6 research outputs found

    Endocarditis due to Coxiella burnetii (Q fever): a rare or underdiagnosed disease? Case report

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    A febre Q é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial causada por Coxiella burnetii, sendo raros os registros da doença no Brasil. Estudos soroepidemiológicos mostraram uma freqüência relativamente elevada de anticorpos contra Coxiella burnetii em populações com exposição ocupacional. Em humanos, pode se manifestar clinicamente como doença aguda ou crônica, sendo que a endocardite é a forma crônica mais freqüente da febre Q e de maior morbi-mortalidade. Relatamos um caso grave de endocardite por Coxiella burnetii adquirida no Brasil com desfecho fatal, apesar de antibioticoterapia adequada e tratamento cirúrgico valvar.Q fever is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution that is caused by Coxiella burnetii. However, reports of this disease in Brazil are rare. Seroepidemiological studies have shown relatively high frequencies of antibodies against Coxiella burnetii in populations with occupational exposure. In humans, it can be manifested clinically as acute or chronic disease. Endocarditis is the most frequent chronic form of Q fever and the form with the greatest morbidity and mortality. We report a severe case of endocarditis due to Coxiella burnetii acquired in Brazil that had a fatal outcome, despite specific antibiotic therapy and valve surgery treatment

    Platelet function, coagulation and fibrinolysis in patients with previous coronary and cerebrovascular ischemic events

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    OBJECTIVES: Ischemic stroke (IS) or transient ischemic attack (TIA) history is present in 4-17% of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). This subgroup of patients is at high risk for both ischemic and bleeding events. The aim of this study was to determine the role of platelet aggregability, coagulation and endogenous fibrinolysis in patients with CAD and previous IS or TIA. METHODS: A prospective case-control study that included 140 stable CAD patients divided into two groups: the CASE group (those with a previous IS/TIA, n=70) and the CONTROL group (those without a previous IS/TIA, n=70). Platelet aggregability (VerifyNow Aspirins and VerifyNow P2Y12s), coagulation (fibrinogen and thromboelastography by Reoroxs) and endogenous fibrinolysis (D dimer and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1) were evaluated. RESULTS: Patients in the CASE group presented significantly higher systolic blood pressure levels (135.84±16.09 vs 123.68±16.11, po0.01), significantly more previous CABG (25.71% vs 10%, p=0.015) and significantly higher calcium channel blocker usage (42.86% vs 24.29%, p=0.02) than those in the control group. In the adjusted models, low triglyceride values, low hemoglobin values and higher systolic blood pressure were significantly associated with previous IS/TIA (CASE group). Most importantly, platelet aggregability, coagulation and fibrinolysis tests were not independently associated with previous cerebrovascular ischemic events (CASE group). CONCLUSION: Platelet aggregability, coagulation and endogenous fibrinolysis showed similar results among CAD patients with and without previous IS/TIA. Therefore, it remains necessary to identify other targets to explain the higher bleeding risk presented by these patients

    Possible drug interaction between clopidogrel and ranitidin or omeprazole in patients with stable coronary artery disease: a comparative study

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Os Inibidores de Bombas de Prótons (IBP´s) são comumente prescritos a pacientes em uso de dupla antiagregação plaquetária (DAP) com ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) e clopidogrel. Entretanto, esta classe de medicamentos, especialmente o omeprazol, tem sido associada à redução da potência antiplaquetária do clopidogrel, levando em muitos casos ao uso de ranitidina como alternativa. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados pacientes com doença arterial coronária (DAC) estável em uso de AAS 100 mg uma vez ao dia. A agregabilidade plaquetária foi medida no momento basal e após uma semana de terapia com clopidogrel na dose de 75 mg uma vez ao dia. Após essa fase inicial, os participantes foram randomizados de modo duplo-cego e duplo-mascarado para omeprazol 20 mg duas vezes dia ou ranitidina 150 mg duas vezes ao dia, sendo os testes de agregação plaquetária novamente repetidos após uma semana. A agregabilidade foi avaliada com a utilização dos seguintes métodos: VerifyNow P2Y12® (Accumetrics - San Diego, CA, EUA, meta principal do estudo), utilizando-se Unidades de Reatividade ao P2Y12 (\"P2Y12 Reactivity Units\" - PRU) e Inibição Percentual da Agregabilidade (IPA) na descrição da agregabilidade; agregometria de sangue total (AST) por bioimpedância utilizando os reagentes ADP e colágeno, sendo a agregabilidade medida em Ohms; \"Platelet Function Analyser\" 100® (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics®, Newark, Delaware, EUA) utilizando o cartucho de colágeno/ADP, com a agregabilidade avaliada pelo tempo de fechamento do orifício em segundos. Além disso, foi feita dosagem de tromboxano B2 (TXB2) sérico na última visita a fim de se avaliar o efeito do AAS. RESULTADOS: Oitenta e cinco pacientes foram incluídos na análise final, sendo 41 no grupo omeprazol e 44 no grupo ranitidina. Houve redução significativa da IPA após o acréscimo de omeprazol (de 26,3 ± 32,9% para 17,4 ± 33,1%; P = 0,025), enquanto o grupo ranitidina não demonstrou modificação significativa (de 32,6 ± 28,9% para 30,1 ± 31,3%; P = 0,310). Levando-se em conta o valor em PRU, houve um aumento numérico porém não significativo estatisticamente no grupo omeprazol (de 159,73 ± 83,06 para 173,54 ± 72,29; P = 0,116) enquanto no grupo ranitidina houve uma diferença muito pequena (de 153,61 ± 70,12 to 158,77 ± 76,37; P = 0,440). Em relação aos demais testes de agregabilidade e à dosagem de TXB2 sérico, não houve alterações significativas em qualquer um dos grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A ranitidina não influenciou o efeito antiplaquetário do clopidogrel, ao contrário do omeprazol, que reduziu a atividade antiplaquetária do medicamento. Esses achados podem ter um importante impacto na tomada de decisão quanto ao protetor gástrico a ser utilizado em pacientes submetidos a DAP com AAS e clopidogrel.BACKGROUND: Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are often prescribed to patients taking dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and clopidogrel. However, this class of medication, especially omeprazole, has been associated with a reduction of clopidogrel efficacy, leading many to substitute omeprazole with ranitidine. METHODS: The present study analyzed patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) in use of ASA 100 mg daily. Platelet aggregability was measured at baseline and after one week of clopidogrel 75 mg daily. Then, the subjects were randomized, in a double-blinded, doubledummy fashion, to omeprazole 20 mg twice a day or ranitidine 150 mg twice a day. After one more week, aggregability tests were repeated. Platelet aggregability was evaluated by the following methods: VerifyNow P2Y12TM (Accumetrics - San Diego, California, USA, main endpoint of the study), with aggregability depicted as percent Inhibition of Platelet Aggregation (IPA) and as P2Y12 Reactivity Units (PRU); whole blood aggregometry by bioimpendance using ADP and collagen with aggregability measured in Ohms; and Platelet Function Analyser 100TM (Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Newark, Delaware, USA) using collagen/ADP cartridge with aggregability measured in time to closure in seconds. Besides that, serum thromboxane B2 dosage was done on the last visit to evaluate ASA effect. RESULTS: Eighty-five patients were included in final analysis (41 in the omeprazole group and 44 in the ranitidine group). IPA was significantly decreased after addition of omeprazole (from 26.3% ± 32.9 to 17.4% ± 33,1; P = 0.025), with no significant changes being observed in the ranitidine group (from 32.6% ± 28.9 to 30.1% ± 31.3; P = 0.310). When taking into account PRU values, there was a numerical, but statistically non-significant increase in the omeprazole group (from 159.73 ± 83.06 to 173.54 ± 72.29; P = 0.116), with a very slight difference in the ranitidine group (from 153.61 ± 70.12 to 158.77 ± 76.37; P = 0.44). There were no significant changes taking into account other aggregability tests and serum thromboxane B2 dosage. CONCLUSION: In patients with stable CAD, ranitidine did not influence clopidogrel antiplatelet activity, in contrast to omeprazole, which reduced antiplatelet drug effect. These findings may have a great impact in clinical decision making regarding gastrointestinal prophylaxis choice in patients taking DAPT with ASA and clopidogre

    Implante de marcapasso definitivo em gestante portadora de valvopatia mitral reumática

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    Descrevemos um caso raro de implante de marcapasso definitivo em gestante, portadora de valvopatia mitral reumática, previamente submetida à valvoplastia percutânea por cateter-balão. A paciente apresentava bloqueio atrioventricular de grau avançado, de causa não-reversível, sintomático e manifesto no 3º trimestre da gestação