26 research outputs found

    Aminomethanesulfonic acid illuminates the boundary between full and partial agonists of the pentameric glycine receptor

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    To clarify the determinants of agonist efficacy in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels we examined a new compound, aminomethanesulfonic acid (AMS), a molecule intermediate in structure between glycine and taurine. Despite wide availability, to date there are no reports of AMS action on glycine receptors, perhaps because AMS is unstable at physiological pH. Here we show that at pH 5, AMS is an efficacious agonist, eliciting in zebrafish α1 glycine receptors a maximum single channel open probability of 0.85, much greater than that of β-alanine (0.54) or taurine (0.12), and second only to that of glycine itself (0.96). Thermodynamic cycle analysis of the efficacy of these closely related agonists shows supra-additive interaction between changes in the length of the agonist molecule and the size of the anionic moiety. Single particle cryo-EM structures of AMS-bound glycine receptors show that the AMS-bound agonist pocket is as compact as with glycine, and three-dimensional classification demonstrates that the channel populates the open and the desensitized states, like glycine, but not the closed intermediate state associated with the weaker partial agonists, β-alanine and taurine. Because AMS is on the cusp between full and partial agonists, it provides a new tool to help us understand agonist action in the pentameric superfamily of ligand-gated ion channels

    Heterogeneity of cell membrane structure studied by single molecule tracking

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021. his article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Heterogeneity in cell membrane structure, typified by microdomains with different biophysical and biochemical properties, is thought to impact on a variety of cell functions. Integral membrane proteins act as nanometre-sized probes of the lipid environment and their thermally-driven movements can be used to report local variations in membrane properties. In the current study, we have used total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) combined with super-resolution tracking of multiple individual molecules, in order to create high-resolution maps of local membrane viscosity. We used a quadrat sampling method and show how statistical tests for membrane heterogeneity can be conducted by analysing the paths of many molecules that pass through the same unit area of membrane. We describe experiments performed on cultured primary cells, stable cell lines and ex vivo tissue slices using a variety of membrane proteins, under different imaging conditions. In some cell types, we find no evidence for heterogeneity in mobility across the plasma membrane, but in others we find statistically significant differences with some regions of membrane showing significantly higher viscosity than others. This journal isPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    The Startle Disease Mutation E103K Impairs Activation of Human Homomeric α1 Glycine Receptors by Disrupting an Intersubunit Salt Bridge across the Agonist Binding Site

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    Glycine receptors (GlyR) belong to the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel (pLGIC) superfamily and mediate fast inhibitory transmission in the vertebrate CNS. Disruption of glycinergic transmission by inherited mutations produces startle disease in man. Many startle mutations are in GlyRs and provide useful clues to the function of the channel domains. E103K is one of few startle mutations found in the extracellular agonist binding site of the channel, in loop A of the principal side of the subunit interface. Homology modeling shows that the side chain of Glu-103 is close to that of Arg-131, in loop E of the complementary side of the binding site, and may form a salt bridge at the back of the binding site, constraining its size. We investigated this hypothesis in recombinant human α1 GlyR by site-directed mutagenesis and functional measurements of agonist efficacy and potency by whole cell patch clamp and single channel recording. Despite its position near the binding site, E103K causes hyperekplexia by impairing the efficacy of glycine, its ability to gate the channel once bound, which is very high in wild type GlyR. Mutating Glu-103 and Arg-131 caused various degrees of loss-of-function in the action of glycine, whereas mutations in Arg-131 enhanced the efficacy of the slightly bigger partial agonist sarcosine (N-methylglycine). The effects of the single charge-swapping mutations of these two residues were largely rescued in the double mutant, supporting the possibility that they interact via a salt bridge that normally constrains the efficacy of larger agonist molecules