17 research outputs found

    Eléments d'homogénéité ou de hétérogénéité au cours du Néolithique de l'Italie

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    On donne un cadre de l’évolution du néolithique dans les régions de la haute mer Tyrrhénienne et on essaye de montrer les différences qui se sont passées dans les rapports entre la péninsule et les territoires insulaires et occidentales au cours du néolithique

    Notes on some cultic aspects of Italian prehistory:

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    Many cultural manifestations are known in the Neolithic and Metal Ages in Italy. They were associated with pits, dug in the floors of caverns, and stone circles where vases or votive objects were deposited. They related to agricultural rituals, but also to funerary practices associated with birth, life and death. Another type of cults relates to water and water circulation: to cold or warm springs in underground cavities or in surface; to stalactites and their white water; to geothermal phenomena that attracted the interest of people in the prehistory. Many vases and bronzes were deposited near lakes, sources, rivers and fumaroles

    Contatti e scambi tra la cultura serra d'alto e i vasi a bocca quadrata: Il caso delle Ollette tipo San Martino

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    Il lavoro illustra la distribuzione delle cosiddette ollette San Martino in contesti funerari riconducibili alle culture che si sviluppano durante il V millennio a.C. rispettivamente a Sud e a Nord della penisola italiana. I vasi esaminati, globulari a bocca ristretta e realizzati in ceramica figulina, caratterizzano alcuni corredi funerari della fase più recente della cultura peninsulare di Serra d’Alto, talvolta con connotati di prestigio, e sono presenti anche in diverse sepolture femminili della cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata in area padana e alpina. L’esatta riproduzione formale del tipo peninsulare e la coerenza dell’uso in contesto funerario rivelano una inattesa condivisione di rituali e di valori simbolici tra due mondi geográficamente distanti

    Change fast or change slow? Late Glacial and Early Holocene cultures in a changing environment at Grotta Continenza, Central Italy

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    This work contextualises the sequence of Grotta Continenza, a cave with a rich sequence of Late Glacial to Early Holocene archaeological levels spanning from the Late Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic, within the framework of southern Italy cultural adaptation to environmental change.The sequence is dated by Bayesian modelling of radiocarbon dates and event durations are computed, including hiatuses in sedimentation and gaps in culture development; these data are used in association with sedimentology and soil micromorphology to assess sedimentary models that can explain the environmental change.Techno-typological and behavioural aspects of Late Upper Palaeolithic populations are correlated with environmental change, mostly during Younger Dryas

    Multipronged dental analyses reveal dietary differences in last foragers and first farmers at Grotta Continenza, central Italy (15,500–7000 BP)

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    This paper provides results from a suite of analyses made on human dental material from the Late Palaeolithic to Neolithic strata of the cave site of Grotta Continenza situated in the Fucino Basin of the Abruzzo region of central Italy. The available human remains from this site provide a unique possibility to study ways in which forager versus farmer lifeways affected human odonto-skeletal remains. The main aim of our study is to understand palaeodietary patterns and their changes over time as reflected in teeth. These analyses involve a review of metrics and oral pathologies, micro-fossils preserved in the mineralized dental plaque, macrowear, and buccal microwear. Our results suggest that these complementary approaches support the assumption about a critical change in dental conditions and status with the introduction of Neolithic foodstuff and habits. However, we warn that different methodologies applied here provide data at different scales of resolution for detecting such changes and a multipronged approach to the study of dental collections is needed for a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of diachronic changes

    Le NĂ©olithique ancien de Toscane et de l'Archipel toscan

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    The author provides a general picture of questions related to the Early Neolithic of Tuscany and the islands of its archipelago. Current data allow her to include the Early Neolithic of that region in the Cardial group, showing strong similarities with that of Corsica and Sardinia and clear differences with the other Impressed Ware groups from Southern and Central Italy. The following post-Cordial phase is characterised by pottery decorated with linear incised patterns quite close to the Fiorano group but constituting a typical aspect of the Tuscan-Latian region.L'auteur donne un aperçu général des problèmes concernant le Néolithique ancien de la Toscane et des îles de son archipel. Les données dont nous disposons actuellement permettent d'inclure le Néolithique ancien de cette région dans le groupe cardial, avec de fortes ressemblances avec celui de Corse et de Sardaigne ; il se détache ainsi des autres groupes à Céramique Imprimée d'Italie du Centre et du Sud. Au Cardial fait suite un faciès caractérisé par des céramiques à lignes incisées qui relèvent plus d'affinités avec le groupe de Fiorano, bien que constituant un aspect typique de la région to sco -latia le.Grifoni Cremonesi Renata. Le Néolithique ancien de Toscane et de l'Archipel toscan. In: Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, tome 98, n°3, 2001. pp. 423-429

    Notes on some cultic aspects of Italian Prehistory

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    Many cultural manifestations are known in the Neolithic and Metal Ages in Italy. They were associated with pits, dug in the floors of caverns, and stone circles where vases or votive objects were deposited. They related to agricultural rituals, but also to funerary practices associated with birth, life and death. Another type of cults relates to water and water circulation: to cold or warm springs in underground cavities or in surface; to stalactites and their white water; to geothermal phenomena that attracted the interest of people in the prehistory. Many vases and bronzes were deposited near lakes, sources, rivers and fumaroles

    TĂ©moignages de cultes dans le NĂ©olithique ancien des Abruzzes

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    On décrit un groupe de quatre vases dont deux contenaient les os brûlés de deux enfants de quatre et huit ans, et qui étaient recouverts des restes carbonisés d’un adulte. Ces vases sont attribuables à la céramique « impressa ». Cette découverte nous permet de poser certains problèmes relatifs aux rites néolithiques et à leur interprétation.A group of four vases, two of them containing the remains of two buried children (one of them four years old and the other eight years old), covered by the remains of a buried adult, is described. The vases are attri-buted to the cultural current of the « impresso » pottery. The A. underlines the importance of the complexe, which is interpreted as the conséquence of ritual patterns

    L'archéologie préhistorique en Italie

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    Grifoni Cremonesi Renata, Schnapp Alain. L'archéologie préhistorique en Italie. In: Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, n°12, été 1983. pp. 46-50

    : XII IAPP Abstract Book - New discoveries and progress in the tracing and analysis methodologies of the post-palaeolithic rock art in Italy

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    International audienceFifty years after the publication of the book “L’arte preistorica in Italia” by Paolo Graziosi, we propose a meeting that, pick031ing up the legacy of post-Palaeolithic rock art studies undertaken by the scholar and in line with the two study days already held (Pisa 2015: proceedings published in 2017; Valcamonica IFRAO2018: proceedings published in 2021), may provide both an update about the latest discoveries around the Italian Peninsula and islands, and also give indications for future research.To this end, a twofold objective drives this proposal: in addition to the reports of ongoing studies, as mentioned above, it is deemed necessary to promote a debate among the people who in recent years have dedicated themselves to studying pre-protohistoric rock art on Italian territory in order to define the state of the issue and the new perspectives in the field of methodologies, thus giving rise to an action team, to encourage the development of shared tools, theories and methods for research, analysis and the publication of studies in this field.The proposal to organise such a day is compelling in light of a renewed interest, in Italy and beyond, in Pre-Protohistoric art. However, the great inhomogeneity in methodologies and study approaches suggest, and almost impose, the need to initiate an in-depth and, hopefully, fruitful debate on these issues among all those who are and/or have been dedicated to this subject in Italy. Furthermore, the great dispersion of information requires updating for better sharing about the progress of research.These, then, are the reasons that led us to organize this event, which, we are conviced, will mark a further step in the knowledge of the rock art heritage in Italy, and in the definition of a shared and cutting-edge methodology to undertake future research.A 50 anni dalla pubblicazione del libro “L’arte preistorica in Italia” di Paolo Graziosi, si intende dare vita a una manifestazione che, raccogliendo l’eredità degli studi sull’arte rupestre post-paleolitica del grande studioso e in linea con le due giornate di studio già tenutesi (Pisa 2015: atti usciti nel 2017; Valcamonica IFRAO2018: atti usciti nel 2021) possa, non solo dare notizia delle novità dai territori della penisola italiana con le isole, ma anche indicazioni di futura ricerca.A questo fine un duplice obiettivo muove questa proposta: oltre le segnalazioni degli studi in atto, come soprascritto, si ritiene necessario riunire le persone che negli ultimi anni si sono dedicate a studiare l’arte rupestre pre-protostorica in territorio italiano per definire lo stato della questione e le nuove prospettive di lavoro nel campo delle metodologie, dando quindi vita a un gruppo di azione ad hoc, per favorire la messa a punto di strumenti, teorie e metodi condivisi per la ricerca, l’analisi e per la pubblicazione degli studi in questo ambito.La proposta di organizzare tale giornata si manifesta impellente alla luce di un rinnovato interesse, in Italia e non solo, per l’arte pre-protostorica. Tuttavia le forti disomogeneità nelle metodologie e negli approcci di studio suggeriscono, e quasi impongono, la necessità di avviare un dibattito profondo e si spera proficuo su questi temi tra tutte le persone che si dedicano e/o si sono dedicate in Italia a questo tema. Inoltre, la grande dispersione di informazioni richiede un aggiornamento per una miglior condivisione circa l’avanzamento della ricerca.Ecco dunque le ragioni che ci hanno portato all’organizzazione di questo evento, che, siamo certi, marcherà un ulteriore passo nella conoscenza del patrimonio di arte rupestre in Italia, e nella definizione di una metodologia di studio condivisa e all’avanguardia per future ricerche