38 research outputs found

    Efficient Building Extraction for High Spatial Resolution Images Based on Dual Attention Network

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    Building extraction with high spatial resolution images becomes an important research in the field of computer vision for urban-related applications. Due to the rich detailed information and complex texture features presented in high spatial resolution images, the distribution of buildings is non-proportional and their difference of scales is obvious. General methods often provide confusion results with other ground objects. In this paper, a building extraction framework based on deep residual neural network with a self-attention mechanism is proposed. This mechanism contains two parts: one is the spatial attention module, which is used to aggregate and relate the local and global features at each position (short and long distance context information) of buildings; the other is channel attention module, in which the representation of comprehensive features (includes color, texture, geometric and high-level semantic feature) are improved. The combination of the dual attention modules makes buildings can be extracted from the complex backgrounds. The effectiveness of our method is validated by the experiments counted on a wide range high spatial resolution image, i.e., Jilin-1 Gaofen 02A imagery. Compared with some state-of-the-art segmentation methods, i.e., DeepLab-v3+, PSPNet, and PSANet algorithms, the proposed dual attention network-based method achieved high accuracy and intersection-over-union for extraction performance and show finest recognition integrity of buildings

    BioNMT: A Biomedical Neural Machine Translation System

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    To solve the problem of translation of professional vocabulary in the biomedical field and help biological researchers to translate and understand foreign language documents, we proposed a semantic disambiguation model and external dictionaries to build a novel translation model for biomedical texts based on the transformer model. The proposed biomedical neural machine translation system (BioNMT) adopts the sequence-to-sequence translation framework, which is based on deep neural networks. To construct the specialized vocabulary of biology and medicine, a hybrid corpus was obtained using a crawler system extracting from universal corpus and biomedical corpus. The experimental results showed that BioNMT which composed by professional biological dictionary and Transformer model increased the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) value by 14.14%, and the perplexity was reduced by 40%. And compared with Google Translation System and Baidu Translation System, BioNMT achieved better translations about paragraphs and resolve the ambiguity of biomedical name entities to greatly improved

    relation path embedding in knowledge graphs

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    Large-scale knowledge graphs have currently reached impressive sizes; however, they are still far from complete. In addition, most existing methods for knowledge graph completion only consider the direct links between entities, ignoring the vital impact of the semantics of relation paths. In this paper, we study the problem of how to better embed entities and relations of knowledge graphs into different low-dimensional spaces by taking full advantage of the additional semantics of relation paths and propose a novel relation path embedding model named as RPE. Specifically, with the corresponding relation and path projections, RPE can simultaneously embed each entity into two types of latent spaces. Moreover, type constraints are extended from traditional relation-specific type constraints to the proposed path-specific type constraints and both of the two type constraints can be seamlessly incorporated into RPE. The proposed model is evaluated on the benchmark tasks of link prediction and triple classification. The results of experiments demonstrate our method outperforms all baselines on both tasks. They indicate that our model is capable of catching the semantics of relation paths, which is significant for knowledge representation learning

    Facial Expression Decoding based on fMRI Brain Signal

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    The analysis of facial expressions is a hot topic in brain-computer interface research. To determine the facial expressions of the subjects under the corresponding stimulation, we analyze the fMRI images acquired by the Magnetic Resonance. There are six kinds of facial expressions: "anger", "disgust", "sadness", "happiness", "joy" and "surprise". We demonstrate that brain decoding is achievable through the parsing of two facial expressions ("anger" and "joy"). Support vector machine and extreme learning machine are selected to classify these expressions based on time series features. Experimental results show that the classification performance of the extreme learning machine algorithm is better than support vector machine. Among the eight participants in the trials, the classification accuracy of three subjects reached 70-80%, and the remaining five subjects also achieved accuracy of 50-60%. Therefore, we can conclude that the brain decoding can be used to help analyzing human facial expressions

    Acupuncture and tuina knowledge graph with prompt learning

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    IntroductionAcupuncture and tuina, acknowledged as ancient and highly efficacious therapeutic modalities within the domain of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), have provided pragmatic treatment pathways for numerous patients. To address the problems of ambiguity in the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture and tuina treatment protocols, the lack of accurate quantitative assessment of treatment protocols, and the diversity of TCM systems, we have established a map-filling technique for modern literature to achieve personalized medical recommendations.Methods(1) Extensive acupuncture and tuina data were collected, analyzed, and processed to establish a concise TCM domain knowledge base. (2)A template-free Chinese text NER joint training method (TemplateFC) was proposed, which enhances the EntLM model with BiLSTM and CRF layers. Appropriate rules were set for ERE. (3) A comprehensive knowledge graph comprising 10,346 entities and 40,919 relationships was constructed based on modern literature.ResultsA robust TCM KG with a wide range of entities and relationships was created. The template-free joint training approach significantly improved NER accuracy, especially in Chinese text, addressing issues related to entity identification and tokenization differences. The KG provided valuable insights into acupuncture and tuina, facilitating efficient information retrieval and personalized treatment recommendations.DiscussionThe integration of KGs in TCM research is essential for advancing diagnostics and interventions. Challenges in NER and ERE were effectively tackled using hybrid approaches and innovative techniques. The comprehensive TCM KG our built contributes to bridging the gap in TCM knowledge and serves as a valuable resource for specialists and non-specialists alike

    A Knowledge Base Completion Model Based on Path Feature Learning

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    Large-scale knowledge bases, as the foundations for promoting the development of artificial intelligence, have attracted increasing attention in recent years. These knowledge bases contain billions of facts in triple format; yet, they suffer from sparse relations between entities. Researchers proposed the path ranking algorithm (PRA) to solve this fatal problem. To improve the scalability of knowledge inference, PRA exploits random walks to find Horn clauses with chain structures to predict new relations given existing facts. This method can be regarded as a statistical classification issue for statistical relational learning (SRL). However, large-scale knowledge base completion demands superior accuracy and scalability. In this paper, we propose the path feature learning model (PFLM) to achieve this urgent task. More precisely, we define a two-stage model: the first stage aims to learn path features from the existing knowledge base and extra parsed corpus; the second stage uses these path features to predict new relations. The experimental results demonstrate that the PFLM can learn meaningful features and can achieve significant and consistent improvements compared with previous work

    Hyperspectral Band Selection for Lithologic Discrimination and Geological Mapping

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    Classification techniques applied to hyperspectral images are very useful for lithologic discrimination and geological mapping. Classifiers are often applied either to all spectral channels or only to absorption spectral channels. However, it is difficult to obtain different lithology information using specific absorption regions from the narrow bandwidth and contiguous spectral channels due to spectral variability among rocks. In this article, we propose a band selection (BS) method for hyperspectral lithologic discrimination, in which the lithological superpixels are first gathered. A spectral bands selection criterion is learned by measuring the homogeneity and the variation of the lithological superpixels, and lithologic discriminating bands are identified by an efficient clustering algorithm based on affinity propagation. In this article, two geologic test sites, i.e., the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer data of the Cuprite, Nevada, USA, including 11 lithologic units (9 types of rocks) and the Hyperion data of Junggar, China, with 5 lithologic units, are chosen for validation. The performance of the proposed BS method is compared with those of using all the bands, specific absorption spectral channels, and two literature BS techniques. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves mapping accuracy by selecting fewer bands with higher lithologic discrimination capability than the other considered methods

    International Natural Gas Price Trends Prediction with Historical Prices and Related News

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    Under the idea of low carbon economy, natural gas has drawn widely attention all over the world and becomes one of the fastest growing energies because of its clean, high calorific value, and environmental protection properties. However, policy and political factors, supply-demand relationship and hurricanes can cause the jump in natural gas prices volatility. To address this issue, a deep learning model based on oil and gas news is proposed to predict natural gas price trends in this paper. In this model, news text embedding is conducted by BERT-Base, Uncased on natural gas-related news. Attention model is adopted to balance the weight of the news vector. Meanwhile, corresponding natural gas price embedding is conducted by a BiLSTM module. The Attention-weighted news vectors and price embedding are the inputs of the fused network with transformer is built. BiLSTM is used to extract used price information related with news features. Transformer is employed to capture time series trend of mixed features. Finally, the network achieves an accuracy as 79%, and the performance is better than most traditional machine learning algorithms

    Accurate Mapping and Evaluation of Small Impact Craters within the Lunar Landing Area

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    Impact craters, as the most distinct lunar structural unit and geological structure, are marked on the Moon’s surface. For over a decade, researchers have focused on identifying and exploring large- to medium-sized impact craters on the surface of the Moon (craters with a diameter greater than 1 km). Small impact craters have obvious statistical significance owing to their magnitude in numbers. The identification and analysis of small craters provide indispensable clues for the study of lunar geological evolution. However, such craters only remain in specific images and regions. At present, there is no comprehensive record of small impact craters in the existing lunar impact crater databases. The small impact craters on the surface of the Moon are enormous and vary in size by orders of magnitude, exhibiting small target characteristics in space. The present study focuses on the identification and spatial analysis of small impact craters on the surface of the Moon. A feature amplification strategy-based identification model was established for small impact crater detection, achieving accurate recognition of the small impact craters on the surface of the Moon (with a recall rate of 86.97% and a false-positive rate as low as 0.54% ± 0.16%). In total, 228,897, 142,872, and 42,008 new small lunar impact craters (with diameters as low as 4.5 m) were identified in the ten lunar landing areas of returned samples from the Apollo, Luna, and Chang’e-5 missions. In addition, the spatial distribution characteristics of small impact craters during different geological periods in the landing area are provided. Data on the newly identified small impact craters will provide an important basis for revealing the lunar impact fluxes and young lunar surface dating in lunar geological evolution research