to ensure that people can regularly check their blood pressure. This qualitative study aimed to understand participants’ knowledge of hypertension, explore the acceptability of self-screening blood pressure testing at private drug shops, and understand motivations and barriers for attending referral services after a high blood pressure reading

    Unpacking Loss to Follow-Up Among HIV-Infected Women Initiated on Option B+ In Northern Tanzania: A Retrospective Chart Review

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    Background:&nbsp;In 2014, Tanzania adopted the Option B+ policy for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT), which stipulates lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, irrespective of CD4 count or WHO clinical staging. Loss to follow-up (LTFU) during pregnancy and the postpartum period may undermine the effectiveness of Option B+. Factors associated with no follow-up (NFU)&nbsp; care, may differ from those associated with LTFU at later time points. This study aimed to identify factors associated with NFU and LTFU among women who initiate ART under Option B+ in Moshi, Tanzania. &nbsp; Methods:&nbsp;We conducted a retrospective chart review of patients initiating ART on Option B+ between February 2014 and December 2015 in Moshi Municipality, Tanzania. Multivariable log-binomial regression was used to analyse factors associated with NFU. Kaplan-Meier survival functions were used to estimate time to LTFU. Multivariable Cox proportion hazards regression models were used to evaluate variables associated with time to LTFU. &nbsp; Results:&nbsp;Among 468 women initiating ART under the option B+ programme, 109 (23.3%) had NFU after the initial appointment. Factors associated with increased risk of NFU were: age &lt; 25 years (adjusted hazard ratio [aRR] 1.7; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.3), initiating ART at a hospital compared to a lower level health facilities (aRR 2.9; 95% CI, 2.1 to 3.9), and having no treatment supporter (aRR 1.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 2.1). LTFU was higher in women aged &lt; 25 years (aHR 1.4; 95% CI, 1.1 to 1.9), and in women with no treatment supporter (aHR 1.8; 95% CI, 1.4 to 2.3). In women who returned to the clinic after ART initiation, no factor was significantly associated with LTFU. &nbsp; Conclusion:&nbsp;The factors associated with NFU (being young, not having a treatment supporter, and being diagnosed at hospitals) reflect a vulnerable and potentially highly mobile population. Additional interventions are needed to support and retain this group at ART initiation on Option B+

    Investigating clinic transfers among HIV patients considered lost to follow-up to improve understanding of the HIV care cascade: Findings from a cohort study in rural north-eastern South Africa

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    Investigating clinical transfers of HIV patients is important for accurate estimates of retention and informing interventions to support patients. We investigate transfers for adults reported as lost to follow-up (LTFU) from eight HIV care facilities in the Agincourt health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS), South Africa. Using linked clinic and HDSS records, outcomes of adults more than 90 days late for their last scheduled clinic visit were determined through clinic and routine tracing record reviews, HDSS data, and supplementary tracing. Factors associated with transferring to another clinic were determined through Cox regression models. Transfers were graphically and geospatially visualised. Transfers were more common for women, patients living further from the clinic, and patients with higher baseline CD4 cell counts. Transfers to clinics within the HDSS were more likely to be undocumented and were significantly more likely for women pregnant at ART initiation. Transfers outside the HDSS clustered around economic hubs. Patients transferring to health facilities within the HDSS may be shopping for better care, whereas those who transfer out of the HDSS may be migrating for work. Treatment programmes should facilitate transfer processes for patients, ensure continuity of care among those migrating, and improve tracking of undocumented transfers
