324 research outputs found


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    Pakistan is one of the countries used by Muslims in the world as a reference, where the State of Pakistan which since its inception has been called an Islamic State, where Pakistan is basically part of India which is known to be the majority of the Hindu population. Therefore, this study aims to better understand the description of the ideas of Sir Muhammad Iqbal who is known that the idea thinking to form the State of Pakistan and separate from India is from him. This study uses a qualitative approach with a study of previous literatures such as History Books, Scientific Works related to the subject being studied, and the history of the History of the Modern Islamic World. Muhammad Iqbal Born with the full name Muhammad Iqbal bin Muhamamd Nur bin Muhammad Rafiq, born in 1873 in Sialkot, Punjab India, who was born from a simple family but is obedient and disciplined in living his life as a Sufi, and this was instilled in him from childhood by his parents. He died in 1938. So his idea of realizing an Islamic state was expressed in 1930 at which time he was elected president of the Muslim League and received strong support from Muhammad Ali Jinnah.Keywords:Muhammad Iqbal, Muslim Ummah, Pakistan State, Conflic

    Impact of Pakistan-Malaysia Fta on Indonesian Export of Refined Bleached Deodorized (Rbd) Olein

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    Indonesia needs to increase its export products in order to maintain surplus balance of payment. However, Pakistan-Malaysia FTA could make Indonesian RBD Olein in adifficult situation. This paper aims to examine the impact of a decrease in import tariff of Malaysian RBD olein in Pakistan on Indonesian export of RBD Olein using Trade analysisemploying Armington model that distinguishes the product by the country of origin. RBD olein trade model consists of four endogenous countries and one exogenous rest of theworld (ROW). The endogenous countries are Indonesia, Malaysia, the United State of America and Pakistan. The results indicate that the reduction in import tariff of Malaysian RBD Olein by 10 percent will cause the price to decrease by around 7.3 percent. The decline in Malaysian RBD olein price will increase its demand in Pakistan by around 4.4 percent. While import demand of Indonesian RBD Olein in Pakistan estimated to increase by only 0.35 percent, this is because the price of Indonesian RBD Olein rises by 0.17percent. In other word, calculated based on the average of export volume and implicit price in the period 2005-2007, import of Indonesian RBD Olein in Pakistan will only increase by around 2.1 thousand tones, or US$ 1.03 million,

    Analisis Efisiensi Modal Kerja dan Rentabilitas Modal Sendiri pada Koperasi Karyawan Kebun/pks/plasma Sei Pagar (Kopkar Spa)

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    Coorperation will basically targeted activities to achieve goals. Where each activity is run coorperations in need of funds used to carry out activities of the coorperation is called working capital. Analysis of working capital related to the source and its use will help the parties concerned to find out how to manage working capital efficiently and effectively to improve the return of the coorperation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the efficiently of working capital and return on equity. The method used is descriptive, with a comparative analysis of the financial statements and conclusion. Results obtained by the analysis of financial statements that koperasi karyawan kebun/PKS/plasma Sei Pagar (KOPKAR SPA) working capital and return on equity changes every year. Management coorperations should do the planning in managing working capital and other coorperation funds, this is because the position of assets for the years 2010 to 2014 is not stable, if this is the case it is feared return on equity declined


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    Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah salah satu bukti perwujudan dari Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi. Pada kesempatan ini, Universitas Gunadarma bekerjasama dengan Yayasan Agenkultur yang merupakan lembaga independen yang bergerak dibidang sosial, budaya dan pendidikan, untuk melakukan PKM di PKBM Tan Malaka. Kerjasama yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dalam bidang komputer dan bidang ekonomi kepada murid-murid kejar paket B dan C pada yayasan Agen Kultur tersebut. Dengan kondisi pademi Covid-19 saat ini, pelatihan Komputer yang diberikan bersifat daring. Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dibidang Ilmu Komputer dan Ilmu Ekonomi sangat dirasakan perlu sekali pada kondisi seperti ini, sehingga pada kesempatan ini modul pelatihan yang diberikan berhubungan dengan pengenalan Internet dan pemanfaatan internet sebagai media pemasaran secara online (digital marketing). Selain pelatihan komputer, Universitas Gunadarma juga memberikan Kuliah Umum secara daring atau online yang diberikan kepada para murid. Kuliah Umum bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada para murid mengenai pengetahuan terkini dalam bidang teknologi informasi dibidang Ilmu komputer serta pemanfataannya terhadap bidang Ekonomi. Target luaran pengabdian masyarakat ini difokuskan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam bidang Ilmu Ekonomi bagi murid-murid di Yayasan Agenkultur tersebut

    Pengaruh Citra Merek, Word of Mouth Dan Iklan Terhadap Keputusan Perpindahan Merek

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    This research purpose to find out influence of brand image, word of mouth, and advertising on brand switching decisions of non-BlackBerry mobile phone to the BlackBerry. This research included in explanatory. Taked 94 respondents as sample with purposive sampling method. Collecting data used questionnaire. Hypotheses tested by correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, F test, and determination coefficient. The result of this research show that brand image dimension have significant influence to brand switching decisions,word of mouth dimension have significant influence to brand switching decisions, adevertising dimension have significant influence to brand switching decision. Brand image, word of mouth and advertising dimension in partial and simultaneous have significant influence to brand switching decisions

    Telaahan Daya Dukung dan Daya Tampung Lingkungan dalam Pengelolaan Kawasan Daerah Aliran Sungai di Indonesia

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    DAS merupakan kawasan yang khas dan mempunyai fungsi yang sangat penting dalam hidrologi. Sekarang ini kawasan DAS di Indonesia telah mengalami kerusakan. Kerusakan ini telah menimbulkan berbagai bencana seperti longsor, erosi dan banjir. Hal ini umumnya disebabkan oleh terjadinya Perubahan penggunaan lahan. Bencana alam serta aktivitas manusia juga telah menimbulkan pencemaran pada air sungai. Dewasa ini hampir sebagian besar sungai-sungai di Indonesia telah mengalami pencemaran, bahkan di pulau Jawa pencemaran sungai sudah dalam tahap yang mengkhawatirkan. Perubahan penggunaan lahan dan pencemaran sungai telah melampaui daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan. Penyebab dari kerusakan ini antara lain disebabkan oleh pertambahan penduduk, kelembagaan, kemiskinan, pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup masyarakat seperti sandang, pangan dan pemukiman, perkebunan, pertambangan dan partisipasi masyarakat yang sangat rendah dalam melakukan konservasi. Beberapa cara penanggulangan telah dilakukan mulai dari konservasi secara teknis yaitu teras dan guludan, agroforestri, pelibatan masyarakat serta harmonisasi kelembagaan. Namun masih terjadi kerusakan di dalam DAS. Perlu dikaji lebih lanjut akar permasalahan yang sebenarnya sehingga bisa dicari penanggulangan yang tepat

    Virtual Reality Social Prediction Improvement and Rehabilitation Intensive Training (VR-SPIRIT) for paediatric patients with congenital cerebellar diseases: study protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Patients with cerebellar malformations exhibit not only movement problems, but also important deficits in social cognition. Thus, rehabilitation approaches should not only involve the recovery of motor function but also of higher-order abilities such as processing of social stimuli. In keeping with the general role of the cerebellum in anticipating and predicting events, we used a VR-based rehabilitation system to implement a social cognition intensive training specifically tailored to improve predictive abilities in social scenarios (VR-Spirit). Methods/design: The study is an interventional randomised controlled trial that aims to recruit 42 children, adolescents and young adults with congenital cerebellar malformations, randomly allocated to the experimental group or the active control group. The experimental group is administered the VR-Spirit, requiring the participants to compete with different avatars in the reaching of recreational equipment and implicitly prompting them to form expectations about their playing preference. The active control group participates in a VR-training with standard games currently adopted for motor rehabilitation. Both trainings are composed by eight 45-min sessions and are administered in the GRAIL VR laboratory (Motekforce Link, Netherlands), an integrated platform that allows patients to move in natural and attractive VR environments. An evaluation session in VR with the same paradigm used in the VR-Spirit but implemented in a different scenario is administered at the beginning (T0) of the two trainings (T1) and at the end (T2). Moreover, a battery of neurocognitive tests spanning different domains is administered to all participants at T0, T2 and in a follow-up session after 2 months from the end of the two trainings (T3). Discussion: This study offers a novel approach for rehabilitation based on specific neural mechanisms of the cerebellum. We aim to investigate the feasibility and efficacy of a new, intensive, social cognition training in a sample of Italian patients aged 7-25 years with congenital cerebellar malformations. We expect that VR-Spirit could enhance social prediction ability and indirectly improve cognitive performance in diverse domains. Moreover, through the comparison with a VR-active control training we aim to verify the specificity of VR-Spirit in improving social perception skills. Trial registration: ISRCTN, ID: ISRCTN 22332873. Retrospectively registered on 12 March 2018
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