15 research outputs found

    Fístula colédoco-duodenal causada por tuberculose associada à SIDA

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    Allthough infrequent, digestive fistulae in HIV/AIDS patients have been reported throughout the digestive tract from the esophagus to the anus, with predominance of esophageal fistulae. AIDS/HIV-associated opportunistic infections may invade the digestive system and lead to fistula formation. Tuberculosis is the most common infection associated with these esophageal fistulae. We report here one case of bile duct-duodenal fistula in a female AIDS patient with associated abdominal Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection compromising lymphnodes of the hepatic pedicle where the fistula was found. According to the reviewed literature, this is the third case of bile duct-duodenal fistula associated with abdominal tuberculosis in AIDS patient, and the first where both the fistula and the tuberculosis infection were diagnosed at laparotomy for acute abdomen. Whether the AIDS patient with abdominal pain needs or not a laparotomy to treat an infectious disease is often a difficult matter for the surgeon to decide, as most of the times appropriate medical treatment will bring more benefit.Fístulas digestivas em pacientes com Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida (SIDA), embora raras, têm sido identificadas desde o esôfago até o ânus, predominando no esôfago. Infecções oportunistas relacionadas à SIDA podem acometer a parede do trato digestivo, levando a formação de fístulas. A Tuberculose é a infecção mais freqüentemente associada com fístula esofágica. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente portadora de SIDA, com tuberculose ganglionar comprometendo o hilo hepático, que evoluiu com fístula entre o ducto colédoco e o duodeno. A literatura revisada indica ser este o terceiro caso de fístula colédoco-duodenal descrito em paciente com tuberculose abdominal, associada à SIDA, e o primeiro em que a infecção pelo Mycobacterium tuberculosis e a fístula colédoco-duodenal foram diagnosticados durante laparotomia exploradora, indicada em paciente com abdome agudo. No paciente com SIDA e dor abdominal, pode ser difícil para o cirurgião decidir, se está indicada laparotomia exploradora, uma vez que, na maioria das vezes, o tratamento clínico apropriado será o melhor

    A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal provoca hiper-reatividade brônquica e aumento do TNF-alfa sérico em ratos

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    INTRODUCTION: Intestinal or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induces acute lung injury in animal models of multiple organ failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- alpha is involved in the underlying inflammatory mechanism of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although the inflammatory cascade leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome has been extensively investigated, the mechanical components of acute respiratory distress syndrome are not fully understood. Our hypothesis is that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion increases airway reactivity and serum TNF-alpha levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess bronchial smooth muscle reactivity under methacholine stimulation, and to measure serum TNF-alpha levels following intestinal and/or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. METHOD: Rats were subjected to 45 minutes of intestinal ischemia, or 20 minutes of hepatic ischemia, or to both (double ischemia), or sham procedures (control), followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were then sacrificed, and the bronchial response to increasing methacholine molar concentrations (10-7 to 3 x 10-4) was evaluated in an ex-vivo bronchial muscle preparation. Serum TNF-alpha was determined by the L929-cell bioassay. RESULTS: Bronchial response (g/100 mg tissue) showed increased reactivity to increasing methacholine concentrations in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. Similarly, serum TNF-alpha (pg/mL) concentration was increased in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. CONCLUSION: Intestinal ischemia, either isolated or associated with hepatic ischemia, increased bronchial smooth muscle reactivity, suggesting a possible role for bronchial constriction in respiratory dysfunction following splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion. This increase occurred in concomitance with serum TNF-alpha increase, but whether the increase in TNF-alpha caused this bronchial contractility remains to be determined.INTRODUCÃO: A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal ou hepática induz lesão pulmonar aguda em modelos animais de falência de múltiplos órgãos. O fator de necrose tumoral (TNF-alfa) está envolvido no mecanismo inflamatório da síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Embora a cascata inflamatória que leva à síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda tenha sido extensamente investigada, os componentes mecânicos desta ainda não são completamente compreendidos. Nós levantamos a hipótese de que a isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica provoca aumento da reatividade contráctil das vias aéreas, bem como aumento do TNF-alfa sérico. OBJETIVO: avaliar a reatividade da musculatura lisa brônquica sob estimulação com metacolina, e medir os níveis séricos de TNF-alfa após isquemia/reperfusão intestinal e/ou hepática em ratos. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal, ou 20 minutos de isquemia hepática, ou a ambas (isquemia dupla), ou controle, seguidos por 120 min de reperfusão. A resposta brônquica a concentrações molares (10-7 to 3x10-4) de metacolina foi avaliada usando-se uma preparação ex-vivo de musculatura brônquica. RESULTADOS: A resposta brônquica (g/100mg de tecido) mostrou reatividade aumentada a concentrações crescentes de metacolina na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. Similarmente, o TNF-alfa sérico aumentou na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. CONCLUSÃO: Isquemia intestinal, quer isolada ou associada à hepática, provocou hiper-reatividade da musculatura brônquica, sugerindo um possível papel da constrição brônquica na disfunção respiratória conseqüente à isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica. Este aumento foi simultâneo ao do TNF-alfa sérico, porém o possível efeito causal do TNF-alfa na contractilidade brônquica permanece a ser determinado

    A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal provoca hiper-reatividade brônquica e aumento do TNF-alfa sérico em ratos

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    INTRODUCTION: Intestinal or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induces acute lung injury in animal models of multiple organ failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- alpha is involved in the underlying inflammatory mechanism of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although the inflammatory cascade leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome has been extensively investigated, the mechanical components of acute respiratory distress syndrome are not fully understood. Our hypothesis is that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion increases airway reactivity and serum TNF-alpha levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess bronchial smooth muscle reactivity under methacholine stimulation, and to measure serum TNF-alpha levels following intestinal and/or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. METHOD: Rats were subjected to 45 minutes of intestinal ischemia, or 20 minutes of hepatic ischemia, or to both (double ischemia), or sham procedures (control), followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were then sacrificed, and the bronchial response to increasing methacholine molar concentrations (10-7 to 3 x 10-4) was evaluated in an ex-vivo bronchial muscle preparation. Serum TNF-alpha was determined by the L929-cell bioassay. RESULTS: Bronchial response (g/100 mg tissue) showed increased reactivity to increasing methacholine concentrations in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. Similarly, serum TNF-alpha (pg/mL) concentration was increased in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. CONCLUSION: Intestinal ischemia, either isolated or associated with hepatic ischemia, increased bronchial smooth muscle reactivity, suggesting a possible role for bronchial constriction in respiratory dysfunction following splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion. This increase occurred in concomitance with serum TNF-alpha increase, but whether the increase in TNF-alpha caused this bronchial contractility remains to be determined.INTRODUCÃO: A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal ou hepática induz lesão pulmonar aguda em modelos animais de falência de múltiplos órgãos. O fator de necrose tumoral (TNF-alfa) está envolvido no mecanismo inflamatório da síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Embora a cascata inflamatória que leva à síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda tenha sido extensamente investigada, os componentes mecânicos desta ainda não são completamente compreendidos. Nós levantamos a hipótese de que a isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica provoca aumento da reatividade contráctil das vias aéreas, bem como aumento do TNF-alfa sérico. OBJETIVO: avaliar a reatividade da musculatura lisa brônquica sob estimulação com metacolina, e medir os níveis séricos de TNF-alfa após isquemia/reperfusão intestinal e/ou hepática em ratos. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal, ou 20 minutos de isquemia hepática, ou a ambas (isquemia dupla), ou controle, seguidos por 120 min de reperfusão. A resposta brônquica a concentrações molares (10-7 to 3x10-4) de metacolina foi avaliada usando-se uma preparação ex-vivo de musculatura brônquica. RESULTADOS: A resposta brônquica (g/100mg de tecido) mostrou reatividade aumentada a concentrações crescentes de metacolina na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. Similarmente, o TNF-alfa sérico aumentou na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. CONCLUSÃO: Isquemia intestinal, quer isolada ou associada à hepática, provocou hiper-reatividade da musculatura brônquica, sugerindo um possível papel da constrição brônquica na disfunção respiratória conseqüente à isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica. Este aumento foi simultâneo ao do TNF-alfa sérico, porém o possível efeito causal do TNF-alfa na contractilidade brônquica permanece a ser determinado

    Lesão da artéria ilíaca interna bilateral associada com trauma pélvico, tratada por intervenção arteriografia com embolização

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    Pelvic ring ruptures are a cause of great mortality and morbidity in trauma patients. The fatalities are, in general, consequence of the retroperitoneal hemorrhage and other associated damages due to the great force necessary to rip the pelvic ring. The mortality in theses cases are between 15 and 25%. The hemorrhage is usually due to the posterior pelvis venous plexus and the bony surface sponge bleedings. Less than 10% of the cases its caused by the bleeding of a known artery and in only 1% by iliac or femoral arteries. The objectives of this study is to report a case of a patient victim of a blunt trauma, with a complex pelvic fracture and hypotension by a bilateral iliac artery injury that was diagnosed and treated by interventionist radiology.Ruptura traumática do anel pélvico resulta geralmente de impacto com grande dispêndio de energia levando à ruptura do complexo ósteo-ligamentar levando a hemorragia retroperitoneal oriunda do plexo venoso posterior da pelve e de superfícies ósseo-esponjosas, que juntamente com lesões associadas acarreta cerca de 15% a 25% de mortalidade nos pacientes com lesão do anel pélvico(1).  Em menos de 10% dos casos ocorre sangramento de artérias conhecidas, e em menos de 1% é relatado sangramento de vasos ilíacos ou femorais(2,3,4). O objetivo do presente estudo é relatar o caso de um paciente vítima de trauma contuso com fratura pélvica e instabilidade hemodinâmica persistente após fixação pélvica externa, tendo se diagnosticado por arteriografia lesão artérial ilíaca interna bilateral, e tratado por radiologia inervencionista com embolização

    Acute Care Surgeon South American Model

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    Acute care surgeon South American model

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    Background In the World Health Organization book by Murray and Lopez (The Global Burden of Disease), the authors make the point that there are major regional differences across the world for death from injury. In the European market economies, injuries accounted for 6% of all deaths, of which the majority were the result of road traffic accidents. In stark contrast, in Latin America and the Caribbean, injuries account for 12-13% of all deaths, and most of these are the result of violence. An estimated 30% of all male deaths are from external causes, and road traffic accidents are the number two cause of death. Within South American countries, trauma is the second most common cause of death in Columbia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Brazil. In other South American countries, it is the third or fourth most common cause of death. If one examines the Disability Adjusted Life Years, South America is the third highest in the world. Death from injury primarily affects people in the middle- and low-income group. Traffic accidents and suicide are the main causes of trauma in the high-income population. South America is made up of developing and poor countries that have trauma as a very important cause of death and disability. Methods The author has reviewed information on injury from the World Health Organization, Pan American Health Organization, and Brazilian Health Ministry. In addition, a search of injury was performed through MEDLINE. Results and Conclusions The results of this review show that trauma is a major public health problem in South America. At the present time, there is a lack of statewide system development. In addition, there are difficulties in training surgeons to cope with these problems

    Standard Examination System for Laparoscopy in Penetrating Abdominal Trauma

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    Background: The high missed occult small bowel injuries (SBI) associated with laparoscopy in trauma (LIT) is a major reason why some surgeons still preclude LIT today. No standardized laparoscopic examination for evaluation of the peritoneal cavity is described for trauma. The objective of this article is to verify if a systematic standardized laparoscopic approach could correctly identify SBI in the peritoneal cavity for penetrating abdominal trauma (PAT). Methods: Victims with PAT were evaluated in a prospective, nonrandomized study. A total of 75 hemodynamically stable patients with suspected abdominal injuries were operated by LIT and converted to laparotomy if criteria were met: SBI and lesions to blind spot zones-retroperitoneal hematoma, injuries to segments VI or VII of the liver, or injuries to the posterior area of the spleen. Inclusion criteria were equivocal evidence of abdominal injuries or peritonea] penetration; systolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and <3 L of IV fluids in the first hour of admission; Glasgow Coma Scale score >12; and age >12 years. Exclusion criteria were back injuries; pregnancy; previous laparotomy; and chronic cardiorespiratory disease. Results: Sixty patients were males and there were 38 stab wounds and 37 gunshot wounds. No SBI was missed, but a pancreatic lesion was undiagnosed due to a retroperitoneal hematoma. Twenty patients (26.6%) were converted. Unnecessary laparotomies were avoided in 73.33%. Therapeutic LIT was possible in 22.7%. Accuracy was 98.66% with 97.61% sensitivity and 100% specificity. Conclusions: Standard systematic laparoscopic exploration was 100% effective to detect SBI in the peritoneal cavity. Conversion from LIT to laparotomy should be done if injuries to blind spot zones are found which are poorly evaluated by LIT. Therapeutic LIT is feasible in PAT

    Intestinal ischemia/reperfusion induces bronchial hyperreactivity and increases serum TNF-alpha in rats

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    INTRODUCTION: Intestinal or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induces acute lung injury in animal models of multiple organ failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- alpha is involved in the underlying inflammatory mechanism of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although the inflammatory cascade leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome has been extensively investigated, the mechanical components of acute respiratory distress syndrome are not fully understood. Our hypothesis is that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion increases airway reactivity and serum TNF-alpha levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess bronchial smooth muscle reactivity under methacholine stimulation, and to measure serum TNF-alpha levels following intestinal and/or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. METHOD: Rats were subjected to 45 minutes of intestinal ischemia, or 20 minutes of hepatic ischemia, or to both (double ischemia), or sham procedures (control), followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were then sacrificed, and the bronchial response to increasing methacholine molar concentrations (10-7 to 3 x 10-4) was evaluated in an ex-vivo bronchial muscle preparation. Serum TNF-alpha was determined by the L929-cell bioassay. RESULTS: Bronchial response (g/100 mg tissue) showed increased reactivity to increasing methacholine concentrations in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. Similarly, serum TNF-alpha (pg/mL) concentration was increased in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. CONCLUSION: Intestinal ischemia, either isolated or associated with hepatic ischemia, increased bronchial smooth muscle reactivity, suggesting a possible role for bronchial constriction in respiratory dysfunction following splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion. This increase occurred in concomitance with serum TNF-alpha increase, but whether the increase in TNF-alpha caused this bronchial contractility remains to be determined