2,816 research outputs found

    Longitudinal Polarization at future e+ee^+e^- Colliders and Virtual New Physics Effects

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    The theoretical merits of longitudinal polarization asymmetries of electron-positron annihilation into two final fermions at future colliders are examined, using a recently proposed theoretical description. A number of interesting features, valid for searches of virtual effects of new physics, is underlined, that is reminiscent of analogous properties valid on top of ZZ resonance. As an application to a concrete example, we consider the case of a model with triple anomalous gauge couplings and show that the additional information provided by these asymmetries would lead to a drastic reduction of the allowed domain of the relevant parameters.Comment: 18 pages and 1 figure. e-mail: [email protected]

    Real-Time Imaging of K atoms on Graphite: Interactions and Diffusion

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) at liquid helium temperature is used to image potassium adsorbed on graphite at low coverage (~0.02 monolayer). Single atoms appear as protrusions on STM topographs. A statistical analysis of the position of the atoms demonstrates repulsion between adsorbates, which is quantified by comparison with molecular dynamics simulations. This gives access to the dipole moment of a single adsorbate, found to be 10.5 Debye. Time lapse imaging shows that long range order is broken by thermally activated diffusion, with a 32 meV barrier to hopping between graphite lattice sites

    An Interpretive Analysis of the Formative Period of Journal Publications related to Multicultural Education: 1977-1987

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the nature of multicultural education in educational literature over a ten year period, 1977-1987. The evolution of multicultural education since its first inclusion into the Education Index, 1977, was of major concern. The researcher wanted to know how the development of multicultural education was influenced by the scholarly writing of that period. Two hundred-twenty articles listed under the multicultural education heading in the Education Index from 1977-1987 were used as data for this study. Sixty-two articles that appeared in journals in 1977 were used to identify the early common themes of multicultural education. The remaining years covered in this study, 1978-1987, were divided into two periods: Period I: 1977-1983 and Period II: 1983-1987. The writings taken from the articles from both periods, I and II, were used for interpretation and analysis of the evolution of the themes identified from the 1977/78 index. Five multicultural education themes were identified: ethnic minority, culture, teachers, language, and schools. The ethnic minority theme weakened as the years progressed from 1977-1987. The interest was later focused on all ethnic groups, but this became evident under the theme culture. Culture became an umbrella for including all students regardless of race, ethnicity or socio-economic background. These five themes reflected the marginalized or non-mainstream student as the primary concern, but as societal integration increased so did the scope of multicultural education. The teacher theme continued to waffle from improving teacher education programs at the collegiate level to providing lists relating how to deal with marginalized students. The theme school was consistent on encouraging a transformative education. Among the recommendations the researcher suggested further study related to developing a multicultural education curriculum specifically for the practitioner

    Polarimetric observations of comet Levy 1990c and of other comets: Some clues to the evolution of cometary dust

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    The evolution with the phase angle alpha of the polarization degree P of light scattered by comet Halley's dust is well documented. No significant discrepancy is found between Halley and Levy polarization curves near the inversion point. From all available cometary observations, we have derived polarimetric synthetic curves. Typically, a set of about 200 data points in the red wavelengths range exhibits a minimum for (alpha approximately equals 10.3 degrees, P approximately equals 1.8 percent) and an inversion point for (alpha approximately equals 22.4 degrees, P = 0 percent), with a slop of about 0.27 percent per degree. A significant spreading of some data (comets Austin 1982VI, Austin 1989c1, West 1976VI) is found at large phase angles. The analysis of our polarimetric maps of Levy reveals that the inner coma is heterogeneous. The increase of the inversion angle value with increasing distance from the photometric center is suspected to be due to the evolution with time of grains ejected from the nucleus. A fan like structure could be produced by a jet of grains freshly ejected

    Conductance fluctuations in quasi-two-dimensional systems: a practical view

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    The universal conductance fluctuations of quasi-two-dimensional systems are analyzed with experimental considerations in mind. The traditional statistical metrics of these fluctuations (such as variance) are shown to have large statistical errors in such systems. An alternative characteristic is identified, the inflection point of the correlation function in magnetic field, which is shown to be significantly more useful as an experimental metric and to give a more robust measure of phase coherence.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    New strong sector, odd-parity processes, and the Tevatron

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    The color-octet isosinglet "rho" of a new strong-interaction sector is readily produced in ppbar collisions. Its odd-parity decay to an "eta" and a gluon may exceed its decay rate to dijets. At center of mass energies sufficiently greater than the colored "rho" mass, the odd-parity production of ("omega" + colored "eta") or ("rho" + colored "pion") may be comparable to ttbar production. Considering that the "omega" has a dominant odd-parity decay mode, we end up with (Z, W, or gamma) + 4 jet events with two of the jets containing b or bbar.Comment: 8 pages, uuencoded PS file, try ghostscript or direct printing rather than ghostview, PS file of paper without figure is available on WWW at http://bigmac2.physics.utoronto.ca/BHpapers.htm

    Top quark production at future lepton colliders in the asymptotic regime

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    The production of a tt(bar) pair from lepton-antilepton annihilation is considered for values of the center of mass energy much larger than the top mass, typically of the few TeV size. In this regime a number of simplifications occurs that allows to derive the leading asymptotic terms of various observables using the same theoretical description that was used for light quark production. Explicit examples are shown for the Standard Model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model cases.Comment: 20 pages and 13 figures. e-mail: [email protected]

    Electron transport through antidot superlattices in Si/SiGeSi/SiGe heterostructures: new magnetoresistance resonances in lattices with large diameter antidots

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    In the present work we have investigated the transport properties in a number of Si/SiGe samples with square antidot lattices of different periods. In samples with lattice periods equal to 700 nm and 850 nm we have observed the conventional low-field commensurability magnetoresistance peaks consistent with the previous observations in GaAs/AlGaAs and Si/SiGe samples with antidot lattices. In samples with a 600 nm lattice period a new series of well-developed magnetoresistance oscillations has been found beyond the last commensurability peak which are supposed to originate from periodic skipping orbits encircling an antidot with a particular number of bounds.Comment: To appear in EuroPhys. Let

    L'impact des prélèvements d'eau pour l'irrigation sur les régimes hydrologiques des sous-bassins du Tescou et de la Séoune (bassin Adour-Garonne, France)

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    Les besoins en eau pour l'irrigation des cultures des sous-bassins du Tescou et de la Séoune (Bassin Adour-Garonne) se sont considérablement accrus ces trente dernières années. Cela s'est manifesté, entre autres, par la création de très nombreuses retenues collinaires. Pour le sous-bassin du Tescou, aux crues rapides et peu volumineuses, on totalise 184 retenues individuelles dont le volume théorique cumulé s'élève à 4,3 Mm3 et qui interceptent environ un tiers (92 km2) de sa superficie (287 km2). Pour la Séoune, la pression due à l'usage de l'eau pour l'irrigation est un peu moins forte, compte tenu de sa taille (463 km2) et d'une ressource relativement abondante en hautes eaux. Près de 160 retenues collinaires sont dénombrées, elle représentent un volume de stockage théorique de 6,5 Mm3 pour une superficie interceptée d'environ un quart du sous-bassin (122 km2). Le suivi hydrométrique des sous-bassins permet de disposer pour chacun d'eux d'une chronique de débit influencée Q(t) sur une période d'observation d'environ 30 ans. A partir des débits observés, notre objectif a été d'identifier et de quantifier l'impact anthropique pour trois composantes du régime hydrologique : crue, module et étiage. L'approche saisonnière des crues et modules a permis une différenciation de l'impact anthropique selon les saisons "hiver" (mois 12 à 6) et "été" (mois 7 à 11). Cette saisonnalisation hydrologique reflète bien le mode de gestion actuel de la ressource en eau de ces sous-bassins agricoles : stockage l'hiver et irrigation à partir des retenues collinaires durant les premiers mois d'été. Pour identifier l'impact, nous avons fait usage de tests de détection de rupture de stationnarité des chroniques hydrologiques : de LANG (2004) pour les crues et d'une adaptation du test de BOIS (1986) pour les modules et étiages des sous-bassins. Pour ce qui concerne les crues d'été et les modules d'été les tests montrent que les chroniques sont stationnaires sur l'ensemble de la période d'observation. Pour les crues et les modules d'hiver par contre, les tests relèvent des ruptures de stationnarité des chroniques qui vont nous permettre de définir des sous-périodes stationnaires. Ces sous-périodes sont sensiblement cohérentes avec l'évolution des prélèvements théoriques cumulés de ces trente dernières années. L'analyse des ruptures de stationnarité menée sur les débits a été de même effectuée sur les pluies pour consolider nos résultats. La stationnarité des chroniques de pluie observées montre qu'il n'y a pas de composante climatique, autrement dit que la tendance détectée sur les débits est essentiellement d'origine anthropique. Il ne semble pas y avoir d'impact des éventuels pompages sur les débits d'étiage et tout particulièrement pour ce qui concerne la norme VCN30 "débit moyen minimum annuel sur 30 jours consécutifs" des deux sous-bassins. Finalement, l'usage de l'eau pour l'irrigation affecte essentiellement les crues et les modules de la saison hiver. Un essai de quantification de cette tendance a été menée à partir d'une analyse statistique associant les observations des sous-périodes stationnaires et les débits simulés pour une même référence pluviométrique. A partir des modélisations statistiques réalisées et des courbes de pression des besoins théoriques de l'irrigation, nous en avons déduit une tendance vraisemblable sur les quantiles de crue et les modules d'hiver. De manière générale, les crues de la saison hiver des deux sous-bassins sont fortement réduites en pointe et volume par l'ensemble des petites retenues. L'impact observé sur les quantiles de crue reste cohérent par rapport aux volumes théoriques prélevés dernièrement référencés. Les retenues collinaires sont sans action significative sur le temps de transfert (19j environ) du sous-bassin de la Séoune dont les crues sont volumineuses. Pour le Tescou par contre, aux crues rapides et peu volumineuses, le temps de transfert augmente sensiblement de 8h entre l'état de prélèvement zéro ("naturel" : 1,73j) et l'état actuel proche de 6 Mm3 (2,07j). Pour ce qui concerne les modules d'hiver des sous-bassins de la Séoune et du Tescou le coefficient d'écoulement moyen d'hiver diminue respectivement de 31% en moyenne et de 42% en moyenne entre l'état "naturel" et l'état anthropisé actuel. Cette diminution des coefficients d'écoulement est sans commune mesure avec les volumes théoriques stockés à partir des retenues collinaires. Autrement dit, les volumes théoriques des retenues collinaires ne peuvent expliquer à eux seuls la forte diminution des coefficients d'écoulement observés. Cependant, la cohérence des divers contrôles effectués, tant sur les chroniques observées que sur les modélisations effectuées, nous incitent à valider ces résultats. Ceux-ci devraient être retenus pour des objectifs de gestion immédiats ou ultérieurs de la ressource, si les conditions climatiques et d'occupation du sol n'évoluent guère.The water needs for farming irrigation in the Tescou and Séoune sub-basins (Basin Adour-Garonne) have increased considerably over the past thirty years. The needs were met, in part, by the creation of numerous reservoirs. For the Tescou catchment, with rapid but small-volume floods, we have 184 individual reservoirs with an accumulated theoretical volume of 4.3 Mm3, which intercept about a third (92 km2) of its surface (287 km2). For the Séoune catchment, the need for irrigation is a little less strong, considering its size (463 km2) and the presence of a relatively more abundant water resource. Close to 160 reservoirs can be counted, with a theoretical storage volume of 6.5 Mm3 for an intercepted surface of about a quarter of the sub-basin (122 km2). Hydrological monitoring data are available in the form of an influenced time series Q(t) with a period of observation of about 30 years for each sub-basin. From the observed discharges, our objective was to identify and to quantify anthropogenic impacts on three components of the hydrological regime: floods, annual mean discharge and low-flows. The seasonal approach of floods and annual mean discharges permitted a differentiation of the anthropogenic impact according to the "winter" (months 12 to 6) and "summer" (months 7 to 11) seasons. This approach reflects the present management of water in these agricultural sub-basins: storage in winter and irrigation during the first months of summer. To identify the impact, we used tests to detect stationnarity breaks in the time series: LANG (2004) for floods and an adaptation of BOIS (1986) for annual mean discharges and low-flows. For summer floods and summer annual mean discharges, the tests showed that the time series were stationary during the period of observation. For winter floods and winter annual mean discharges the tests showed stationnarity breaks in the time series, which allowed us to define the stationary sub-periods. These sub-periods were consistent with the evolution of the accumulated theoretical withdrawals during the last thirty years. The same analysis of stationnarity breaks made on flows was also done on rainfall to strengthen our results. The stationnarity of the rainfall observed over the time series shows that there is not a climatic component; in other words, the trends detected in the streamflow record are essentially of anthropogenic origin. For both sub-basins, the BOIS statistical test did not reveal any impact of possible pumping on the low-flows, and especially for the VCN30 norm (minimum annual mean flow over a period of 30 consecutive days).Finally, the use of water for irrigation essentially affects winter floods and annual mean discharges. A test to quantify this trend was carried out with a statistical analysis associating the observations of each stationary sub-period and the discharges simulated for a similar rainfall. From the resulting statistical models and the curves of pressure of theoretical irrigation requirements, we deduced a probable trend for the quantiles of winter floods and mean annual winter discharges. In a general way, winter floods in both sub-basins were strongly reduced in peak and volume by the set of the small reservoirs. The impact observed on the flood quantiles remains coherent in relation to the theoretical withdrawal volumes referenced above. The reservoirs are without significant action on the transfer time (approximately 19 days) in the Séoune sub-basin, where the floods are voluminous. On the other hand, for the Tescou sub-basin, with rapid and small-volume floods, the time of transfer increases considerably (8 h) between the state of zero withdrawal (natural: 1.73 days) and the present state close to 6 Mm3 (2.07 days). Concerning winter annual mean discharge in both sub-basins, the winter mean runoff coefficient decreased 31% and 42%, for the Séoune and Tescou sub-basins respectively, between the natural state and the present state. This reduction of the runoff coefficients does not correspond to the theoretical volumes stocked in the reservoirs. In other words, the theoretical volumes of the reservoirs cannot completely explain the observed strong reduction of the runoff coefficients. However, the consistency of the various controls, both on the observed time series and the modelled results, lend credibility to the overall results. These results should be taken into consideration in water management, if the climatic conditions and soil occupation don't change