2,496 research outputs found

    Concentration risk and the optimal number of central counterparties for a single asset

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    We model the central counterparty (CCP) clearing of a single asset traded over-the-counter by two groups of banks in two currencies. We compare a variety of different clearing set-ups involving one or two CCPs according to their ability to withstand a combined market and banking crisis. Using stress testing, the model shows that the question of the optimal clearing set-up for a specifi c asset is complex and depends on many parameters such as the level of funding available to the CCP(s), the degree of integration between the different groups of participants and the particular risk profiles of these different groups. On the whole, however, a single CCP solution appears less resilient than a two-CCP arrangement when the magnitude of the crisis is large and only more resilient when the magnitude of the crisis is small in relation to the clearing fund of the CCP(s). Another interesting outcome is that the two-CCP set-ups perform better than the single CCP set-up for low levels of participation.

    Wind Forced Variability in Eddy Formation, Eddy Shedding, and the Separation of the East Australian Current

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    The East Australian Current (EAC), like many other subtropical western boundary currents, is believed to be penetrating further poleward in recent decades. Previous observational and model studies have used steady state dynamics to relate changes in the westerly winds to changes in the separation behavior of the EAC. As yet, little work has been undertaken on the impact of forcing variability on the EAC and Tasman Sea circulation. Here using an eddy‐permitting regional ocean model, we present a suite of simulations forced by the same time‐mean fields, but with different atmospheric and remote ocean variability. These eddy‐permitting results demonstrate the nonlinear response of the EAC to variable, nonstationary inhomogeneous forcing. These simulations show an EAC with high intrinsic variability and stochastic eddy shedding. We show that wind stress variability on time scales shorter than 56 days leads to increases in eddy shedding rates and southward eddy propagation, producing an increased transport and southward reach of the mean EAC extension. We adopt an energetics framework that shows the EAC extension changes to be coincident with an increase in offshore, upstream eddy variance (via increased barotropic instability) and increase in subsurface mean kinetic energy along the length of the EAC. The response of EAC separation to regional variable wind stress has important implications for both past and future climate change studies

    A combined FEG-SEM and TEM study of silicon nanodot assembly

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    Nanodots forming dense assembly on a substrate are difficult to characterize in terms of size, density, morphology and cristallinity. The present study shows how valuable information can be obtained by a combination of electron microscopy techniques. A silicon nanodots deposit has been studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to estimate essentially the dot size and density, quantities emphasized because of their high interest for application. High resolution SEM indicates a density of 1.6 × 1012 dots/cm2 for a 5 nm to 10 nm dot size. TEM imaging using a phase retrieval treatment of a focus series gives a higher dot density (2 × 1012 dots/cm2) for a 5 nm dot size. High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) indicates that the dots are crystalline which is confirmed by electron diffraction. According to HRTEM and electron diffraction, the dot size is about 3 nm which is significantly smaller than the SEM and TEM results. These differences are not contradictory but attributed to the fact that each technique is probing a different phenomenon. A core-shell structure for the dot is proposed which reconcile all the results. All along the study, Fourier transforms have been widely used under many aspects

    A New Channel for the Detection of Planetary Systems Through Microlensing: II. Repeating Events

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    In the companion paper we began the task of systematically studying the detection of planets in wide orbits (a>1.5REa > 1.5 R_E) via microlensing surveys. In this paper we continue, focusing on repeating events. We find that, if all planetary systems are similar to our own Solar System, reasonable extensions of the present observing strategies would allow us to detect 3-6 repeating events per year along the direction to the Bulge. Indeed, if planetary systems with multiple planets are common, then future monitoring programs which lead to the discovery of thousands of stellar-lens events will likely discover events in which several different planets within a single system serve as lenses, with light curves exhibiting multiple repetitions. In this paper we discuss observing strategies to maximize the discovery of all wide-orbit planet-lens events. We also compare the likely detection rates of planets in wide orbits to those of planets located in the zone for resonant lensing. We find that, depending on the values of the planet masses and stellar radii of the lensed sources (which determine whether or not finite source size is important), and also on the sensitivity of the photometry used by observers, the detection of planets in wide orbits may be the primary route to the discovery of planets via microlensing. We also discuss how the combination of resonant and wide-orbit events can help us to learn about the distribution of planetary system properties (S 6.1). In addition, by determining the fraction of short-duration events due to planets, we indirectly derive information about the fraction of all short-duration events that may be due to low-mass MACHOs (S 6.2).Comment: 51 pages, 7 figures. To be published in the Astrophysical Journal, 20 February 1999. This completes the introduction to the discovery of planets in wide orbits begun in astro-ph/9808075, also to appear in ApJ on 20 February 199

    Asymfast, a method for convolving maps with asymmetric main beams

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    We describe a fast and accurate method to perform the convolution of a sky map with a general asymmetric main beam along any given scanning strategy. The method is based on the decomposition of the beam as a sum of circular functions, here Gaussians. It can be easily implemented and is much faster than pixel-by-pixel convolution. In addition, Asymfast can be used to estimate the effective circularized beam transfer functions of CMB instruments with non-symmetric main beam. This is shown using realistic simulations and by comparison to analytical approximations which are available for Gaussian elliptical beams. Finally, the application of this technique to Archeops data is also described. Although developped within the framework of Cosmic Microwave Background observations, our method can be applied to other areas of astrophysics.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Phys. Rev. D, in pres

    A New Channel for the Detection of Planetary Systems Through Microlensing: I. Isolated Events Due to Planet Lenses

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    We propose and evaluate the feasibility of a new strategy to search for planets via microlensing. This new strategy is designed to detect planets in "wide" orbits, i.e., with orbital separation, aa greater than ∌1.5RE\sim 1.5 R_E. Planets in wide orbits may provide the dominant channel for the microlensing discovery of planets, particularly low-mass (e.g., Earth-mass) planets. This paper concentrates on events in which a single planet serves as a lens, leading to an isolated event of short duration. We point out that a distribution of events due to lensing by stars with wide-orbit planets is necessarily accompanied by a distribution of shorter- duration events. The fraction of events in the latter distribution is proportional to the average value of q\sqrt{q}, where qq is the ratio between \pl and stellar masses. The position of the peak or peaks also provides a measure of the mass ratios typical of planetary systems. We study detection strategies that can optimize our ability to discover isolated short-duration events due to lensing by planets, and find that monitoring employing sensitive photometry is particularly useful. If planetary systems similar to our own are common, even modest changes in detection strategy should lead to the discovery of a few isolated events of short duration every year. We therefore also address the issue of the contamination due to stellar populations of any microlensing signal due to low-mass MACHOs. We describe how, even for isolated events of short duration, it will be possible to test the hypothesis that the lens was a planet instead of a low-mass MACHO, if the central star of the planetary system contributes a measurable fraction of the baseline flux.Comment: 37 pages, 6 figure. To be published in the Astrophysical Journal. This is part one of a series of papers on microlensing by planetary systems containing wide-orbit planets; the series represents a reorganization and extension of astro-ph/971101
