286 research outputs found

    Recent advances on materials for lithium-ion batteries

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    Environmental issues related to energy consumption are mainly associated with the strong dependence on fossil fuels. To solve these issues, renewable energy sources systems have been developed as well as advanced energy storage systems. Batteries are the main storage system related to mobility, and they are applied in devices such as laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles. Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are the most used battery system based on their high specific capacity, long cycle life, and no memory effects. This rapidly evolving field urges for a systematic comparative compilation of the most recent developments on battery technology in order to keep up with the growing number of materials, strategies, and battery performance data, allowing the design of future developments in the field. Thus, this review focuses on the different materials recently developed for the different battery components—anode, cathode, and separator/electrolyte—in order to further improve LIB systems. Moreover, solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) for LIBs are also highlighted. Together with the study of new advanced materials, materials modification by doping or synthesis, the combination of different materials, fillers addition, size manipulation, or the use of high ionic conductor materials are also presented as effective methods to enhance the electrochemical properties of LIBs. Finally, it is also shown that the development of advanced materials is not only focused on improving efficiency but also on the application of more environmentally friendly materials.Funding grants UID/FIS/04650/2020, UID/EEA/04436/2020 and UID/QUI/0686/2020; and project PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017. Financial support grants SFRH/BD/140842/2018 (J.C.B.) and Investigator FCT Contracts CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.) and 2020.04028.CEECIND (C.M.C.) Financial support ELKARTEK and PIBA (PIBA-2018-06) programs

    Production of polymer filament-shaped piezoelectric sensors for e-textiles applications

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    This work aims at the development of piezoelectric materials for flexible sensors produced with various geometries, at low cost and high production rates, adequate for the industrial scale. In particular the filament form, appropriate for integration into textiles, is described, but other geometries, such as tape, are also being studied. The filaments are produced by co-extrusion of multiple layers with piezoelectric and electrically conductive polymer composites.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PTDC/CTM/108801/200

    Piezoelectric filaments produced by coextrusion

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    Considering the significant interest of both the academic and industrial communities in the fields of i/e-textiles (interactive/electronic textiles), the number of developed applications is far below the expected. This fact is mainly related to the difficulties on the development of production methodologies adequate to industrial scale processes. In this areas the integration of piezoelectric materials, that possess sensing/actuating capabilities, such as poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, and can be processed using conventional processing techniques, is very promising and has encouraged a large number of research works. However, until now, most of the developed production methodologies are difficult to adapt to the industrial scale. This work reports recent developments achieved, in the framework of a research project, on the production of piezoelectric filament by coextrusion of PVDF and electrical conductive layers. The developed production methodology involves a conventional coextrusion line, for which a coextrusion die was designed to produce a multilayer filament. This filament comprises an inner layer of an electrically conductive Polypropylene grade and a middle layer of PVDF and is coated with an electrical conductive ink. The piezoelectric response of the produced filaments will be also presentedFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)- FCT PTDC/CTM/108801/200

    ¿Entre héroes y deidades? actos de sacrificio de la Edad del Hierro grabados en la roca 6 del monte de Porreiras (Noroeste de Portugal)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es publicar los grabados rupestres del Monte das Porreira 6, situado en Paredes de Coura, en el no de Portugal. El estudio se ha basado en un levantamiento fotogramétrico y el posterior contraste con la determinación de la distancia geométrica. Se trata de una roca profusamente decorada con una larga diacronía de grabados. La fase inicial incluye el arte atlántico clásico, integrado en el Calcolítico Reciente. La segunda fase incluye la representación de équidos, jinetes y puñales con mango de antenas. Basándose en los paralelos de dichas armas, es posible integrar estos motivos entre la Edad de Bronce Final y la Edad de Hierro Inicial. También es posible observar el paso de una gramática abstracta, durante la primera fase, a una gramática figurativa, en la que se puede identificar una narrativa relacionada con los sacrificios humanos y de animales, asociada al uso de puñales con mango de antenas. Estas representaciones evocan un simbolismo que recuerda a los textos de Estrabón y objetos de bronce que contienen escenas de sacrificio. La última fase del grabado indica nuevos cambios simbólicos, con la valorización de acciones aisladas perpetradas por un jinete, portando un arma arrojadiza, que pueden representar a una divinidad o a un héroe.The aim of this work is to publish the rock engravings of Monte das Porreira 6, located in the council of Paredes de Coura, in the Northwest of Portugal. The study was based on photogrammetric surveys and subsequent contrast recurring to geometric distance determination. It is a profusely decorated rock with a long diachrony of carving. The initial phase includes Classical Atlantic Art, integrated in the regional Neo-Chalcolithic period. The second phase includes representation of several types of equids, horsemen, and antenna-hilted daggers. Based on parallels for such weapons, it is possible to integrate these motifs between the Late Bronze Age and an Early Iron Age of North-western Iberia. It is also possible to observe a change from an abstract grammar, during the first phase, to a figurative grammar, in which we can identify a narrative related to human and animal sacrifices, associated with the use of antenna-hilted daggers. These depictions recall a symbolism reminiscent of Strabo’s writings, including bronze objects containing sacrificial scenes. The final phase of engraving indicates new symbolic changes, with valorisation of isolated actions perpetrated by horsemen, carrying throwing weapons, which may be a representation of a deity or hero

    Cone geometry optimization and thermal behavior for lithium-ion battery separators

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    A 3D cone separator geometry for lithium-ion batteries has been optimized taking into account the increase of radius size of one side. Theoretical simulations have been carried out for evaluating the influence of radius size in the cone structure at different discharge rates (1 C and 60 C) in which it was also determined the produced ohmic heat. The value of the discharge capacity in the cone structure depends on the increases of the radius, which is correlated with the electrolyte volume and interface between free electrolyte/cathode. The optimum balance of these parameters is essential for obtaining higher battery performance through this geometry that can be used in the next generation of lithium-ion batteriesPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): UID/FIS/04650/2019, PTDC/CTMENE/5387/2014, UID/CTM/50025/2013, PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017, grant SFRH/BPD/112547/2015 (C.M.C.) and contract CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.), including FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT. Financial support from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK and HAZITEK programs is also acknowledged. F. Miranda was also supported by Portuguese funds through the CIDMA - Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”), within project UID/MAT/04106/201

    Theoretical simulation of different 3D separator geometries for lithium-ion batteries

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    The battery separator is an essential component of batteries and affects their cycling performance. In this work, the effect of different 3D geometries of the battery separator on battery performance was studied keeping the same volume. It was observed that the different geometries affect the cycling performance, the best geometry being the perforated one that cycled up to 90 C. The cycling performance is affected by parameters such as the separator thickness and the electrolyte volume. Through the control of the battery separator geometry it is possible to obtain high performance lithium-ion batteries.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT): UID/FIS/04650/2019, PTDC/CTMENE/5387/2014, UID/CTM/50025/2013, PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017, grant SFRH/BPD/112547/2015 (C.M.C.) and contract CEECIND/00833/2017 (R.G.), including FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT. Financial support from the Basque Government Industry Department under the ELKARTEK and HAZITEK programs is also acknowledged. F. Miranda was also supported by Portuguese funds through the CIDMA - Center for Research and Development in Mathematics and Applications, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (“FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia”), within project UID/MAT/04106/2013

    Coextrusion of polymeric piezoelectric filaments

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    The difficulties related to the development of industrial scalable production methodologies have limited the number of applications currently available in the field of interactive/electronic textiles, which are far below the anticipated a few years ago. In these areas the integration of piezoelectric materials, that possess sensing/actuating capabilities, such as poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF, and can be processed using conventional processing techniques, is very promising and has encouraged a large number of research works. However, until now, most of the developed production methodologies are difficult to adapt to the industrial scale. This work reports recent developments achieved in the framework of a research project, on the production of piezoelectric filament by coextrusion of PVDF and an electrically conductive thermoplastic. The developed production methodology is based on a conventional coextrusion line, for which a coextrusion die was designed to produce a multilayer filament, which comprises an inner layer of an electrically conductive Polypropylene grade and a middle layer of PVDF and is coated with an electrical conductive ink. The sensing capabilities of the produced filaments are also characterized.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)- FCT PTDC/CTM/108801/200

    Programa multidisciplinar de monitorização de curto termo para apoio ao planeamento e gestão da zona costeira

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    A zona costeira do noroeste de Portugal tem vindo a sofrer processos erosivos de modo progressivo que têm preocupado os responsáveis políticos e os cidadãos em geral. Esta realidade é especialmente notória nas zonas costeiras com altas pressões de ocupação. A zona costeira de Vila Nova de Gaia apresenta ocupação intensa, tendo vários segmentos que evidenciam elevada vulnerabilidade à erosão costeira. Com o objectivo de avaliar os segmentos mais vulneráveis foi implementado um programa global de monitorização iniciado em 2007. Pretende-se avaliar as tendências de evolução morfodinâmica do sistema costeiro, incluindo prépraia, praia e dunas. Este programa compreendeu a realização de duas campanhas anuais, durante dois anos, utilizando um conjunto de metodologias de monitorização inovadoras: observações de campo, fotografias aéreas, levantamentos topográficos com um sistema móvel com DGPS e câmaras de vídeo; levantamentos batimétricos utilizando uma embarcação autónoma flutuante; recolha de amostras de sedimentos e realização de perfis de praia. A informação produzida foi processada para utilização na avaliação da vulnerabilidade à erosão e produção das cartas de risco associadas, as quais estão em fase de elaboração. Todos os dados são processados e analisados em ambiente SIG. Neste artigo são apresentados resultados obtidos nas quatro campanhas de monitorização, incluindo aspectos da morfodinâmica local com base na análise dos Modelos Digitais de Terreno e as principais mudanças morfológicas e sedimentares verificadas no período de monitorização

    Coastal zone geomorphologic interactions: natural versus human-induced driving factors

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    Sediment dynamics in the vicinity of river mouths reveal complex patterns due to the joined effect of river discharges, tides and waves. These phenomena underlie current mathematical and simulation models, which constitute powerful tools that can be used as a complement to monitoring field work for the characterization of morphodynamical patterns in these complex coastal environments. The Cávado estuary inlet is situated near Esposende and the Douro Estuary about 50 km south of it, next to Porto. During the last years, inland beach migration, sand loss and cliff retreat have been recurrent in this North Portuguese, Atlantic coastal areas, which can be considered to be of the mixed energy and wave-dominated type. Local tides are mesotidal and semidiurnal, with a maximum equinoctial spring tide high-water level of about 3.9 m and 4.0 m and a minimum low-water level of 0.2 m and 0.1 m, for the Esposende and Porto regions, respectively. Mean spring tides are about 3.5 m. The Cávado estuary inlet, enclosed between a breakwater on the northern side and the end of a migrant sandy spit on the southern side, has been subject to silting up. The spit’s resilience is crucial as a natural defense against sea incursions for the town of Esposende which lies behind the spit. During the last twenty years the sea has repeatedly flooded and twice ruptured the spit. To decrease silting-up and increase navigability, the building of two breakwaters and an artificial inlet management has been suggested. The Douro Estuary inlet is also protected by a northern breakwater and has a protective estuarine barrier sand spit, though in a more inland position than the Cávado spit. This spit protects Douro harbor facilities and the heavily populated river banks against wave and tide actions. Facing similar problems as in the Cávado (silting-up of the navigation channel that runs north of the spit and spit vulnerability to wave and wind action and, particularly to the recurrent river floods) the northern breakwater was extended and an additional breakwater was built (between 2004 and 2008) attached to the spit, to protect it. The present work discusses and synthesizes results from an integrated approach, involving monitoring field surveys and the application of mathematical models, to describe the main features of these two coastal inlets and adjacent costal zones, considering the 15 km from the Neiva River to Apúlia for the Cávado river and the 22 km from Crestuma dam to Porto for the Douro river. The influence of river and tidal characteristics are discussed for both cases