682 research outputs found

    Reading Comprehension Questions in Second Grade of Senior High School English Text Book “Look Ahead” by Erlangga

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    This study analyzed the reading comprehension question of the English text book published by Erlangga “Look Ahead”. The analysis is based on the Cognitive Domain of Bloom's Taxonomy. There are 6 categories of Bloom's Taxonomy namely knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The study reveals that there are 221 reading comprehension questions. Among these questions are 30.32 % knowledge questions, 8.15 % comprehension questions, 8.10 % application questions, 23.98 % analysis questions. 4.52 % synthesis questions, 14.93 % evaluation questions

    Study of the Effect of Proximate, Ultimate, and Calorific Value Analysis on Methane Gas Emission (CH4) on Combustion of Coal for Sustainable Environment

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    Coal is a hydrocarbon fuel consisting of a mixture of substances containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and containing less sulfur and nitrogen. Utilization of coal as fuel, especially in large scale causes methane gas emissions that can increase the impact of global warming, causing a decrease in environmental quality. Methane gas emissions in coal combustion are influenced by coal proximate and ultimate analysis. Proximate analysis includes moisture content, volatile matter, and fixed carbon, while ultimate analysis is carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. This study aims to determine the analysis of the effect of proximate, ultimate, and caloric value of methane emissions in coal combustion. This research is experimental, using quantitative method with descriptive and associative approach. The effect of proximate analysis, the lower the calorific value, the higher content moisture, the time and duration of coal combustion will be longer. Coal 5674 cal / gr, burning time 65 minutes, combustion length 39 minutes, moisture content 14.85%, coal 5747 cal / gr, burning time 60 minutes, duration of burning 31 minutes, moisture content 14.71%, coal 5617 cal / gr, burning time 49 minutes, combustion length 28 minutes, moisture content 12.17%, while coal 6992 cal / gr combustion time 38 minutes, combustion time only 4 minutes, and mosisture content 3.53%. Volatile matter in coal will affect the incubation period, the higher the volatile matter of the incubation period the faster. Coal 5617 cal / g incubation period 21 minutes, volatile matter 39.20%, coal 5674 cal / gr incubation period 26 minutes, volatile matter 38.39%, coal 5747 cal / gr, incubation period 29 minutes, volatile matter 39,30 %. For coal 6992 cal / gr incubation period 34 minutes, volatile matter 18.13%. The effect of ultimate analysis, the higher the carbon content, the higher the fixed carbon content, and the lower the hydrogen, the higher the calorific value of the coal and the less methane gas emissions. While the higher the oxygen content, the more burned the coal will be, the faster the incubation time and the longer burning time, so that the emissions of methane gas out into the atmosphere will be more and more


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    The community's need for land is progressively increasing as the land is becoming narrow. At the very same time, demand is always growing, so it is not surprising that the selling price of land is getting more expensive. The imbalance between the availability of land and the community's need for land has caused various legal problems. Facts show how strategic the role of land for human life. The statistics also testify how the large number of people still depend their daily livelihoods on land, both for farming, gardening, and other businesses by utilizing their private land. Secondly, there are quite a number of people depend the fate of their future and even the lives of their children and grandchildren by making land an investment asset. The reason is simple: the price of land will continue to increase due to the high demand for land availability, while the available land area will never increase. Land registration is an effort of the Government's role to provide legal certainty related to land ownership, which in turn can provide legal protection. This is contained in Article 19 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning UUPA Regulations, namely, to guarantee legal certainty by the Government, land registration is held in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia according to the provisions stipulated by the Government. The intended government regulation is Government Regulation (PP) No. 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration as well as Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 2 of 2018 concerning Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL).  Article visualizations

    Difabel, LSM dan Politik Intermediary

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    This study about the struggles of the NGO Sapda Yogyakarta in championing accessibility in policy making diffable clan. The behavior of the stigma against the disabled have long been reproduced by the Government and the community. Most people still consider diffable is a physical and mental ab- normalities that embarrass the family and should be covered. When disabled is the normal condition of a person with special needs because of physical limitations. Disabled is the symbol of the resis- tance and the representation of minority groups who often get discrimination

    Analisis Pembelajaran Pengembangan Motorik Halus Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk

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    This study aimed to describe the planning, implementation, evaluation, as well as the barriers faced by teachers in learning to develop fine motor skills in children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Bina Four Five II Pontianak West. This study uses a qualitative approach deskriftip research. The subjects were 2 teachers, classroom teachers and assistant teachers and children in group B2. From the research that learning fine motor development of teachers tend to refer to Permendiknas 58 in 2009 and has been implemented well. In learning fine motor development in children of teachers using methods and media. The method used by the teacher is a question and answer method, the lecture method, the method of administration tasks and methods of direct practice. In addition to the methods teachers use the media, the media used is a media teacher made or already provided in kindergarten. In addition, weeks and months of the school year children to follow the learning activities as well as the child has not had the experience of learning in class B age group of 5-6 years
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