25 research outputs found

    What makes you think that you are a health expert? : the effect of objective knowledge and cognitive structuring on self-epistemic authority

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    Self-epistemic authority (SEA) refers to the subjective judgement of the level of expertise and knowledge a person has in a given domain. While it is reasonable to assume that people's perception of SEA reflects their level of objective knowledge in the given domain, there is evidence to show that people are not optimal judges of their own knowledge. Thus, the present study examined the interaction between the participants’ trait-like characteristics of need for cognitive closure (NFC) and efficacy to fulfill the need for cognitive closure (EFNC), which affects the use of cognitive structuring, as a source of SEA. Results of the study confirm that objective knowledge as well as a cognitive-motivational epistemic process (interaction between NFC and EFNC) affect SEA. For high EFNC individuals, the effect of NFC on SEA was positive. However, for low EFNC individuals, the relationship was negative

    What makes you think that you are a health expert? : the effect of objective knowledge and cognitive structuring on self-epistemic authority

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    Self-epistemic authority (SEA) refers to the subjective judgement of the level of expertise and knowledge a person has in a given domain. While it is reasonable to assume that people's perception of SEA reflects their level of objective knowledge in the given domain, there is evidence to show that people are not optimal judges of their own knowledge. Thus, the present study examined the interaction between the participants’ trait-like characteristics of need for cognitive closure (NFC) and efficacy to fulfill the need for cognitive closure (EFNC), which affects the use of cognitive structuring, as a source of SEA. Results of the study confirm that objective knowledge as well as a cognitive-motivational epistemic process (interaction between NFC and EFNC) affect SEA. For high EFNC individuals, the effect of NFC on SEA was positive. However, for low EFNC individuals, the relationship was negative

    For whom Brand Hero? : influence the children's brand hero on purchasing intentions of adult adults

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    Brand Hero to postać utożsamiająca markę. Jest to także narzędzie komunikacji marketingowej szczególnie wykorzystywane w przypadku marek adresowanych do dzieci. Dla nich bohater marki jest postacią, z którą tworzą więź emocjonalną. Jest zatem możliwe, że Brand Hero towarzyszący produktowi zwiększy jego sprzedaż, ponieważ w ramach rynku wpływu dzieci w dużym stopniu decydują o zakupach przeznaczonych dla nich dóbr. Przeprowadzone badanie wśród rodziców i osób bezdzietnych (N = 770) miało na celu zweryfikowanie jaki jest wpływ bohaterów marki z trzech różnych kategorii (no-name, wielopokoleniowego i mainstreamowego) oraz braku bohatera marki na decyzje zakupowe dotyczące soku. Wyniki wskazują, że wybierając sok dla siebie badani najczęściej wybierali ten bez bohatera. W wyborach dla dzieci porównywalnie często wybierano sok bez bohatera jak i sok z bohaterem wielopokoleniowym i mainstreamowym. Uzasadnienia wyborów pozwoliły poznać motywy jakimi się kierowano . Najbardziej zaskakujący okazał się fakt, że dla dużej grupy osób (także rodziców) obecność bohatera marki wywoływała niekorzystne dla marki skojarzenia, przede wszystkim gorszą jakość produktu oraz manipulację marketingową.Brand Hero Is a cha racter identifying the brand. It is also the tool of marketing communication especially uses in the case of brands addressed to children. For them, the brand hero is a character with which they create an emotional bond.Therefore is possible, that Brand Hero accompanying product increases its sale, because in the influence market children largely decide about the purchases of goods intended for them. The study was conducted for parents and childless persons (N = 770) and its aim was to identify the influence of 3 types of brad heroes (no-name, multigenerational, mainstream) and lack of brand hero on purchase decisions regarding juice. The outcomes show the participants for themselves chose juice without the hero. When they chose juice for children comparably often chose juice without the hero and with the multigenerational and mainstream hero. The justifications of the choice allowed getting to know the motives that were directed.The most surprising fact was that, for the large group of participants (also parents), the presences of brand hero evoked adverse associations for the brand, and first of all lower quality of the product and manipulation of marketing.(original abstract

    Skomercjalizowane rodzicielstwo – nowy aspekt wczesnej dorosłości

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    Commercialization of parenting – new aspect of early adulthoodFor market specialists no group of consumers is lost. That is why the developmental task of taking on a parental role is automatically combined with the commercialization of parenting. This phenomenon relies on the redefinition of motherhood and fatherhood in terms of the market. Two main tendencies can be observed. The first one is connected with the important description of a parent as a consumer, e.g. treating them as investors, or relating to a typology of shopping mothers. The second one is connected with using psychology for projecting consumer behaviors, e.g. the analysis of parents’ vulnerability to the nag factor or milestone marketing. The possible consequences and the ways to control the commercialization of parenting will be discussed

    Polarizations of the Social Effects of Advertising – Analysis of Impact on Adolescents

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    Adolescence is the period of important changes of the individual’s emotional, cognitive and social development. These changes occur in a specific social and cultural environment, of which advertising is part. Because young people are the target group of many products and commercials, it is worth highlighting the social role of advertising. Usually it is identified with negative consequences (like unhealthy habits). But some social effects of advertising may also be positive (e.g. dissemination of a healthy lifestyle). The article presents: 1) a pattern of social effects of advertising, 2) examples of polarization of the social effects of advertising, and 3) explanation of the mechanism of the opposite effects of advertisements.3326127814Studia Edukacyjn

    The Child With a Disability as a Consumer and Hero of Advertising. Is “different“ Kinder-marketing Possible?

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    The child’s development of advertising’s reception proceeds from the identifi cation of commerce through the understanding of persuasion to critical evaluation. The stages are arranged by “sedimentation“, which means that the successive ability was applied to achieve an earlier developmental stage. This is consistent with the general pattern of the child’s development. The children’s ability to understand the world is based on a series of transformations present at various stages of the child’s development. This pattern applies to children without disabilities, but in the case of a child with developmental disabilities this development progresses in a specifi c way, determined by the scope of the disability. Children with a disability belong to a group of vulnerable consumers and are doubly vulnerable, because of their age and developmental impairment. It seems important to create activities and rules for their protection

    Small biopsies and cytologic specimens management in microscopic diagnosis and subtyping of non-small cell lung cancer, as recommended by IASLC/ATS/ERS

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    Zdecydowana większość pierwotnych raków płuca jest rozpoznawana w późnym etapie zaawansowania choroby [...

    Consumer e-parenting : e-parents' consumer activity online

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    E-rodzicielstwo jest zjawiskiem dość młodym, lecz rozwija się bardzo szybko, obejmując swoim zasięgiem różne rodzaje aktywności rodziców w Internecie. Część z tych aktywności łączy pełnienie roli rodzica z pełnieniem roli konsumenta, co wskazuje, że niektóre obszary e-rodzicielstwa są dość blisko związane ze zjawiskiem komercjalizacji rodzicielstwa. W artykule podjęto próbę analizy konsumenckiej aktywności e-rodziców w sieci, czyli konsumenckiego e-rodzicielstwa. Można w nim wyróżnić pięć aspektów: zakupy online, poszukiwanie informacji konsumenckiej, opiniowanie produktów jako użytkownik, poszukiwanie wsparcia konsumenckiego oraz edukacja konsumencka. Fakt, że Internet może być wygodnym i efektywnym narzędziem e-rodziców do realizacji ich różnych celów, w tym także konsumenckich, jest oczywisty. Warto jednak podkreślić, jak ważne jest to, by korzystać z niego świadomie, zwłaszcza, że rodzice - jako modele - kształtują także wzorce zachowań swoich dzieci. (abstrakt oryginalny)Although e-parenting is quite young phenomenon, but it grows very fast and includes various parents' activities in Internet. Part of them connects acting as parents with acting as consumer, what lead to conclusion, that some area of e-parenting are closely connected to the commercialization of parenthood. In presented paper we are trying to analyze consumer e-parenting - e-parents' consumer activity via Internet. It seems that there are five aspects of it: on-line shopping, seeking for consumer information, giving opinion on product as user; seeking for consumer support and consumer education. It is obvious the Internet may be comfortable and effective tool to aim e-parents goals, including consumer goals. But we should underline, that it's important to use Internet in a conscious way. Especially we should take into account that parents set an example for their children and shape youngsters' behavior

    Skomercjalizowane rodzicielstwo – nowy aspekt wczesnej dorosłości

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    Commercialization of parenting – new aspect of early adulthoodFor market specialists no group of consumers is lost. That is why the developmental task of taking on a parental role is automatically combined with the commercialization of parenting. This phenomenon relies on the redefinition of motherhood and fatherhood in terms of the market. Two main tendencies can be observed. The first one is connected with the important description of a parent as a consumer, e.g. treating them as investors, or relating to a typology of shopping mothers. The second one is connected with using psychology for projecting consumer behaviors, e.g. the analysis of parents’ vulnerability to the nag factor or milestone marketing. The possible consequences and the ways to control the commercialization of parenting will be discussed