7 research outputs found

    Epilepsy in Prader-Willi syndrome: clinical, diagnostic and treatment aspects.

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    BACKGROUND: Epilepsy associated with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) represents an early and important complication, often not clearly reported and described in the literature. Consequently, there are controversial data about the clinical characteristics of epilepsy and electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities found in these patients. DATA SOURCES: Based on recent original publications, we have reviewed the different types of seizures and EEG findings in PWS patients, the response to antiepileptic treatment, and the prognosis of epilepsy. RESULTS: The frequency of epilepsy in PWS patients ranges from 4% to 26%. The types of seizure include generalized tonic-clonic seizures, complex partial seizures, atypical absence, staring spells, and myoclonic, tonic and hemiclonic seizures, but the most frequent type is focal epilepsy. Status epilepticus has never been reported. EEG abnormalities are not typical but variable in different patients. However, generalized and focal discharges are the most frequently reported findings. There is no evidence of relationship between the course of epilepsy and frequency, morphology and spread of EEG discharges. However, epilepsy in PWS patients is usually responsive to antiepileptic monotherapy with rapid seizure control and a good outcome. CONCLUSIONS: The frequency of epilepsy is higher in PWS patients than in general populations and this complication can be a challenge for the clinicians of these patients. Prospective studies are needed to confirm the good long-term prognosis

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome in children. a nationwide survey of current practice on behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP)

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    Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a rare functional gastrointestinal disorder, which has a considerable burden on quality of life of both children and their family. Aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approach to CVS among Italian tertiary care centers and the differences according to subspecialties, as well as to explore whether potential predictive factors associated with either a poor outcome or a response to a specific treatment

    Children under 6 years with acute headache in Pediatric Emergency Departments. A 2-year retrospective exploratory multicenter Italian study

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    Background: Preschool age (i.e. children under six years of age) represents a red flag for requiring neuroimaging to exclude secondary potentially urgent intracranial conditions (PUIC) in patients with acute headache. We investigated the clinical characteristics of preschoolers with headache to identify the features associated with a greater risk of secondary "dangerous" headache. Methods: We performed a multicenter exploratory retrospective study in Italy from January 2017 to December 2018. Preschoolers with new-onset non-traumatic headache admitted to emergency department were included and were subsequently divided into two groups: hospitalized and discharged. Among hospitalized patients, we investigated the characteristics linked to potentially urgent intracranial conditions. Results: We included 1455 preschoolers with acute headache. Vomiting, ocular motility disorders, ataxia, presence of neurological symptoms and signs, torticollis and nocturnal awakening were significantly associated to hospitalization. Among the 95 hospitalized patients, 34 (2.3%) had potentially urgent intracranial conditions and more frequently they had neurological symptoms and signs, papilledema, ataxia, cranial nerves paralysis, nocturnal awakening and vomiting. Nevertheless, on multivariable logistic regression analysis, we found that only ataxia and vomiting were associated with potentially urgent intracranial conditions. Conclusion: Our study identified clinical features that should be carefully evaluated in the emergency department in order to obtain a prompt diagnosis and treatment of potentially urgent intracranial conditions. The prevalence of potentially urgent intracranial conditions was low in the emergency department, which may suggest that age under six should not be considered an important risk factor for malignant causes as previously thought

    Reclamo al CICR- commento all'art.9 TUB

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    Il reclamo al CICR resta apparentemente immutato come reclamo nazionale avverso i provvedimenti di vigilanza, mentre gli assetti dei poteri di vigilanza bancaria sono da tempo profondamente riconfigurati e incentrati sulla BCE. Nel nuovo sistema di vigilanza è previsto un diverso procediento di reclamo. Si affronta, quindi, principalmente il problema della convivenza dei due rimedi

    Valproic Acid and Epilepsy: From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Evidences

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