125 research outputs found

    From barren plateaus through fertile valleys: Conic extensions of parameterised quantum circuits

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    Optimisation via parameterised quantum circuits is the prevalent technique of near-term quantum algorithms. However, the omnipresent phenomenon of barren plateaus - parameter regions with vanishing gradients - sets a persistent hurdle that drastically diminishes its success in practice. In this work, we introduce an approach - based on non-unitary operations - that favours jumps out of a barren plateau into a fertile valley. These operations are constructed from conic extensions of parameterised unitary quantum circuits, relying on mid-circuit measurements and a small ancilla system. We further reduce the problem of finding optimal jump directions to a low-dimensional generalised eigenvalue problem. As a proof of concept we incorporate jumps within state-of-the-art implementations of the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA). We demonstrate the extensions' effectiveness on QAOA through extensive simulations, showcasing robustness against barren plateaus and highly improved sampling probabilities of optimal solutions.Comment: 6+2 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral Control via Multi-Species Effects in PW-Class Laser-Ion Acceleration

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    Laser-ion acceleration with ultra-short pulse, PW-class lasers is dominated by non-thermal, intra-pulse plasma dynamics. The presence of multiple ion species or multiple charge states in targets leads to characteristic modulations and even mono-energetic features, depending on the choice of target material. As spectral signatures of generated ion beams are frequently used to characterize underlying acceleration mechanisms, thermal, multi-fluid descriptions require a revision for predictive capabilities and control in next-generation particle beam sources. We present an analytical model with explicit inter-species interactions, supported by extensive ab initio simulations. This enables us to derive important ensemble properties from the spectral distribution resulting from those multi-species effects for arbitrary mixtures. We further propose a potential experimental implementation with a novel cryogenic target, delivering jets with variable mixtures of hydrogen and deuterium. Free from contaminants and without strong influence of hardly controllable processes such as ionization dynamics, this would allow a systematic realization of our predictions for the multi-species effect.Comment: 4 pages plus appendix, 11 figures, paper submitted to a journal of the American Physical Societ

    Extension of the composite CBS-QB3 method to singlet diradical calculations

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    The composite CBS-QB3 method is widely used to obtain accurate energies of molecules and radicals although its use in the case of singlet diradicals gives rise to some difficulties. The problem is related to the parameterized correction this method introduces to account for spin-contamination. We report a new term specifically designed to describe singlet diradicals separated by at least one CH2 unit. As a test case, we have computed the formation enthalpy of a series of diradicals that includes hydrocarbons as well as systems involving heteroatoms (nitrogen, oxygen). The resulting CBS-QB3 energies are very close to experiment

    Efficient laser-driven proton acceleration from cylindrical and planar cryogenic hydrogen jets.

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    We report on recent experimental results deploying a continuous cryogenic hydrogen jet as a debris-free, renewable laser-driven source of pure proton beams generated at the 150 TW ultrashort pulse laser Draco. Efficient proton acceleration reaching cut-off energies of up to 20 MeV with particle numbers exceeding 109 particles per MeV per steradian is demonstrated, showing for the first time that the acceleration performance is comparable to solid foil targets with thicknesses in the micrometer range. Two different target geometries are presented and their proton beam deliverance characterized: cylindrical (∅ 5 μm) and planar (20 μm × 2 μm). In both cases typical Target Normal Sheath Acceleration emission patterns with exponential proton energy spectra are detected. Significantly higher proton numbers in laser-forward direction are observed when deploying the planar jet as compared to the cylindrical jet case. This is confirmed by two-dimensional Particle-in-Cell (2D3V PIC) simulations, which demonstrate that the planar jet proves favorable as its geometry leads to more optimized acceleration conditions

    E2F transcription factor-1 modulates expression of glutamine metabolic genes in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and uterine sarcoma cells

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    Metabolic reprogramming is considered as a hallmark of cancer and is clinically exploited as a novel target for therapy. The E2F transcription factor-1 (E2F1) regulates various cellular processes, including proliferative and metabolic pathways, and acts, depending on the cellular and molecular context, as an oncogene or tumor suppressor. The latter is evident by the observation that E2f1-knockout mice develop spontaneous tumors, including uterine sarcomas. This dual role warrants a detailed investigation of how E2F1 loss impacts metabolic pathways related to cancer progression. Our data indicate that E2F1 binds to the promoter of several glutamine metabolism-related genes. Interestingly, the expression of genes in the glutamine metabolic pathway were increased in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) lacking E2F1. In addition, we confirm that E2f1 <sup>-/-</sup> MEFs are more efficient in metabolizing glutamine and producing glutamine-derived precursors for proliferation. Mechanistically, we observe a co-occupancy of E2F1 and MYC on glutamine metabolic promoters, increased MYC binding after E2F1 depletion and that silencing of MYC decreased the expression of glutamine-related genes in E2f1 <sup>-/-</sup> MEFs. Analyses of transcriptomic profiles in 29 different human cancers identified uterine sarcoma that showed a negative correlation between E2F1 and glutamine metabolic genes. CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of E2F1 in the uterine sarcoma cell line SK-UT-1 confirmed elevated glutamine metabolic gene expression, increased proliferation and increased MYC binding to glutamine-related promoters upon E2F1 loss. Together, our data suggest a crucial role of E2F1 in energy metabolism and metabolic adaptation in uterine sarcoma cells

    cAMP-dependent regulation of HCN4 controls the tonic entrainment process in sinoatrial node pacemaker cells

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    It is highly debated how cyclic adenosine monophosphate-dependent regulation (CDR) of the major pacemaker channel HCN4 in the sinoatrial node (SAN) is involved in heart rate regulation by the autonomic nervous system. We addressed this question using a knockin mouse line expressing cyclic adenosine monophosphate-insensitive HCN4 channels. This mouse line displayed a complex cardiac phenotype characterized by sinus dysrhythmia, severe sinus bradycardia, sinus pauses and chronotropic incompetence. Furthermore, the absence of CDR leads to inappropriately enhanced heart rate responses of the SAN to vagal nerve activity in vivo. The mechanism underlying these symptoms can be explained by the presence of nonfiring pacemaker cells. We provide evidence that a tonic and mutual interaction process (tonic entrainment) between firing and nonfiring cells slows down the overall rhythm of the SAN. Most importantly, we show that the proportion of firing cells can be increased by CDR of HCN4 to efficiently oppose enhanced responses to vagal activity. In conclusion, we provide evidence for a novel role of CDR of HCN4 for the central pacemaker process in the sinoatrial node

    Jahrbuch Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz – EU - Überblick und Kommentar 2023/24

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    Der vorliegende 19. Band der Jahrbuchreihe „Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz – EU“ dokumentiert die aktuellen Entwicklungen in zentralen Bereichen des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts und deren Bedeutung für die Schweiz. Berücksichtigt werden diverse wirtschaftsrelevante Rechtsgebiete, u.a. Kapitalmarktrecht, Immaterialgüterrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Steuerrecht und Wettbewerbsrecht. Das Jahrbuch richtet sich an Unternehmens‑, Wirtschafts- und VerwaltungsjuristInnen sowie an RichterInnen und RechtsanwältInnen und bietet ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über die wichtigsten Gesetzgebungsvorstösse, neue Rechtsakte und ergangene Urteile im vergangenen Jahr 2023. Auch diese Ausgabe des Jahrbuchs erscheint wiederum im Verlag EIZ Publishing, und zwar als frei verfügbares E-Book (open access) sowie in gedruckter Form (print on demand)

    Jahrbuch Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz - EU - Überblick und Kommentar 2022/23

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    Der vorliegende 18. Band der Jahrbuchreihe „Wirtschaftsrecht Schweiz – EU“ dokumentiert die aktuellen Entwicklungen in zentralen Bereichen des EU-Wirtschaftsrechts und deren Bedeutung für die Schweiz. Berücksichtigt werden diverse wirtschaftsrelevante Rechtsgebiete, u.a. Kapitalmarktrecht, Immaterialgüterrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Steuerrecht und Wettbewerbsrecht. Das Jahrbuch richtet sich an Unternehmens-, Wirtschafts- und VerwaltungsjuristInnen sowie an RichterInnen und RechtsanwältInnen und bietet ihnen einen kompakten Überblick über die wichtigsten Gesetzgebungsvorstösse, neue Rechtsakte und ergangene Urteile im vergangenen Jahr 2022